HomeMy Public PortalAbout1935.05.06 Council Minutes35� LcOall, Idaho. Lay r;, 1�o0. rtegular meeting o%` the hoard of Trustees. dollCali. 1 h.A.Oarr -_ Preasent. Lm.Jeinharu Present. Leslie Ulmer e " • Le0nard iincaester Absent . b qubrum being pr°esen t the meeting was called to order by Chairman Carr. Linutes of previous Meeting; were read and approved. The Election returns were canvassed by the .hoard and 1t, v.�s round t iz-41; E.A.Vanc;e, L.U.Peer,and L.I . Ulmer had been elected to fill the four vacancies on the Board of Trustees. The new members were tfteh sworn in by tree Ulerk.A drawing W2S «eld to deter ine the length og time each would serve. Howell drew a � year terry. Vance a�year t erm. bimer a '� year term and Peer a, erm. Lotion_by Vance.Taat Peer ue appointed Chairman. Seconded ov Ulmer. Vote t"vc?s unarani0U6 111 favor of Motion. Unairman Peer then appointee wife folio ing committees, Yinance 1Jept.- Deinharo. ater 1t a Lrrler. Street Sept vance. fire " howell. The following dills were read by he Clerk. Payette Lakes Star(Apr.Prin ting & Publishing-- baell Uii Co( b Gal.11eiseiine estcott Allen Oil ao(v Gal.Steam Cylinder Oil Garlock Packing Uo gasket raterial for rump Plant The Caxton Printers( Election supplies GOodImans Garage April Acct .Tor Uasoline i,.111iams Lay Uo ( liCG0u1 t to Lay 1, J .Sackerman ( April Acct.Gas 6: O11 Lary Hamrick ( service on Election Board Louise Printz ( tl tt it it P, ellie L anis It it 71 tt Sylvia r'ackl.er ti 't t' ft Helga Il:'.Uook ou0 10 stamped !nvelopes Ivan Sloan. � lb Hrs.Labor 400 hr. L N Leek e " tt ft tf it James Carr ✓ PI ft if it tt c . 60 0.lu lU .vU lU .6u 0.0 J . 4.7 0.20 4.00 4.OU U-- 4.0U Y.UU U.l U;UU Zd.4U 0.60 LeCall !,ight6Twr.Co Apr.Street Lights I dse.( f�ur,e. Uo l ale ors with Extensions( Baxter foundry Uo � Grates for rj011er U aas Arnold l Salary for April C ..3orgman ( 11 tt f, ..J Or'da n tt tt tr Lawrence 1 &all ( 16 ft it It ft It 1,2SC2C�e ebLutl Graaln�- btreets iilard Bo d " rhoneCo( Acct,e'eo.to lay 1 La kepory hardware ( " for April Ken ief endor :' Sales Tax License Brown Tie & Lmbr.UoC Lar.L Apr.Acct 0.40 0 •UU .5U 4O.SL, Z.UU ar.;;e . 0.00 11 ft- . . '�r�.U tr • rt • 100.00 u T • rr • b . U4 " " lUU.UU r► • n • 100.U0 " Qa8h. 2u.UU 140L1017 uy vanue.ihat the Uillb uc ' tead.Seconded by Ulmer. vote was unanimous in Tavor oi. muUVion. ( Continued OD neia page) (wont inueu iron! "age ob2) A committee u2 Ladies representing tie Payette Lakes r• Progressive Olub were presentat Mils Meeting.. They requested that the rates for water service be reduced if possible and 'that crosswalks be swept and ;streets ana Alleys be uleanea of the accumulate° aebris ana also that srgrs setting a speed limit oe set at the Village boundaries l!4?'!st and South of Town. Lotion by Ulmer. That said suns ue erected setting a s,eeu limit of so miles per huur within the village 111111 ,S and that Iarsnall ue instriuutec to arrest anyone driving above that speea. Seconded uy Deinharu. vote was unanimous in ravor of motion. Lotion by Ulmer. That the week of Lay 13 to 2Uth be designated as clean—up :':elk and that notice of same ue puulished in the layetLe Lakes Star stating penalties as aefineu in Ordinance No.Sl. Seconded by Deinrtard. Vote was un2111LIous in ihvor of motion. In regard to reducing (lie rates for water service,'Trustee Deinhard introduced Ordinance No.'ry an ordinance amending sectionn 2 of Ordinance No.66 an Ordinance fixin °t the monthly rates to be charged for hater service by the Village. Lotion by Vance.That an emergency be declared to exist and that the rules requiring the ieeding of an Ordinance at three consecutive meetings ue dispensed with and that at Ordinance N o.79 be read twice by t 1 tie and the t hire . r r, full and be placed fur f inai vote. Seconded by Ulmer. Vote W2s unL:niriious in favor el motion. Uhereupon Ordinance No.79 Wes read by the Ulerk,Twice by title ana the third trine in f Gil and placed for final vote. Vote was uy roll call as follows. Deinnard, Aye. Ulmer, Aye. Vance, Aye. Howell, Aye. Nayes. None. Ordinance No.7 was then signed by Chairman Peer and Clerk was inetruutea to have copy of seine published in threee issues of the Payette Lakes Star. A letter from rtobert Davis tequesting that oth and 6th Street in the Dewey —Davis (Greet be closed was read uy the Clerk. After discussion,motion was made by Howell. That the matter be laid over to next meeting. Seconded by Vance. Vote was unanimous in favor of motion. A number of properLy owners along Lake Boulevard North of the Sawmill was present and r•equesteu that The Village close that section of Lake Boulevard which lies between their property and the Lake. No action was taken on this request at this meeting. There being no further business to come before this meeting motion was made to adjourn. IVieeting Adjourned. `Try xSUBEES AP WT . Deposited in Donnelly Bank from April 1 to May 7 --- -c? 161.40 V arrants drawn from April 1 to 'fay i 771.92 April check charges .16 Balance on. Deposit in Donneiljr Bank Lay,7 ;,1.96 Note. Registered rarrants in the amount of 06.94 are included in above ',':arrants dram but are not charged a.alnst checking account. PASSED AND, Ar PEOV D :i'HIS.��AY OF Attest; 1✓ o. O ha irman . .