HomeMy Public PortalAboutPRR 18-2631 Renee Basel From:Martin E. O’Boyle <meo@commerce-group.com> Sent:Monday, March 5, 2018 11:43 AM To:Rita Taylor; Greg Dunham Cc:William Ring; Jonathan O'Boyle Subject:Below is a request made pursuant to Chapter 119 of the Florida statutes Dear Mdm. custodian of records: Kindly provide me with any laws and/or policies which prohibit driving piles in water to accommodate the installation of docks. My wife Sheila or a surrogate will arrive at the town Hall tomorrow morning to remake this request verbally; and will sit and wait for the responsive documents, which should be available at the fingertips of you or the town manager. As always, your kind cooperation is appreciated. I thank you! :-) Martin E. O'Boyle, Commerce Group 1280 W. Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach, Fl. 33442 Direct Dial: 954-570-3505 Fax: 954-360-0807 Cell: 561 213 3486 E-mail: meo@commerce-group.com Web Page: www.commerce-group.com 1 TOWN OF GULF STREAM PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA Delivered in person March 6, 2018 Martin E. O’Boyle [mail to: meo@commerce-group.com] Re: GS #2631 (Driving piles) Kindly provide me with any laws and/or policies which prohibit driving piles in water to accommodate the installation of docks. Dear Martin E. O’Boyle [mail to: meo@commerce-group.com]: The Town of Gulf Stream has received your public records request dated March 5, 2018. Please note that pursuant to the Public Records Laws, the duty of the Town of Gulf Stream is to provide access to, or copies of, public records at a reasonable time in reasonable conditions. The Town of Gulf Stream is not required to provide information or legal advice from our records. For your convenience, a copy of the Town Code of Ordinances is available at: http://library.municode.com/index.aspx?clientId=14096 Subject to the foregoing, please see the following Division of the Town Code of Ordinances and a copy of the Construction Site Management Handbook, which were handed to you while you waited. DIVISION 2. - CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES https://library.municode.com/fl/gulf_stream/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=PTIICOOR_CH 22NU_ARTIIINO_DIV2COMAAC We consider this request closed. Sincerely, Reneé Rowan Basel As requested by Rita Taylor Town Clerk, Custodian of the Records § 22-©8 GUI P STRRAi I COT Is (c) All ragula to d activities ane m r ohibill ed on tke ibilawing Iledaral I alidays: New Yean's Day, Maniarial Da'd ]ncicinendenca ]ray, Babon Day, Thanks giving, an d (1hristmas. (Circ I. M. 93-2, fi 1, 9-13-93) .lee. 22.69. Aestnieteo aativiiias. 91he follorciin f l construction and mainl enance actin We€ ara clafinod as "rGAnicied aa-tivit•ier" fon the purplosas of 'II is division: (1) ❑peration as dredges, whether used in niakirg hydraulic fills, dry filhi, pilo driv- ir a a any othen I unposa; (2) Openalion ail pile dnivel,s, vihell an aper- a1ed Room valor or land, on ilrc ra moton irurk ori trnaclon, and whether stationany (In move a Ile; (3) ❑peaiatiara nfldryl Mand blastrng machina.s, jackhammers, and conMnele mixing an War pumping maahinas (excluding conanite :I nucl s and t an (1 -turned mixe rs); (4) Clmaration cif machineiiy ari conduct oil a conitrtctitn or naintenanac activity in .such a manner so as to emil raise, dust, adons, axhausl, I night lights, vil nadions, or o1 her efiat s which ane similar to the eflhcts a fl of hen rest mated activities in t a mml, of 1 heir axtnaondina ryl magnitfl de and du- taath n and vil iah mase a date in (int to -I iia neasanable (ixpea,tat'ons of Momfort, con- tenlment, pease, IranquiIity, and onjoy- n cent o9 petaso a on of I u pne pentiep. (Ord. IS o. 93-2, § 1, 9-13-93) Sec. 22-70. Same~A esd Ili(., ions. I11ring the period k eginning T eca ml er 1 and ending May 1, thec•onduct olrosirktad acililiitie: is prohit itecl. (Oad. ISO. 93-2, § 1, 9-13-93) See. 22-7:1. Exem pli is n s. (a) Gaanerla,I examiltit n. Ara perty owria rsi, Deni - ars, a Iheir atri plcyeas (I ut not can tnacl ors) ni ay con duat any ragylated I elivity an tl a i n rospeatil aa prom artyiaom damin until dusk on any day, includ- ing holidays, any time of ill(, yearn. Euning the period fiaom dual until dawn, pnapeaity owners, nantans, on thein amployeas (I tit not (ioniraaiars) may canduat any regylated aativily an their iia- eipeativo property only in a flrlly enelasecl strt c_ tura or building such that noise, dist, ocorr,, vil ralions, brigl l light s, on IIimilan eflhall s frora the act ivity arc not- detect a I it on c U a n pa,opelitif s (b) Exemption permit:r. the I'd Ila wing pern its 0 a I 10 a1 tainad as regluined to vary fnon tj a ptaovi:iicns can tained in sad ions 111-69 anti a1-;0: 0) Aeneuiable axemlitian Fpr►veil: Fan recur- nita alterations aasocial ed vith ranftrm ing, non -a aside n t ial uses. (2) 71r►npoaiary c,xomlitia►t Per►nit: Fan speaifi(i act ivi l ias of she ill dt nal ion. (3) Emergenejl,NxempJllonpa►imit:Fanlfie pne- vantion aflsubslantial mraoparlty Jos,", envi- nonmentl al c I ama Iia, a r I hraeat s 'la human health and safety. (c) ANnnti.I appilhiatiav 4% (1) A16netrziAWj,na*Jl "emlltian pe•►vnile. Appli- ■aticins fhr none rnangancy examption pt e- mits shall ba submitted to the sown man_ aper at cl shall, at a mininium, specify the typa ofexarnp tion req casted and jurtifica- tian for 11 a fiaquert. The flown manager may regltiasi additional intarrnation as neaaassa ry1 and reason a I la to make an in- fonrnad deririon regarding 11 a req t asi. (a) B"WAKelldy erientp;lion pewnite. Briar to I aginning Alotal , the par: y conducting the axempi aeti'lity shall rapgrl the locution and natune a lithe emeaagency, and 1 he typx and duration a fl thai exempt aotivily(iei) to I a tovan police dallartmeni and shall ab. Iain authouizaiion to praaeacl thiom tie poliae sUpti rviror a n dut3l. if the a clivity is 10 be conducted aveai . Ilericd of days, the panty cerdt ating the activity s1 all a1 tain Or' axempiion permit iaam the to%m rnaa- ageUi on the neat I usiness clay follomairig 'ha clay the arnarlranay bellan. (d) Na,r. Applications, for exemption pa emits shall include a $10.00 11n0aessing fee. Fades lhr emengeney a xempl ions are waived. OD21:8 BUII DIN GS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS AF ITIOLH I. IN G1 NE RAL Elec. 42-1. Cllonage oni noels of buildings or structures. (a) The ,itamaga all materials upon the roofs of Artiaiunesl on buildings located within 11 a town meal es a hazand I o neside nt., and of her s1 rukunes and buildings l(cialed within the town. It ie the de:iire ail the town commission to provide ion the health, safely and wehame oftha nesiclants of the t own by a liminal iri J l such pot eni ial 1 a cards. (b) 11 a � laraga of materials of any kind upcln the roofs all l uildingm or structs; ra s local a d willhin the 1 c wn is herne by pre hil it ed. (c) Tdrn g a ray si of it ge of mail erials ib n periods oil