HomeMy Public PortalAboutM 2011-09-06 - CC LYNWOOD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 6, 2011 The City Council of the City of Lynwood met in a regular meeting in the Council Chambers, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 5:08 p.m. Mayor Castro presiding. Council Members Flores, Rodriguez, Santillan-Beas, Morton and Castro were present. Also present were City Manager Haley, City Attorney Galante and City Treasurer Alatorre. City Clerk Quinonez was absent. Administrative Analyst III Albert Espinoza announced that the Agenda had been duly posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Item #6. PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS • National Preparedness Month Proclamation Human Resources Director Alfredo Flores read the proclamation urging residents to prepare for disasters and emergencies of any type. Fan Abel, Disaster Management Area Coordinator for Los Angeles County spoke to the residents about the importance of emergency preparedness. Block Watch Coordinator Natalia Medina spoke to the residents about the upcoming CERT classes. • Recognition of Lynwood Marlins Swim Team Competing at U.S.S. Junior Olympics The City Council presented certificates to Emily Galindo, Joshua Guzman, and Jesus Munguia. • Sheriff Captain James Hellmold — Update on Law Enforcement Issues Lieutenant Chavez reported that there were no incidents during the long weekend. He said there was one suspect in custody for shooting a gun on Olanda and Wright Road. He explained the importance of having the correct phone number for the Sheriff's Department, to dial in an emergency. • City Council Members Reporting on Meetings Attended (Gov. Code Section 53232.3(D)) Mayor Castro reported attending the Helen Grace Grand Opening on Long Beach Blvd. in the Oakwood Plaza, with Mayor Pro Tem Morton. Mayor Castro thanked the new Greater Lynwood Area Chamber of Commerce for attending the grand opening. Mayor Pro Tem Morton stated that St. Emydius has a new Youth Pastor and Council Member Rodriguez and City Treasurer Sal Alatorre also attended the religious event. Mayor Castro also reported attending the Board of Supervisors Redistricting Hearing. She said she spoke in favor of the T1 and S2 maps proposed by Gloria Molina and Supervisor Mark Ridley Thomas Item #7. COUNCIL RECESS TO: LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 5:35 p.m. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) Vicky Candelaria stated she is a long time Lynwood resident and is very unhappy because she had to call the City five times to remove trash from her street. She handed the Council pictures. She stated that she is on a fixed income and she cannot pay for the removal herself but does not deserve to live with all that trash in front of her home. She said there is trash and furniture all throughout Wright Road and she asked Council for their help in cleaning it up. Rajen Dhaliwal stated he is the Chair of the new Greater Lynwood Chamber of Commerce. He asked Council for a space to set up the new Chamber. He stated that he was willing to pay any reasonable rent to the City for the work space. Harry Gibbens stated that the water from his home was sandy and rusty and he tried to contact various departments in City Hall to find out what was going on with his water but was unable to get assistance. He asked for the Council's support in finding out what is wrong with his water. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Pearline Calderon stated that Josephine Street between Bullis Road and Long Beach Blvd. is worse after the construction. She further started that she received a letter suspending her and her husband from the Senior Center for 30 days for violating the Code of Conduct. She stated that it is a conflict of interest for her appeal against the suspension to be heard by the same people that signed the letter suspending her from the Senior Center. Frank P. Calderon stated that the City's Code of Conduct process is flawed, his constitutional rights have been violated and ex post facto laws have been activated to punish him and his wife. He stated that the reason he asked for the music to be turned down was because the volume level affected his hearing and not because he did not like the style of music. Margaret Araujo asked Council for their support in giving the residents the community garden that they have been asking for, for many years. She said that the County, the AARP and even a television channel offers support in building community gardens that Lynwood should take advantage of. Antonio Munguia commented on Item #24 - RED LIGHT PHOTO ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM. He stated that along with many other residents, he wants to know how much money the City makes from the Red Light program in a year. Malaquiel Moreno thanked the Council for fixing a light in front of his home. He thanked them for helping to eradicate the prostitution on Long Beach Blvd. He also thanked the new crew of gardeners for doing a great job. PUBLIC HEARINGS Item #8. ZONE CHANGE NO. 2010-01 AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2010-01, NORTHWEST CORNER OF LONG BEACH BOULEVARD BETWEEN PLUMA STREET AND NORTON AVENUE, ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS 6170-034-018 AND 6170-034-023 It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Morton, seconded by Council Member Flores, to open the public hearing. Director of Development Services Jonathon Colin introduced the item regarding the Zone Change No. 2010-01 and General Plan Amendment No. 2010-01, Northwest Corner of Long Beach Boulevard Between Pluma Street and Norton Avenue, Assessor Parcel Numbers 6170-034-018 and 6170-034-023. It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Morton, seconded by Mayor Castro, to approve staff recommendation. PROPOSED ORDINANCE ENTITLED: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING ZONE CHANGE NO. 2010-01 AND GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION OF ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 6170-034-018 AND 6170-034-023 FROM R-3 (MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO