HomeMy Public PortalAbout1954.01.04 Council Minutes 1 1 5 i..lor..7.,.a.11 , TTlah. o----Jan _.1a ry ) .,, A re.:77.)1...:. r 11":3 e t'1 77 0 f the v -11 la .7 e ".0 cil.:' 1 ,!.1 a s. h.(.- 1_d o n the a h OV e date an .I. the follow In' bu.sine trans hc tei . Pooerts an '-I I 0 1 7,1 an t t ...: are !? '',.erby ls tro -177. ...... :'he .1 .1.s, to -..-3 of t he .ore vi o as -ne e t 1.n...-, 7I.7(3 re rood and e.e or 0`,/ed. •-:".s -■-e ad. 'Irne halo h Pan 3 or-) o arty we brie fl..y d i:7,C,U 3 3 e:1 an d the or 1 :•••,:l nal 1 a a a e re;,td to t he Thud . The ah-tol..I.nt s n d on t':E lease and the ant-1°ns were a 130 di --i c a s•-,; e d. 7ollowin7 1 I s CU 3 3 :r- a and the oossiIle Col-Yr-as of solut1oas , Kerby :flayed to have Renaklus 1.raw 'in an •-•] .:'roe-tie, 'it to re.1. 1b7urse P..J n I s for th e taxes or tb3 .r)r o o or ty . -n.o ti on was se c o nd e d. by :.•r:-,.-atron T,; an d c a rr I.e d unan1 mo i..1.s Ty. he:mak 1'a s ore s oat e d th e '.).:o•-ad ,.71 th a ch.e cl> f r an Jo hn so n .1:'1 y ••-•: ..3er v 1 o e i n. the •••1n on at el' 1 .2)33.23 an d a x o 1.a 1 ne d tho che c k. to .....,_• , , ,,_ the heard. The chbck. reoresented o .ryi)ent iron ..•:,ar'..1., LY::),") to ••,,..„., Do c_enb or 31 , 19'5 . 1.-0...7-L,ih, 11.1:,..; was rins trncted to Pea .z an a ,.......... w 1 th Johnson .-'1y.i_na7, :_er vic ii on a Oaten der Year bas 1_a . ..-:...L'.... P..ob a r t a r e:ad a letter _I.'r orn .•'...o:.;t 0 o 7, t :\.1r1.1. ns-.: s .7.., i vl ai nrr. t he V ill_.-,..7e of .,..,. o0....- 11 an 1-.-itent L:n to aooly to the Cf,,/A. for a so a s o n al s too at ,..,c(,......•a 1 1. . fhe Soi.3th land se :-. bl:' _e -fly ,-11scarred and the o os s 1_ oil. 't y of --..)urc„.1-1.as e of sahrre -irns i.-,r one', •-ri ove(3 to write of the John Thcyr.o so n one ck in the am ant of •..;.5 fro.,-n the clprks cash as it L., not oo s stb-lp to collect the ch,::. oh. The at' en :1.7a.s seconded by C--,olelman end o 9r ri e d .1.mani.uoi1.sly. The a-v-a te-s of recel...ot s at the rrolf course eel the n0331.9)1.1 t; of a hence ....,-ys tea was discussed. 9riefly -...,.-- 01. arri roe d also was the an 11.t re oor t of t The shorts,r7e at the Coif Course . The follo7.rvinfT7 h ills .Alere read for oa.,,[lent : Raloh Pars -_,t re e t s •..;375.00 -- , „t-,. ,,,e brier's Police 3i2.03- " Leonard A ck aret .1'.,tre et 3- ..-1 a te r .,'-e o. "i ven herr; F...,,,,nr) 2 I• -:• 2.--- 2 I-• 3- L..•di th 'Jas .1!r IT.,1..b-C 1 e l'..?_- 90 .:.).', ----• i]..1_ Ian eirC (_:.1 ez- .,'0 •',-)5-'- :.:Iike .HI-en t ilo Police 271. 05 --- Jeanette A z cuena ,e. T.,lb r a ry 11-:',. 7 6,- i- 1 r:.,:t 6e c LI ri ty .--,an lz,- Trans • to -- ,,,Ater 5DJ „DO-- John j:ae line a a hat -n - Threats 37. 13-- ...,.IT.ke ,•"--",ea ti 1 e Police,lileap7e Le on ijav is ,-,..ater.- -J t re e ts 0. 0 . Rsibber '+'elders Threat a 3.50 .-- :-.3rown' s Tie ,.- .F.,br. ':',.;(a . •,a te:0-,.',tr :..e ts f31.1s ' s -..,er v ic e Ctreats -)(-• - 1. c_J. }-_,) ,,, ..:ay :,,ar..lware ,-,(D . ...,star 6. 32,- Joan' s ''''e r v -.o e trr.:, .... ;•-)., [:7.- -• ,..- • ....,,-.) ...o ,I.estco tt nil Co , :•:: t re,e- ts 2)) /le 0 .../ Hi 11 to n .....-lot el Ctreets -,.,ater ,S .. 6. 72 tat dard Oil Co . Library '72.95 -... ....-. ...;.en. Dta to '.1'e leo.none -;o . Phone '. 2 .?0,,-. :d3 J 0..-ris on i''ire 11. 5o - , R ay,•1101.11 ::iav I I 777.2.-.1 i4iason r, 1 .50 •-." Treo . "obinson If 1 • 50"7 -•.''e r le Hall ?, 1 . 0..,v and 'F, oak e .111a n 1. . oil Khirarnery " .,.-.!rant z Transfer Stree ti 5 .90 / I•da 1-rD "on-in Co 293 . 30 .., .'"J'e Seat t ..oil °o . :E;tree ts 2 - '0 ---i •-- ---"' - -- I a terrnonnt a1n .:1,quio. -o. . ,Three 'ii. 011 --.. o-- re on -A-ews (jo. Library 26. 10 '/ Per so. nal. l'?•ook. '."..-ioo I f 5. 90 I Petty • • 'I t•7,7'71 "7:, 11_ ".be ria f I r7y3 . it or ,,) tO r1/::. 3 Co. 1 7) fntoo1 2ov--' •' . .3•S) )1' S )trecJo 1 ') ) 'la Ley 0 lilty t -in.(3 3. 32 MINIM nove,3 '1113 'oe d ii. lot,..1 -fru> ::,;econrie,d by er7 'T 0 OtPied 00 1--)1)3 1). . 1 :-)e :d7:;-Crlindd h"" -rt'l v31-7 orls clenart- m. nt :3 d I001.S3 . 7..I0 b no c nn - Uuoro h le oar(..1, ,7-r.ri3tron),- 110 ver to a 3 jodrn io ()I 3,3 e concled hr -0ore arid c rr 1 ed 11-Ian 1.11,0,131 y, - - r r