HomeMy Public PortalAbout1954.06.07 Council Minutes 5 McCall, Icc'_aho June 7, 1954 A regular meeting of the Village Board was held on the above date and the follow- ing business transacted. Roberts . Present Moore I' Kerby Armstrong Absent Spielman rr Kerby moved to adjourn the meeting of May 3; 1954. The motion was seconded by Moore and carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Moore moved the minutes be apuroved as read, which motion was seconded by derby and carried unanimously. Roberts stated the Irown rater account woul. he .iscuased when Armstrong- and epielman were present. Remaklus reported that the Village had received the South land for the bid price of 2&00.00 ;.- Roberts reported that markers must be placed on the airport runway before the ded- ication. mocks would be used for markers and would be painted white. The State will assistthe Village withtne marking. "oberts informed the Board of the publicity campaign aboth the dedication of the field. Moore stated that he would contact the business houses to have representatives at the dedication. Roberts informed the Board that the Highway Dept. is not satisfied with their road to the state gravel stockpile. They desire a read between the railroad tracks and the runway in preference to the road to the north which involves a blind crossing. The road along the runway and the fencing problem were discussed. The request to the Highway Dept. for angle parking and the primary and secondary roads were discussed. The .tnicipal League meeting and program were also briefly discussed, The observation post for the around Observer Corp was discussed tnd the suggestion made that the fire house be used,for heating and other reasons. The Village is to furnish the material for the post and the Jaycees will furnish the labor. Ken :Losencrans, who was aresent, asked what the Village would charge for a beer lic- ense to be issued to the Jaycees for consumption off the premises. It was planned to sell beer during the hth cif July. It was the opinion of the Doard that the full fee of 25.00 would have to be paid. iobetts reported thr request, of a police patrol at the Shore Lodge for the coming Yrear. A discussion on the problems of beer to minors and speeding followed. The repair -f the c.i to dock was briefly discussed. The Clerk was authorized to hire and assistant clerk. The applications_ for beer licenses from John D. Rusell , wicurb, and the Jaycees were read to the ?oard. following discussion, a-erb;T moved to approve the applications. The motion was seconded by teore arri carried unanimously. The folloninv; bills were read for pa ment; C.A. SOphens Police X311.70 ✓� Leonard Ackaret 'eater-Streets 298.70.✓ Geo. Aivenberg Dump 19.60'' Edith `vasear Clerk-Librian 89.704' ailliam Kirk Clerk 49.00 Like Gentile Police 298.60' Jeanette Azcuenaga Library 29.404' Lewis Seiber Golf. 309100'4 Leon Davis ater -Streets-Parks 170.52.1 John '1'uckness Streets-Sater- Parks 207.89 Cantz Transfer Streets 6.5o Bus 's 'erviee Streets-fire 42.51 '% Intermountain Equip. -%o. Streets 162.46 '/ Gem State Telephone 14.50J 12 Idaho Power Co. -5292.80 J.-'I• Hayes Insurance 671.13 ,r dobt. 'iieiTia :lus �e °a l )41.66 .-r Ga,.,lord Pros. Library 21 .40 , Ralph Paris Dhop 125.00 / L.B. Johnson fire 21.50' sd -rarent I! 1.50 / Jim Nelson rr 300 Geo. Robinson U 1.50 Ken Rosencrnns 11 1 .50 -.cDride " 1.50 / `i'ora Kirir.Lerr u 1.50/ Paul L,.j ordinr; n 1.50 / ._.,.. :;eyne Cox ri 1.511/ L yeti e Seiber c off 30.36,/ C.L. Chalfant it 64.00Y Petty Cash Stairs - -,ter 17.51/ Personal Book Li r-shop �' t yo.a.�s 0 - ila.iprin Supply Co. ?ire 13.75 ).1'. Tordling, Parts Cc. Streets 33.76 H.H. T 7ebretsen Police Load 5.OD Y Hilltop hotel ,rater 3.74/ Payette Lakes Lbr. Co. Stnets-1 arks 3u.",2 / Lrov-Jn's Tie ' Lbr. C . Streets 11.07 ,'" Payette .Lakes 'tar Police -/ Standard Oil Co. Golf 29.59-✓ .,.ay Hardware Co. Streets-Police-dol f 32.60 John's service - Liolf 1.801/ Idaho "ta .e (-1 01 Assn. Golf Dues 20100 O Norco Str._:eis 6.65'/ City of Ontario , ater 39.57 `` Laxte r f'o ndery c-= 1iachine Later 69.00-✓ =,-tooth Co. ester-Streets 15.00 " Boise Imnlement o_lf 15.79'/ iestcott Oil Co. Streets 6.11 / 0. . 'Rubber Molders Viater-Duup-Streets !43.16 ✓ Syms-7ork Co. :1 olf 75.86 hiliLeer Truck Lines Frei f ht 15.33-/ AMP.. Personal Looms whop Library 2.00/ _ioore moved to nay the bills as presented. The motion was seconded by derby and carried unanir::cu sly. No fi7rthnr business corainr: before the Board the Sherman declared. .e motion4 recosaed until tie call of the char. ---- • .4 F 1 1 rman _7.--,-/ . Attest ,� Z- erk _.r