HomeMy Public PortalAbout1948.09.13 Council MinutesSeptember 13, 1948 A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of laic Call was held on the above date and the following business transacted; Roll Call Glenn Howell Bob 1P.c Bride ~'~allace Hiatt Joe Kasper Ralph Paris The meeting was called to order by Chairman Glenn Howell. The minutes of August 2~ 23 and Sept. 7th, were read and approved with corrections. Dr. Pdangum restated his case r:~garding his property in the Davis Estate, furth~:r stating that he felts due to the taxes he pays on his four lots, he should have protection a gainst the possibility of the present Board or any future Boarcl building any restraoms or allovving cars parking or any other ecr_structi~;r_ or obstruction that ~^~ould detract from his property. Dr. ry~Iangum also presented a letter from the Dewey Davis Estate to back up his request. The Board discussed this matter a.t length and held the matter over until the next regular meeting. The manor of the fire tri.ek was brought before the Board by the Chairman v.~ho stated that he had talked to R<dney Zachary, the Chairman of the Comi:iittee. Air. Zachar~T stated that he expected to have the title and final accounting of the funds ready to report to at the pres~:nt meeting, Chet Stephens stated that he had John F'lser look ovr the motor and he stated that the truck needed a new motor. This ~~~•as a surl_~rise to the Board a.s they understood it v;gas in good shape. T1x. hlser did not maze a close examination of the motor. The Chairman appointed Jce Kasper to lock into the motor su far as the c~r~dition and the cost of repair and report t~; the Chairman. Neal Boydstun a ;:;coxed before the Board and asked ~vha.t the proceedure s.~ould be to connect vaith the Village Se~,er Frhere the Shore Lodge crossed the river. The Clerk v;as instructed to wr..te the Shore Lodge recluestirg that they have a representative at the next meeting to discuss ttie matter of deeding the se~~ter line lead:i_ng to the Lodge from the end of the original setiYer on tY.e east bank of the river. The matt:::r of the re-leasing the airport to the Johnscr.~ Flying Service for the year 1948-49 v.as discussed by the Board. tvlotion by alr~h Parisi seconded by Jce Kasper, th.:.t Ben i~,artin be instructed to open neootiatians with the John Flyyng Service reoard_:ng the lease for the year 1948-49 and that said lease shall be for r_ot less titan 4 600.uC~ r~;r yoar, that Johnsen shall do their o~;~n improvements and maintenance. l+oticn carried. ?~oticn b~~ Joa rosy}er, sec.-nded by Ralph Paris, tc susx~end the rules on tine ordinance coverirg tre a~t,propriaticn bill. 1~TOtion carried. :~'oved by Bob P:c Brid.e~ seconded by ~?"alla.ce Hiatt that the ordinance cover.~_ng the a::ropriation bill bc: passed. Yb"aticn carried. ~~loticn by 1'allace Hia.tt~ seconded by Ral~ah Paris that the rules be suspended on the ,•assa~_;e cf the ordina nee covering the fixing cf the tax l~:vy for year ending April 30~ 1::49. 't~ otion carried. ivroticn by Joe Kasi;er, seconded by Bc:b itic Brio.e~ that the ordinance coverir_g the tax 1-:;vy fox the year April 3~, 1949, be l:~assed. P,'oti~n carried.. The follc~ving bills were read: Ray Lappin Street Expense ?~ 150.00 '~ Gantz Transfer Street and Police Ex~,ense 11.00 y Texas Company Golf Expense 6.75 y Shell Oil Company Street Expense 2C.31 .~ Crane Com~?any 1~rater Expense 12.66 ,, Idahc Hospital Service Blue Cross 6.00 .~ Hooker Electrochemical Co. ~gater Ex~~ense ~ 20.15 ~ Brown's Tie and Lumber Co. Golf and 4ater Expense 98.91 ~ I;ray Hardware i`dater expense 30.31 . Idaho Po~•rer Company j'ater, Police, Golf ~~.nd Streca 168.96 „ Zr'. S. Darley & Co. rater Expense 7.14 ,. Brooks Home and Auto Supply ;"later Expense 33.:,'0 ~?c Call Pyadio Service Pclice Expense 1.25 Johnts Service Station Police Expense 38.83 '" uilltop ?,Motel Pclice Expense 32.00 ~. j"~estcott Gil Com~?any Street expense 32.74 -, VJesco Super Service Street ~~`~xpense 2.70 .~ Cascade Telerhone Cc%. Police Expense 16.30 ,~> Goodman Electric Co. Seti^}er Expense 2.00 :a- General Elec uric Su-,.ply Cor;>. SeE~er F~xpense 42.61 ». Bo~~ling Lodge Gclf Expense 22.00 ~r 7e'estern Equipment Company F,'ater r:xpense 43.49 n4illiner Truck Lines Sev,~er Expense .77 '"° P,Rotion by Joe ?gasper, seconded by Z~?allace Hiatt, that the bills be staid as read. ~dotion carried. Pao further busir_ess coming before the Board the meeting teas adjourned at 11:10 P. ?R. • ATT.~'ST : (~~~ ~, ~~ Clerk'~~ Chairman ~~ ~ >