HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1992/07/09 - Special" " CITY OF TEMPLE CITY CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION JOINT SPECIAL MEETING JULY 9, 1992 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER - At 7:00 p.m. the special meeting was called to order by Mayor McGowan. 2. ROLL CALL - Councilmembers Breazeal, Budds, Manning, Wilson and Mayor McGowan and Planning Commissioners Griffiths, Muto, Souder and Vice - Chairman Seibert 3. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK - None 4. CONSENT CALENDAR: None 5. FOLLOW -UP DISCUSSION OF COMPONENTS OF THE SPECIFIC PLAN - A. DISCUSSION OF IMAGE MAP /CONFIRMATION OF DOWNTOWN SUBAREAS Mark Brodeur, Urban Design Studio, stated that the image map was the result of what was contained in the Ad Hoc Committee Report and from the Workshop. The Council and Commission agreed with the sub -areas as designated. B. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF OVERALL DOWNTOWN GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES Mr. Brodeur asked if there were any comments regarding the proposed goals and objectives. Councilmember Breazeal stated that he had some concerns with Objective 3 on Page 2, "Protect high quality single family residential neighborhoods from incompatible multi- family or commercial intrusion through the use of design, techniques ". He said that the majority of the zoning around the downtown was multiple family, and he did not want the commercial development restricted because the lot was currently improved with a single family residence that could some day have a multiple family use. He said it was not consistent with the maps and would restrict Joint City Council /Planning Commission Minutes July 9, 1992 Page 2 the type of commercial development which would defeat the purpose of the Specific Plan. Mr. Brodeur said that he understood that concern, but he was trying to protect the existing homes from large commercial developments. Councilmember Breazeal asked how he would accomplish the objective. Mr. Brodeur said that if the area was zoned R -3 but improved with single family uses, then any commercial development could not intrude into the residential area so that it would minimize the impact upon those residences. He illustrated on a pad of paper how the building heights could be stair - stepped to reduce the effect upon the residential area and then illustrated Councilmember Breazeal's point saying that at some future time those homes could be apartment houses. He concluded by stating that the Council and Commission needed to make the decision. Commissioner Griffiths said he agreed with Councilmember Breazeal, but asked that those areas that were zoned R -1 be protected from intrusion from the commercial area. Commissioner Muto agreed with Councilmember Breazeal comments. Mayor Pro -Tem Manning felt that if commercial development was allowed to be built to the maximum, there would be a lot of residents upset. She said she understood that it could be currently zoned R -3, but it may not have been zoned that when the purchased the property and then a large commercial building could be placed near it. She said she would not support this objective. Councilmember Budds said he was surprised to see how many R -3 zoned lots there were and unfortunately that was what the zoning was. He asked what the position of this property owners at the time of the rezoning. Councilmember Breazeal said it was mixed, just like Cloverly and Alessandro; there were some who supported a higher density and some who did not. Councilmember Budds said he agreed with Councilmember Breazeal's comments and said that the area should be development to it current zoning. • • • " Joint City Council /Planning Commission Minutes July 9, 1992 Page 3 Councilmember Wilson also agreed and Vice - Chairman Seibert said that you could not please everyone and felt that if the zoning was multiple family it should be developed as such. Commissioners Souder and Keelin agreed. Mayor McGowan agreed with Mayor Pro -Tem Manning and said she would prefer that the zoning be changed to R -1 and should maintain a small community rather than five story commercial buildings. Commissioner Souder asked how changes could be made to the General Plan in a year. Councilmember Breazeal said four a year. Commissioner Souder said he understood the concerns with those currently living in the multiple family zones, but unfortunately the zoning allows for a higher density and the commercial development could be built to the maximum. Mr. Brodeur said that there appeared to be a consensus to protect the R -1 zoned parcels and to allow the maximum development in the commercial zones that abut the R -2 and R -3 zones. Mayor McGowan asked that the record reflect and she and Mayor Pro -Tem Manning did not agree with the objective. Commissioner Souder stated that on page 3, item 4 the objective addresses window maintenance and use of vacant window space. Mr. Brodeur said that vacant store fronts may provide an opportunity for advertising for a store down the street and also provide the vacant store owner with an opportunity to lease his space. There was some discussion about objective 6 on page 3 which required the expeditious removal of signs that did not conform with the regulations. Some felt that the current code was not being enforced and others thought that the objective provided additional steps for removal. All agreed that the objective was acceptable. Councilmember Breazeal asked about objective 4 on page 4, ensuring gradual upgrade of under - utilized parcels and how