HomeMy Public PortalAbout1952.06.02 Council Minutes (17 June 2,1952 A regular meeting of the Village Board was held on the ' above date and the ill following business transacted. Roll Call; Art Roberts Present J.D.Moore Fred Kerby Absent Blair Armstrong Present Sterling Clark i; n Meeting for the month of May adjourned. Minutes of May 5, 19 and 20 read and approved. Motion by Armstrong, sec nd by Clark to correct the minutes by striking out the words "two regular" and substitute the word Chief in the motion of May 5,1952,eovering the increase of 10% in salaries. Motion carried. The matter of striking out "Item 5" referring to laying of the water intake line was discussed. Motion by Armstrong, second by Clark to approve the signing of the contract after :.:; striking out "Item 5". Motion carried. The matter of spraying the Village was brought before the Board, the cost would be about $250.00 to : 300.00 for flying time. This would not includ • the spray. The Chairman instructed Armstrong to continue working on this matter. Motion by Armstrong, second by Clark that the Village contribute Z200.00 to the Junior Chamber of Commerce for the Fourth of July fireworks. Motion carried. The Chairman made a report on his efforts regarding proper equipment and divers for laying the intake pipe in the lake. The pontoons are available and divers will be contacted soon. The Chairma n read the bill. of C.Ben Martin in the amount of $264.61 and asked that no action be taken due to the fact that he believes too many meetings are included. The bill of the Idaho Municipal League in the amount of $56.00 was presented by the Chairman and recpmmended that it be approved in the amount as billed. George Rivenberg,eustodian at the Village Dump, is not to receive any salary for the period of 6 months from May 1, 1952. Motion by Armstrong,second by Moore to appropriate $200.00 for new chairs for the counicl chamber. No action was taken after the discussion, however, Armstrong was instructed to bring some concrete information before the Board. The matter of a dangerous covered well at Art Aslins place was discussed. The Village Attorney was instructed to write Mr. Aslin and A6karet was instructed to put a temporary covering over same. Motion by Clark,second by Armstrong that the bid of the BeAl1 Pipe and Tank Company covering culvert pipe be accepted. Motion carried. (See following pag:3 for bid) The following bills were then rea: Jeannette Aczuenaga Bond Exp. 16.80 y C.A.Stephens Salar?ol cce 313.96 Leonard " .Ackaret Salary Water&Street 293.46-- Louis Seiber " Golf 2 97.96- Jimmy H.Miller " Police 251.17- 0.P.Brooks " Clerk 77.58 - Henry A.Krause " Golf 102.93-- Leon Davis " Street & Water 131.38• J.E.Spielman " City Bldg. 8.15- Browns Tie & Lbr.Co. Police-St. & Water 61.24-' Harry H.Hunt Streets 50.35- Wayne Yelton Police 64.00- H.E.Ingebretsen Police Bond 5.00- H,W.Poilson Age .cy " It 5.00 ' Elizabeth Brooks Library 9.85" Edith Vassar " 50.78'` Western Stores " 1.39" Payette Lakes Star I' 22.00 6 Oregon News Co. Library 60.18-- H.R.Huntting Co. " 25.97 A.M.Roberts Board Exp. 40.00- Robt. H.Remakalus Legal 41.66.- Idaho Municipal League Board 56.00 - Gem State Tel. Co. Street 10.90 - Finch Stationery Clerk 2.67 OK Rubber Welders Street 18.90-- Brooks Hardware Golf-Police-Street 22.81 Sawtooth Co. Fire 56.54 Art Burnside Co. Police 29.99 Bob Hopkins Fire 5.00 Tom Kimery if 10.25 - Hooker Electric Chemical Co. Water 20.74-' Gantz Transfer Streets 7.50- Idaho Hospital Service 9.00a Holts Garage Golf 6.10 Idaho Power City Lights 247.90 Sterling Clark Fire 3.50 LeRoy Johnson n 13.50 Merle Hall it 3.50 Howard hoskella It 3.50 Raymond May tt 3.50 S.Peterson n 3.50 Del Rice tt 3.50 Ken Rosecrans tt 3.50 John Russell n 3.50 Wayne R. Webb II 3.50 Bart Scott n 3.50 Ralph L. Paris Streets 125.00 Joe E. Fisher Water 4.07 Valley County Slot Mach.tax 3229.19 State of Idaho tt 3229.18 State of Idaho Police 25.00 Harry H. Hunt tt 26.65 Myrtie Seiber Golf 12.17 ' Leon Davis Water & Street 108.35 """ Hwnry A.Krause Golf 67.72 J.H.Miller Police 35.85✓'� Motion by Moore, second by Armstrong that bills be ME Paid as read. Motion carried. Board adjourned at 10:30 PM. b=/ = . % . gairman of the Vide Board Attest ,- Cork of the Village Board