HomeMy Public PortalAboutBrewster School Committee -- 2019-12-19 Minutes Brewster School Committee Tuesday , December 19 , 2019 Brewster Town Hall Present for the Committee : David Telman, Marie Enochty, Jessica Larsen, Nicole Camp and Laurel Labdon Present for the Administration: Thomas Conrad, Giovanna Venditti, Keith Gauley, and Joanna Hughes:1. Call to Order Chair Telman called the meeting to order at 6 : 00 p .m . Agenda Change — None Citizens Speak - None PRIORITY BUSINESS Administrators ' Reports Principals ' reports were included in the packet. Jessica Larsen inquired about the tours of the schools and how they will advertise and communicate with the community . Principal Gauley indicated that this will go home in newsletters , given to PTO to post on their website and sent to the Town Hall for distribution and posting on their website . Principal Gauley indicated that people will go on google docs to schedule their tour. Superintendent ' s Report The Superintendent reported that he spent some time with teachers discussing project based learning to see what would help make this initiative successful going forward . He indicated the number one issue is finding time to work with colleagues . He also reported that a Professor from MIT Creative Labs visited the District to focus on creativity. He has been visiting schools and seeing wonderful concerts and holiday activities throughout the District . He and Giovanna Venditti have been working on seven budgets . He is also sitting on the 21s' Century Workshop group for the Strategic Plan . He indicated that the students on the committee were very positive and is taking it very seriously. He reported that he had an opportunity, through Cape Cod Community College and the Superintendent ' s monthly meeting, to visit an Aviation Mechanics Program at the Plymouth Airport . He will share this program with the High School Guidance Department to have a recruiter visit the school . Scope of Work for Feasibility Study Donna Kalinick was present to answer questions from the Committee about the process . Ms . Kalinick indicated that she will be working on the process and scope for the community center. She would like to put both RFP ' s out within the same time frame . There will be two separate RFP ' s . She would like to have this ready to go by the end of January. She indicated that respondents will put together robust reference lists and portfolios . The awarding of the bids could be sometime in March . She indicated the Town will put out the RFP on behalf of the Brewster Schools . She indicated that the schools will write their own scope of service . She indicated the RFP would be $ 50 , 000 or more for each . Chair Telman asked if the price is negotiated . Ms . Kalinick indicated that the vendor submits qualifications and prices . The School Committee does not have to open the cost document until they go through the entire selection process . She indicated you can write the RFP and indicated the price is to be negotiated . Nicole Camp urged the committee to write the scope at the meeting. Members talked about including enrollment projections and affordable housing. Marie Enochty requested the consultant come up with some new data about enrollment . She would like the RFP to help the Committee decide if our enrollment projections are accurate . Jessica Larsen suggested they look at building use and Preschool . Marie Enochty suggested including various groups and spaces that complement the vision for Brewster Schools . Laurel Labdon suggested that they look at affordable housing as it needs to be part of the analysis of enrollment trends . Ms . Kalinick indicated that a good consultant will look at what the town is doing . He/She will look at the vision planning . They will look at the Brewster School Committee Minutes December 19, 2019 [ 1 ] strategic planning that the School Committee has done and that the Select Board has done . The consultant will take this all into consideration as to where the community is going as a whole . She suggested that you do want to provide some historical data, current enrollment, and programming . Members received samples of Scope of Services from two different school districts from the Superintendent . Chair Telman suggested that the committee approve the RFP wording at the January 16 meeting . Nicole Camp suggested the subcommittee help prepare this and bring it to the committee in January . Jessica Larsen stated that this report will become the bases for a long term educational plan . She does not want to spend $ 85 , 000 and not use this document . Nicole Camp read a draft scope to the committee : Brewster Public Schools is soliciting proposals from qualified consultants for educational facility planning services to evaluate our current space to make an informed decision for our district. The selected consultant will be asked to evaluate and consider enrollment trends, capacity, space and quality ofspace, flexibility, instructional practices, programmatic needs (e, g, special education service delivery), technology infrastructure, and school use. The consultant is to provide