HomeMy Public PortalAbout1947.02.03 Council MinutesFebruary 3, 1947. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Villa;:VillagG of McCall, Idaho, was held on the above date and the followi rg business was transacted: Ro? l Call: Ralph Paris, Acting Chairman Joe Kasper Mitt Bonecher Tallace Hiatt The meeting; was called to order by Ralph Faris, acting Chairman. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. -- The .following bills were read: x t; L:5 Tom Kimery A. 0. Dea.ton Northwest, rn. ,Stage ;'m. E. Dune Clarence Stevens Brown's Tie & Lumber Idaho Pow_r Co. Don Chalfont Tom, Kimery Orville Broocs Leonard Acka.rQt Christenson Hardward Lakeside Auto . Dehlin Davidson Service Herb Bauer A. O. Dea.ton Sheel Oil "cCall Auto Czantz Transf_r Caxton Printers D. N. Nordling Standard Oil Co. Truck Ins. Exchange Motioned by Joe Kasper read. Carried. Extra Help Police n „ Tater Police Expense Salary Tatee Expense ,C,01,frASiep . -forSt4,4,1ets Kater k. StreGts ater expense Salary Salary Salary -Streets Street Expense Street Expense ` ater Expense Street expense TaterExpense Water Expense Str_et rXpense Street Expense Street Expense Clerk Expense Street Expense Street Expense Street Expense 34.20 7.4.E 5.67 10.00 r 116.29 938.91 0.00 20.31 60.02 189.20 1.95 3.25 21.'05 16.88 R' 50. 00 10.50 15.75 24.10 56.50 5.10 2.56 19.00 61.57 seconded by Mitt Bonecher that the bills be paid a.., 4r. n, ,j. 4- Motioned. by Mitt Bonecher seconded by Wallace Hi+t�at Ben ;martin draw a pater or th- Village using the LeVtiistondor as an outline. Carried. Motioned by Joe Kasper seconded by Mitt Bonecher that if John Hilbterg will pay for the buldozer work the Village will Trade the street in front of his place. Provided it is found that this is a Village street. Glenn Thompson appeared before the Board regarding the Airport project. Motioned by Wallace Hiatt seconded by Mitt Bonecher that a petition be drawn up and circulated for consent to appropriate for purchase of land and construction of airport in accordance with Chapter 49-1714 ICA. Carried. Motioned by Mitt Poneeher seconded by Joe Kasper thnt a new fire be drawn to include the follo,^rieg boundaries to wit; Motioned by Joy: Kasper eece ded by ':.'allace Hiatt that an be drawn up to pro- hibit the sale of liquor. Motioned by Joe Ka.sper seconded by Wallace Hiatt that the Allis Chalmers and Ford - son tractor 'oe put up for sale by .wetterr: 6-t-44n/ems'` / �'r Motioned by al ace Hiatt and sec n_}ed bY Joe Ka ' oe c to l ecent the tv o .: e•o' utior > of November 4th, l.: 46, cover;} g the rropo:3al _ _jade by l! . ^e 1 Y � :r < .� t a en �. �� r in behalf f oT. the B0.1 2 Payette Lu�bt rComnan , regarding deals to the Villa _ for Municip'l Bathing B-ach nd 11-27 acres of 1 rr fbr° school pu:rpos s. Motiohed by Vlallace Hiatt ano ,Fecc.nded by Joe Kasper t'.nd duly carAe-,, thatthe folloArg resolution be spread.. on the minutes, Ind a certified Copy of such re- solution be sena to Boise Payette Lumber C ompany: "Thy: Village of McCall hereby accepts th:: proposal made by ' r. Chellworth in behalf of the Boise Payette Lu.mb r Comb ny to deed to the Village of McCall. the 11.27 acre tract, Block A of Brundage ?ubdivision of the yil, ago of McCall, for school purposes, tho, village to a sume all res- ponsibility for construction, gradin-; and graveling the streets in such ,subdivision, beia=r an :roximately 11 f'-et of 2`)1 alleY, fe :t of 6 ), street and. 277) fe_t of 50f titre t, as moi e o rticu.la.rl.v s t forth in deed to Villa.2,.e of McCall date Jung 1.7, 12, 6, provided said deed above entioned bea,mended to rive the villame 4 years in , nich to complete tee -treets and al lwys,,, - Motioned by 11'allace Hiatt sec. nded by Joy, Kasper and dull carried, that the followi :g resolution be spread on the minutes, and a certifiedcopyy of such re- solution be sent to Poise Payette Lumber Company: "Thy: Village of McCall hereby acci,pts the pr, po a..i made by Mr. ",hel worth in behalf of the Boise Payette Lumber Company to deed to to Village of McCall lots 3,4,5, 6, and 7. Blom-B, Brundage F ubdivision of the Village of McCall, fora Municipal Public Bathing Beach; the village to assume all responsibility and cost, of acquiring, constructing, grading and. graveling- a. street 5') feet wide and. approximately t57: feet long in a northerly direction from the nal th end o(lc mble oad. in said sub- division to to State Highway, and dedicate the same for public use, as mo e particularly s t forth in do ed to Village of McCall., dated June loth, 1946, ;provided said deed herein mentioned is changed. to provide that parking area be the noth line of the,. old hi:,hti ay." Motioned d by Joe Kasper soc _nded by rallace Hiatt that Ben 'Aartin is hereby authorized to r,:writ • and index a new set of ordinances fcr the villa=-; of ,'mall. Carried. Meeting adjourned 11:,7)0 p. °:/1. Clerk