HomeMy Public PortalAbout1932.04.06 Council Minutes24 3 N ~ McCall Idaho April 6, 1y32. h ~ -de®ting called to order by chairman Carr. Roll Ca11 N d Garr Present. Geo I,,Shie~er " C J Allen ~"~ J.-.bGcCa11 absent . Calvin Dorsey Minutes of previous m~,eting read and approved. d quorum being present,the following bills were read,aud,on motion by 8hiefer,seconded by ~11en,wexe ordered paid. Eugene Heikkola (5 hrs labor on broken water main ~50~ hr)~ Cre:It©n Close ( (j -- n -- tt tt n n tt n) C.A.3.tephens (7 *~ -- -, -- -, -- n ,- } Carl Kelly (7 tt n tt n n n tt tt tt) F.M.Kerby Cattorney fee's from 1/1/31 to 1/1/32(Heg) Leonard .ickaret (Marshall & Pamper.-by registered ~Yarrant) Club Cafe fPrisoners meals from 9/1/31.to 4/1/32.33 meals) Brown Tie 8c Lumber Co (i3ep~~ir parts for water main. ) Gene Parent C5 hrs labor on broken water main ~50~ hr) Dorsey auto t3o CFor welding pipe fitting ) Texaco Oil Co (5 Gal Oil for Pump House ~55~1 per gal. ) McCall Light & Power Co.(Yunicipal Lights & Lamps for Mar.) Casoade Telephone Co.(ielephone service from 2/1/32. to (5/1/32.and tolls to ripr 1,1932. ) W.E,Jordan (Clerks salary for March. ) L. 50 3.00 3.50 3.50 lso.oo 125.00 11.82 4.05 2.50 1.65 2.75 62.85 9.2b 25.00 Geo Shoxt appeared before the board with a petition signed by himselY and eight other pxoperty owners on the hill for a street light to be installed on the pole ir. front of the Eston Freeman Garage.Motion by ~llen,seconded Uy ,Shiefer that t~:e light be installed.Vote,Shiefex,~ye. d1len,aye. Motion carried. The Resolution to provid® for a local i.mprover~ent district in blocks 1:'':Sc Z of the 2nd addition to IucCall was read, again and discnssed,but due to the absence of some of the members of the board,motion wr~s made by ~hiefer,and seconded by Alen that this meeting be recessed to April ll,ly32. Motion carried. TR~'+.'.~SUREBS i~EPORT. Deposited in Donnelly i3ax~lr from ~ar.l0,to dpr.10. ~ b8.95 Warrants. drawn from Mar.lO,to ~pr.10. 437.37 Balance on Deposit ~pri1,10. 36.21 NOTE.RePistered Warrants to Z.aokaret and F.M.Kerby included in t~Varrants drawn but are not charged again$t checking account. Meeting recessed until ~pri1,11,1932. 1932.. P:iSSFD .U.dD dPPitOYED THIS DAY OF ..Chairman. 3tt est ed ; Clerk.