HomeMy Public PortalAbout1937.02.01 Council MinutesLcCell, Idaho, February 1, .1. 67. 3e ;ular meeting or the Board of Trustees. oll Call. 7. C. Peer Present. ym. Deinhard J . E. Freeman J. L. Howell rr tr • • • Leeting called to order by Chairman Peer. ,iinutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Tfte following bills were read by the Clerk. GENZii .L FUND. Ben Diefendirf Sales Tax for November L. D. Shellworth Pymnt. No.1 on Damage ciaitnrkEfi. " rr rt • . bndreu eid Lee Zimmerman C. L. Stepnens Payette bakes Transfer Martha Hentley Tom Pete LcCell Light Power Co Shell Oil �Co. ': . E. Jordan S 115:-E2, FUND. Syms — York Co. " rr 2 9 102 Hrs. labor � 40 st Hr. l�r " tr tr f1 !1 tarshall Salary for January Freight on ripe 000-4 Stamped Envelopes January L cct.for labor " St.Lights Ldse. Dec. E_ Jan. hcct. Clerks Salary for January w 5.10 200.00 200.00 4.20 0.60 100.00 2.50 5.86 16.40 84.40 10.70 20.00 (For Bond Boo 8.26 Lotion by Deinhard. That the bills be paid as read. Secondero by Freeman. Vote was unanimous in favor of motion. L large number of repreSenttive citizens ,:ere present at this meeting and wished to know why the payment was made to Lr. Dir on the Well when he had not struck water. The Board explained that Lr. Dir was entitled to payment when he drilled about 200 feet regardless of whether he struck water or not, and as he was authorized to drill 000 feet he was paid approximately for that amount. Lfter considerable discussion es to whether the Village should continue with the drilling to a depth of at least b0 feet more or a total depth. of 400 .feet, the following question was put by the Board to the assemblage, " Shall the driller be authorized to drill on down to a depth of 40U feet ?" standi vote was taken. In favor of going to depth of 400 feet. 8. Igainst going the additional deitth. 4. Lotion by Deinhard. Toat E. 1,.. e[atkin.s be ap ointed" to complete the unexpired term of Trustee �Y. E. LcCall. Seconder by Freeman. Vote was unanimous in favor of motion. Lr Vatkins being present was then sworn in by the Clerk. Lotion by Deinhard. That Lr `catkins be appointed as :'rater Committeeman instead of Lr Freeman and that Lr Freeman be transferred to Streets and Llleys. Seconded by Howell. Vote was unanimous in favor of motion. permit from the Union Pacific railroad Co. for a Sewer Line crossing was checked over by the Board and found to be satisfactory. Lotion by Howell. That permit be accepted and properly executed by the Chairman of the Board and Village Clerk and returned to the Company officials for completion. Seconded by Freeman. Vote yes unanimous in favor of motion. (Continued on Page 80.) (Continuation of Feb.l, Leeting, ) T- SU ERS 0)01E. (General Fund) Deposited in Donnell Bank frog Jan.0 to Feb.: ,-- 3, 28D.lb uiarran.ts drawn from Jan.b, to Feb.s, 781.76 Balance on Deposit in Donnelly Bank Feb.3, 3.104.07 Note: Lbove registered warrants to amount of 000.00 are included in above warrants drawn but are not charged ageinst checking account. P ►USED a.11D ri'ii0VBD THIS /..e,/ D T OF • attest: Chairman. e rk. t Financial Statement, Village of LcCall, Idaho. For period beginning Lay, i, 1956 and ending February 1, 19j7. Balance on nand and in Bank Icy 1, i966, BECEIPTS; Texes,State & County Licenses, Interest on Delinquent Taxes, Less 147.0 Collection Charges Total '1'ax Turnover ,obo.24 of .bo :�4, 297.41 State Liquor Apportionments Yieter Rentals Fines Beer, Pastime & Concession Licenses lasonie Lodge(Rental Upstairs Viliage Hall-- — Rental 4.irport 9/1/do tf, i/1/07 --- Sewer Project Refund to General Fund Reimbursements for Street Oiling Sales Tax Miscellaneous receipts Total rt n��elpts Balance and 2,eceipts �;4, 297.41 b04.db 57.00 o10.00 90.00 400.00 682.80 46.3.80 29.65 10.` o 32;J .2.J 0,61b.24 9.610.24 DISBURSLI ENTS; .Warrants drawn from'ley 1/66 to Feb.1,67,---9,897.60 Bank Deductions for I,nt.on Re 4errants ---- 109.97 Check Charges from b/lg6 to 2/1 S7 Total Disbursements '10,010.b6 Deficit Feb.1, 1937 9, 9S8.47 100010.86 Operation in l arrents :from Lay 1, 1956 to February 1, 1957. °rarrants outstanding lay 1, i9;Jb t, 1, b01.b0 drawn from Lay 1, 19„Sb to Feb.1, 1927 9.897.60. Total 1.1,499.10 l arrannts paid from Lay 1, ly;Jb to Feb.1, .1.967 " outstanding February i, 19;J7 2,26b.96 9 , 2;32,.14 . . iiecapitula:tion of Disbursements from b/1/b6 to 2,(1A7. Check charges Sales Tax later raster Salary Larsballs Salaries Lttorneyys Salary Clerks & Treasurers Salary 42.2b 72o .00 890.00 2b0.00 180140 Ven Duesen Luditing Co. Special Pdiice Water Labor " Fuel -- " Supplies " Equipment Payment on Well Street Lein.tainence " Fill Contract ( S. L. White " Oiling ( Olaf Nelson ) -- • " Lights, Id se . and Thawing Interest bn eater Bonds Redemption of balance of Water Bonds Printing Iershalls Bond Premium -State Insurance Premium Fire Insurance on City Hell Engineering Expense on Sewer System Airport Hanger Paint Jail Caretaker of Village Lawn State Land Dept.(Pymnt. on lirport hecetrack Con. — Interest on reggistered Warrants L. D. Shellworth ( Payment of Damage Claim Miscellaneous Tf s 40.00 91.00 287.20 316.10 009.20 204.30 4000.00 378.60 120.48 b99.7b 696.70 4b .00 1,000.00 169.80 0.00 00.88 ti2.20 20.00 247.90 38.22 44.00 97.93 109.9`t 000.00 208.30 Total---- 0.0,010.86 . E. Jordan., Clerk, Village of McCall, Ida.