HomeMy Public PortalAbout2019-25 Approving PlayPower, Inc and Playcore Wisconsin, Inc DBA GameTime for playground equipment replacement partsRESOLUTION NO. 2019-25 A CAPITAL PROJECT AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNEO FLORIDA, APPROVING PLAYPO\ryER, INC' AND PLAYCORE WTSCONSTN, rNC. (DtBlA GAMETIME) FOR PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PARTS ON AN AS.NEEDED BASIS; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORIZATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. \ilHEREAS, pursuant to Section 3.07(b) of the Charter of the Village of Key Biscayne, Florida ("Village"), the Village Council desires to authorize the expenditure of Village funds for the capital project consisting of the purchase of replacement parts ("Parts") for the Village's playground equipment on an as-needed basis; and \ilHEREAS, the Village may, pursuant to Section 2-86 of the Village Code of Ordinances ("Village Code"), enter into bids or contracts entered into by another governmental authority, provided that the governmental authority has gone through a competitive bidding procedure leading to the award of the bid or contract in question; and WHEREAS, the type of purchase contemplated by the Village has been competitively bid by Sourcewell, a service cooperative created by the Minnesota legislature as a local unit of government, which has entered into Sourcewell Contract No. 0303117-LTS ("Sourcewell Contract") with PlayPower, Inc. ("PlayPower"); and WHEREAS, the purchase has also been competitively bid by the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, which makes its contract available to other governments through the U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance and has entered into U.S. Communities Govemment Purchasing Alliance Contract No. 2017001134 ("Alliance Contract") with Playcore Wisconsin, Inc. dlbla GameTime ("GameTime"); and WHEREAS, in accordance with Sectiott 2-86 of the Village Code, the Village Council seeks to authorize the Village Manager to purchase Parts from PlayPower or GameTime on an as-needed basis consistent with the terms and conditions of the Sourcewell or Alliance Contracts in an amount not to exceed budgeted funds; and WHEREAS, the Village Council finds that this Resolution is in the best interest and welfare of the citizens of the Village. NO\il, THEREF'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. That each of the above-stated recitals are hereby adopted, confirmed, and incorporated herein. Section 2. Approval of Purchase. The Village Council hereby approves the purchase of the Parts. Section 3. Authorization for Purchase. The Village Council hereby authorizes the Village Manager to purchase Parts from PlayPower or GameTime on an as-needed basis consistent with the terms and conditions of the Sourcewell or Alliance Contracts in an amount not to exceed $45,000 for fiscal year 2019 and an amount not to exceed budgeted funds through fiscal year 2022. Section 4. Effective Date. That this Resolution shall be effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this 30th day of April, 2019. ,V 2 MICHAEL V/. DAVEY, MAYOR A INA, CMC GE CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL Sæu VILLAGE ATTORNEY J EXHIBIT ''A tÞPlayPower PrA^HgBlg Sourcewell (NJPA) Contract #030117- LTS Equipment Pricing & Labor Rates FOB ORIGIN (FREIGHT NOT INCLUDED) Discount From Published List Custom Equlpmont: Lov6l I Customs Lovol 2 Customs L€vol 3 Cuatom8 Lsvol 4 Cu8toms Lovol 6 Cuslom8 Pricod from ¡t0,001 - 925,000 Pricod from $60,001 . S100,000 Prlcod lrom 3100.001 . 3260.000 Notôa: Volumè Rob¡tos: \ - Playground Stuctures, Fitness Equ¡pmênt, Early Childhood, S¡te Amenities, Rock & Rooes. Shade All 50 states 1OYo Equlpmont lnstûllation Pr¡cod from 30% . 