HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 140 - Prevention of Fires /,4t.I;Z.0 . f x 2.. f j ` ORDINANCE NO. , -/1/.© /7-?! AN ORDINANCE FOR THE PREVENTION OF FIRES IN THE VILLAGE OF McCALL; PRESCRIBING INNER FIRE LIMITS WITHIN WHICH NO BUILDING SHALL BE BROUGHT , MOVED, BUILT , ERECTED OR CONSTRUCTED, EXCEPT OF STONE, BRICK, SLATE, OR OTHER INCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL 'WITH FIREPROOF ROOF; PROVIDING THAT NO PERSON SHALL HAVE, USE, OR MAINTAIN ANY STOVE FIPE PASSING THROUGH A WALL, DOOR, WINDON, FLOOR, CEILING OR ROOF OF ANY BUILDING WITHIN THE SAID INNER FIRE LIMITS; PRESCRIBs ING OUTER FIRE LIMITS; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO ERECT OR MOVE ANY BUILDING INTO TEE FIRE LIMITS, EITHER INNER OR OUTER, WITHOUT HAVING FIRST OBTAINED A PERMIT TO DO SO ; PRESCRIBING THE BANNER OF OBTAIN- ING SUCH PERMITS; DEFINING THE TERM BUILDING AS USED HEREIN; PROVIDING TIMES, PLACES , AND MANNERS OF BURNING TRASH AND WASTE WITHIN SAID FIRE LIMITS; PROVIDING THAT IT SHALL BE AN OFFENSE FOR ANY PERSON OR PERSONS TO CARELESSLY OR NEGLIGENTLY START ANY FIRE, OR PERMIT ANY FIRE TO START IN ANY WOOD, LUMBER, S IDE WALK, HAY, PRIVY OR BUILDING WITHIN THE SAID FIRE LIMITS; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION NFREOF. Be it ordained by the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall: SECTION 1. INNER FIRE LIMITS. All that portion of McCall embraced within the following limits shall be the "INNER FIRE LIMITS" of McCall, to-wit : Beginning at; the intersection of the center line of Second Street and the high water line of Payette Lake , thence West along the said high water line to the western boundry of Lot 1, Block 1, Second Addition to the Village of McCall , thence South along the said western boundry line to the center line of West Lake Street , thence West along the said center line of West Lake Street a distance of 150 feet , ` thence South a distance of 133 feet , thence East to . the _,2 Center line of First Street , thence South along the said center line of First Street to the intersection with a con- tinuance of the center line of the alley between Lenora Street and Park Street , thence East along the center line of the said alley to the intersection of the said center line of the said alley and the center line of the Oregon Short Line Railroad right-of-way , thence Northeast along the center line of the said railroad right-of-way to the inter- section of the said center line with the center line of Fourth Street , thence Northwest along the center line of Fourth Street to the end of said street , thence on a contin- l`° 4 (/, /$, 4 (/n& /11), r 1; , uance of the center line of Fourth Street to the intersection of the said center line with the high water line of Payette Lake , thence South and lest along the said high water line of Fayette Lake to the place of beginning, all within the Village of McCall, County of Valley , State of Idaho. SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful to enlarge , consrtuct , erect , or build any building within said inner fire limits except b Z, the same have outer and party walls of brick, stone , concrete , or other incombustible materials , and a roof of metal, slate , tile , brick, concrete , or other fireproof composition. SECTION 3. No building within said inner fire limits shall be enlarged or added to or be wholly or partly(y ken down and rebuilt , except such enlargement , addition , or new building, or part of the '4o building have outer and party walls of brick, stone , concrete , or other incombustible materials , and a roof of metal , slate , tile , brick, concrete , or other fireproof composition; and no building of wood or other combustible material of outer or party walls or with a roof of other then fireproof material shall be moved into said inner fire limits or be moved from one place to another therein. SECTION 4. In case any building within said inner fire limits shall be injured by fire , actions of the elements, act of God or otherwise , to the extent of half it t s value or more , it shall not be rebuilt with wood, shingles or other combustible material , but , if rebuilt or repaired, it must comply with the requirements of Section 2 and Section 3 hereof. SECTION 5. Any building within said inner fire limits , repaired, altered, constructed, built , rebuilt , erected or moved 2 contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, is hereby declared a - � 1 nuisance , and , upon conviction , the ownere thereof shall be fined in any sum not to exceed Fifty ( 50.00) Dollars , together with the costs of prosecution , for each twenty-four (24 ) hours such building is allowed to remain within said inner fire limits after being noti- fied by the Chairman of the Board of Village Trustees of the village to take