HomeMy Public PortalAbout1944.10.02 Council MinutesMcCall, Idaho, Octouer 2, 1944 The 1)oard of Trustees of the ,illage of McCall, Idaho, met on tnis date in regular session and the following business took place:— Ca11:-- W. E. Jordan, Chairman present M. R. Bonecher A. Carr J. W. Kasper Wallace Hiatt Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jordan. Minutes of the meeting of September 11, 1944, were read and on motion approved as read. The Clerk read the following bills: — Myrtle Solver Golf Course $ 166.00 Guy Conyers Police 160.80 Guy Conyers Extra Labor 62.60 Geo. Cox Extra Police 6.25 liddieton-Mc.,arty Co. Audit 126.00 Idaho Power Co. Service 1b9.01 John's Service Supplies 9.70 Payette Lakes Star Office Supplies 6.75 Bill Shipley Water Labor 5.60 Gantz Transfer ,Hauling-treet 22.60 Lay Hardware Supplies -Golf Course 27.70 Johns -Manville Water Pipe 2160.b7 Intermountain Equipment Grader Blades 11.1b Standard Oil Co. aupplies 10.23 Brown's Tie & Lumber Co. " Golf course 2.65 Cascade Telephone Co. Service 8.45 John's Service aurplies 7.11 Brown's Tie & Lumber Co. -Water 2.46 Lewis s.eiber Golf Coarse 664.00 Collector Internal Revenue Withholding Tax 78.60 Lewis Seiber ,,olf Course 117.76 Payette Lakes Transfer , Hauling Water Pipe 20.b0 Motion uy ". Carr, seconded by M. R. 3onecher that pills ue allowed as read. Motion carried. Harry Brandt appeared before the board with request that Village furnish material to raise his meter to conform with grade. Upon finding that a form for this purpose was available, he was instructed to go ahead and make the repair. Motion uy J. 7.. Kasper, seconded oy M. R. Bonechsr that Idaho Power Co. Ue instructed to go ahead on the plan presented by Mr. Crowe of the light company by improving the main street lighting system og the Village uy replacing 14 of the main lights on the streets. Motion carried. Motion oy J. W. Kasper seconded by M. R. Bonecher that Mr. Eastman of Lake 'ork, be engaged to run the line for the water extension to be installed along the highway. Mr. Jordan to make the arrangements. Motion carried. A. H. Bivens and O. L. Schoenhut met with the board in the inter- ests of writing insurance on Village property. After some dis- cussion it was decided to order a $2000.00 policy on the pump house and equipment--1700.00 on contents and $300.00 on building a policy was also taken out on the Village tractor. Shortly after the meeting of the Board, Warren Brown appeared in the office of the Clerk and asked that the MuCall "irport remain a designated landing field in order that planes could rye landed and take off at the field under the provisions of the law. " letter was written to the Board of "tennotics stating that as of October 4, 1944, Willis Wood Stohr of McCall, had been released as ,irport manager and that Warren Harrington Brown was here* appointed as said airport manager until further notice. Yr. Brown assured the Clerk that the ,illage would ue at no expense whatsoever for the maintaining the designation of the field, and the above is hereny made a part of the minutes as of October 2, 1944. There being no J.urther business to come before the BoarU tree meeting was aujourned. Treasurer's Report: - Deposited in Donnelly Bank Oct. 1 to Oct. 31, 1944 682.91 Warrants drawn 6491.27 balance on Deposit iovember 1, 1944 $4270.95 attest :- Atha irman