65% of Equ¡pmorit Li8t Prico. Prlcing cân very groåtly by statr/provlnco and âcroEs tho varlous roglons of ths countru Dsmo & R€movål of ExlBtlno ÊoulDmsnt Prlcod from ¡2500 - ¡6000 por d¡y. Pricing can vtry groâtly by state/provlnco and across tho vårious rog¡on3 of tho counlry Slto Preparåt¡on Pricad from 12500 - t6000 p€r day. Pr¡cing can v¡ry greåtly by stôto/prov¡nce and across tho vsrlous rsglons ol tho counlry Plðnnlng & Doslgn Sorvices Pricod from S0 . $2500 por day. Pilcing can vary grsatly by stats/province and åcross tho varlous rogions of tho country Englneered Wood Flbsf Surfsclno Prlc€d from $38 - 358 per cub¡c yârd. Prlc¡ng can vary groatly by stôtg/provlnce ¡nd across ths varlous roglon! of lho country Poursd ln Plåcs Rubbsr Surfåclno Pflc€d not to oxcood ¡20 pêr squsre foot. Sos sep¡r¡to prico scheduls Plâyground furf Prlcod not to oxcesd $22 por squaro toot Rubbor llle Surt¡cing Prlc€d aot to oxcood 324 p€r squaro loot Communtty Bulld Layoul &Prlcod from t750 . N1000 per m¡n day plus ñatorials & oquipmont. Priclng can vary gr€atly by st¡to/provlnce ¡nd ¡cro¡s tho Malntonanco & Rep¡lr8 Prlcod trom ¡60 . 975 por mn hour plus mat€rlâ|s & squlpmsnt. Prlclng can vary groatly by stâte/provlnco and across tho vâÍ¡ous roqlons of ths countrv Eondlng Equ¡pment 8håll bg lnslallsd wlth¡n four (4) wools t' product dol¡vÊry, unl6ss rsquôstsd by ¡gsncy lo be dolry6d Custmst thall reco¡v€, unlo¡d and lnspocl goods upon ôrr¡vrl, noting âny d¡scropanclæ on tho Dollvory Rgcôlpt prior to wltten accopt.nco ot ths Customsr shall bo rosponslblo for provldlng ¡ clotr, l6vol slto ¡nd for coordlnatlng the sch€dullng of ¿ll dollvorlos rnd ¡nstallatlon Slto should psrm¡l lnstallatlon 6qulpmsnt âccosr. Purchâ8or shall bð rosponslblo tor unknoM condlt¡ons such rs burisd utll¡lles, lrss stumps, bôdrock or Equlpmonl instâllation prlcing oxcludos all stle work rnd landscåping; romovâl ot oxirt¡ng oqu¡pmont; slorôgs of goods prior to lnstallatlon; and drain¿go All ðqulpmant to bo lnstallod ln âccotdanco with spociflcâtions by unlgga othsf atrangomonþ havê bs6n made concaalod mateilal! or condltlons that may rssult ¡n add¡tlonal costg Cåll local reprêsontâtive for rn æl¡matg fot glls ssrulc€s ¡600,000 to 3999,999 31,000,000 to t1,499,999 offsÉ tho yoår:cuatomå¡on 170 Rebato 2% Rebate s/2/20t8 fuPlayPower Sourcewell (NJPA) Contract #030117- LTS Equipment Pricing & Labor Rates No Fault Safety Surface Poured in Place Rubber Qualiflcations: Pr¡ces ¡ncludo installation in 48 contiguous United States Additional installation co$s will apply in the datss of AK & Hl Prices do not ¡nclude eales tax. Prices do not include union or prevailing wages. pr¡ces do not include freight or shipping. Pricos do not include socurity of s¡te during lnstallation and curing t¡mêfrâmo, Prices do not includs payment or performacê bonde. Prices do not include dumpsúor. Paymont Terms: Not 30 General Conditlonsl Pr¡ce8 are based on dandard color blsnds of 50% Standard Color / 50% Black. Standard Golorc are: Tan, Blue, Torra Cotta Red and Green IÞduct $0.85/sf for 100% Black Add $1.50/sffor 100% color blends. 