a comprehensive physical and educational assessment of two (2) school buildings located in the Town of Brewster, Massachusetts related to short and long range facilities planning, capacity determinations, analyzing space requirements that are influenced by our educational programs, equity considerations estimated based on current school use and adequacy of the space The Brewster School Committee is looking for recommendations and/or options for consolidation and costs associated with these options. The consultant will determine a number of options for the Town of Brewster. From the results of this study the selected consultant will then create a clear and concise report for the Town of Brewster that describes the physical changes that may need to be done, the order of magnitude of any physical space modifications, the range of costs of these recommended modifications, and the advantages and disadvantages of each option. This report will become the basis for a long term educational related facilities plan. Keith Gauley and Donna Kalinick reviewed schedule for touring the Brewster Schools . Ms . Kalinick indicated the town has been getting the word out about the work they have been doing through the Brewster Community Network. The Schools should send what they want publicize to Donna Kalinick and she will forward it to network to get it posted . She will also put it on the Town ' s website . She is trying to get to the broadest number of people . Joanna Hughes, Principal of Eddy and Keith Gauley, Principal of Stony Brook have tours scheduled when kids are in the building at 800 a . m , and 1 : 00 p .m . Stony Brook is scheduled for the second Monday of every month . Eddy has not scheduled yet . Jessica Larsen asked if they could have a website where all the information about the study can be located . Superintendent Conrad indicated that it would be similar to the High School project and there would be something on the websites . FY20 Budget Review Giovanna Venditti reviewed the expenditure reports indicating a balance at Eddy School of $ 92, 151 and at Stony Brook School a balance of $ 106 , 642 . She reviewed line items with substantial movement. Marie Enochty asked about line item 5114 , new position at Stony Brook. She indicated that she thought that would not impact the Brewster Budget . The Superintendent indicated he is sure it will not and is waiting for grant funding . Ms . Venditti apprised them of a new student who moved into town that will require an out of District placement to another District. She will have more information next month . The Superintendent indicated that Dr . Caretti is working on this and he will have a report at the next meeting . Brewster School Committee Minutes December 19, 2019 [2 ] FY21 Budget The Superintendent distributed the budget books . He thanked Keith Gauley and Joanna Hughes for their efforts on this budget . They have had multiple meetings with Giovanna Venditti and him . He indicated that the budget represents a robust and excellent program in the schools . He wanted to make the board aware that there is a lot of discussion about the High School Building Project. He indicated that he does not have an exact dollar figure but it will be $ 90 million or more to the towns . Reports and Information Preschool Enrollment in packet. No questions . Cape Cod Collaborative — no report PTO — Nicole Camp reported on the fundraising activities . A "fun run" is planned for the future . School Council — no Policy — Jessica Larsen reported that they reviewed a policy on Homelessness and this will be coming around in January for a first reading. The District does not have a policy and MASC just sent this for the committees ' review. She added that short term rentals or winter rentals should be part of the language . The Superintendent indicated that there was also a lot of discussion about the Fundraising Policy that will be discussed further in January at the Policy Subcommittee meeting. Transportation —no report . The Superintendent indicated the next time they meet they will look at seat belts on the buses for everyone . Substance Abuse — Jessica Larsen reported that the Health Risk Survey was presented to everyone . Building Needs Assessment — Chair Telman indicated that he met with the Select Board and was given the by- laws . Chair Telman well be meeting with them to discuss what the committee will be doing going forward . They may disband . Approval of Minutes On a motion by Nicole Camp, seconded by Jessica Larsen, it was voted 3and 2 abstentions (Marie Enochty and Laurel Labdon) to approve the minutes of October 21 , 2019 , as amended . On a motion by Jessica Larsen, seconded by Nicole Camp, t was voted unanimously to approve the minutes of November 21 , 2019 . Adjournment On a motion by Jessica Larsen, seconded by Laurel Labdon, it was voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7 : 22 p .m . Ann M. Tefrt Included in the packet Principals ' Reports, Expense Reports, Minutes, Preschool Enrollment. Distributed at the meeting, samples of scope of work, Brewster School Committee Minutes December 19 , 2019 [3 ]