din a not is oxcead X18 hauns, whish atonage is neaessar3i for ziool oonaitrnia-lien on roaf regains, may ba allawed by permit glantad I the loam. ({lade 1978, f 8-9) Sec. 42-2. Clonstruclion site management h an db ooli. (a) 1 he lovm manage a shall esta l lish and main- ( ain a manual pe nt ainin t:I -I a as nsi rusti on s I an - dards and town policy aomc rning a onstruation artil it ies a n pnc perties located wii hin i 1 a t oNm . This manual at all be t itlad "Clonstruatron Site Managarnant Handbook" and aha 1 la binding upan contraaiars, ovinans, residents and cit ons with ro speat to so nsi ruatio n and mains enanco as l Niti es an p iiiia to pcopert'a s will in the t own . Zlhiscon s'Iruiation sitemanaglemeni handbook,-ihal bo adop-lcd and amanded as neaeasarjl t y nemolu- tlon of lI a tovin commission. (b) p ermil s for co n stnuct ion ids n ti fled in the aonst rt i ai A n sii a m an a gement handl ook al a 11 be :iubject to and condifoned upon Iha cants a ctor and the pnoper y owna a complying wil h 11 a 'I a rms and conditions of the construction siie manage- mant handbook. (Clad. No. 95-4, ('?' 1, 9, 7-9:1-94) ;`lees. 42-3-42-25. RAserved. AllrrICIIE II. (ICINSTIIUCI70ICIN ,�ITANDARE E I f 12-rl Elec. 42-26. Mdortion oil code: by reference. 71 a Iown hereby adopts by rncferanae It a gno- vimians of a 1 building cot es and buildintl aelaled 41Cdem in farae and afibct in I he Clity of Dalnay He ach a s adopt ed a n an a a i ed by t he Clity of Dc lnay 11 aach, an d a s aman dad fro m time to time . Far t he purpqses oil this section, building ralated cedes mhall im iluda -I ho City of Elelray Bt1 a ch's min imum housing codem, and others construction nelaled nagulations which serve io inmure the canstnuc- tion ar d maintenance of safe straiatune:i. (C loc a 1971, t 4-1; Clnd. b a. 98-1, ?' 1, 4-14-98; Ord. No. 09-9, ?' 1, 11-13-09) Elec. 42-27, Issuance of permits; inispecil ionis. (a) The City of Holnay Heaah sarvies as the i own's building otfiaia 1 and shall hisue all I wilding penmit.i Ion ac nsi ruation in i ha I oNm . 711 a t ow iti A all change a fee to caveii the assts associated wil h mvieviing for aomplianca wii It ze ning, design I manual and otheu down andinanca:. Such ilac shall ba established in a fee .ichedule adeptad by a no sa lut ion oil tho t ov n a ommismic n. The i own managan oji the aoniaolor `dill neque: t the (lity oft llalnay ll east building depantm o n t fou in spertion lion a given time and dale and the garmit inspec- tion card and plan shall ba on 1 ha ronsi rtirtion mite ata 1 times and the inspecl on on complet on oil this in.-poct; on will mark the card as do aacog- 1 ance and i ha dai e i hejiaon o n will n ata roasomi for ziejertia n. C pon campletfan oil t he pnojest an d i n a l impact ion, by bot h the Clity ail Delrall Heaah a n d the town if neses:iary, the inspactom will report i his i c the Clivi afl Llelraq Heaah It ilding depar - men1, vihiah shall I hen issue the a o rl ificat a all aacupancy to the buildeii. (b) If I here is a aha nge in t he initial plans as approved, the cont actoii shat ba nequhied to filo such plan change viith 'l l a tc m n. Tho fee payable to the town Ion review oil such change in planm ml all ba am indiaal ed in the 1 own lea schedule. (c) If the eantracton wishes U aither demoliml ot1 move a buildin€l or strustuna located within the l own, a p a rmil must be obtained from the i oHm CID42:3 TOWN C P GUUB STREAM CONS"BPJUCTIC N S1 TE MANAC EM ENT HA NDBC 0 K ADC PTSD: JULY -211, 1 qSI 1-1I RFI VIISED: Nav umb ar 1 CI, X 1 He itac' : Junci SIO, 'Al I I MUST HE NO STBD AT JOB SITE WITH HF RMIIT This 1 aii(lbook has been adopted in accordance ivitl 'Down Cladinance No. 95.4 and I orcin Be solution 95-8. and nevised by Resolution 8-4, 014-15 and 16-11. The rules and negulationsi in this handbook apply to all construction sihis and alio a condition of all pnirnar)I building pen -nits isiivad by the'Domin on any pemiit fon which a foo i., chaugod c n a single permit job. Failuue to follow th(ise nogulations, on any plans and documents apps ved by the Town pursuant to this Handbook, in ay iiesult in a Stop Work Orndor, and repeated violations may result in the invocation of a contraoto n's Town Occupational Registration and/on all building permits. TOWN C Fl G UI FI STREAM CONSTRIUCTIOn SITE MANAGEMEINT HANDBOOK I. INTRODUCITIION ll is handbook he s been daiiala pact by tl a Toivn of Gull Stra am to familiar iza contras tons v+iith the Toivn's ndas and negulations neganding constniction sites and to minimim puoblams and delays in completing constriction projects. The lov in is fully amia re tl at building as n struation i9 a eu mplex and difflcult pra cess even under the bast of oanditions. Problems do and will arise. Howeven, through canefill thoughl and planning prior to beginning the process, the Town believes the number and sa)ianity ofpuoblams aan be deduced or avoided altoga th ci n. This handba ok addnesses tl a nua 9 common puoblams experianoed by contra ata r! i, wiidants and the'llovin govermment during constniction llno�jects. While the handbook is comprehensive and its rules and rnagulations apply to all cionstruction sites, the lomin intends to aclministreta it using a cooperallivs, cominion sense aplplroaeh. Just as the type and degi ee of potential problems vary greatly from site to site, so too will the administration of these rides a nd regulations vary. Accordingly, all parties are Ei naouragacl to fa aus on tI a objec lirii a 11 a par ioulan ride on ueguh tion rather than on the speaific nret bods suggestad 1br achieving that goal. If there is a batten method, ii will be considered. With the help a 11 all par ies, the lomin believes the handbook aan be administrated fainly, mil ile also permitting a grant dual a1 fla?iibility. The 'I oven Planniri g and Building Administrator have been changed with imp lamenting these rules a ri d rags lations and all questions and comments sl ould be dineated to him. F aviaver, any contractor or neighboningproplert31 ownaii who is aggrieved by the Planning and Building Admin istnatou's application of these iiegula tions mail appeal to the I a vin Clommissio n fou raliell as pro vided in C Ihaptan 66, fiIrlicle N :4. of the Town (lode all Ordinances. Please note, homiever, that while the Planning and Building Administrator has the 11riimary nesponsibility 1br anibrncing these rules and negulatioris, the Police Department, Town M anagen and lawn Cllerik also may enforce these gnovisions. II. APIRLICABILITY This handbook was adopted in accordance with Clydina nce No. 95i4 and lllasol ution 95-8 and revised by Meso lution s 008-4, 14.15 and 16-11 a ll of which au attached in Appendix A. The rule!i and regulations in this handba ok shall apply to all oonstrue tion sites and nhall become a condition of the plrimiany Building plejimit on any permit for whish a fee is changed an a single permiii job. A aa ns truiction site is any real proper