HomeMy Public PortalAbout1939.05.01 Council Minutes~~: ~ McCall Ida ha, ~,~y 1, 1~~~, ~- w ~. ,, 1:, . ~a <7. ~, ~, . -:e.mu.l.ar meeting off` tote `~o~rd of. trustees. ^oll Call. P. Gillespie ---------------- 'resent. ~' ~3anecher ---------------- t' . ,. rren Tro~,vn ------------------- 't . .. ra crier ------------------- '- ~' . ,-~atkins ------------- -absent ~'he meeting T~,~as called to order by :'hairman Crillespie. ~~ canvass u the ~'lection returns showed th~;t '~="a rren Bra~m, .T. ',~. 'riper and ~e'. ~`. -'°owery here elected to the Foard of trustees, each fora Four Year ?'erm. They were all presemt at t'~~is meetzn~; and .~~ere s:~~orn in ptr the Clerk. mhe ward then proceeded o ar~nize. lotion oy ~.asper, "'i~t F. Gillespie be reappointed as nhaiFinan. ,:: econded ay "onecher. I:'otian carried unanimously. I.~inutes ai' previous .meeting; ;fdere read anc? approved. n'he tOllot;~ln{?'t1 ~. Ic'~11 Sam ~.'illiams ' r_'rs -?ames ?~rk.~oad " T'ellie Danis r t ;° .' I. is"eke r s " nra ce I~:c i Bona ld ~'m. Shippley ~~am ''illiams Pacit~c .~niiold.Bk.>>o I~artt~ '~rkyvood ('cascade melephone ^o. T.~ackerman She 11 ~%i l Co . Chas ~'~ntz 1? • 1 • CToadman Payette Ickes mransfer Brown ~:~'ie ~" Lumber Co. ~ ~Ey '~rd;~are ~ "ra ne ~; Co . ~ jTur~ by ?,ate I .. I~,c ~ 11 I'.c ~,a l i Li mht 9, Fr~~r .';o . ~ Chas l:rnold Guy Con;,ers ~°. ". ~?orc~an gills mere reed ajr the Clerk. lnril acct, o`r labor --------- ~ ~.eU l~.r%J C1erI-: on ~lectior Board ------- x.00 er r, rr rt ------- ~J.~IG~ ?ud.;e un " " ------- x.00 tr °t tr rf ------- ~ e) . UV !1 Ii Fr !t ------- e~ .0~ Door on meter a;ystem --------- . ~ Ol;' lti. rt rt Pt 't --------- 4.U0 Meter Ledger ------------------ ~ 13.40 `~'ypin{~ ('rci inances ------------- 3.OG ~~ ccoun t t o ~;~ y L, ------------- 5 . rl9 re rr ,t !t ------------- ~. bU Yf ~t ~t ~r ------.----~•-- 41.~/ rt rt r- '- ------------- J .5J rt rt rr •t -__-- ~~ . yb -- ~, r: rt ________ ___ :. ".aril ~.ccount tar ~~bor ------- i 3~.1v " elec. service ~~~ i,"dse . --- 11ts.ln ~'atermaster Salary for ~'.pril -- i0U.00 l~''O.nO Cler}:s ~.~alarzj c~: ~'rei~ht on Pipe x.5.50 ~~otion by '-~ro~=:n. r!'hat the bills be paid as reae~ excepting bill of Idaho '?ard~;~are Co. ~arlich °~ras in error and that the Clem take up this .matter with them and have it corrected. Seconded b~T r''asper. I'"otion carried unanimously. Chairman Gillespie inrormed the i'oard th2t I:"r. ~?emaklus had gold him t'.~at he ~,~ould like Lo cooperate wit?: the other property ovaners In Block 1, In re.P,ard La building a cement sidev~al~ out that he did not have-the funds to build the ~valk in front of his property but if the Villa,ae would build the walk he ~votzld reimburse the ~Tillag;e within a specit'led period of time to Ue agreed upon bet~,£reen the T~Tillan~e Board of ~"rustees and ~ii.mself: I~Totion by I~rot~n. '~~at the ~,~illa~e build the sidet~a:lk and ch2r~e the cost of same to I~r. ~'emaklus. `seconded oy :'riper. tiTote as unanimous in tenor of motion. F C'^ ` +q; 1 t ., ~,. ~?. Bonecher in formed the Board that he ~~as goin to build a neti~ side~alk in front of the Stadium heater ?wilding and suggested that the Vil.tage build ~ mare substantial crosswalk ~zeross the A~.ley bet.~een the Theater Build in , 2nd the Post Cf`fice. The .muter was discussed by t~e Board. notion by Brotixan. Th2t the Village build ~ cement walk across the tllle~r bet~~een the St$dlum Theater Building and the ?'ost ~tflce. Seconded by Bonecher. I.~otion carried unanimously. There being na further business to come before this meeting the meeting ti~as adjourned. T?~laSURL~~S r~PfJI~T. ~.~, Deposited in Donnell Bank from Apr.4, to I~ay 4,-- ~545.'lU arrants drawn from ~~r. 4 to l:"ay 4, ------------- 5~y.ti? Check charges tt ~ n ~~ » +r : - ------------- .~7 W Balance on deposa.t in Bonnel..ly Bank P~,~y 4, ------- ~4~.y3 ~' PI:SS~B ~TB ~~PP~~~D '1'HIS~ 1~`~Y OF ,ly~y. attest: Chaff man. ~~ -~ Clerk.