5F Range Rubbcr 1000-1499 1500- 1999 2000- 2499 2500- 2999 3000- 3499 3500- 3999 4000- 4499 4500- 4999 5000- 5499 5500- 5999 6000 & UP 1.75'$12.21 $12.04 $1 1.94 $1 1.82 $11.82 $11.82 $11.82 $11.71 $11.71 $11.71 $11.71 2.25',$12.99 $12.88 $12.77 $12.70 $12.66 $12.66 $12.66 $12.60 $12.60 $12.60 $12.54 2.5"$13.59 $13.37 $13.38 $13.32 $13.26 $13.26 $13.21 $13.21 $1 3.16 $1 3.1 5 $1 3.1 5 3u $14.82 $14.60 $14.54 $14.42 s14.44 $14.43 $14.44 $14.38 $14.38 s14.32 $14.32 3.5'$16.04 $15.87 $15.65 $15.60 $15.59 $15.60 $15.54 $15.55 $15.55 $15.48 $15.48 Ouantiw Discounts: 5o/"1000-1999 10o/o 2000-2999 15o/o 3000-5499 2Oo/"5500 & Uo s/2/2018 Exhibit "8" -4- GAMETIME 2019 U.S. COMMUNITIES DISCOUNT SCHEDUTE GENERAL DESCRTPTTON OF pRODUCTS AND/OR SERVTCES usc Dtscr 1.0 Park and Playground Equipment including, but not limited to, themed systems, stand-alone activities, system components, and replacement parts. PrincipalComponents Primary Components 20% Ancilla Accessories Com imenta Products Com ion Accessories Auxilia Products Enhancement Products Exem S 6 months &nd Musical lnstruments Early Childhood Play Ëquipment Play Equipment 1".6 UltraPlay - Discovery Centers Play Equipment L7 UltraPlay - Early Play Early Childhood Play Equipment 1.8 UltraPlay - NatureRocks Climbing Rocks 2.0 Outdoor Fitness Equipment for all ages and levels including, but not limited to, challenge courses, strength building and resistance mechanisms, multigenerationalfitness, optional precision timing systems, climbing walls, poolequipment, pool lifts, and pooltiming systems. Com nion Accessories 2,t GameTime Fitness Auxiliary Products Contributo Products 24% Exempt Accessories WaterFit Fitness E qurP_m9!!2.2 2.3 2.4 Colorado Time Systems Aquadic Timing Systems ïrack Systgmq Climb Walls Fitness Accessories 3.0 Sife Accessones such as, but not limited to, benches, picnic tables, planters, bike racks, bike lockers, shelter and shade structures, bleachers, grandstands, scoreboards and other related site accessories. Ancilla Components Scoreboards Bike Sto G randsta nds Bleachers GTShade Shade Structures UltraShelter Shelter Structures 9o/o 18% L6% 6% 0% 3% 60/o 5% 6% 60/o 60/o 6o/o 6% GameTime Play Equipment (see volume discount below) L2 BigIoys Play Equipment 1.,1 1.3 Harmony Park Freenotes 1.4 Snug 1.5 UltraPlay 2.5 2.6 Everlast Power 9o/o 0% 6% 3% See Price List n% See Price List GameTime 3% Adjunct Accessories 3% Colorado Time Systems Dero See Price List 5% 6%GT Grandstands NRS 6% 3% 4o/o 6%UltraSite Site Furnishings & Accessories -5- GAMETIME 2019 U.S. COMMUNITIES DISCOUNT SCHEDULE GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCTS AND/OR SERVICES usc DtscT 4.0 Surfacing Materials including but not limited to pour-in-place, rubber tiles, wood fiber, and recycled materials. En neered Wood Fiber 5.0 Related Products such as water parks, skate parks, dog parks and any other related products Aquatic & Track Timin s Pool Lifts & Aquatic Components Skate Parks Dog Parks Water Parks 6.0 Seryices such as, but not limited to, installation, design, layout, repair and/or maintenance, removal, disposal, project management and any other related Services to provide customer support. GameTime & Pro ct Mana ment Design, Project Management, Comm lnstallServices lnstallation, Sitework, Layout, Repair, Maintenance, Removal, Playground Guardian Audits & lns s Volume Discounts Volume single purchases of GameTime composite play systems at U.S. Communities net pricing shall be eligible for an additional discount of 5% for orders totaling from 550,000 to 575,000; tAo/o from 575,000 to St00,000 and L\o/o for orders exceeding $100,000. lnstallation Fees See 6omeTime U.S. Communities lnstollotion Chorges Shippine and Deliverv - Shipping Prosram Shipments shall be f,o,b, destination with freight charges prepaid and added separately GameTime & GTlmpax Tiles Recycled Materials (Shredded) Surfaci Accessories Poured-ln-Place & Bonded Turf LifeFloor 18% Colorado Time Systems See Price List Spectrum See Price List See Price List 20o/o Spohn Ranch UltraSite - BarkPark Water Od See Price List GameTime Sales Agencies GameTime lnstallers No Charge See Price List See Price List See Price List