y, dwelling un it, structure a a build ing fon which one or move building permits has been issued by the lomin and,`or Gounty, inahiding those with inactive on expired building permits whene constniation activilses have been initiated but not complated. Failune to follow tl use regulations, on any plans and doauments approved b3l the down pursuant to tl am, may result in i Stop Work Onder by the Town, and repeated `isolations miay result in the revocation ofa oontraotori's Town Clocupational Registration and"or all 1 uilding parmiits. For purposes of admiinisbating this handbook the vonilriaator paying the fan and propanty owner shall be joinlly account aBlo foii all iiesponsibilities assigned by this Handbook to the "contractor." Howeven, to a ria id oonfilsion and delays, a principal a a ntact `vith the either the contra ato a on the pro pail y owner should be astablished with the 'lawn at the time the primary) builcling permit is issued. III. PRE -CONS IRUCTION MEETING Prion to making an application for a building permit, contractors are emouuaged to meet with the town Planning and Eluilding Administrator to review the applicable rules and regulations contained in this handbook. Constniction site plans, otharclnawings andilor doauments pertinent to constrmation operations may be required before the building gen-nit aan 1 a issued. Compliance with these rules and negulatic ns shall baaoma a condition of the building permit, and aaaeplanee of the building perm t by the aonilriactor shall sar`ia as an achnowladgement of this condition. Adopted July 21, 1995 Page 1 Revi.so d Nc vemben 10, 2016; Ifdited .lune 10, 2017 'flown a 11 Gulf Strea m Constrtictia n Sita M ana gement Handboc k 1M. RULES AIN D REGULAIIIC NS l . OFH-SI DD DAMAC IH AND BAIN AGH BON D Off -Sita Ilarr aaa The contractor sha Il be responsible fo n all off site da mage to roads, rights -of way, easement:, utilities and private pnoporty caused by qn3 activity related to hi:i construction site. This includes damage by his employees, s ub- contra ctons and supplicrs. Several of tl a rules and nogulations in this handbook ane intended to pnevent or minirniim oft -site damage. Aaaandingly, the contraclor needs to inform all emipleyeas, sub-eomltiactons and suplpliersi c 111 ese Mules and regulalions anc its High poiential Ior off-iiie daminge due to the presense of narrow shioets, tight eomers, anc (ixlrsmiely soft -ihouldirs. Tile above notwithstanding, the loran recognizes that accidents can happen. In tliase instances, the as ntractor needs to tal a the folla wing actions: 1. Infonm the 'flown Poliae Depar mant immediately as to the la nation and extent of the damage. 2. Inform the Town as to hove the incident occurred and 1he parties involved. 3. Inform all the Town as to tI a oortective actions tl at ivill be taken and when they will be completed. -JAII1 uepains should be made wilhin 34 hours or as soon as practical.) 4. Inform the Town as to the actions to be taken to prevent th a accident from occurring again in the future. If the above actions are lbllowed, there should be few problems. H aivaiian, repeated damages, particularly of the same 'type, such as running off the road, will not be tolerated even if they are continually nepairod. It is the'llown's goal to preiianl ofil-site damages, not to simply ropain them milron they occur. CIE -Sita blamaae Hond Prion to beginning any viicnk, the Town will regt ine a S2,500 sash bond be pasted to cover repairs to damaged road rights -of -via y, utilities and private pro perlies caused by activities related to theconstruction site. In noway, however, shall the plosting of the bond act as a lInansfsii c i resplansibiliq fa ti nepla ink Iromi the contunator and those as ui ing ilhs damaga to 1ho Town. The bond shall be used only as a last nese r1 where the as ntnactor nefilsesi to correct the situation in a timely manner. ,4111 remaining prc aaeds flom the bond, if any, will be fully reftinded upon wriitten request fnon the depositoli within ninety days after tl a Clorlifieate of Oa(iupana)l on Clompletion has been issued. If the amount oI the bond is not enough to cover any unrollained damage at the conclusion of the projesi t, the Certificate of OcaupanapClompletion shall be withheld until all damage is rellaired. Projects required to pa sl a band include: 1. Those with impro ve menu valued at $25,00 C on more involving exterior a ltonations and which leave throe on more perriitted sub-contractons 2. Those with impnovements valued at $10,1100 on move that will use heavy a quipment, such as sami's, cranes, pile drivers, cement trucks, tree movers, dumll trucks, bulldozens, baakhoes, and other large earth moving equipment. 3. Those with oontnactors or suppliers who have failed to correct damages in the past. 2. VEGETAMOIN PROTECTION Prion to beginning any site wonk, all existing vegetation to be maintained an rale acted shall be fenecd oii athemiise pliotaeted Aom damage, including the provision oiltemporany irrigation when necessary. No via nk sl all as mmence until the Planning and Building Adminisitnator neviews and approves the pra teation measures, fikl opted July 21, 1991 paW 2 Revised November 10, 2016; Hdited .lune 3Q, 2017 Town ofClnlf Stream Clonstruction Site N ariagamarnt H andbook 3. PERMIT POSTING All Town and Cla unty Iluilding Permits sl all be pasted in a single, as ri spiaua us loaatio n a1 the front of the site. One complata set of approved plans shall be maintained on. site al all times. 4. TRA[UHHS►IDUMIISTHH&HOR7AIHL E TOIIIHTS Constniction bailers, dumll niters an&or portable to ilets maybe used pnovided the iiequiromants listed 1 ala vi aue met. Prion to locating any of tlhe:ia facilities on a site, a plan indicating thein locations and other pertinent info rmation shall be -itil miittod to the Pla nn ing an d EI uilding Admin istriator fon appro)ial. prior to the i<.suanaa a1 Cer ifrcate of Occupancy. Complotion, all such facilitie:i shall be removed frorri the site. Trailei is Constniction trailans may be permitted for a peniod a ll up to 12 months provided the following ane met: 1. The tnailen sl all not exceed 500 squane fact. 2. Where practical, the traileu shall be parl a(I perllandiaulan to the street or otherwise 1 a screened from view filom the stricet. I. Where 1lriactical, the traileu shall be located at laasl 10 Peet filum all properly lines. 4. Time extensions oll longer the n 12 ma nths ma y ba gra nted by the Town Commission only upon a finding that the need fou the extension (lid not arise solely from tl a actions or inactions of the oontnactor and that failure to giant the extension would cause an undue hardship rind delay in completing the pnojecl. 1. The Ut ilan sl all not be laoatod on the site until a building permit has been issued bn the project and appra priate installs tion penis its a re issued fa r the traileii. Dumps ters Roll-offldumpsters sl all be proiiided on all sites as follows: 1. The dumpstern shall be provided only by the Town's lhianchised openaton. 