HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1995/03/28 - Regular" " " PLANNING COMMISSION TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES MARCH 28, 1995 INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Also Present: Commissioners Brook, Larson, Seibert and Griffiths Commissioner Muto City Manager Riley, City Attorney Martin, Com- munity Development Director Dawson, Associate Planner Turner Commissioner Seibert moved to excuse Commissioner Muto for cause, seconded by Commissioner Larson and unanimously carried. 4. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: NONE 5. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Meeting of February 28, 1995 Commissioner Seibert requested that all references to Tentative Tract Map 51975, Zone Change 95 -1221 at 9921- 9945 Olive Street be corrected to state that Chairman Griffiths abstained because he lives within 300 feet of the subject case. Chairman Griffiths stepped down for that item and Commissioner Seibert acted as Chairman. Commissioner Seibert moved to approve the Minutes as corrected, seconded by Commissioner Brook and unanimously carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of March 14, 1995 Commissioner Seibert moved to approve the Minutes as written, seconded by Commissioner Larson and unanimously carried. 6. STUDY SESSION - R -1, R-2 AND R -3 ZONES: Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 Date of Hearing: March 28, 1995 A. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The Planning Commission conducted a study session to review current development standards for the residential zones and to review the City's current code enforcement procedure. The Commission discussed several possible changes to the residential development standards as well as a number of typical conditions which are imposed on subdivisions. Attendees of the recently conducted Development Industry Advisory Committee meeting were advised of this study session and several developers, architects and engineers were present to provide input. DENSITY IN THE R -2 ZONE: City Manager Riley stated that the City's old housing must be recycled. Developers should receive a bonus for larger land developments as smaller housing unit developments limit housing availability. Several housing choices must be available. Following discussion by the Planning Commission and staff, it was agreed that consideration should be given to increasing the density in the R -2 zone from 10 units to 12 units per acre; however, it was suggested that the increased density only be available for larger sized parcels, rather than small sized lots. Several possible incentives were considered. The general consensus was that lots with 15,000 square feet or more should be allowed to have 12 units per acre, while the smaller parcels should continue to be restricted to the 10 units per acre limit. Fractions of dwellings shall be rounded down. Eric Friedman, 9440 Telstar #201, El Monte, Friedman Development, stated it is difficult to find lots to combine in Temple City. He asked the City's assistance in locating parcels for this purpose. OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS: Consideration was given to reducing the current amount of square footage required for open space. Rather than reducing the square footage requirements, it was the consensus of the Commission that side yard areas, regardless of the width, and rear yard areas should be counted toward meeting the open space requirement. This may also encourage single -story developments. 410 " Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 Date of Hearing: March 28, 1995 Ezra Levy, 9119 Las Tunas Drive, #A, real estate broker, stated that since this applies to multi - family dwellings, the original intent of the ordinance may have been to address those properties which have no back yard. FRONT YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENT: Consideration was given to modifying the current requirement that no structure, encroach through a plane which projects at an angle 45 degrees from the front property line. The consensus of the Commission was that no change should be made in this area at this time. Eric Friedman stated that single story homes cost $8 more per square foot to build;. two story homes are cheaper to build. Single story homes are more difficult to sell at this time. Also, a three -car garage does not look appealing on some developments. GARAGE PARKING REQUIREMENTS: Director Dawson stated that perhaps the requirements for a three -car garage for more than four bedrooms could be changed to relate only to new dwellings. The Commission had concerns relating to on- street parking congestion. It is assumed that the number of drivers will increase with additional bedrooms. Perhaps unenclosed parking spaces could be considered, such as a concrete slab, tandem parking or carport. The Commission decided that more information was needed and staff will be getting back to the Commission on this item. TRASH ENCLOSURE REQUIREMENT: The Commission felt that smaller sized condominium projects of four or fewer units could have individual trash pick up rather than having a trash bin. The consensus was that the requirement for a trash enclosure be eliminated for smaller sized projects. BLOCK WALL REQUIREMENT: The Planning Commission discussed requirements for tract and parcel map subdivisions which currently require a 6' high block wall surrounding the, project as well as to separate each property. Staff occasionally receives requests from developers to install wood