HomeMy Public PortalAbout1933.11.06 Council Minutes309 :~ ~ ~cGall Idaho. November 6, 1x33. ~• O O negu.lar meeting of the Board of ~'rus~ees.. i~to11 Gall. N .n.Carr ----_---- Present. .-°'~ tf Lecnard ~ainchester -------------- . Ghss.brnold --------------------- ff Leslie Ulmer -------------------- hbsent . quorum bein.: the present the meeting was called to order by Gheirmsn arr. mutes of previous meeting read and approved. The follov~ing bills were read by Clerk. James Carr ( 22 hrs ~umping ~:t 40~ per hourj------- Clarence Bor~man(Tvi~ t ~~ardhal s~ ary for Sept.---- Lakeport Hardware (t~ctober ~~ecount ----------------- Dorsey huto Co ( ~~ ~~ _-___ _________ ~.If.~~eyers (Justice Hess from ~pr.4 to Sept I6 ---- I~cCall Lt.& P~rr,Co.(Oct,Street Lights &~ ~upplles--- J.SECkermFn Oct,hcct,20 ~;al.ras <::. 2~~t per Gal --- ~~elga ~.Gook~500-1~t~tamped Envelopes -------------- Ivan Sloan ( 5 1/2 Hrs.pum ing ~ 40~ per Hr.------- Brown Tie & Lumber Co ( Oc~ober acct. ------------- Shel1 0iI Co (54 1/2 r~ l.Kerosene ~ 19¢ per Coal.--- Trfitliams I~ay Co.( Cctober bcct. ------------------- Leonard ~ckaret(~~arshail ~ r'um~?er ~sl2ry for October 'r,.~,'.Joadwn( Clerk ~: Treasurers " " '' '75.0 2.53 1.90 22.00 62.'70 5.60 6.12 2.20 4.OF 10.63 100.00 20.00 ~otioi~ by Deinhard.~hat tb~e bills be paid as read. Seeondec by arnold.Vote w[s unanimous in favor of motion. „m,',ood4 wcs present at this meeting^ and presented a ppetition si~-ned by ~ of the loc~I business men which requested Chet a ni~h~ bars ill be kept on during the winter montPis.This matter w2s discussed by the Council members but nc action was taken at this meeting except that ~,r ';goods ~~,~~s informed that if. he could procure ~4ome more signers that action ~F~ould be taken on this matter. m T , ~ ,c r r~ ~,~> >1~ ~_~;~. ,- _ Cpl . Deposited in Donnelly ~~senk from Oct .3 to Gov. 7 ----- 430.03 ;arran t s d ra~~n from Oct .3 t o I! ov .7 ----------------- 32.92 ~alanee or ;~e?^o: it in rornelly rank I~rov.7 ---------- x'74.70 :otion to ~adjounnn. .:entin~ i.djourned. F.~v~;iD .~T,yD ~~~ Y~~OVD ~~'.:Ir ~~~ li~ ~ OF ~:e ~-f~z~~z= 1°33. ~ - Cam. 1~ttest: G'nairman. J /, ~~~ ~ rLrc.-ate- . _- !G • ~~, , Clerk.