HomeMy Public PortalAbout07-17-2012 petitionLog regarding Oakley Country Club Installation of wooden fence barrier: April 3, 2012 Awakened by many loud saws cutting down trees in the rear of my house. 7:30AM Other abutters were out in bathrobes wondering what was going on... many rancorous conversations between the installer & the abutters The job seemed to be disorganized & "helter-skelter 7:45AM I called the groundskeeper; he returned by call at 10:20AM I asked him, kind of fence, height & if it was porous. He did not seem to know the answer to these concerns. When I told him that we should have had notice, he said he president of the clubhad sent notices "to every single home. Later, when I asked him for the name of the president, he said that the president had not sent notices April 4 Sent CRR letter to Mr. Michael Battista, the president of the club He never responded. April 30 More of unpainted fence installed May 13 4 industrial mowers; 2 carts working away at the 10th hole 7:30AM (Sunday) June 10 Mower motors on 7:05Am mowers begin stopped at 7:30Am 6:45Am (Sunday) June 26 Mowers 2 Large Mowers added at 6:45AM 7::05 Mowers left 6:20AM 7:45Am mowers returned July 6 Power washed their side of the fence only...many bird dropping on dark f17:50AM fence. This fence will be very expensive to maintain and in order to continue to look good will probably need to be frequently cleaned and replaced sooner than a chain fence. Lumber used for fencing appears to be low grade. Seems no thought was given to the high cost of maintaining it. Supervisor came at 10:40AM July 8 Upper middle mowing 6:45AM One morning recently a neighbor called the police to get the noise stopped.(Report to follow) Doris Sassser 21 Commonwealth Road Watertown Residents Air Concerns About Oakley Country Club - Watertown, MA Patch Page 1 of 3 I • UPGRADE TODAY VL0- -a,VV 4)q42" Sheraton r Charlie ©raitrose charlie.breitroseipatch.com Watertown �!r Enjoy breakfast for two every day of your stay. Meet You There. .,18 Patch Newsletter Nearby 71" Home New:: Events Directory Commute Pics & Clips More Stuff Watertown Residents Air Concerns About Oakley Country Club Some Watertown residents gathered this week to share their issues with the policies of the private country club and golf course on Belmont Street. By i'5ul Aniiolillo Email the author January 30, 2015 j TAM 1 Email 1' i lilt Comment. Related Topics: I'luodincl and I'c;liCir;: On a cold and snow -bounded evening this week, 14 Watertown residents who live near the Oakley Country Club met with Town Councilor Cecilia Lenk to discuss issues related to the policies and practices of the private club and golf course. The meeting dealt with three key issues: excess run-off from the golf course, potential hazards from herbicides and pesticides used on the grounds, and the lack of public access to the property. The meeting was organized by several residents after a survey was sent out to about 30 households near the country club. "Many people responded that they had concerns," said Bob Wood, one of the meeting's organizers. 'We thought it would be good to share any problems — so it's not just one person approaching the club. On opening the meeting, Lenk announced that no one from Oakley Country Club would be attending. I ney were Invite°, nut cnose not to come, " she said. Despite the obvious disappointment with this lack of a presence by the Oakley Country Club itself, the residents were measured in their concerns and offered constructive ideas that Lenk could take back to the club's officers. LCiik had aiieauy had a "ix.,nliai Iineaunig" VYlui urn dubs IJICbideiit and yll)ufidb Ifiai'Iagef fecefruy, and said shailbeataVerkeilityhem again. READ MORE IN NEWS in Review: Jan. 23 to Jan. 29 On theWy vtie iFi (Nag rf PRMAfilyttl4fi hit y property, Lenk told the meeting that and breaking news as it happens. n n r)I,iioi r: Penns of Service Privacy Policy Join gn In 0, Close cies http://watertown.patch.com/articles/watertown-residents-air-concerns-about-oakley-country... 7/9/2012 Watertown Residents Air Concerns About Oakley Country Club - Watertown, MA Patch Page 2 of 3 this past summer Oakley had cleaned out several catch basins that had become "filled with trash." And they had promised to make the cleaning of the basins a regular maintenance task. Further, Lenk said the club is constructing a new retention basin near Common Street. "Of course (the catch basins) should have been part of the regular maintenance before," Lenk said. Organizer Wood emphasized that any resident who has a problem with run-off, or any another issue, should "take pictures and summarize," and share their findings with others. 'There needs to be a reporting system, a coordinated way to respond," he said. Of more concern to many attendees was the use of herbicides and pesticides and their possible effects on gardens, animals, and people. Lenk pointed out that the club's groundskeepers had to be certified for applying herbicides. When one resident asked what herbicides and pesticides the club was using and the amounts of them, the councilor admitted that so far the club had not provided that information, although it was probably obtainable from the state's Department of Environmental Protection. Lenk also mentioned that the country club was aiming for "Audubon certification," which would mean it was a more natural environment How fast was the club working toward this "green" certification? an attendee asked. Councilor Lenk answered that they were on a "slow track," adding that she'd even offered to help them fill out the paperwork. "I think they're trying to turn around," Lenk said. Others were less sanguine. "It's discomfiting that they won't reveal what chemicals they're using," Wood