HomeMy Public PortalAbout1953.07.06 Council Minutesn,2cCa11, Idaho - - July ~, 1953 Armstrong; moved. to adjourn the meeting of June 16, 1153. The motion. way seconded by Sp~_elman and carried unanimously. Roll Call Arthur M. Roberts Present 3. C. Armstron7 " Jess Moore Dave Spielman The minutes of the previous meeting were read and an~roved as read. The CYOairman an.no~i_nced the first order;of business to appoint a Trustee to fill the unexpired term of rre.~ Kerby, who resigned. Armstrong moved to a:~~oint 'gyred Kerby to fill out the unexpired term of Kerby. The motion was seconde.~ by Spielman and carried unanimously. ~f yen Rosencrans who wa.~ present requested aid from the Village on. ~~` the r irejvorks dis play the Jay tees presente .z the ~.~th of July. ~>~ Armstrong moved to allover X200 to the Jaycees for the fireworks. "~` The -notion was seconded by Spielman and carried unanimously. ~- Tom Kimmery who was also present said he had not acted on hi_s cessnooi_ because of a spring in his basement m-akinr? work difficult. As soon as the sn_ ring dries up he will complete his hookup to the sewer. Ten days to two weeks should be sufficient time. ''~c objection was had by the poard to this proposal-. Present to present their views against the Premise License of coin operated amusement devices were F.oy stover ani Curley Bellier. Trey stated t':~lat the ~~100 license was t.~o much and. this on ton of all the other fees required was tie l~s~ straw. Discussion followed. Ralph Paris, also present, discussed the taxes on the building which is used by the city, and would like the city to assu~ne these taxes. Remaklus suggested that the title be liven to the Village and then ~,. ?ive Paris a mortgage for the amount yet due. r~ Remaklus reported on t'.~e ororess of the Airport and ex~~lained they condemnation broceedings on the Stringer land. tie informed the Board.' that the Grant ATreement :mad been approved by the CAA. Ar:~stron, reported that the golf tour ~~nent was proceedi_n;~ a,5 usual and would run from Au~u.~t 3 to the 9th. Tho following bills were reed for payment: ~~Vardel Brothers Airport _ ~' ~ 5. oo 'Nri~ht Const. Co. " 5.0~- Vernon Bros " 5.00- Cascaie ?News " 18.17 State ofldaho " 32.p0 Ner:nan Blackwell Police 7.39 C. A. Stevens " y 312.00' Leonard Ackaret bVater ~ S r;~ets 295.55- (seorge Rivenberg Dump ~ 19.70 Edith Vassar Clerk-Lib. 90.28.- ~J~lilliam Kirk Clerk 4y.25 Leon Davis Streets 130.02-~ mike Csentile Police 271.05- Lewis Seiber Golf 307.75 "'f Paul i~cBride Water-Streets 111.99 '' gill ie Stevens Golf 29.55 `' Jenaette Azcuenaga Library 9.35 Valley County 1.25 Jack Seetin Street 1500.90•; Henry Allen Hire 3.5p ~ Bus J~:nns~n 4 ir. e 24.00 J~~n Russell sire 4.00 ~ Ken Rosencrans Fire 5.50 ~" Don Ramsey sire 1.50 Ra~~ond ~v~ay .