HomeMy Public PortalAbout1940.06.03 Council MinutesMcCall, Idaho, Tune 3, 1540. Regular meeting of the Board loll Call. M. R . Bonecher "' 7. Mowrey T 7. I` e Sp e r 7. P. Gillespie 'erren Brown of Trustees. Present. / bsent . Due to the absence of Cheirrn Gillespie it we s moved end seconded that M. R. Bonecher preside as Chairvan, Pro-Tera, of this meeting. L quorum being present the meeting les called to order. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. The following,bills were reed by the Clerk Bunting Tractor Co. Pat Cummins Harry 7illiams Terence McPa11 The Texas Co. Payette L kes Star Lantz Transfer Yev Hard are McDa 11 L ut o Co. Cascade Telephone Co. T Se cke rman John t'c Ca l l Carl Hunter Murphy Ce f e Martha Hentley Chas 7. Luck reel]. 11 Light Power,. Shell Oil Co. Lakeport Hardware eso Super Service Panda11 ''Tallis Hooker Chemical Co. rTationel Meter Co. Guy Conyers J. D. Mean Payette Lakes Trans T. E . Jorden Brown Tie R Lmbr.Co Down payment on trol Matts for Golf Course Repairing Left Hower I', y account for labor le s. Lccount for Mev 9 ,r 9 fr 9 n +f r, 9 ► If 9 H „ •. +► ►► " " Prisoners 500 1¢ Stamped 7nvelopes a 'or Surveying. to June 1, Msy 7lectric Service L ccount for May fY 9 f *► ►► if ! ttorney ''ees to June 1, Lccpunt for Iry ► 9 rt` I4Iersha11 Salary for May T at ermester Sala%y for ray I,rei _ ht on Tank Chlorine $ 50.00 72.00 1.50 28.50 34.25 34.80 24.75 32.50 6.33 2.50 25.90 15.50 10.00 Meals- 2.85 5.86 2.38 117.78 22.15 4.20 50 23.00 9.00 3.11 125.00 100.00 5.55 25.00 11.06 .f ?a bor ., Clerks salary for May • L ccount for May Motion by Vesper. That the bills be paid as read. Seconded by Movrey. Motion carried. Ordinance No.114 an Ordinance setting a license fee on Bowling I; lley's, Roller Skating Rinks and Shooting ne llerie s, was introduced by Trustee Mowrey. Motion by Kasper. That en emergency be declared to exist and that the rules reouiring the reeding of an ordinance atthree consecutive meetings before voting ob sane be suspended, end that Ordinance No. 114, be read, twice by Title and the third time in full and placed for final vote. Seconded by Mowrey. Motion carried unanimously. ;!hereupon, Ordinance No. 114, was reed by the Clerk, Twice by Title and the third time in full, and placed for final vote. Vote 4as by roll cell as follows. Mowrey, Lye. Ira seer, Lye. Bonecher, Lye. Na es, None. Ordinance No. 114, was then declared passed and Clerk was instructed co neve copy of same published es required by Law. ( Cont inged on Page 229.) ( Continuation of Minutes of June 3.) 'gym. "larner was present at permission to construct an open a -Lots 8 and 9, Block 1, First Lddi Motion by Kasper. That permission Lotion carried unanimously. this meeting and requested it boxing arena on his property, tion to the Village of McCall. be granted. Seconded by Mowrey, Mr. Roy May was present to ;represent the McCall Chamber of Commerce in regard to the Golf Course. Mr. Ley explained that there was some misunderstandings s in regard to how many members of one family could play on a Life Membership Certificate, . Mr. May reminded the Council, that a life membership entitled a Man end his '`r'ife to play and none other? and suggested their Minor children be permitted to a season ticket at one half (*) the reular fee which is $15.00 or $7.50. and 2 minor children et one -hell (*) the regular season price for two, or $12.50. The matter was discussed by the Council. The Council was unanimously in favor of this proposal and suggested that cards be printed stating all of the rules and regulations pretaining to play on the Golf Course and that one of these cards be given each customer of. the Course. Mr. Payy Johnson was present and offered to oversee the fixing up of the street leading to the Village Dock. Mr. Johnson offered his work without charge and agreed to furnish a Truck for necessary hauling for cost of Gas, Etc. Motion by Mo'irey. That the Village furnish Men and Material for Mr. Johnson to the amount of $100.00. Seconded by kasper. Motion carried unanimously. :Notion by Kasper. That the Village Board appoint a Committee of three members to supervise the general` maintainence �— of the Golf Course, M. R. Bonecher to represent the Village Board. Chamber Doy May and Pete Hamon to represent the amber of. Commerce. Seconded by Mowrey. Motion carried unanimously. The matter of permitting T?ater Taxi's, for hire, to operate from the Village Dock was discussed. The Board was informed t iat the taxi's were becoming so numerous that they interfered with the use of the Dock by the private boat owners and the general public, Motion by Mo ,.'ray. That the Village Board prohibit the use of the Village Dock for any end all types of ',later Taxi or boats for hire service, and that anyone desiring to operate boats for hire or taxi service must either build their own dock or rent one from which to operate. Seconded by Fasper. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. TBEA SU:EJJ S REPORT: Deposited in Donnelly Bank from May 7, to June 4, $1,132.18 "arrants drawn from May 7, to June 4, 805.97 Balance on deposit in Connelly Bank June 4, 651.58 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS X D1Y OF Attest Cletrk: tu,f, 1940.