down and remove the same. SECTION 6. It shall be unlawful for any person to use , , i V have or maintain any stovepipe passing through a wall , door , window, floor, ceiling or roof of any building or privy within said inner fire limits , and any such stovepipe is hereby declared a nuisance. Any person, either owner, occupant or user of any building or privy who shall use , have or maintain any stovepipe passing through a wall, door , window, floor, ceiling or roof of such building or privy within said inner fire limits shall , upon conviction thereof , be fined in any sum not exceeding Fifty W50.00) Dollars together with the costs of Rrosecution, for every twenty-four (24) hours he shall use , have or maintain the same after being notified by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall to cease using, having , or maintaining such stovepipe. SECTI0i 7. OUTER FIRE LIMITS. All that portion within the incorporated limits of the Village of McCall not heretofore design- 7 ated as the inner fire limits of McCall shall be known as the "outer fire limits" of McCall. SECTION 8. BUILDING PERMITS. It shall be unlawful for any persons or person, firm or corporation, association or partnership, to erect , enlarge , construct , build, or rebuild or repair any build- ing or structure within the fire limits of McCall , either the inner 2.14 or outer fire limits , without having applied for and obtained a per- mit to do;_so from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Application for a permit from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall state the exact and correct site upon which said building or structure is to be erected, constructed, built , repaired, enlarged, or rebuilt the materials and dimensions,; and the estimated cost and time to be spent in the building, erecting, constructing, repairing, enlarging, or rebuilding the said structure. SECTION ' . APPEAL FROM DECISION. Whenever any person or persons, firm or corporation shall feel aggrieved at the action of c, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees,. either at his refusal of a e- building permit, or by reason of any ruling, order, or regulation in connection with the fire ordinance of McCall, such person, firm, or corporation shall have the right of appeal from suc2 decision, order, ruling, or regulation, to the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall,, and the decision of the said Board shall be final. SECTION 10. The to rm "building" as used throughout this ordinance shall include any and all buildings and structures of any kind, type, name, or nature, except YA , p privies. SECTION 11. For every building permit issued under this ordinance- the Chairman shall collect from the person or persons, firm,, or corporation to whom it is issued, the sum of One ($1.00) ' . , Dollar, which said sum the said Chairman shall immediately deposit with the Village Treasurer. SECTION 12. Nothing herein contained shall prevent any alteration, addition, to, repair, rebuilding, or building of any J building or structure which shall have been commenced and on which work is being done in good faith at the time this ordinance becomes effective. SECTION 13. Any person who shall by any act, or ommision of any act, carelessly or negligently fire or ignite any wood,, lumber, sidewalk, fence, building, or privy with the said fire limits shall, 13 upon conviction thereof,, be fined in any sum not exceeding One 1 , 1 , Hundred ($100.00) Dollars together with the costs of prosecution. SECTION 14. Any person, either owner, agent, contractor,.. or workman,, who shall repair, alter, enlarge, construct, build, rebuild, erect,, or move any building contrary to the provisions hereof, or cause the same to be done, shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance, and,, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars nor exceeding One Hundred (4100..00) Dollars together with the costs of prosecution thereof. The prosecution,, conviction,, or fining of either owner,, agent,, con- tractor, or workman hereunder shall not interfere with or prevent the prosecution, conviction, or fining of either, any, or all other persons or parties connected with the same violation hereof. SECTION 15. Upon default of any person convicted under any section of this ordinance to pay the fine and costs imposed, or any part thereof, such person shall be committed to the County jail for a period of time equal to one day for each One Dollar and fifty-cents ($1.50) 3,) 1Jr of such unpaid fine and costs. SECTION 16. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect after its passage, approval, and publication. Passed and approved this /Z -- day of ��z y , 1947. Chairman of the Board of Trustees Village of—McCall, Idaho Attest: Clerk of the Board of Trustees: Village of McCall, Idaho