HomeMy Public PortalAbout1948.04.16 Council MinutesApril 16 1948 A special meeti+~~- of the Board of Trustees of the Village of ;McCall vvas held on tha abclre date for the purpous of considering the resig;ha Lion of i~?. E. Jorda n as a member of the Villa ge board of trustees and any further business vT:hich might come before said meeting. P~iotion by. ,lallace Hiatt seconed by Bob r~c'3ride that the resignation of !~~. E. Jordan be accepted; carried. Pdotion by Joe Kasper seconed by ~'~allace Hiatt that Ralph be appointed chairman protein of the meeting; carried. The meeting was called to order by chairman prso~t~ P~alph Paris. Roll call Ralph Paris Joe Kasper ~rallace Hia tt Bob McBride The follovring bites were read; Tom Reiss Police Salary ~ 174. <50 w" Tom Reiss Police Salary 108 35 ~° Leonard Acicaret Salary ?27.70 .,. Chas E. Swedblom Police Salary 227.70 ~- State ~`ide Store Street Expense 15.55 Orville Brooks ,$alary 67.00 °~ Tom Reiss Police Salary 112.43 °~ Collector of Int. Rev. ~~ithholdi ng Tax :528.+~6 ''~ Chas.E. Swedblom on account 40.00 ~° Chas E. Swedblom police Salary 72.55 ~- Gantz Transfer Street Expense 11.00 I~allace add Tierman ?^laterrxpense 10.55 -~ D. N. Nerdling Str~:ed Expense 23.18 -~' Goodman Electric Street Expense 520 John's Service St. Street Expense 2.24 The Texas Co. :Street axpense 4.83 -~ Shell Oil Co. Street Expense 4.56 ~° Fletcher Oil Co. Street Expense 14; 68 v,, F~<<-.= '` S tateman Printing Co. ?!later Expense 5.25 Inter-fountain Equip. ro. Street Expense 21.41 y Water tidorks Equip. 6yater Const. 171.?0 .~ Idaho Bosp. Service Blue Cross 24.00 ~- Pittsburg Equitable ~"later Co. ';dater Expense 7,82 Standard Oil Co. Street Expense 7.39 ° Cascade Tel Co. Police 5.00 ~~ Goodman Oil Co. Street Expense 7.~8 ~"desco Super Servic3e Police and Street 10.48 ~- Earl~s Cafe Police Expense 11.55 +- Lakeside Auta Police and Street 4.78 ^- C. Ben P:iartin Airport Expense 5.44 ~-- ~:restarn Store Street Expense 2.43 ~~ Tday Hardv~~are grater Expense .65 "" Finches Police Expense 2.81 ~~ Bro~~n~s Tie and Lumber Street and relater Expense ?41.92 ~` Leonard Ackaret ,Salary 112.35 Orville Brooks Salary 32,00 ~° Idaho Pourer Co. Power and Lights x?29.~~1 ~- P4oti~n by Joe Kasper seconed by l'allace Hia tt that the bills bo paid as read; carried. Motion by ~'Jallace Hiatt second by Bo'o PdeBride that the bill of Gar~z Transfer in the amount of X11.00 be paid v~rith instructions that tine Village will not be responsible for arty further hauling of trash; carried. Potion by Joe Kasper seconed by ,~uallace Hiatt that the Deluxe Cab Co. s hall have one cab stand on Seeond Street by Brook's Home a nd Auto; carried Motion by Joe I{asper seconed by Bob rdcB^ide that Bete Parrish be employed to poerate the golf course at a salary of X275.00, snd that Bobbie Parrish be employed at a salary of 51.00 per day to operate-.the caddy house. Also a letter be v-rritten to Seiber that they have someone else for the job: carried Motion by Hob T~cBride seconed by Joe Kasper that the ;person operating the caddy house should pay lights at the caddy house; carried April 16 1948 -- Cont. Motion by ~,'~allace Hiatt seconed by Joe ffasper that tale Slot Pdachine Ord. be amended to license machines on a ;prorated quarterly basis for the balance of the license yea r: carried Potion by doe Hasper seconed by a.~allace Hiatt tha t the Village Board acceyct the resignation of Tom ?~.eiss as Chief of Police effective as of April 16th. carried. No further business coming before the Board the meeting Baas adjourned at 1]..00 P.M. _.~- Ch rman`~ro ~'eMe