HomeMy Public PortalAbout1951.05.07 Council Minutes/4- +a.y 7 ,1.951. n, regular meeting of the D.oard of Directors of the Village of McCall was held on the above date a.nd the following brsi.ness transacted. Motion by Clark. second by Armstrong that Art r'nberts be nioPoi.nted r'hai_rman of the Board. Motion by Armstrong, second by Moore t,-lat the rumination`" be closed. Motion prevailed and Arthur '?, 'Roberts was annointed r'lhai_rman of the Board, Present Art M.',oberts ?es,; moore B7a.ir C. Armstrong Fred M.7e-rby sterling Clark Motion by Moore, second by 7erby t'.' at Orville F.!grooks be a iloi.ntred Village Clerk. lotion carried.. The minutes es of the meetings of Anril 2 and April 27,1951 were read and annrnved. _ Fire Chief Bus Johnson a geared before the Board regarding the burn- ing of trash in the Business district within the village. Mr.Johnson requesters a.. ordinate for the control of fire and smoke. The Chairman annointed Ben Martin, Pius Johnson and Armstrong as a Committee to nrenare an ordinate for controlling fire and smoke hazard within tx the inner fire l_i.,mits. Motion by ..erby, second by Moore that Cus 7a74_1 be notified to commence the a.OatPTM't?nt• of the nlli.Sanrr? ^al1S'd 'nt* i'ni.S bt7il_di-r10 ...jthi.,i lF dnvr, Of receipt of this noti-ve. said retire to be givFen 1-7 ra0.4atered Thtt.Cer. Motion carried. Bal �i� PPri s annea,red 1�n-r* '2nard and of -Pnrerl the rug and. the oil stove in the Masonic Hallfor the sum of `' ,25,0l. The nri r!e of the rtig �300.00 and the stove P125.00. Fo action taken, The matter of Purchasing the Pal -oh Paris build; Board, n urns di_sr_n7med by the Motion by Kerby eccond by rlerlr that the nllo-in'' bills be allowed and the m^tion carried: Chester A. rt, enhen.s varry T,eonard l7.A :l;aret, n . P . Pronks l ra7 ':r n . sul l.ivan T n11i..S Seiber vwl ma Jordon Hattie Sloan Sylvia "Jose Florence Fitzwater Mrs,Ted Pre nick C.A.a --hens Brooks Hardware Hooker-lectro.rhem.ro. `p."1 T .11nr; o r.t,hor cafe re11s (" `?ubber shell Oil rn. Cw7r.a.de melenhone Co- ?lusts service Tlow'.and Brother, Police ^al_ary 2n0.85 n tt 2.7,0.85-1 a er street 1_/2 each 2a6.57'7 Board 64..4r5 vi 11 n!7A rt vrtn 5A, 4(7 ^' rot£ 120.64 n n 4.00 n tr A n n 4 .00 '' tt n 4.00 / n n i1.00 X "rater. 99.1 R ' atier %n • .rl5i' street 1.25 . ®O '-'l en-t i nn exnenee 7.20v ' i_brar-r 2:.74 Girt 2q.64 Fero 0,Ol- street, 22.50 -ire17.86 ., Police 9.68 ulecti.on Pxo. 12.81 22.4° .,i srnt? Trnrpf,str street 7.50 ,-- "-oldrin rletri-., c-Irr 7A.Ar), 'ororrF, min ')- Thr, (70, Street :1.7, , TrIr!k soot4_n ” 14,.50 ,- "f7r Vard-are -ter 11,A7 . -estern 7nion IT . 75 -layette T.a.es 7t,q.r :37.90 ' Tdalo vo.sitl. Ter ice 9.00 Southern Idaho Feuin. Co. s,treet 7x1Di. 21_96 - Consolidated 1.1rni.-7 Co., -ater 76.70 - l'aa.lo 17)07'")r r.10.' Ct.Li7,hte 172.25 4 T-nfr,l, r;0.70 ' Se'eer T5.00 ' Streets 112.00, A.D.Smith Streets 27.90 . l7estoott ni1 Co., Ilbrary 2C.0-9, 711.7P709th 77771r)1 11 salary ',--).95.: 701.th vassar l: ri 24..54 . OreFron Nem-7 (In. t, '7.9.8 / 7restern stores Tr 1.7q -,/ 7Plf".1-' 1-7.47.!fl street 2.7 .5(---; Tater 30.00 . The Ch5,1rman then an` ointed the followina' committeo for the (-or-1ring year: verby Prmstro- "oore -oberts streets nolf _ T,ibrar _ Finance Airnort - Village .PuTn r, cr-er - 7ater "otion b- Kerby,second by Clark that the r,„1.1.es be suspended. and that ordinance No. 162 nertaining, to the budget be oessed. "otion. carried nrdinance 7o.162 rend,onr,e nt lenoth, and twlce by tlties itsa final nrasage. Vote on nrdinance #162 -unanimous. and ont u on "lotion by Apmstrong .second by nark to snInend the. rules and that ordinance No.163 nertaing to salary of the Village Clerk be passed, Carried. fl.rdinance No.163 was read,once at length,twice by title and put upon its final passage. Vote on ordlnanee No.1.(-13 7a- nnrnimon.e. "ration 177 'Kerby, second by Clo- that the rn-es bo sn000nded rnd that ordinance Ne,164 pertaining, ,o the salr= of nhiof of Tlolce be r.losnrl. Carr4o0 . nrdinance No.14 rras read,once rt lenp.th and t7ice b- title and nut nre- ito final nrsoarre. 771-Ai Or Cril.lne "o.1.64 7rXX4'YI1i!MI1 XNY "otior Prmstrong, sec. by 21-o to susPend the rules and that ordinance 77. 765 nertaininFT to the fiscal. year bndr.et be nass ed. "otion carrie,:d. nrdinance 7Tr '65 was read, once 1.ength and twice her title 774.21 npon its fl.npl rIns':,!n,,e, Vote (r, ordj-rrco 70.165 7as unanimous. The fel'o71-- reonleton 7ro then reod to the 'or-l: sull'ect - " re-o'nIon recomnizi-D7 the condition or the -ate!' synelY s-stem of the Village of "eall, Idaho: -leco::nizing the ne•I'd for rool-ci_ng (l"."1 Inlarginn. the iresert e-risting ter' suonlg liner,e-Ttending Vr1P --tor suorlY lir -3,rrnVir74',- for increased nnmning s-stems. additIonal rre-s-Tre and increr-411- --ter su-)-1-, r1111;1PtS. 7111_9 re3')111tiOr ae nresented by Prmstrona; and Yoore. ration by Armstrong,second by "00re ,hat the resnlntl oi,,be adonted. "otlon carried r711.1.-i7Or. (qee complete r9.10/_,A3nr nttCherl.) There being rn farther bnliness to come befors the r'oard,adjournmert a, 11:0n7v,T. alrman n