HomeMy Public PortalAbout1932.10.31 Council MinutesC. E. BROWN, PaesmeNr A.600DMAN, SecaeT~ar MCCALL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AT BH:AIITIFIIL PAYETTE LANE ~; *~ McCA1.L, [T)AHO v~ ~~ Qctober 3l , 1932. 1"° GQNTI~CT. Ilr r~als.rsrr +M+M~ . The following eantraat i$ hereby entered into by and between the ~cCal1 Airport Committee, the party cf the first part, and A,.~.Bennett of poise, Idaho, they pe,rty of the eeconci part 1. The arty of the first part hQrebp agrees to furnish all material. neoessary for the construction of sin aircraft hangar at the municipal airport of the Q111age of McCall and that the party of the second part shtkll be required to furnish no part of said materials. ~:. The party ~f the seoond part hereby agrees to furnish all labor on the construction of said hangar and to assume fall liability for such i€~bor+ The .party of the $eoond part hereby agrees to Derry ~°~orkmens compensation inauranae to cover a~ l men employed by him on t~ a construction of ss.id hangar. The party of the second part hereby agrees to secure from eaoh and every man employed by him ors the construction of said hangar a signed sta.te~aent releasing the party of the first part from all l~.ability for rages or compensation due on a©count of said covet rust ion. 3. The party of the second part hereby agrees to construct said hangar in a workmanlike m~,.nner axtd a.acording to the spQCifio;~tions for each hangars reao~ended by the ~.eronau ios Ilepartment of the state of Idaho. The dimensions od said hangar shall be sixty feet long. €cnd sixty feet wide, 4. It is hereby agreed that uA~on com~csletion of sszi~ hanger by the party of the secend part end acceptanoe a.nd ~;~~proval of construction of said hangar by the party of then first part, the party of the seoond part shall h,-~vm the txalusiva use of said hangar for a period of four dears and during the term the hanga.~• is oecupivd by the pr~.rty of the eQQOnd part ha shall maintain facilities for servicing airoraft using the ~doC~all 3~onicipal Airport and th€;~.t all such aircraft shall be entitled to crap servioe required ~'i)'IC~ ~'or ~"hick the party Of the second part has provided f~~.cilities. such sertrioe shall be provid®d b;~ the :aa,rty off' the second part at reasonable rates and in no l,z~stanod shall the rises of gasoline rand oil excseed the prevailing retail prices in McCall, Idaho. 5. wring the time the h~nge,r herein mentioned is occupied by the party of the second part he shall take reasonable care of the building and sha11 be responsible for the removal of all snow accumulating on said. building. ~i. The party of th® first part shsli keep saki hangar in good repair and shall be responsible for all rez~airs necesearg beoause of ordinary usage. 7. It is hereby ~~greed ths.t wNt the ex~~iration of four years the party of the second ~>~zrt sh€~ll h:~ve the ~~rivilege of renting the hangar herein mentioned sat a rental to be agreed ui~on by the parties heretcs« ~':~~i~ eontrac~t s~ fined, seal(~ci and executQd~t i4~~cCa.i1, Idaho, this 31st day of pctober, 1932. (/~ ~ / t~it2le~s ; ~' _ C_ ~ %~~ fitness : . - U~rrLU- .~~cC all ,P- i o `~ o~~r#. t t e e/~,- -c-~°_' ~'-~r ic--~ .P37 Z a s y o e ~ X'8 art • (/ .,.el/~ --