said. "It doesn't seem very neighborly." On the issue of through -access and sledding and skiing on the property — activities that were permitted to the public until 2005 — attendees offered several ideas, including allowing access in the off-season and a pass system for skiing or sledding. It was acknowledged that access to the 113 -year -old private club was discretionary — and that some dog -owners had likely abused the privilege by not picking up after their pets. Someone suggested that the club might be required to allow some public access because of tax breaks it receives as a non-profit A long-time resident pointed out that some of the pathways through the land had been in use for more than 20 years, which might qualify as a "right of access." "No one's taken that up yet," Wood said. "It's an emotional issue for some older people," he added. Balancing their concerns, residents also credited the Oakley Country Club with sponsoring a golf team at the high school, hiring youths from town, and not "actively harassing people" who still use the property. Someone recalled that the club took a more engaged attitude toward the neighborhood in the 1960s, by helping with a Neighborhood Watch and other activities. "It would be a good place to get back to," Lenk said. Tv.eci 1 Submit tip Con, ,mi Leave a comment Submit Close c. atched In b� I�C�V �ita Vol�/ IUIItOCI' READ MORE IN r in Review: ao f31 o air. 29 r als sent to yo Advertisn��ht �afk di r�ti t�hoh{i1�i c if want to help local causes, or your cause • Send us news tips customgiSlri 0 aUP8%. O'OPF8RO: Cilbic" ' " 14ed's local help, your next click should be iiy lir rms o •Swi tar Prvtariyu POiig u<iiviiu<+i http: //watertown.patch.com/articles/watertown-residents-air-concerns-about-oakley-country... 7/9/2012 Watertown Residents Air Concerns About Oakley Country Club - Watertown, MA Patch Page 3 of 3 here for more information. Lcani 1, Orly r, here. ;:dun unu Patch Info Get in Touch Patch Initiatives Goodies About_Us Go Patch! PatchU Patch Newsletter Jobs Help Widgets Advertise Contact Us Terms of Use Patch Blog Privacy Policy Copyright 0 2012 Patch. All Rights Reserved. Get Patched In Watertown news, events, and deals sent to you daily and breaking news as it happens. See more options Terms of Service Privacy Policy • Announce something to everyone READ MORE IN NEWS Week in Review: Jan. 23 to Jan. 29 Network C!ose http://watertown.patch.com/articles/watertown-residents-air-concerns-about-oakley-country... 7/9/2012 April 4, 2012 Mr. Michael Battista PRESIDENT OAKLEY COUNTRY CLUB 410 Belmont Street Watertown, MA 02472 RE: Wooden barriers installed in the Rear along Commonwealth Road Dear Mr. Battista: CERTIFIED RECEIPT REQUESTED #7010 0290 003 2205 0285 I was awakened at 7:30AM yesterday to several noisy saws removing trees along the rear of many houses on Commonwealth Road. When your workers were asked about the project, they said that a new fence was being installed because dogs were defecating on the golf course. Today, many sections have already been installed. This installation has created many problems : Fire Hazard Environmentally Because these houses are mostly made of wood and close Together, should a fire break out, it would be even more Difficult for the firemen to reach the fire from the rear. Should 1 of these barriers ignite, they would act like a String of firecrackers along the rear of other houses. Flooding:....Because of the hilly contour of the Club and Raised area at the 10`x' hole, serious flooding of some Houses has been a problem. A few years ago, a sand bag Blockage was installed along with a re-routing of the over Run path directly to the catch basin on Belmont St. With the removal of many small trees and the very large Holes dug for the barrier post, I fear the flooding protection Is now in jeopardy. This flooding was major and costly in The past. Because our houses are so close to the barrier, it blocks free Air movement and sunshine in this small area. Now there are 2 fences (the long time open chain one & this New wooden barrier) like a prison double fencing which Creates a perfect run for dogs that could not be seen or easily Identifred...also a reservoir for leaves that could be another Fire hazard. Vandalism of This "alley" between the 2 fences is a perfect hiding place Residents for any vandals.....they could go several houses away with - Out being seen and then hoist themselves over the barrier. While I am in sympathy with your concerns about the dog defecation on the golf course, I do not believe this barrier will solve this problem, As stated above, I would only make this problem worse. Dogs are very good at digging holes below wooden fences! Have you talked with the Watertown or Belmont Dog Officers? I know the Watertown Officer does a good job. There is already a large fine for owners who do not clean up after their dogs. I believe many would agree to a substantial fine for those owners who allow their dogs on the course. This could be posted so that there is no question about the fine . I have seen outsiders park at the top of the hill on Commonwealth Road to let their dogs onto the course Any vandalism to the fence should be treated as such. Have you talked with the residents where the fence has been broken? I would believe that if they knew the problem, they would help monitor the area. Did you apply for a permit from the Building Department who would have sent notices to the abutters.. I do not know if you" legally", had to apply, but when we do any work to our houses, we must have a public hearing and those results are sent to abutters for comment, Whether this was legal or not, we should have been notified of such a major construction. Your current Grounds Keeper, Patrick, told