2. To the ontent pi actical, dumpstars shall be positioned peglaridlicular to the sheet or otl arwiso 1 e 5cnaened fiiom vie`v filum the street. I . To the extent practical, dumipsters shall be located at least 10 feet from all pnoper y lines. 4. Tnash piles, othen than vegetation, are 11 roliibited. !. Bunniing ofany material is prohibited. Pori able Toilets Pa il able toilets may be permitted pi ovidad the following ara mot: 1. To the extent pnaotical, they shall not Ice the street. 2. To the extent practical, they shall be loanted at least 10 peat fro m all proper y lines. fl. MGM One contractor's sign all two square fact in size with white background and I laal lettering may be approved only by the Auchiteattinal Review and Planning Board in aaaondance with Chapter 66, Article V1I, Divisia n 7, of the Town Clodo a f Ordinances. All othon signs, other than address signs or signage approved as par of the project, ane prohibited. Cla ntuactors interested in posting a sign should as nsult Muth the Phi nning and Building Administrator lbr movie details on how to get their sign ra)iiawadl by the Board. 6.9UH-CONTRACTCIRS It shall be the nosponsibility of the genenal contraotou to ensuue that all sub -contractors ane uegistered with the Town in accondanae with Sec. 10. 1. of the Town Code of Ondinances. Adopted July 11, 1995 Page 3 Revisa(I A ovemben 10, 7016; Edited June 30, 2017 'flown of Gulf Stream_. Constniation Site M anauement H andl ook The lawn reserves the right to silap all ivotik ani a site until iicgisiliiation by all contras Iori on a side can be verified. At the as no lusion of the construction, but prior to the issuance a i a (lertificate of Occupancy, IComplation, the contractor sha 1111 rovida the Town Planning and Huilding Administrator with a list of sub-ooii tractors used on tl a pnoject. The CatitMom ie or 0aaupaniay/Comiplei ion sha 11 not: be issucc un1lil the Planning and HuM ing Ac ministnator verifles that all sub.-conlraelors are nagiswiad wiih Iha Town. Iaastly, it shall be the responsibility ollilha eonlracion ile ensuue ilhal all sub-conhiaolors and suppliers aro aware a and follow all uuIss and regulations contained is this handbook. 7. EROSION AND S70RMWATFIR CONTROL Appuopriate anosion and starmwatercontnol methods sl all be used during aoa9truction to pro vaiit ad)iavie impacts to raighboning properties and adjoining streets. T1 is may neaessitate the creation and maintenance of temponar3l swales, netentia n areas and, Ia n berrnis. 'Ho pnevent dirt fram being tna(ikad onto adjoining streets, paiiking areas sliould be oovarod with agptiopriate, aompacted materiia13. Mill and mud iracNed on -la adjoining !ttieats shall He swept daily, ant hosed or mechanically cleaned weekly ill necessary. S. WORKING HOURS Zlhe working hours specified in Town Oidinanae 93 '211see Appendix B) shall l a strictly obsenied. 9. FIARK1NG Cin -Site Parkin tt Alli vehicles assaaiated v ith the construction an construction persorinal shall be parl ad completely on the construction site and/an an alternate location approved 1 y tl a Planning and Building 041ministraton. FlarNing cm rights-of-way or other locations not approved by the Manning ani Building Aldm inisl rail iii is prohibide d. (In -site parking awasi should be aoverad with a suitable, compo cted material to pravent dir and mud from being traaked an washed onto adjaaent streets and properties. NA aching on repairing vehicles anyv lhone in the Town is piic hibited. Al-lernale Flarking Sites A1lerna-le panting sides nna y be approved by, ilia Pllannir. g and fluilding Adm inist atop plrovided Cie following requinemeniis are rniet: 1. Me awnen of the aliarriate parking sile has granted wtiilten parrnission. 2. the all male paiikin€I anea is aotr posed of a suitable, a omipacied surifaa (I . 3. 31he plarki nig area is piiepaned in much a manner so as to pneva nl erosion and Mormim ate ii runoff onto sire a is and neig hboriu g pruplerties. 4. No siflnificanil vagelaIion ilnon-irivasive ireel on shrubs with a calixllaii oil4 inches on greaten) or lopoglraphia features shall be rerr oved ov disturbed. 5. Alterria to pla nld ing miles sli all be used for parking anly. Washing or maintaining construction -vela ted i ahiclas is prohibited as ane all ollian activities ralalec to the constructions sila. 6. Allarnaia parkinill siles shall be klept free of liner anc olher debris. 7. A plan slia ll be preplared showing the numiber and local ions of vehicle plarki ng spaces. 8. Us e of Ilse a llernale p ark ing site shall nal cause a traffic hazand on cause a si€lniflcanl disruption -lo the privacy and peaceful anjciyment of neillhboning properties. 9. Fi for la the issuanae of Certiflcale al Ocauplanq /Carniplelion 1111or the aonstruclion s ile, ilia a llemale parking mile shall be nestoned to a cor dilion and appearance bell lar than or aquivalenl to the condition and appears ince prior 10 llie use am an alternate parking site. Adopted July 21, 1999 Aagleq Plevised November 10, 2016; Bditacl .tuna 3a, 2017 Town of Clun 91rearri _ Constrmation Site N anagement f andi aok 10. 'IIRU(IIH 9 AND (IRAINM Truck -i Due to the narrow streets, tight aarneus, very soft sl ouldens, and instable road -base conditions in Town, semi-trailens and trucks over 9 tons (when loaded) are discouraged on all 71omin stneets. Accordingly, contractors alie stnongly ari aounaged to use smallen vehicles and na tifj1 thain sup pliers to do likewise. In the event an alternate deliver}l `iahiale cannot 1 a ariangad, all semi-tnailens and trucks oven 9 tons (when loaded; shall no'lifyj the Poliao Department of thoin pending arrival at least two hours in advance. Furthen, the c riivans of such vehicles and the general con•Inaetor shall be responsible for any and all t amiage 4auued alo Wphis-of-ivays, rom s, utilities, and priivale pinopirities. (lianas 'Dhe Rolice Depa r men l sti a 11 be natifiec at least two houus in a dvana a of the arriva l of aniy crane. All cranes iiequ ire a polio escort anc miay not enter the Town whhoutl one. '11. DOA DING AND UNLCA DINCI To the extent possible, loading and unloading of supplies and llansonnel :iliall be done so as to aueate no disruption to tiiafflc an public ou private streets. If a single la ria of traffic is to t a bloakad 11ou mane than 15 minutes, on both lanes of tra fflo aua to be blocikod fon more thin five minutes, the Police nape rtmient shall I a notified at least twa houus in advariaeoftha blaakagc. In no event, hovuavar, shall both lanes beblocked Ui mone than 1' continuous minutes. Furthen, the Poliaa Depar merit shall be notified at least two houus in advance of any lane blockage on State Road AI IA o ll glleaten than 5 minutes. The Holies ne part mie nl sha ll have -Ihe authority to modify these pravisions at any firm as ceenad nccessary to maintain Salle opernaling eanditions on all flublie and Rlnhiaic roa6iialls in 7 awn. 