HomeMy Public PortalAbout1947.05.05 Council Minutesa m .. _ , r .. ~~Y ~; zs, •-~~; May 5, 1947. General Meeting of thegaard,of Trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date and the folli,ng business was transacted: Roll Call: W. E. Jordan Ralph Paris Joe Kasper The Chairman opened the nominations for the election of a new Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the biennium. Lotion by Ralph Paris seconded by Wallace Hiatt that W. E. Jordan be elected Chairman for the biennium. Moved and seconded. that nominations. be closed. Garried. T he dots for W. E. Jordan for .Chairman was unanimous, Moved by Jae Kasper seconded by Ralph Paris that Orville Brooscs be appointed Village Clerk fvr thebiennium. Carried. Ben Martin, as attorney for theVi!lage, suggested..that the.adoptior..of the budget for the biennium be held over for a special meeting to be .held an Monday May 12th, in order that tlber considaretion could be giventa pro~eets necessary fc~r the north end of MaCa~l. Motion by Ralph Paris. sscorided ~ Joe Kasper that the adloption of the budget be held over until Monday May 12th. Carried. The following bills were read- Sam Y~illiams Colle~ltor of Internal Rev.. Neal Boydstt3n _ A. 0. Deatc~ Orville Brooks Collector of Internal Rev. W. F. Dunn Truck Ins. P~xchange Leonard Ackaret Union Pacific Water expense Withhvlding::Tax Bond Premium.. Road labAr .Salary. Withholding Tax Salary Ins... an .Grader Salary Frgt. on Pipe.. water const. Police mater expense Street " Water. expense Police Extra street het registrations Water expense Street expense O ow , n n Brown Tie & Lumber, Allen -Zachary 0. Chalfant, A. A .Goodman Brooke Home ~c Auto. Mss. L.. Zimmerman Idah P er Co C. C. Anderson May Hard~rare Water expense Caxton Printers Tom Kimery Standard Oil Co, John's Service Station 9.00 ^' 128.32 r 25.00 ~- 28...00 ~' 50.00 -r 70,90 ^' 139:. 20 -r' 11.66 , 230.70 518.88 '"- 84.00 .~ 5.22 --- 8.63'' 23.89 ^' 16.14 ~~ 19.69.,., 55.70 .,~ 4.50 -~ g 17.00 ~. 99.75 7- 72.15 ~- 2.50 138.00 ~,.- 9.65 ~- 131.:80 ~° 23.50 A- 1.77 ~. 5.99 7Q.23 ~' .75 -~ bills be paid as read. Casoade Telephone. C o. Clerk n .. C. B. Partin Attorney fee Gantt Transfer Street expe~zs$ D. N.Nordling Parts Co. n n Goodman 031 Ca. n n Idaho Power Co. Water " Lakeside Auto Street " --- Motion by Joe Kasper see~ndud by Wallace Hiatt that the Carried. /wb Mr. Lovegren appeared_befare the Board representing the Lakeshore- ,...stating that the new hotel ocoul~ilike to some within the Village limits and to-connect with the Village sewer and water system. ~lub Motion by. Ralph Perris se.eUndsd_by Wallace Hiatt that the. Lakeshore,.be permitted to~~~e wiin the Village limits anal. to connect with the sewer and seater system~'~`ic~vi` ~ t~e~ ewer and water lines off their property be .deeded tv the Village. Carried. Warren Brown.. appeared before the. Board,regar~aing the Village dock. Considerable discussion was haci reg~rrding the .bad condition of the present. dock and the possibility for future construction.. It was the opinion of those, present that the old dock should be removed. -:~Motion by Ralph Paris secc~'~ded by Joe Kasper that Warren Brown be employed to remove the present dock and runway. Carried. Motion by Joe Kasper seconded ~y Wallace Hiatt that the.Village.goahead with construction of the Airport without Federal aid~funds~due to the fact~hat the construc tion could be done at a less cost to the Village and that Glenn Thompson be instructed to start construction. Carried. Mr. Higney appeared beforethe Board regarding the surveying of the streets for the purpose oF establishing grade for sidewalks. ~. Higney stated that he believed the best proposal he could make, for the Village, was that he charge 7% co~mission for his work, to ~ paid at the completion of th~ Job, that is, after the construction was done and to be paid by the improvement district. This matter was tabled until a future date. Motion by Joe Kasper seconded by Wallace Hiatt that the week of May 12th to May 18th inclusive be designated as cleanup week; that the Village streets be cleaned and that lines be painted on the streets for parking. Carried. M~tion by Joe Kasper seconded by Ralph Paris that the street light be placed on the alley by the Stadium Club and that another street lig~t be placard by the Yacht Club. Carried. The day and night police are instructed to watch the watez~ tank to sea~ that the water does not get low. Motion by Ralph Paris seconded by Wallace Hiatt that each of the policemen be paid $10.00 per month for car expense. Carried. Motion by Ralph Paris seconded by JoeKasper that the Clerk call Mrs. Seiber at Pine Ridge that Mrs. Hauser may have the Job at the golf course. Ordinance #159 - was read the second time at length. Ordinance #lA0- for tn~ preventiom of fires in the Village of NcCall and prescribing the inner and outer limits and relating to methol~ of construction, was read the second time at length. Motion by Ralph Paris sec~nded by Wallace Hiatt that Orville Brooks be paid ~o0.00 for the next six months and $70.00 thereafter. Carried. Meeting adjourned 12:45 P. M. Attested: Clerk ~irman