me that you had sent notices to "every single" resident. In the same conversation, he said that you had not sent notices. No one received anything. The only notice was the sound of the saws cutting down the trees at 7:30AM Tuesday, April 3, 2912. In the past, the Club and the residents have had a good relationship. I have been here 15 years and worked with all the Grounds Keepers since Dave in the `90's and more recently with Jim who understood this mutual relationship and residential concerns, Your project has had people very upset, especially our infirm elderly who are right in the middle of this upheaval. The fire, environmental, and vandalism hazards are real.. I believe that the barrier/fence should be removed as soon as possible. You should have a knowledgeable person with common sense to make a plan that resolves your concerns that does not adversely affect the safety and well-being of the residents, This may include your re -locating the 10th hole. I would like you to respond to me in writing as to your plans. There has been much rumor and hearsay as to what you intend to do. Your golfers use the course a few or several times a year. We live here 365days 24/7! Sincerely, DORIS SASSER 21 Commonwealth Road Watertown, MA 02472 NOTES FOR PETITION: 1. The wooden fence panels can easily be removed as they were put up...It has been rumored that they will not add additional fencing. This negates the concern about dogs which we were told as the reason for putting up the fence in the first place...The history of the Club's promises as a shoat term appeasement for any problem is well known. They will probably try to add more fencing later. If the real reason is that they did not want to view the houses from the 10`" hole, this path could be turned slightly to the right so that the area would not be parallel to the houses. This would help prevent stray balls damaging rooftops and windows as they have in the past. They could return the chain -link fence and plant inexpensive and fast growing forsythia as they have done on Belmont Street. This would be less expensive and would not require costly annual maintenance of a wooden fence. 2. Noisy leaf blowers and big mowers continue in early mornings even after much fuss has been made of this issue (Memorial Day loud equipment began at 6:50AM and continued until 8:50AM when the golfers came to play). 3. I do not believe that the Club membership at large is even aware of these problems. However, the current Club leadership is well aware of all these issues and has been disrespectful of and ignored residents' rights. The way this fence went up, the continued disturbing early morning activities, and the avoidance of trying to solve these problems, indicates they have forgotten that they are located in a highly residential area (There has also been complaints from residents on the other side of the course). This hearing could give written clout not only for removing the new fence, but for preventing any additional ones. The hearing could later show why changing their commercial zoning to a "commercial variance" zoning might be useful. This would give the residents rights or a legal say as to how the Club operates when it affects the residents. The current problems would not exist and who knows what future leadership the Club will have. It could be worse! What we need now is to complete the petition for a hearing on our 3 current issues....Renters who indirectly share in paying taxes and are subject to the same abuses could sign a petition as well. UPDATE; 7.10.12 We have 2 minutes to present our petition to the Town Council on: TUESDAY JULY 17 7:15pm TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS We will be last on the agenda and a council member will be assigned our petition To avoid misrepresentations and more confusion, I believe Oakley's response should come from a board member and not an employee nor sub -contractor. The fence installation continues t� create problems...dangerousrusty metal spikes are embedded in trees and on chain link fencing left behind ( a dead squirrel was found in a driveway)... unpainted panels were sprayed without warning, trampling over flower beds... even painting a tree with the paint...the young men who did the painting seemed inexperienced and appeared to be unsupervised. From the residents side it is quite .a.mess and unsafe. The fence is a favorite landing place for many birds who leave their droppings over the fence. The club recently power washed their side, but left the residential side unwashed...To maintain this wooden barrier would be very expensive While they never maintained our old chain link fencing; it would still be much less costly -to properly install a new one.(See how well the Belmont St fencing is maintained which is in public view) It continues to appear that nothing about this installation was professionally done nor any thought given to short and long tem consequences....certainly not to the residents!... In the past the club has used Cambridge Landscaping Co. professional arborist to do the tree work. It appeared that the fence company made -the decision as to which and how many trees would be removed... apparently with no knowledge "of the serious drainage concerns for.our houses where the trees were removed and large holes were dug for the fencing posts. It is hoped that all these issues will be resolved and that the club `s attitude and future, actions reflect the fact that they are operating a business in a highly residential area where people work and live 365 days 24/7... these activities have caused the residents much unnecessary worry and stress!...all of which was expressed in a 4/4/12 CRR letter to the club president who chose not to respond.