HomeMy Public PortalAbout1933.05.08 Council MinutesM 0 O ~.cCall Idaho. I~~ay ~. 1Gv~. Continuation of meeting of i~ay 1. 1~~:~. DOLL CALL. 1'+.i..Carr -----_._,_____-- t resent. `~,m.Deinhard ------------- ~,-, Leslie timer-_____`_-_-- . Chas Lrnold " '~.,.'~-.'~~~illiams ----------- absent ~.eetin~ called to order by Chairman Carr. Lotion by Reinhard .ihat resignation of '~;K,`I~:1;xilliams be accepted . ;~econde:~ by ~-rnold . TTote was unanimous in favor of motion. Lotion by lilmer. .'hat Leonard 'k,inchester be anointed to fill the v~;cancie createu by the resi~•nation of 'ti f r~illiams. Seconded by Reinhard. Vote ti~r~:s unanimous in favor of motion. y.r.~Iinehester beinp~ present.~e was immediately s~uorn in by the Clerk to serve the unexp~re? term of ~r.'~.y~Iilliams. 289 Clerk w~;s instructed to write rorrest ~~obb.~ounty Clerk for copy of deed to Vi11E~e dump ground which w~;s purch~:sed from Bud Davis ~~ army rhite. end 21so tins! if 1/2 of ground sold to Village was ever.deedec: to vrmy '.-,kite by Bud Davis. ordinance tio.h~ the " ~rnual appropriation Bi11" was read by Clerk. ~.otion by Ulmer. That the rules requiring the reading; of ar. Ordinance at three consecutive meetings before putting same to a vote,be susperided,and t1at Ordinance N'o. b~ be read twice by title and the tnird time in full and vote taken on same. Seconded by 'Ilinchester.Vote w~:s unanirc~ous in favor of motion. `rlhereu~on Ordinance No.bJ was read by Clerk, twice by title and the third ~,ime in full and pplaced before the Board for final votE. Vote was. Deinhard,i,ye. ~-rnold,%ye. L'lmer,iiye. `tkinchester,i~ye. Clerk wr:c then instructed to have Ordinance ~Io.6~ published in three consecutive Issues of the Fayette Lakes Star: Ordinance ~~0.'70. fixing the Village Tax Levy for 1~3 was read by Clerk.I~.otion by ~.rnold .°~hat tie rules requirlr~ tree reading ofV an Ordinance aty three consecutive meetings before:: putting same to vote,be suspended,and that Ordinance No.'70 be read twice by title and the third time in full and vote taken on same. Seconded by urnold.Vote was unanimous ~n favor of motion. Ordinance nc '%4`. w~;s then. read by Clerk, twice by title and the this time in full and nl~ced before the Board for fin41 vote. Vote was .Reinhard,uye. ~~rnold,~ye. L~lmer,i~ye. '~,inchester, nye. Clerk c~~s then instructed ~o have Ordinance iyo.'7G published iz, three consecutive Issues of tc~e rayette Lakes Star. `i~he 'Jilla~e 'T~:x Lev-, for 1~~~ in Ordinance iLo. r~~ is 2s fOllO~tis t0-Z'~lt: V General ~~'und--- ---------_____-- 4 .~.~,~. ;street Light's ~ ~u:er.~.lies ^trnd - .~)' ~ <,p rr:~ In t e a° e s t .; ~ a l {~ r~, iY:~ dun ~~ --- , r ~ ~s. ;tree±- , s ~: bile ur's ~+'unn -------- ,",~ ,:, _ ..~ ~ ~., ``iota) Lev.r -_-__ ~, .~)1Z s"r::ere heir;~ rc more bus inesy to cer:~e before t1is m~~cti.j~•,rr:cticr ~ti~~e mt;de to ad~curr;. ,:oticn carried. I~.eetin~ ~.d ~ c~~.zr~~~ed . r"t.%~u:~L u\1J uj'L'~:li4J~.L~ lI~ _S~c=.uca Lr 1. v ~ rF'6..~``~. ~+ - ry y J. 1 4. ~. r r:<~: r: . s.tt:e*-~~ ~1:~ . 20 :-;-~_l~,,~c e : __ ;, 1, 1932 I~~5.15 '7 {~ N '? R `~S~IO V ~~itles 1~oOC: 2:~~~3.48 _._.._..._.____. ~__ia ;' t~ 8 o E~ 33 (iut~;t`~~Ii:._~~_?2t" ',','~.~'xc`,~i1 :~ ~f If.:).(.7 f~~..Jo~J~ c~ 19 ~ .~~~ ~"~ N I 'J 8.9 G (i1) t S ~ ~x1C' :~ •n ~° - ~` _.11t S i~ f ~ f ~"73~o ; b...._-__.______ __.. ~~~.I~race ~~flf3 999ai8 - d . s .... 11..1 Y '~.'~~_~ .,nce <>.;- 1, 193`' J5.45 .,`:~iil ~~~Is I~~u2. ~cJ _i~cell~,al~ous~C.~10 2<~2'7.9~r ._____..,..._._.__.^ ~....._.._ _zu 7~ _ ~~ ~~utst~,r~~in~ ; -~w,~.r~t~ .:~fIf32 5r~5.95 ,r:.1'~~.t1t:~ Ysti,Zea 205~.I5 2u20o ~ `~w -~t;~ - ~.~ 2~ ~t3o95 w~-`:'8.95 ~'l~~~t_41'_~1_~l' u.,_i`:.-Clt~:, :~fZf,~J ~~..%~.~J :~:.:~ .:.i~~.'e 5 f If :JJ Ir~~r.rf4 ... _ ..- -.... _..... .._ 1 !. ~ .i.~ ~Iw:~~ce __ ~ 1, Ira ~;~. ;P. _rLL'1C~i L~utst<~,_?d~.nr ` .~.~-r:.~~ts ~ f 1 f 32 ~._. ~~w~,~ea .__ r ~:~ ~~ ~~ is pu.tst~.ri~ ~Y~.~, .~ .~_~r~v,:~ts 5/If 33 ~d- ~ 1 .5J"" 1.69 6~-6 ~ 5 9 _.~._.~.._~._._.- 5 ~3~; .06 ~~oray5 ~i I v . / r8~• lJ r! aJ . C) J 7~ 5._85 '7~r5.8: __.~.~..___._ _____,.~m__-____,___Y-_.__~_. .,' . •30 ~e~'icit t~flf3~:; 156.'77- . ~.~-`~ '~~.....:?r ~''~7.'..r!? ---- ----------------- ., ~ .ee 5/1/32 ~~ . ~~:~l~.ee ~flf~~3 ;18001 -- 'L " -. '~ ~ U j'~ py ~a} eJ ~~~~~tN ~.~,~~~`~u '°:.iii 1<~5.0'". ._~~I~.;ice :~f/1 ~.~ f•' :~ ; ~; ~,~.e~ ~t;:~ -,_:.~s 6:5.10 . JUso :7- 7.'"si,.L~~1J.~ ail f ~3 11.6! .59