HomeMy Public PortalAbout1938.05.06 Council MinutesMcCall, Iaano. may o, regular meeting of the Board of Trustees. Roll Call. W. P. Gillespie Present. Ir. C. Peer " . 'arren Brown " . M. R. Bonecher absent . E. L. Wajtkins - N . L quorum oeing present the meeting was walled to order ny Chairman. Gillespie. Minutes at previous maeting was read end approved. The following bills were read by the Clerk. Payette. Lakes Transter Account for Islay. 8.20 H. F. Bat le May account for laoor 21.60. rt Lawrence McFall Tr tt T. tt 27.60 :,^ Sem i 11 iams 99 9" 7.20 u-- Orval Huobard if tt 't tt 5.20 %.7 Guy Conyers Marshall Salary for Lay 100.00 Cascade Telephtne Co. t ccounr tor May " " 2.06 Lay Hardware " Lay2`l.`l Payette Lakes Star " " " :1.15 Goodmons Garoge " " 2.00 j"illiams May Co. " " " 2.26 alas Gantz " " " 6.66 McCall luto Co. tt IT It :J.60 Manna Hen trey 000 4 Stamped Envelopes 0.66 C. L. Stepnens Building Crosswalk 4.00 McCall Light & Power Co May Steeet Lignts & Mdse. yd.b4 Hooker Chemical Co. Tank Chlorine y.UO National meter Co. recount tor Lay 96.1ib Chas Irnold ';sate rmaster Salary tor May 70.00 UU ', E. Jordan Clerks salary for Lay - 20.00 Brown Tie & Lumber Co. iiccount tor May 146.08 Motion oy Brown. Tnat the Bills oe paid as read. Seconded ay Peer. Vote was unanimous in favor of motion. The matter c f purchasing corner of Deinnard property woo. discussed. the price': asked for same was b00.00. Motion by Brown. Tnat otter be rejected as the price asked for same was to high for oenelit Village Mould derive from same. Seconded oy Peer. Vote w2s unanimous in tavor oI motion. Urdinance No.102 2n Ordinance fixing a license tax on Shows, Carnivals,,' Peddlers, Etc. was introduced. Lotion by Brown. That en emergency be declared to exist and t«atthe rules reduiri.nFr cne reading of an Ordinance at three successive meetings before voting on same oe suspended and tna t Ordinance No.102 ae read twice oy Title ana cne third time in tull and vote he taken on same. Seconaed oy Peer. Lotion Carried. "rdinence No.102 wos then read oy the Clerk. twice oy Title and the tnird time in fall and placed for final vote. Vote W2S by Eoll Cell as I0110wS. Brown. .eye. Peer, eye. Gillespie, :eve. layes, None. Ordinance No.1u2 w26 tnen signed uy Cnairyman 4illespie and Clerk was Instructed to have cope of same puolisned as required oy Law. The matter of niring a day Larsnall for a period of 4 months was discussed. Motion byy Brown. That jot) De offered to H. F. Batie at a salary oI 06.0Oper Igo. Seconded by Peer. Lotion Carried. ( Continuation of Lay e, Leeting. There ueing no iurtuer ousiness to cam oezore this meeting, Leeting Ives adjourned. ` I- EA SUr ES a:EnRT . Deposited in Donnelly Bank from Lay 4 to June `l Obu.40 ';arrants drain from Lay 4 to June 7, 706.10 Check charges tt " " " tt " • 27 Balance on Dellosit in Donnelly Bank June 7, ;36050 PLSSy D AND APPROVED THIS // OF 1938. ,Attest Chairman •