HomeMy Public PortalAbout1940.05.06 Council MinutesMcCall, Idaho, M y 6, 1940. Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees. Roll Call. 1. P. Gillespie T. E. Mowrey J. ';`;` . Kasper . R. Bonecher 7arren Brown 1 Present. t, tt ,t • ! bsent . A quorum being present the meeting was called to order by Chairmen Gillespie. Minutes of previous meeting were reed and approved. The following Brown Tie & Lumber Co. Te t e — Davis Agency First State Bank '7illiams May Co. Payette Lakes Star Chas Gentz May Nard3e re ?estcott 0il Co. Shell 0i1 Co. Payette Lakes Transfer John Sa c ke rma n Cascade Telephone Co. Goodman s Cafe L. Mcle11 McCall Light & Power Gordons Gera e Smith & ./bra ms Garlock Packing Co. Lekeport Hardware Baxter Foundry J. D. McCall Guy Conyers '. Jordan Dr. Susan B. Kerr Co • bills were reed by the Clerk. 1`ccount for April $ 9.71 Prem. on Deputy Sheriff Bond 12.50 Cultivator for Golf Course 29.90 . Freight on Cultivator 5.77 Account to Nay 1, 21.00 ,t ,t tt 11.50 26.23 5.16 6.10 6.50 21.54 n 2.50 1.50 April account for labor 31.50 April Electric Service &. Mdse.-127.29 Account to May 1, 15.00 7.33 61 3.87 19.50 100.00 100.00 26.70 tt ,t .e tt tt tt ,t ,t ,f •r tt *t N rt n ft tt ,t tt » n n I tt tt n tt n .+ tt r, tt ,t tt 7e t erma s t e r Salary for April M rshe ll Clerks salary for April and cash disbursements (. Care for injuries to Mrs Clara received in fell down Post Office Steps 16.50 Motion By Gillespie. That the bills be paid as reed excepting bill of Dr. Kerr for treating Mrs Clara Jordan for injuries received from fall down Post Office Steps es it was his opinion that the property owners should be liable for this, end tflat the Clerk write the Village Attorney and obtain his opinion in re"ard to this. Seconded by Bonecher. Vote was unanimous in t�avor of motion. E. t. 'catkins was present and requested permission to install * Gas Pumps on the Sidewalk in front of his Garage located on Lots 5 and 6, Block 2 2nd Addition to the Village of McCall. Motion byeMowrey. That permission be gfanted. Seconded by Vesper. Motion carried unanimous.y. Letter from 7:estcott 0il Co. requesting e in front of their property and also permission to Ge s Pumps on Sidewalk in -front of their proper on Lots is and 9, Block 1, Second Addition to the McCall, 'yes reed. Motion by Mowrey. That request Seconded by Kasper. Motion carried. ( Continued on Page 221 0 no narking district install ty located Village of begranted. ( Continued from ?age 219.) Letter from John Sackermen requesting a no parking zone from the Alley on Third St, South of his Station to the Texaco Sign in front of the McCall Hotel and to install 4 Gas Pumps on the Sidewalk in front of his Station, was read. Notion by Gillespie. That permission be granted. Seconded by Bonecher. Motion carried. Letter from Ralph Paris requesting a no parkin zone in front of his property Lots, 3, 4, and b Second Addition to the Villaggee and also to install 3 Ges Prim s on Sidewalk, :aas read. Motion by Bonecher. That request be granted. Seconded by Kasper. Motion carried. Letter from Goodman Motor Co. requesting permission to install 3 ryas Pumps in front of their Garage located on Lot 7, Block i, Seconded Addition to the Village of McCall, was read. Motion by Mowrey. That permission be granted, Seconded by Bonecher. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 110, An Ordinance limiting the number of Beer Licensee's, knd Ordinance No. .LLL, An Ordinance limiting the number of Pastime Licensee's, was introduced by Chairman Gillespie. Motion by Bonecher. That an emergency be declared to exist and that the rules requiring the reading of an Ordinance or Ordinance's et three consecutive meetings before putting same to a vote, be suspended, and that Ordinance No. 110 and Ordinance No. 111, be read by the Clerk, twice by Title and the third time in full and placed for final vote. Seconded by Kasper. Motion carried unanimously, Whereupon, Ordinance No. 110, and Ordinance No. 111, were read by the Clerk; i,wice by Title and the third time in full and pplaced for final vote. Vote was by Roll Call as follows. Mowrey, Aye. Kasper, Aye. Bonecher Lye. ayes, None. Ordinance No. 110, and Ordinance No. 111, were then signed by Chairmen Gillespie and Clerk was instructed to have copies of same published as required by law. T. E. Jordan submitted his resignation as Village Clerk. Motion by Gillespie. That N. A. Carr be appointed to -the position. Seconded by Mowrey. Motion carried unanimously. A, Mr Peoples and Mr Schumann were presentand requested permission to install Pin Ball Machines in the Village. They agreed to pay an. annual license fee of $250.00 for the privilegeand in addition to that, to pay $5.00 per Monthfor each Machine installed. Motion by owrey. That permission be granted and that on Ordinance be drawn setting the license fee, Etc. Seconded by Bonecher. Iotion carried unanimously. The matter of whether or not the Village would have Brown Tie & Lumber Co. do the pumping for the Village this coming Summer was discussed. Mot ion by Gillespie. That the Village do is own pumping. Seconded by Mowrey. Vote was by Roil Call es follows. Gillespie, Aye. Mowrey, Lye. Bonecher, Aye. Kasper, Naye. ( Continued on Page 223,) ( Continued from Page 221,) The matter of raising; the Marshal's salary W2s discussed. Motion by R2orvrey. That Marshal's salary be increased from $100.00 to $125.00 per Month, beginning May 1, 1940, and that Section 1, of Ordinance No. 97, be amended to conform to this action of the Board of Trustees. Seconded by Gillespie. Vote vas unanimous in favor of motion. There being no further business to this meeting the meeting; vas adjourned. TREASURERS REPORT, Deposited in Donnelly Bank from A ril 3, to May "7a ra t s d ra rvn from �! ri l 3 to N� 7, Balance on Deposit inDonnellyBank May 7, come before , . ,-- PASSED LED APPROVED THIS DAY OF Attest: 01 k. Chairman. • 087.61 591.71 325.37 1940. •