HomeMy Public PortalAbout1948.01.05 Council MinutesJanuary 5, 19+8 Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall was Yield on the above date and the following btsiness was transacted: Roll Call W. E. Jordan, Chairman Bob ~u:cBride Joe ha-per `uiiallace Hiatt Ralph Paris Neeting; called to order by 'yv. E. Jordan, Chairman. The minutes of December 1, 1947 and December 18, 1947, were read and approved. The following; bills were read: Idaho Car Company Leonard ~ckaret Charles E. Swedblom Orville Brooks Tom Reiss Secretary Nc"all, Library Forest E. Robb, Co. Auditor ~~rcCall, Drug Company Nile Carr Caxton Frinters Idaho Hospital Service First State Bank Idaho Power Company Forest r'. Robb Br oks Home ana .Auto The Payette Lakes Star Brown's Tie any Lumber Comppny Finch's Stationery Brown's Chevrolet Comapny S. 'JV. Dehlin Gantt Transfer D. N. Nordling Parts Co. Nay Hardware Intermountain Equipment Compan Fletcher Oil Company ~Ic'Call, auto Company Tom Rigney Bryson ~. Smith Utah Oil Refining ''ompary Neil Walker Hilltop ~~:otel John's Service Station Lakeside auto uervice Vi llag~e ot" i'~lc Call N . B. '~~illsey N . A. Carr The Dog House Cld_ Gregon Trail J. S. 'dGright Tom Reiss Police Salary ~~ ~~ ~, tippropr : ation Recordina_ Deed Police Water Clerk Blue Cross Box r:en t , Ytiater, Sewer, uti`ater Exp. Police " and ''lerk Street Clerk Police 'Tuater Streets Streets ~~ y u ~~ Police Police •u Street etc. eater Police and Streets n n n w'~ater Streets, Police, Etc. Refund Beer Lic. 'Water Refund, Beer Lic. n n u Refund Water Deposit Salary (on acct) ~ 20.30 •- 227.70 "'' 207.10 ~ 67.00 169.70 ~ 530.32 ~, 1.20 '' 1.35 7.00 9.29 ,,.. 12.00 •- 14.40,pf 183.59 ~° 13.75 •~ 3.17 ,~. 83.00 ~~ 121.30 ~' 2.58 6.95 9.46 ~~ 8.00 °~ 23.93 ~~ 13.22 ~'" 913.12 -~ 14.68 ~° 25.00 ~" 5,2g 7.50 ^~" 6.58 ~-r 82.50-~ 9.85 ~` 67.97 ~` 31.~s 298.03 2.50y 33.70 y 37.50 ~- 35.00 ~- 5.00 50.00 ~- potion by Ralph lams, seconded by Joe Kasper that bills be paid as read. Carried. Notion by '~~tiallace Hiatt, Seconded '~y Bob i,~cBride, that the following Liquor Licenses be apr_.roved. Forresters Club The Doghouse Lake Tavern Inn Stadium Club :urley's Club Yacht Club annex Club Old Or gon Trail Club Chicken Roost Carried. Motion ny =talph Earis, seconded !~y Bob jarcBride, that the Lake Tavern Liquor License be approved end a letter be sent to Scotty and Nick Eubanks, that, due to their past method of operation, their 1948 License is approved subject to their proper conduct,.and that they op-rate in accordance with the State Liouor pct, and that said. letter be signed by the Mayor and Chief of Police. Carried Motion by Joe Kasper and "econded by '~~~allace Fiiatt, that the-clerk be instructed to write a letter to J. A. Sheldrew regarding stove pipe in his shop, advising him that immediate removal of said pipe is necessary and that he must comply with the r'ire Ordinance. Carried. The following Slot irlachine Applications were read: Yacht Club Old Orea~on Trail annex Club Chickeny.'~oost Curley's Club The Doanhouse La'>e Tavern Inn Stadium Club Forrester's Club I~Iotion by Hiatt, Seconded by Joe Kasper, that all Slot :~achine Licens`s be approved provided all payments are made in full. Carried. No furt'ner 'ousiness corning before th? Board at this time, tree meeting. was adjourned at 10:10 P. M. ATTEST: i Clerk ~~_ , airman