~ ire 3.50 °" ryril Cruse Police 36 OOr Bud P~ason ~~ . ~+~' 00 , ~~ ~~ °<~Ted Free Police ~ 30.00' h11.1S i~1Ce " 33 .~8 ~~~ ke rent; le " ~ 17 ~}.0' tobert ~ckaret S reets 7h,83- Jo in ~'uckness " ~ 2?_~. 3~+ " !d7rs. C'_~as. Griffen Police 17.25 States_nan Airoort 13.11 Oregon Ne•,:vs Co. r,i brary 1~3. 70 Caxton Printers " r.12 H.R. Fruntt In? Co. " t~9.3h ~~ Doubleday 'c Co. " 92.50 ~% Pe tt,;~ Cash ~ 1.53 Personal hook Shop " ?1~_.O1 Payette Lakes Star Police 1J7.92~' ~=antz Transfer ~Lreets 12.00 -~ i'•nay Hardware Gold-';`later-Streets 13. ~~0 _-' Oakley lUholesale ~;"dater 6,:30 -~' Idazo Concrete ';'dater 61.13' Payette La'~es Lbr. Co. " 3.05'' ~ro:en 'fie 1, Lbr. Se,r~er-:'.yre~ts '~3,2'~_` ':'V~~ster.z _~'`ore :!ial;er ~ 2.20 '~, i'ayette La'.~es S'.~e1.1 Streets '~_7, 3c~ Ro~~r~land ~ro.thers Streets 5!x..00 ;1~estern ~;~~.zin. '"later-Streets 1'~.2,7~_r OK ~~ubber Co, ',Streets 15,15 '?oy,lst~.zrls Serv?. ~e Police .60 ~tdater ~u~~.~rks Supplies moo. '~v~ater 270.18 `Joid Johns Service ~"later , 70/ :~~IcCa~ 1. `~,2erc ''ol.ice Streets 2.L~8~' Stan-lard ~~il Co . rTolf 10.70 ~! Ida~o State Golf Ass~~ G.~~lf ?0,00 ~ Sa,vtooth Co. Eire 2, 5;) Idaho Power Co. 2~y.68r 't~laterworks t~q~.~in. Jo. ~ ~~iater:. 1~ 0.03 Baxter ~a oundry ~u"dater -Streets 6.80 H. ~. Ln~rebretsen Police S. JO S;~ell Oil Co. Streets 13.87 -' Art Burnside Pol_i ce 32.1 2 City of Ontario ':"dater ~ ~ Payette L?-'s. Cleaners Police 00 `~unTalow ::t~r•e '~clf `~,88.. ~'us~s Service 79,67 Tordlin~ Parts streets 21..08 Art -ooerts '?oard !_~2. `0 '„'aestcott il. :whop-"all 33.~~2 .:ober•t Rena lus Le;~al .ill . >~ rse~r :_;ta~e Te'cot:~one ~ho~-~"i_~ 1r~~ ,0 Pa;~rette I~a'res Jaycees ~'ire~r_~r'-_~ .:;o~_o. 20 x.00 ~'r~~~~cit ..:o+;~,~-. ~;alF;s Stre~tU 2y.~~7 noon avis lat..:; t,arL.:r 12"?.J6 ~'a~~l ~1c ~r_id_e ;'.,..`ter-^treets 1o8.7r ~;V:n 'tee ~ ~.har•d T,and 670.00 . Talley Co:?nty OA3H'und 181.c~2 '_ ~r•ec,tor cf Internal novenae '~Nu ~'ax 577.9Q !'. A. ~teahe~~.s Police 312.00 ' Leonard Ac?~aret ';"~~r3ter-Streets 2~~5 55 Geo. Ri venber~_ ~,~ 0 , 2!~..E,2 ' ~;d i th ~lassar Cl er'~ 90.28 ":~i'illiam uirk Clerk ~ ~9,25 -'-~~ike ~~entil_e Po?.ice . 271.05 Levis S;ei'oor '~clf 307.75 jToid Aill_7_e Stevens !"golf' 30,K1+~. Jeanette A zcuena~;a r~ibrary ~~. ~,5 neon Davis '~~°Tater-~ ire 70.c?2 ~ Paul ',~c~ride "treets 13y,35 ~ Moran 'I'uckress ~, 228., 2 .r~rrns trop;; roved the bills tae paid -4vhicr. ~rra.~ secon: ed by Spielman and carried unanimo usly. A discussion fo11o.°~ed i_n the :neri is and reasons for nr•e::~ise li.~°enses of coin. operated a:nuse~ent devices. Also discussed. were Ju1~e Poxes, ~rrh i ch were tabled until :.~re information could be obta.i_ned ~~n what ot1'yer ~,'illa~es ~:vere levinz on t^.e:n.