HomeMy Public PortalAbout1938.11.25 Council Minutesr:eell, Idaho, Tiovember 25, 1935, Speciel Meeting of the Board of 'trustees celled for the purpose of discussing end acting on nutnbrous' requests for setting; e closing time for Pances held on Saturdey Fights. 7011 Cell. P. Gillespie Y. • Bonecher erren Brown 7. L. T'etkins Present. 0' • • . Meeting called to order by Cheirman gillespie. J. Yasper who We s appointed by the Poerd to to fill the vecency created by the resignetion -of ;.� Trustee C• . Peer, et the October 3rd. Meeting, was u. present end was sworn in by the Clerk. The Board vies informed that there hed been numerous requests for a definite closing time for Saturday Night fences. after discussion -a motion was made by '.fie rreb Brown. T he t beginning I nv: 2h, 1938, ell Saturday Night Tences must close not later then 1,3C, A.M. Thirty I_ inutes past One O'clock; Sunday Morning, end that Village Marshall be instructed to see that this order is complied with. Seconded by 7atkin8. Vote wes unanimous in favor of motion. There being no further business to come before this meeting. Yeeting was adjourned. PIS ED LED LPPa)V D THIS .5-*DAY 07 1938. I tt;est : Che i rmen .