it would be accomplished. Joint City Council /Planning Commission Minutes July 9, 1992 Page 4 Mr. Brodeur said that it would be done through a facade improvement and more urban standards for commercial development in the area and for properties that are under - utilized, the regulations would be more progressive. Commissioner Souder asked how the Economic Development Department could attract new business. Mr. Brodeur would use facade improvement programs, help promote the businesses as well as common advertising for the downtown. Councilmember Wilson wanted an objective added that would utilize a vacant store front for senior citizen activities. Mr. Brodeur said that a policy could be added to establish and promote senior retail and cultural activities in the downtown. Councilmember Breazeal asked for a clarification of policy 7 on page 6 which would limit existing and future vehicular access on Las Tunas Drive. Mr. Brodeur illustrated to the Council and Commission that it would restrict vehicle access in the middle of the block to the rear of the buildings in the City Center District. C. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF LAND USE MAP AND PERMITTED USE MATRIX. Mr. Brodeur explained the districts on the land use map. He also stated that Cal Hollis provided input, and therefore, the TC District between Cloverly and Primrose should be changed to CC District and the Landmark District should be changed to the CC District. He also stated that the TC District on Oak and Woodruff would be retained for limited commercial development. All members agreed with the changes. Mr. Brodeur stated that Cal Hollis had also reviewed the land use matrix and felt that there some uses that should not be limited, athletic gyms, book and gift stationary stores, clothing and apparel, computer and video equipment department stores, food /grocery stores, furniture stores, hobbies /craft stores, pet shops, • • • " " Joint City Council /Planning Commission Minutes July 9, 1992 Page 5 record /tape /video stores, sporting goods and TV /radio and electronic component sales. Councilmember Breazeal said that he did not feel a conditional use permit was necessary if a use was permitted and adequate parking was provided. Mayor McGowan said that she sees a lot of wedding shops, nail shops and video stores. Councilmember Breazeal said that unless you are dealing with an adult store, you cannot restrict a certain type of business from coming into the City. He also asked if the square footage was based upon a study. Mr. Brodeur said that he discussed it with Cal Hollis and based the square footage on lot size. He asked that the group look at the uses and discuss the ones they did not want. Councilmember Budds asked how the group felt about bars and cocktail lounges. Councilmember Breazeal stated that he preferred they be in the WC District with a CUP. All concurred. Director Dawson asked about billiard /pool centers. The group said that a CUP should be required. They also felt that pin ball and Game arcades should be CUP in all districts. It was also agreed that no car washes should be allowed in any districts. Director Dawson asked what a mixed use was. Mr. Brodeur said that it was two separate land uses on a single property -- housing upstairs and retail downstairs. Director Dawson asked if the group wanted to permit them without a public hearing. Councilmember Breazeal said that if the required parking was provided then no . public hearing should be required. Director Dawson asked about the multiple tenant merchant " mart and requiring a CUP. Joint City Council /Planning Commission Minutes July 9, 1992 Page 6 Mr. Brodeur said that it was a P4 which meant there would be special requirements. He also stated that nail shops would require a CUP. Commissioner Souder said that then the pressure would be placed on the Planning Commission whether or not to permit the use. He said it should be permitted and all agreed. All agreed that restaurants with incidental serving of beer and wine should be permitted. It was decided that the psychic reader use would reference the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code. Second hand /thrift stores in the CC District should require a CUP. Tennis courts, churches and veterinary offices /animal hospitals were removed. Wedding chapels will be changed from CUP to permitted. Outdoor art exhibits were changed from CUP to permitted. Government offices and facilities was changed to City Government offices and facilities. Convalescent homes was removed from CC District and single room occupancy was removed from all districts. Multiple Family /Condominiums 18 du /ac maximum in the CC district was changed to C6 and in TC district was changed to P6. The Council and Commission wanted all housing on the upper floors only. D. OPPORTUNITY AREAS FOR LOT CONSOLIDATION E. REVISED WORK SCHEDULE FOR PLAN PREPARATION AND ADOPTION 6. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK REGARDING THE SPECIFIC PLAN 7. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor McGowan adjourned the meeting at 9:04 p.m. The next regular meeting of the City Council will be on Tuesday, July 21, 1992, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at 5938 Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. The next regular meeting of the • • " " " Joint City Council /Planning Commission Minutes July 9, 1992 Page 7 Planning Commission will be on Tuesday, July 14, 1992, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at 5938 Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. ATTEST: Secretary SAR /MINS /1684.1 Mayor