HomeMy Public PortalAbout1939.04.03 Council Minutest''•(~ ~~'c~'.all, Ida ho. f.pril ~, ly~~. ~'et~;u.lxr meetln~ oaf' the p.oerd of ~'rustees. L~ol1 '.all. ~ 1 C'~ -------... r'. ry~llle,~nie. ------- Present . .. ~ ~rren P:ro~~n -----=------------- " I;~. ". ronecher ----------------- ,r . ". ' . "'a t ~ in s ------------------ " T. =". T'a spar ----------- -------- f. psent n."eetln~ called to order o~T "hairr~n " illespie. ;'mutes of previous meetlnr~ waere read and approved . .-., ~-~ .~ ~''he fallo~-,+irp~ bi +~'tlaney ~~ruck Trines Sim `tlliams T '''c'~ 11 ~~. ~: "~ sea de r"elephone ~'o . Payette, Tikes '?'r~ns~er ~.,ro-~n le ~ ~~tunoer ~,a. i'~~ZT Turd:-acre T.. "ackermen ~~tocr~~~lell Stc.~res Tsmes ".art ?. ?'. I'~c"al1 `. ~ r t ha T'_en t l e~~1 :c "~ 11 Light ~~ T'oty er r'o r~keport -~ard~:+~ re "axton '~'r~ nt ers ''his frnold ''uy ~'onye rs " . ~. rTord~n is ~~ ere rem d by the ('lark. ~'rei~ht on pipe for Tank. --- - << l.U~ I~por on ""ank. ---- ----------- ;~6.UC " t'umpin~ ------ J ----------- ~E~.40 R ._ f~ccount to ~prll l, -------- - ~.~5 +r 'f ~r tr -------- - ~ .JU ' - ~U.il rr •r rr •- -------- - 1 30 fr ~r rt •~ -------- . - t~.UO <. ., ., •* Pump e r - - 4 . ~U Tibor an n,~nk ----- ----------- 1v.UC~ ~C~U l~ "tamed "nve lones ---- - ~.t~~i ixr. 'lac;. derv. ~'~ ~"dse. ---- - lUt~.`~n f.ccount to April l, --------- - ~.y~ 'lection ~`up~alies - -- ------- - lU.l~ 2t ermaster ~~sl.ary zor :march - .00.00 ~'Ershall ~'~lar~r 'n'or ;march --- - lU0.U0 t~lerks rr •~ rt rr ---- ~,a.UU f;"ot ion by rro,^n . ~' hat t'.~~e bi.~ls be na id G s rep d . Seconded U~r ''at~~ins. i.~otion carried un~nl.mously. Utter at ~'larence Van ~'eusen to do the fnnt~al audit for :;:,4~.~%~~, '.l-~;s rep d. Tiatla7) b?I ~ro~~~n. ~'~hat utfer ae cccepted. Seconded OV ~'tl~ln5. ':'OtlOn C~?rrlea. i.r5 °~'and~ f:buUt;t t'd~_s present cncl reyue,SLer? ~17~t she tie permitted Lo cantln~~e o~eratin~ f,buotLS Pastime under Her deceased ~?usbands j~icense. ~"rs ~',bbott stated Lnat she t~uuld Hire ~ ~uanager `ar the p.t~ce Gs she planned an 1'eavln~~ ~!c!'a11. The u,Ftter c~~:;~ alscussecl icy the T?aurd. ~'rs ~" buutt ~:etas lnurined Limit the Bo4rd -~rould rkva ~o bola the matter in obey~:nce penaln~;~ certain inio~°m- ~tion zroci the Ville;e ftitt,arney in re~rd do Cleanse. lFrs l br~utt requecteri ~ T,ZCense be ~rGn~ec Her in event she caulci not operate on tier husbands license. ~'he Poard Informed °rs f.bbott, that it rmation requested of the Vill~~e f.ttorney ~xaas tovorable toehertoper2tln~ t,~ie place as planned bk^.t, 1I she could not operate under her husbands license they ;could grant her G ne,~ one. Loren T~randenour,~ and "'~l.lace ~,`cCean ~uas present and reyueste~r. deer T.iCense. ~."otlon b~j Pro~an. mhat the TiLense be ~-r~ rated .:seconded b),~ ~'onec!~er. ~~"otion carried unanimously. `' here being no tt~rther Business, the meeting- adjourned. ~ ._,., T- T, ~, T ri 1:~~1~.~ _:.C~l.:~ _ r'v~l. deposited In ~'omnell~,r ~enk rrom ;"arch 'l to f.pril 4, ---- ~ti.~.ts:.) arrants draF~+n from ?arch 'l to f~pril 4, ---------------- ~ 4'T~.t~ T~~lPnce_ or, deposit in ~'br_.nell~~T '~~~:n~: ~' nril 4, ----------- 304.15 fi t t e s t: ')lam i rma n. ~~ ___ ~ _~ ./ .rlArk.