12. BUILDIN G MATERIIA U 19TQRAIGIE A ND c IITB MAINTENANCD Building M aterials Stonage The deliveuy of building ma to rials should be timed with the ll hales of construictia n such that no miailerial is siloced on -elle for longer -Than "14 days before inslallailion. N,ater'ials including, but not limited to: h mbeu, concrete block, brick, sand, noof tile and neban shall be stoned and kept in an orderly manners. Dirt piles and exposed ear h shall I a amiared on treated to pra`iant blowing di st. Where practical, no mialeuial rriir y be s loved on a hoof for longer than loun days rind naven over a vie a kend, weatr er plermitting. Ir a niy case, t:ie genera l oonlriacllun shall be iiesponsiHe 11or an) and all damage caused bN materials blow rii ofill of a roof. Site M ain terra ri ca At a minimium, oonstruclion :iiies shall be cleaned each Friday. This includes disposing of all waste material, straightening all storacl materials, and genera lly aha a king to sec tlh at the site and adjoining sp Bets meet all ruiles and regulations in this handt aok. All construction waste shall I a disposed of in a dumpster. Piles oldebris ane prohibited. Wind Slcirm Prepauations Upton 1ha issuance of windslurrnlhurriaane warning by the Nalional Weatier Service, contractors shall take all measures practical to saaune aII rr, alanials and structunes fiiom beinig blciwn on-- o other properties. During such events, all uestriclions on wonkin�l hours wiII be suspenc ed by the flown. 13. LiTTER Ilittenofany type is prohibited. Contnaotous shall ensure tl at all litter, garbage and mash gonanated by on- site pause nnel and suppheiis ane disposad alpuoll anly. Repeatad violations shall result in tiokats and flnes for littaring to both the ofilending party and (lie general aantuactor. Acupllec July 21, 1995 Pajle9 Revised Nmiamben 10, 20 16; 9clited June 30, 2017 'Down a 11 Gulf Stra a m _ Constniation Site Management Handbo a k :14. NOISIJ Seasonal 1 oise fdestriations The seasonal noise nestrations speuified in Town Clndinance 9312 Qsae Appendix H) shall be strictly ob! i a rued. Radios Clo ntuactors aiie requested to respeat the pnivacy of neighboring proll arl ies and use good corn mon sense in iha location and volurne of rac ios and other audio devices. In general, the! of ad 1hom nadios stiauld not be dateatable from adjacent piioparlies. Fri ilure to use comma n sense in controlling such devises shall result in their prohit ition. '15.OCC UPIANCY Oooq a nay of any strwature without a Cert ificate a It Oaaupati ay is pool ibited. 'llh is prop ibition includes the temporary occupation of the stricture undeii construiation by seaurit3l an other perisonnel. 116. EM HI11GHn CIN M HASURHS DURA` G STORM DVENTS Rema val and securing opeori!itruction tr atenials during tropical storm and hurricane warming or watt h shall I a nequirad. Scaudrig, Storing, on Removing Construction M ata rials Allion 1Ihe A ational VAloathen Service, National Hurricane Clenter or appropriate weather agency shall doolare a tropical storm watch or `darning or a hurri sane watch or warming for any por ion a f Paln Beach Cloutity, Florida, all construction materials, inaluding roof tiles, poll -ofll dumpitens, and (let His on all 1 uilding and construction sites within the'lovir shall within 24 hours of such declaration be secwied, stored, or nemoved ;io as not to create a safety hazai d because oft urri a a na or tropical storm ponce winds. Materials stockpiled on top of any stnicture under constriction shall be patmanontly instillied by the property owneri or eon tractor teflon issuance of a tropical !itorrri viatali on warning a n a hurricane v atali an yarning; provided, havuovan, in the event such installation cannot be timely completed, then the pnoperty owner or aontuactor shall: a. Band together the constrciction materials and mechanically lastari them to the top of the strtaature in such a manner so as not to present a threat of their becoming aiaborme during a tnopiaal storm oil liurrioane; a n b. Remove the constniation materia Is Horn the top of the structure and mechanically tia clown to tha gtlound; a n U. Remove the constnttation rr.atenials from the ,job site; or d. Stu ae the construction materials inside a protested structure. Notice-ofAppliciable Clonclitions Media broadcasts or notices issued by the National Weathati Service on National Hurricane Center oll a tropical storm watal or warning or a hurricane iv. tch on ivarning shall be doomed sufficient nil tice to the ominan al Heal ptioperty upon which oon.,itruction is occurring or any contractor responsible len said oonstruation to soaune, stone ori l emova la os a constructian clot rias and loose construction miatenials against the efl;;cts ofl igh winds. Clonstruction materiials, rail-offdumpiteas, or debris shall remain secured, stored, on rarnoved from the proporly until the National Waather Strvice, National Hurricane Center an othan appropniatu weather agency has removed all por ions of Palm Elea ch County from those areas inaludad in a tropical storm watch on warning or a I urri a a n a watch o r warning g Adopted July 21, 1995 Page G Revised November 10, 2016; Bdited June 30, 2017 7a vin of Gull Stream Constrwation Site N onagement F r ndt ook V. FINEIS AND PPINAL TIIES Failtine to comply with the rules and negulations contained in this handbook, on ivith the plans and documents appno`iod b3I tha Planning and Eluilding Admiinistnator punsuarit tc this handbook, shall result in the following actions. For the pur(loses of this F andbo a k, uncorrected `iiolations sh all be consideued sapanate violations fbn each day they go unaaniacted. FIRS'D ORFHN SE/WIARNING 1. An oral warning; 2. A written warming; and,lon I . A 5 top Work Orider. SDCOP D 011111IENSIEMARNING Any of the actions listed undar First OffenseiIWarning; 1. A written Notiaci to Appean in Circuit court; and)lor 2. A fine payable to the Town of Gulf Shicam in the amount a IS250.00; andilor 3. Fines as 911coif3ed in Slao. 1-15. of'lown Clocla oil Ondinanaes; andiar 4. Cast ing of (lama go 1 onds; andior !. A written notice to appears before the Gulf Simam Cloda Bnfoncement Spacial Magistrate THIRD OR MOND OAFHNSIKIWARNINGS Any of the actions listed under First on Second Offenses, Warniingm; 1. A fine payable to tha Town of Gulf Stiiearri in the amount a 11$500.40; andilor 2. Revocation oUlown Oaatipational Regiaitnation; andilor I . Revocation oil building permits; andilon 4. Liens against the property for any and all expenses inaur7icd by the'llovrin to mitigate any via lations. The at ove may be issuad I y the Planning and Building Administrator, any Town Police Offiaan, tli e Town M anagan on the down Cllerk; however, all offhnsesllwarnings shall be cumulative negardless of who issued them. The above nohiiilhslanding, nothing herein shall prealuc c the Town or its amployaes from laking any anc all aclions permissible under fedotial, stale And local laws to enifonce, cila an