HomeMy Public PortalAbout1949.09.12 Council MinutesSeptember 12 1949 A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted: Roll call: Atr Roberts Fred Kerby Forest Goodrich Henry doff Bob McBride The meeting was called to order by Chairman Art Roberts. The minutes of August 1 read and approved. Mr. Fisk of the Idaho Power Co. appeared before the Board and stated that when the new street lights were installed a mistake was make by the Power Co. and the Village had a cfedit coming of over $200.00 due to the fact that there were not enough of the old lights taken off the bill. Mr. Fisk also presented a map show- ing all of the lams now installed and also presented a proposed plan to change the old fixtures to ones similar to those now on the main street. The cost of the installation and fixtures to be paid by the Power Co. The effect would be that the Village would get good standard lights at no greater co:3t than the Village is now paying. Motion by Fred Kerby seconded by Bob McBride that a survey be made of the present lights and those necessary to be installed and submit the same at the next meet- ing. Carried. The Chairman appointed Henry Hoff and Leonard Ackaret to act as such committee. The matter of the Board contacting the volunteer fire department to try and re- organize said department so that the Village can be assured that the fire truck and volunteers will be at all fires and properly orgainzed. Bob Fogg stated that Johnson was going to build an extension costing about $2,300.00 and qas interested in holding owner -ship or having the right to sell to the Village at some future date in case Johnson should wish to leave McCall, less ordinary Near and tear. Motion by Forest Goodrich seconded by Fred Kerby that the Johnson Flying ,Service are hereby given permission to construct an addition to the building facilities at the airport subject to a groper agreement being submitted to the Village as to the eventual ownership of such addition. Carried. Johnson Flying Service have ordered materials to renew the head track on the north end of the present building. They of the cost and present the bill to the Village to be paid future date. The following bills were read: Standard Mfg. W. 0. Pa yton Intermountain Equiment Co. Southern Idaho Timber Hooker Electro Co. Johns Service Station Baxter Foundry Stockwell Store Idaho Hospital Service Payette Lakes Star Brooks Hardware Brownts Tie and Lumber Co. Beal Pipe and Tank Golf Course Street exp. Material and Repairs Street const. Water exp. Street exp Water exp. Golf Exp. Blue Cross Golf Exp. Supplies Material and repairs Street and water cons. doors and install over - wish to keep track this year or at some 50.18 36.00� 1,767.771 287.00 h 20.35w 65.72 h 193.35 q 6.240 6.00 h 39.90h 29.28),. 1,521.74% 755.26 h C. C. Anderson Co. Golf course 10.45., Gantz Transfer ?hauling 5.00 Cascade Telenhone Co. Phone 11.60\ May Hardware Supplies 42.44,. Bart Scott Gas and oil. 12.73. Bowling Lodge Golf Exp. 64.00- Fack Seetin Street Exp. 64.00., Hilltop Motel Gas and oil 30.61' Idaho Fundy Co. Fire works 200.00 Ben Martin Legal services 90.00%, Western Stoves Supplies 3.95,, Payette Lakes Transfer Airport Exp. 60.00 esco Super Service Gas and oil 3.95 Shell 0i1 Co. Gas and oil 56.05-, Idaho Creamery Dry ice 4.60- Garlock Packing, Co. grater expj 12.14, Cecil Kistler Gas and oil 8.41 Robert Aekaret Labor 145.10 Paul McBride " 50.00 Texas Co. Gas and oil 49.46 Motion by Fred Kerby seconded by Forest Goodrich that the bills be payed as read. Carried. eo N Ara & Motion by Bob McBride seconded by Forest Goodrich that audit report for thee: next two years be given to ,Seherrer, Moore, and Rife. Carried. N o further business coming before the Borad, the meeting Brad aduourned. Attest: Clerk � Chair.Ean ;/' r / , 7„) ( 1,(1 .1 40 , , 4, " A• ;5? r Th,y)/\71» • r *•—•+sr. - / i--e" ) l'A/1/ 41 • f t. s.,"? -1!) . : = v ?", /i ;;//) , • 2 ) v"v1,,3 • — jt ,y�= EDWARD' S SEWERAGE DI SPO SAL Box 11 Phone 141R Payette, Idaho September 9, 1949 McCall City Council McCall, Idaho Gentlemen: As we were informed that you have a job to be done yet this year, we would appreciate your conbideration on the cleaning of your City Septic Tank. We are local in this vicinity, and clean several city and village tanks each year. We often contract the work when it is satisfactory with both parties, thus eliminating extra expense, and assuring you of prompt, efficient service. We would consider whatever the cost was at the last cleaning as a fair price, and as this is the best time of the year to do the job, I would appreciate hearing from you on this matter as soon as possible. Yours truly, Edward's Sewerage Disposal R. W. Edwards, Mgr. RWE : rk MR. STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION OF LABORATORIES BOISE BRANCH LABORATORIES Bannock Co. Health Unit Pocatello So. Cen. Dist. Health Unit T4win Falls REPORT OF WATER ANALYSES, CITY OF Villa e of McCall McCall Kootenai Co. Health Unit Coeur d'Alene No. Cen. Dist. Health Unit Lewiston DATE , Idaho. AUG 10 1949 Broom Tile & Larrioer Co. rl G NEGATIVE Faye Johnsoa Station NEGATIVE SOURCE. RESULT: Bacteria Per MI. No, of Fermentations In Five 111 MI. Portions Confirmed Tests for Coii- Aerogenes Group REMARKS: Lab. Form 30 2-4i-5M MR. r STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION OF LABORATORIES BOISE BRANCH LABORATORIES Bannock Co. Health Unit Pocatello So. Cen. Dist. Health Unit Twin Falls acteriologist. Kootenai Co. Health Unit Coeur d'Alene No. Cen. Dist. Health Unit Lewiston REPORT OF WATER ANALYSES, CITY OF Village of McCall DATE. , Idaho. SOURCEAckaret Layne's Residence Home bakery - RESULT: Bacteria Per Ail. No. of Fermentations in Five 10 MI. Portions Confirmed xTests,-- for cnii- N Negative Negative 3I R. STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION OF LABORATORIES BOISE BRANCH LABORATORIES Bannock Co. Health Unit Pocatello So. Cen. Dist. Health Unit Twin Falls Kootenai Co. Health Unit Coeur d'Alene No. Cen. Dist. Health Unit Lewiston REPORT OF WATER ANALYSES, CITY OF MCCall 4491 Gv Village of McCall DATE McCall Idaho. SOURCE RESULT: Leonard Ackaret Res. C. C.Anderson Meat Dept. .. Bacteria Per Mi. No. of Fermentations in Five I11 MI. Portions Confirmed Tests for Coli- Aerogenes Group negative negative REMARKS: Lab. Form 30 2-4 i -5M s'i'�•4i1�=� cterlologist.