fencing. This Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 Date of Hearing: March 28, 1995 would not be objectionable for a flag lot subdivision in a single family neighborhood. Ezra Levy stated that block walls make him feel isolated and asked that standard fencing be considered for flag lots. The consensus of the Commission was that the typically required 6 foot high block wall around the perimeter is a good idea, due to the fact that condominiums face various directions and angles and may impact the view of neighbors; however, it is not necessary to require a block wall to separate the two parcels of a flag lot subdivision. SEWER LINE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS: The Commission extensively discussed and reviewed the City's current requirement for an 8" mainline sewer on- site for all condominium projects. Consideration was given to projects with four units or less to install a 4" size sewer lateral with an agreement in the CC &R's requiring that on- property upkeep is the Homeowner's Association responsibility. A ten -unit development would have individual laterals to the street. City Attorney Martin asked if a change is being considered only to reduce building costs to a developer. Director Dawson answered that it would save time and money for the developer, however, possible sewer line problems could occur in the future. Commissioner Seibert stated that 50 -60% of his business is for emergency flood damage repairs caused by sewer system backups in apartments and multi -unit buildings. Mike Owen, 4275 N. Baldwin Avenue, El Monte, Owen Construction, stated that many cities allow a 6 -8" lateral for 10 -12 units. If a problem occurs, the Association takes responsibility. Plastic pipes work well and do not deteriorate like clay pipes. Developers must use the best quality and cheapest product in order to make money from their projects. He said the requirements for installing manholes in certain cases is excessive and not needed for safe housing. Octavio Solorza, 855 W. Foothill Boulevard, Monrovia, Civiltec Engineering, stated that Temple City requires clay sewer pipe. When houses face the street, they • • " " Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 Date of Hearing: March 28, 1995 should be connected only to the main line. Mr. Solorza added that an 8" line requires bonds, additional plan checking, more engineering, added cost, etc. and is not needed. Every main line requires two manholes at a cost of $3,000 each. The County will not maintain the sewer without a manhole. Eric Friedman stated that a four -unit project on Garibaldi Avenue cost approximately $4,000 for clay pipes, with a total approximate cost of $20,000 for sewers. He added that clay pipes deteriorate from earthquakes and weather and plastic pipes do not. Engles Shen stated that the lateral should be 2% from the mainline or backup may occur. The Commission asked the staff to conduct further research on the matter. RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS: Discussion involved the possibility of reducing or eliminating the reqirement for a minimum land area of one acre for residential planned developments. This is due to the current land costs involved to assemble several properties in order to form an acre of land for these projects. City Attorney Martin stated that RPD's serve a good purpose and should not be on too small a parcel of land; i.e. not less than one acre. However, he understood that the one acre requirement has been a barrier to construction. Director Dawson said perhaps a 4,500 square foot requirement would work. Eric Friedman stated RPD's are an advantage to individual home buyers because lenders desire their business more so than for condominiums. The association fees are usually lower also. He agreed to a 4,500 square foot requirement and was anxious to work on more RPD projects. Commissioner Seibert stated perhaps the requirement could be dropped to 1/2 or 3/4 acre. Engles Shen stated a PUD is more valuable to the buyer and seller than a condominium. Cities and developers must adopt an ordinance for overlay PUD zones. Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 Date of Hearing: March 28, 1995 Mike Owen stated that regulations need to be such that developers can make enough money and a buyer can afford the housing. Staff was requested to obtain copies of PUD ordinances from other cities and formulate a possible ordinance which could be considered by the Commission and the City Council. B. CODE ENFORCEMENT - PROPERTY NUISANCE PROCESS The Commissioners reviewed the current code enforcement procedure. The Planning Commission requested staff to compare the provisions set forth in Chapter 99 of the Los Angeles County Building Code to see if the City's process can be shortened and improved. 7. COMMUNICATIONS: A. 36TH ANNUAL PALM SPRINGS MUNICIPAL SEMINAR The City Council approved a limited number of Commissioners to attend this seminar on May 18 -21, 1995 (registration only paid by the City). Staff furnished the Planning Commission with a seminar package for their information. 8. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: A. City Manager Riley thanked the Planning Commissioners and the members of the Development Advisory Committee who attended and spoke. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Griffiths adjourned the meeting at 9:40 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on Tuesday, April 25, 1995, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 5938 Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. ATTEST: ecretary • • •