aotireel violal ions a 1 fec anal, stale or local laivii which mayor rr ail noel be aoverad in this Handbook. Adopiad July 11, 1995 Page 7 Revised I ovemben 10,1016; Edited June 30, 2017 AHPH14 UIX A Gulf Stream "Mown Ordinance No. 95-4: ilRlequire; adoption of Construction Site Nd anagamant Handbook l y liesolution.; Gulf Stream 'flown Resolution 1` o. 954: (JAdopts Constniation: Handbook -- July 11, 1995. Site N, anogemant. ) GulfStraam'Hown Resolution A o. 0084: IlRevised Clanstruction Site Management Handbook August 19, 2008) GulfSlraarr 'flown Resolution A o. 014-11 (Revised Clanstruction Site Management Handbook Nova ml (i n 14, 2014) GulfStream'Hown Rlesolutiori 1 o. 16-11 (Revised Clanstruction 9 ite N4anaparnant Handbook Nova ml ail 10, 201 (1) CIRUINANCH NO. 95/4 AN CIRIIIINANCIE OH 1 HE 7aWN CIOMMISSII]CIN aF THD TOWN CIF C ULF STREAM, PALM BEACH CCIUNT31 , FILORIDA, PAOV113INIG HCIP WE CREATION CIF A CICINSTRIICZ]aN SITE MANACIEMECT HANEIBOONI SCI AS 110 PROVIDE PRCICE DURIHS REILATINCI 7a RECIULAZ ICINSI CIE CON SITRUCII ION EUTESI; 13ROVIEIINCI HIaR SEVERAHIVITY; PRCIVIDINCI HCIR REPEAIll CIE ORDINANCEIICII INI CIONFIIICIT; HRCIVIE]ING ECIR C1CIDIF17aA717CIN; PRCIVIDING AN RWHOTIVE I]AIE. WHEREAS, it has beleir determined bN the Tclwn Clommjissiircini that a aansitr uotior ejltc maniagerr en t handbook b e arelat ed I to pm cividei far the vafle andl ordlen IN ulsel and development of ciar strucition slitlesi witlh it tlhei Town in aidleir that tlhei belstl irteizeistlsi afl tlha Flullic and mesliclenits of tlhei Town he pzesiexveid; and WHEREAS, ini ar dlelz t1a z egulate the wise of canE tmuicit ian siteis m itlhaliri the Town, a maniva 1 titled) "Clan stnu at ian Site p arnaclemein t Haridbouk" shall be areatedl tla be uiseid try Cwneirs, aanitnaatozs anidl cith ens with z expect t ci cior. st ru ctl is in and aatl ivitl ies cirri aor stl rt atl icin sites wit)hin the Tari n ; anid I WHEREAS, this manual stall he adloFted bN mes ollutioni, avid may lie amendlea l flm om titre t o time, in the f u tlu re bN resalt tiara of I tr e TOwn CI mmi sisian . NCIW, WEREHOAE, HE I7 CIRE171INE13 BY THE TOWN CICW13SSION CIF THE TOWN OH CIULE STREAM, PALM BHACIH acium 9 , HLCIR31DA, AS HCILIIOW S : Suctl ian 1. The Tciwn IN ar ac ez Sball esitab]lich an dl maintain a mianiuial pebtaining to aoristruiatlicln stanelandlsi and Town rolicly ciaricerr,inig aoristructlian acti-gitieis an pnclpeirtirzis looatieel within the Tcnan of Gulf'. fltream. This narival shall )rel titled "Clarimtruiction Situ Management Hlar,dkook" and shall be birdlinig upani aanitizaatars, aw n c it s, n ecidents anidl citt en s TA ith r elspelct t1 a cianistl x uationi an d main t uriar ce acitivities ari pn ivatl e I r ripe it ties width it the l awni . Illi i.i Clanlslt n u ct ian E Iitl a Managan Intl H ar. dl oak sib all k a adlopted avid amens led as riaciesisary b� resalutlian cif the 7'awr Clummissiian . Seat ian 2. Permit si far c iansitr uatiar i id lenit if ied in this Ccinstnuatian Sites Managencintl Hanelbaa]d stall t a suh jeict to andl candliticinedl upani tlhei cantraatlaz and the pzopezt'y omneir aonplying with the terms) Bird candliticinsi of the Clarsitructicin Sites Management) Han dlbook . 1 Section 3 IeveirabiI ity . If Wily pmaVis Tani of this Clydlinariae ar tlbu ap; lioeitian tlheoxeaf :Lai bold invalid, stall in`i alidlitly Eike all n atl affleat the athem plm ovivior s ax• aplplliciat icinei ofl this clydlj r. aricei wk, ilcih can ho givens allfeiat mitlhauitl tlhei inualidl pmavisiians ar aplpliaatlicins, acrd to this eir dl tlbei pravisior.is cif this Clxdlin anaEi acme kl emeby decslax eel sev UrEik le. section 4. Rei sial of Oxdinanaes in acini lint. Al] otheir amdlinianicieis oft the Toun of Clulf Stream, Hlaridla, cm Parts t]Ho:ueclf whiah canfliatl with this am an'y Flaxt of this Om dlinanicei area hem said y x Eip waled . Section 5j Claeli3 icatior . This Clydinanae shall to oocllflied andl miacle a pard of tlbe of lfliaiiial Cade of Cam dlin ain cern of the 'flown of auilf Stream. section 6. Hffeciti-ju Dates. 11b is Om dlinianiaei sk all take of Ifeiatl immedliatal)l uipan its plaEiaai arid applrovai ] , as pm avis lee I by law. '111IASME13 AND ADCaR= in a negular, adljauxned sessions ori ilimstl reiaelir g tkis 911 dlay all 0111 eJ , 1995, ainel fon a sieiaord anidl f(/finial reiading cin tk is 21st elay of Jvily ._, 11995. A7 THS'l l: /P�Ajo /. 1:�—j 'DOWN COMMISS10N T WN JCR ] ] 147-03 r HAND O[III.ORD 2 REi,gmwicm NO. 95-8 AI RESOMJTICIN aF TEE TCIWN CIOMM]SIflION CIE 1 HH TOWN CIE C IULB E ITREAN , PALM HEACIH CICIM TY, PLCIRIDA, ADOEIT3NCI A CONEITRUCIT310b MITE MANACIEMM T HANI HCIaK TO EE APPIIICIABIIE Ta aONISTRUICTICIN ACITIVIT7ES ab ERaPERTI339 WITHAN THE TOWN Of CIULB STREAM. WHEREAS, Che ail e a t ian of a n ar ua 1 titled "Canstn uatiar 9 itEi Manpigeimart Hardbocik" was auithomizec ky Clrcliniancie Iia. g dI , ani Jt ly 21 , 11995; and WHEREA;I, tlhei Clcinsitruicitian Sitei Manageimernitl Hanclbaak is iritelncled to provide flor the saflei and orderly ufia anidl deveilclpn enit all private pnaplemties and construatiar elitlesi withir.i the Tawn and to seie tiiatl the puiklicilm best inteme.itei arei .ienvedl; arid WHHHEAI1I, tlhc aciristruictian Sita Mareigeineir,t Hardtoak is tci tel adloplteid by reisnittiain of the Town Cbmmisision and to tei ameinCed fban tima t1a tivie b� nesialutlicin. NOW, THHRHFCIRE, HH IT HESCIIJVE D Bid THH rjaWN CIOMM3ISEIICIN an 7 HHI TOWN CIE GULF STREAM, PIALM HHAOH CaUNTM , FIIOliIDA, AS F OIILCIW:I : Electicin 1. Ve aanstnuiation Site INaniageneint Hlardkook, clatlecl ul , 1995, is rermeby adlciptlecl. said tandlbciok is atltacitecl heircta it full and isi iniclanr-ciratedl as pairti of this reiscllttioni. Seat_ic n 2. V e C anistb u ct ian Site P arialgall snit Har. dk aak may k ei rez viaeidl fln Cim timet to times by r esolut ion of tlhei Tawr.i Clommisailar Seigtion 3. The Constn uat iar Situ Man igen er t H ar idb aclk sh all k e madei au ai lab le to all c iu ners aric I acintl r acitan s seelk it g Flermits far aan:itmuicition and permitsi shall bei cor.iditiarecl uipan ciampliarice with the tanis of the aclnsltmuiot ian :lite Par ager eir t H ar dk oak. HASSEEI AND A3aPTEI3 in a regulalr ad jot rrieicl seissicini as.iemk led th iEl 21st day Of u l'N j 1995. ATT13 S3 : TOWN C ILERK Cl JCRI 13147-031 HANDBOUK.RUS %&�Vcp - TOWN ccimi.csi IN REISOLUMOIN NCI. aO8-4 A RES OIL L TICIN OR THE 110WN OOMIMIS;IICIN C F THE TOWN OF GULR STROAM, PALM BEACH OOUNTM, RLOF 1C A, AMENDING THO CON 1911RUCTION SITS MAN AGOMEN7 HANDBC IOK V% F ICIF WAS AU71- ORIZBD BY ORDINANCE N O. 9%'IM IN 7F 9 NIAh h SR AND HOIRN SE'lI FORTE F BRE IN; RROVIDING FOR AN ERRECTIVEII DA*1EI. WFBREAS, the cneeition ail a manual liilead "Canslu.actian lite Manegerrieni F anc book" was authcarizeid by Onc inance No. 95►14 an July '9I1, 1995; and WHEREAS, the Cansliuiction Sito Management Fancback, was aadap-led an July 'ell, 1995, by Resalutian IS o. 95-8; and W F EREAS, Ordinance Nc . 9115-4 auil aiiaed amendmeni of the Clanstnuctian Sile Managerrienl F andbaak by Resaiutian; and WHEREAS, i-1 is neicessary is ameind the Ccnstruclian Elise Managerreini F andbook. NOMI THEREIFORB, BE Ill RESOLVED ON THE 110m C10MMISclION OR THU TOW IS OR GULF Sl F EAK RAI.IM ROACH COL IS TNI, FLORIDA, AS ROLLOW S: Seatlori 'I. ThEa Ccansiruciican Si'le ManagEameni F anc book is heimby arriended at Ar isle IV, Rules Find Regulalicns, Off --Sites C arriagEa Hanc , ici mad as fallaws: "Of1-Rile Damage Band Pnian to beiginning any wank, Thea flown will requinEa El $609.01 01 cash band be poslead ici coves neapairs la damaged mad iighis-airway, utilities and private pnaperties caused by eictivilies ielai ad is the cans-lnuclion site. In na way, hawevem, shall thea posting cf 1he bcind act as a 11ransfen of responsibility fau aaepains licim the canlnaclan rind Those causing it a darraagea i10 the Tawn The band shall be used c inly as a last news art wheanea the canNacior miuseas la aorrect the situaliion in a Timely mannor. All nerraining pinaceaeds 11nom thea bcindff_ajjy will be fully neifunded at the fime-a-GeFtftate-Gf OGrA panGWrem r% e%f,.�pQ vu i e east foci _#hes Ell�as[tc ars _within ninety day -.9 -aft I he Ceifiggle a c a a leaf s ea is suead. I I -Ihe armaunt cif the band is not enough tc cavern any unnepained damage ai the cancIt sian caf the pinojeccl, the Ceartificaie all Occupancy►ICamplution shall be withheld until all darraagea is neapaired . Flnajects uequined to pasl a band incluc e: 1. Thcise with improvemernls valuec al Se'15,CI(la of mcire involving) eDdericir Fiitamilans and which have three ai mare permiittec sub -contractc m. a. 'Thane with Impicivementd valued al $1(I,0M stir mane Thal will use hearty aquipmfini, seat as selml's, crarif is, plile driver, cement trucks, tree mcneirs, dLrnp trucks, b ullc amrsi, d aekhoes anc of heu largo earth moving equlpmerni. 3. Those w th contwtars crr supplllersi wh c i h e ive failed to cc rrect d amages in ,Ihe F asi," Saeficin:l. Ilhe Canstruetan Sitd Marzgeirren'I Neindbook is hereby eimendec e,l Article V, Finwi anc Paimities, Secant OffenselWsming, is IEiad as fclllow:1: ":IEICOND CIFAENSEIWAIFII ING Anjl all the actions listed unc c ire First OffenseM em Ing; 21. A written h atice to Ar pear in Cii a iii Coud ; 3. Fines as spelcified in Sea. '1-'15 of Tornin Code oil Ordin€inceis; and/b 4. Cashing of c arr eige bonds: �I�, & 1Ihis Rer:iolutic n shall d ecom a effective immediately ti pgni its nessa f a and adopt Ion. RASSE C AIS A ADOIPI ED In v reguleir e&.IS!on SUOMb led ]his 15th I coy CJ. Ai,:g , �1oa�I. A ST; 5 TOW N CLE RIP P -'MO 11i14rM tWM1SN43 -DM VICE F C R C SS10 NE,R�� CIOIV M111411014ER COM M IrISIOh E R APPENDIN H Gulf Straam'flown Clndinance No. 93-2: ilRegulatas constriction and maintenance activitias.1 aRDINANICH No. 93/2 ANI CIRDINANaH OH THk TaWN CICIMMISSICIN OH ME TOWN OR GULHI SIPMAMI, HALM BEACIH ClaUN7 5d , FLORIDA, AMENIMNG CIHAHTHIi 22 OR THE ']TOWN CICICH OP ORMNANCIE."I RELATING TO NUISANCIBS AT A1RTICIIJH ]I31, NOISH, SCI AS TO IPCIi NEW SHCTICINS 22- 56 AND 22-57 SCI AS TO PROVIDE FOR A SHORT TITLE; CIUTLIN31NCI REGULATEC ACTIVITIHS; HPC IV ]I I3IN G A NEW S HM ICIN 22-5a RELATING TCI RECIULP. TION IS; PROV IDIr CT A NEW SECTION 23-59 RELATING TO RESTR3301BE11 ACITIVITIE S; PROVIDING A NEW SHOTMON 22-64 ]MINING `IHH MERIOU DURING WH]aH RESTRIa7B3 ACITIV3TIEIS ARE FIROHIBIITI D; HRCIVII3IE G A NEW SHOTICIN 22-63 RELA7IN G TCI EXEMHTICINS AND HRCICIEl RFIS RHLATINIG TCI nxEm TIaN PERMITS, APHLICJ TIaN S , F ERS ANI] APHI ICA'i ION REVIEW; PHOV IT IN G A NHW SECMUM 29-62 RHLAT3INCI TC PHNAMIES; FIRCIVIDINCI A NEW SECITIaN 22--63 RELATING TO APPEARS; PROVIDING HOP SEVRRAHILIM ; PPOV IDIN G FCIR REPEAL OR CIRDINANIOHS IN CCINRLICT; PFIOV 11M G POP CIOilIHICATICIN; HPCIV]IIING AN HIFHECITIVI 13A9B. HE IT aRDAINHD HY THE rAi COMMISSION aF THHI TOWN CIF GULH SMEAM, FALM BEACIH OCIUNTy , FILORI11i AS F OIILCIWS : Sec t ian 3 . I he lawn Cladla cifl Clydlir,iariceis is li eneby amenclecl ati (3baipteir 22 relating to ruisancies, at Artlicila Iill, Naisei, to react as flollaws : "BeICJ. 22-5(1. shartl tlitllei. Tkis cli-jisicin may he cited cis "The Clanistruicticin ar,d M aIntleniar aei Aativities Clydlir aniou" . Bea. 92-57. Regulated aatli-Mitlieis. T1 fallawing aoristiruatlicin and naintlerlainiaei acts iv itl ieis are c lef in ec l as "regi lat edl acitivities" far tI hEl Furpases afl this dliuisian: (1) Demcilitiar , cirectiicinl, alteration, reir-air, aneI similar acitivities tla ar.y structure, luilclinig am part tlheruaf; (2) ENcavatind, filling, plow rig, grading, aanpactiirg, and similar activities ir.ival-i it g alter at ian of tihei earth; �3) H1ar.iting, reimcivinicl, pxuriinig, autlting, grindlir.g, aiing, shmeeldlinicl, niawing, and similar aatlivities inival'uir. g veigat at ian an c I vegetative :a atlen is l: i; it 4) Having, r esum faainci, siealir. g, pauxiinig ar d mini in g ofl cianianetei cir ceimeinitl, inistlalling paveir hlacik:i, briciks, gravel ar shc1lroak, and siimilar aatlivitilcisil inualvinig surfaciing materials; (5) Clleian inig, wasih i rig, scm ar it g, F aintl iriig, ar d similar aictl iV itlias tla any structure, bu ildlinicl ax any Flamt theiraof; and 1 (6) Praictiiairig any pnaflEassiar,,, cicc,upatior., vaaa,tlian,, cr rusiriess, tHEa permanent location of which is riatl in thea Town afl Clulf Stlreiam. Secs. 22-58. flame—Relllgt llaitions. (1) Clue irig the pariadl beginning cin Nay 1 and en,dlir g an Claaamber 1, r egulat eel activities may Idea aar dlu iatl ed only cn niciri-holidlay weekdays arid Saturdays during the hours cif a: 00 a.n . tci 5:00 F .n . 43 Curing tlb a F eax iadl beginr it g ori Eleciembeir 1 and en,dlir, g an May 1, n agulatl ed activities may he aaniduictedl oily, or., nan-haliday weakdlays ftimi.rg the hours of 8:Oa a.z1,. to 5:00 .m.; and an rari--halielay 5atuiz days dlur it g the samei h auir s it said acitivi,t ies are cianidluated in a fui] ]Ily eincilaseid stmucituzei an huiildlir.g suich that naisio, dust, adlars, Ni,kratioris, bm iclht lights, or ainj ]lax off eats, flram suiah act illiu it ies az a nat dleit a iatl able f on other pn cil art ie,s . (3) All regulate idl activities ane pr oh ik itl eel an tlh ei fcillawing federal h alielaN s : Nle iw Yeiax 's Day , Mamcir ial Day, Ineler ar den ae C ely , Labor Daly , Tis anksgiu ir. g, and Clhm istn as . eeti. 72-59. Pestriated aciti.vities. TH ea flc illawinc cioinstl ru iatl icini and ai aint er aniae i acts iti itl ies area defined a.i "n esit n iat a idl aatl ivities" floc tlh e, plunpc,seis at this dli ja sian. (1) Op ematl ion, of dredges, wh eitlheiz u seidl ir making hydrauilia fills,, dry fills, pile dlriUir.g or aniN other puirplase; (2) Oplematlian afl pile dxi-4ens, whatlem aperaiteidl team water az land, on flrcim mctar truak c,ri tracitar, andl wh etl heir atl atl ic,r ax y on ai oN eable; (3) Opel at icin ail dry sand) k last) inig naahineis , jackhamnebs, andl canc,reitei mixing ardl/c,r plumping mach it ies (eix aludlir g cior.ici et e t rt c) s avid h ar, d -turned mixeirs) ; (5) Oplenatlian ofl maahireny ar acindlucit ofl a cionstnuati.ani on mair.itenanae activity in suiah a nar.neir sa as to emits noises, dust , cidlor s, exhaust, bright lights, viib»atians, ar athen eflfects which are ainilar tc the of fleat s of ath an r estr iateid ac,tl iivities In terms cifl their extiraan dinar) ma gnitluie le avid dlur at is n and whish plcisE1 a dIatriment tla the neziscir.iaklei axpe,ct at ionsi cif c amflc,r t, acintl entment , pelade, tranquility, anidl errjaymart ofl peirsians or c,thex plraperties. Seca. 22-60. SamerAestmicitianis. Lunirg tlhe peiriacl haginniing Uaaamhor ]I andl Finding Maly 1, tis a aar dlu,atl of r estm ictedl siativities is pm oh Ild itl ed 1. 910c. 23 - 51. Exiemptians. 1111) Clerena] eixampt'icin. frcipertly awne,rs, reinitlens, cir t helm e7aipla3l eels 11 k ut not acro tz actors) n a}1 cane luic it any reigulatedl activit3l an thein reisl ecitiue plrapartly fram dawri uintil dlusk on any dlay, iric]udlir„g h oli.dla){ s, any time, of the yeian . Dun ing the p can icidl 2 flrcan dlusk uritil dawn, pmaplemty awneirs, rontlems, ax tlhaim eimrlayeies ijhut not acir.itraatars) niayl acincluicit einy regulatedl acitivity an their rusiplecitive plrapeirtly only it a frilly einialcisudl stlruatlume or huiilding Eivah tlhEit naise, duistl, cdlcirs, vibmatlicins, bright) lights, cir similar aflflects ilman tlhu acitivityl ame nut dletl eat ah le an other pr aplam t ies . (2) Hx E imp t ian permits. The f allow it g ple irmits shall Ida cibtlairieidl as mcquired tla vary foram tlhei pravisianis cianitain ed iri seatior. s 32-58 anidl 22-60. a. Rem Esu ah lei ex enipt ian permit - flom reicu irm in ig apleratior.s assaaiated w]Itt ccinflarming, ranr- reisidler.itjiial uiseis. b . Temporary axeimr tiar plermit - for speciAt is acct iv it ies ofl shartl slum atl is in . a. Emea ger, cy ex emptll ian F ermit - f am t l e pmevent jan afl substantial pmaperty las:i, eniv it ar.imanti al dlan aria, cir tis r c cats to humain heialth and saflety. 113) Hermit al p licatioris . a. Nan-emergler. cy eix anE t ian permits. Apy licaitianis for nian -Eimer genc y, exemr tiani p armits shall be su hmitlt a dl to the Tawn N air aclam avid : h all, at a minimum, specify tk a tlype of exemptlicin reggesit udl ar, d justif icatiar flcir the request. The Mawr i Manager may rooles t additional irifarniatlian as necessary and reiasanable tla mako cin inflormed decisiani m egardli r. g the request . h . Edergemiciy e)senptian plermiltsi. Pm iar tla beiginniing world , tha partly cian dluating th is ex empltl eicitivity shall z eplam t the lariat icor anidl natures of the amargeir ay, arid the types air id durations of the exenpt a ictiivitiy(ies) to the Tawn Halicie L er ax tuier t ar dl shall abt ain at th am izatl iar to pr oaecid from the Floliae supervis cim cir dluty. If thea aatlivitly is to be canducitudl over a peiriad afl days, tehe partly canduatinc_l tlhei aativity shall ahtair an ex eitiptl icin pEirn iitl Ilium the Town Man ageir an the next) bu sinieiss dlay fa] lou inig tlhei dlziy th e en em genay h eiga r . QUI) Reies. Appliaatians for eiNaisptian permits Eihall jJr aluide a $].0. of plrciaessing flees. Feeis fcir ein em9lur,icy examptiar s ame waived. (5) Ap plic iatl ior. m ev iow. Mhe Town maniagur nay c leny , gm ar t with aan dlit ions, cir cq ant in f uill an arOiciatlicir for an eixeaipticin. In mevieiwinig air pliciaticir. s fax exen pit iciris, the Town Manager shall makes thea f9cillawing flindirgs heflore grar.tincl an exenptlicmi request in full cir in p art : a. N alli-amai genciy exemptior.is . P utl1har izat ian of: tlhei exemption will niatl have Fi dletirimuntlal elfflacit cin the oonfarta, oartemitlmer.t, peiacia, tlrsincludlity, avid einij aymeinit of F emsons an cith en p rcipeirtl iusi. b. IRWHOM able ED options. The eixemptian is rieaesisary tri remEarn an integral anicl esseritial operation cif the f�iaj litiy. 3 C . Men pciraxy ex eimp t ianis . Mhel examp t icini � s r. eaessary tl a pm ev ent substantial f in anciial loss cir uridu a deilay in camplleitincl a px aj eict and tlh o nEiec l did rat arise) SCIlEI131 out cif the act ions cir it acstiar s all tlhes appliesarit. dl. Emergler cy examp tiar s. The eixeimpltiani is r.eaessary to prevert Eiux stlantial prapeirtly damage, Elnv im anmElntl al c lavage, or threats t1 ci hunar health and safleity. it 6) Validity . a . Rerie iu ah le ex en ptl iani permits shall hei v a]lidl flcir plax iads of rot lcinclem than curie year and may b e r e in ew a idl ]:N tl ha Tc iwn Mari ager as needled In aiciciardanae with the pmeiviElijarEl cif this seiatl is r . h . Tamplca amy eNenptlian permits shall hel valid) far pElriads of rat lancem tHani sixty (60) daysi and may hei 7 enieiwed tinily by tt a Tciwr Clamn issior . Cl. Ememgesniciy eix esmplt ian permits stall be valid until tlhe threiatl Of suhstlaritial plraparty damages, en vir anmen t al damage, cir th r esats to human haaltl anicl sallety are eliminated). SOLI. 22-62. Renalty1. Peirssans faundl to he vialating any provigicm of this dlivisicir our the aandlitlian_I cir mequiremartls of any permit issueidl hereunder shall hei suhjecit to the pleralty plravisians Specified) in swat) ficin 1-15. Eeci. 92-63. Appeals. Any aflfecsteidl panty maty appea] the eleciivior clfl tlhei Town Manageir ars other tawn of fliaial with respleat tci ciniy plravisian in this dlivisianl ax any permit app liaatian suhmittedl hemeur.ider tcI tlhei lawn Clommisslicsn uindlem tlhei pr civisions ail sieatian 96-63 et. Seq.18 9eatlior.i 2. Selvaxahility. Ill any pravisiar cif this OYdinancie cir the appliaatlicir ttemecif is h eldl it valid), such it va] idity shall ncit aflf Iect tH a otheir pravisiors cir appliaatlicins ail this Clydliriaraei which can lie givein of fecit without tlhe invalid) prcivisiaris cir a iplpliciatlicirs, anidl to this en dl the plrcivisiiarls cif this Cir a linancia ane hereiby dec]am ed l SEIV E Ix ah lel . cir ficin ] . Repeal cif Or dinanaes it aanf licit. All otheir amdlinar,cieis of the Town of Clulf stlreiam, Hlaridla, am parts tt, em ecif wH icih canflliatl with this az any part c ifl this Oidinanicie are hemehy reipcialecl. Secitian 4. Cladlifliaatlicir. . This ClydlirlanaEl shall le acidlifliee I arid) n acle a play t cif the cifflicial Claele ail Cirdinancies c f the Tawn cif: Clu if Stlresan . 4 Seclt ian 5 . Hf f Oat ivE1 Hat a. This Ondinancler shall tlal el effect immediately iaitely, up ani its Flcia gagel and aplpmavai, as pboyiclecl by law. FASSHG AND ADOATHD in ai regulam, adjotirrecl session an flirsti readlir. g th ie 20t1h day of August , 19 93 , andl f1cir ai secancl and flinal readirig an th f sl 13th claiyl r' f ATTESIT. 'IIGIWN OLHRK JCII \131411-1 V (101111VUORa cif pmhpr , 19 93 . [l..I i au.�J