C-2A (MEDIUM COMMERCIAL) TO ALLOW THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 10,581 SQUARE FOOT "FRESH & EASY" NEIGHBORHOOD MARKET ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF LONG BEACH BOULEVARD BETWEEN PLUMA STREET AND NORTON AVENUE, CITY OF LYNWOOD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS FLORES, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN-BEAS, MORTON AND CASTRO NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #9. PROPERTY NUISANCE ABATEMENT — 3353 NORTON AVENUE, LYNWOOD, CA 90262 It was moved by Council Member Flores, seconded by Council Member Rodriguez, to open the public hearing. City Manager Roger Haley introduced the item regarding the Property Nuisance Abatement on 3353 Norton Avenue, Lynwood, CA 90262. It was moved by Council Member Rodriguez, seconded by Mayor Castro, to close the public hearing and approve staff recommendation. RESOLUTION NO. 2011.199 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD DETERMINING THAT A NUISANCE IS BEING MAINTAINED ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 3353 NORTON AVENUE, LYNWOOD, CA, AND IDENTIFIED AS TAX ASSESSOR'S BOOK NO. 6191, PAGE 005, PARCEL NO. 015 IN THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AND DIRECTING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS FLORES, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN-BEAS, MORTON AND CASTRO NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #10. PROPERTY NUISANCE ABATEMENT — 11021 DUNCAN AVENUE, LYNWOOD, CA 90262 It was moved by Council Member Rodriguez, seconded by Council Member Flores, to open the public hearing. City Manager Roger Haley introduced the item regarding the Property Nuisance Abatement — 11021 Duncan Avenue, Lynwood, Ca 90262. It was moved by Council Member Rodriguez, seconded by Council Member Flores, to close the public hearing and approve staff recommendation. RESOLUTION NO. 2011.200 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD DETERMINING THAT A NUISANCE IS BEING MAINTAINED ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 11021 DUNCAN AVENUE, LYNWOOD, CA, AND IDENTIFIED AS TAX ASSESSOR'S BOOK NO. 6194, PAGE 007, PARCEL NO. 024 IN THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AND DIRECTING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS FLORES, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN-BEAS, MORTON AND CASTRO NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #11. AMENDING ORDINANCE RELATING TO PLANTING, PROTECTING AND REMOVAL OF STREET TREES It was moved by Council Member Flores, seconded by Council Member Santillan-Beas, to open the public hearing. Public Works Director Dan Ojeda introduced the item regarding the Amending Ordinance relating to planting, protecting and removal of street trees. Mayor Castro asked the City Manager to write a city policy to accommodate residents who would like to purchase their own tree and have the City plant and maintain it. After discussion by Council, it was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Morton, seconded by Council Member Rodriguez, to close the public hearing and approve staff recommendation. PROPOSED NO. ENTITLED: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING THE EXISTING ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE PLANTING, PROTECTION AND REMOVAL OF TREES OF THE LYNWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS FLORES, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN-BEAS, MORTON AND CASTRO NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Council Member Rodriguez, seconded by Council Member Flores, to approve the consent calendar and receive and file staff reports. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS FLORES, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN-BEAS, MORTON AND CASTRO NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #12. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS: Regular Meeting — August 16, 2011 Special Meeting — August 23, 2011 Item #13. APPROVAL OF THE WARRANT REGISTER RESOLUTION NO. 2011.201 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING AND APPROVING THE DEMANDS AND WARRANTS THEREFORE Item #14. APPROVAL OF THE WARRANT REGISTERS FOR COMMUNiTY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (FORMERLY LRA) RESOLUTION NO. 2011.202 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING AND APPROVING THE DEMANDS AND WARRANTS THEREFORE Item #15. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING ZONE CHANGE NO. 2011-02 AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2011-01 TO CHANGE THE EXISTING ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION OF ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 6170-014-901 FROM R-1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO OS (OPEN SPACE) AND ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 6174-009-901 AND 6175-006-900 FROM R-3 (MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO OS, AND TO ESTABLISH ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATIONS OF OPEN SPACE FOR A PORTION OF THORSON AVENUE (FORMERLY CARESS AVENUE) IN THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN IN TRACT MAP 11270, MAP BOOK 204 PAGES 49 AND 50, AND IN TRACT MAP 17484, MAP BOOK 424 PAGES 43 AND 44, OF MAPS IN THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE; TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR POCKET PARKS WITHIN THE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 1644 ENTITLED: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING ZONE CHANGE NO. 2011-02 AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2011-01 TO CHANGE THE EXISTING ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION OF ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 6170-014-901 FROM R-1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO OS (OPEN SPACE) AND ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 6174-009-901 AND 6175-006-900 FROM R-3 (MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO OS, AND TO ESTABLISH ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATIONS OF OPEN SPACE FOR A PORTION OF THORSON AVENUE (FORMERLY CARESS AVENUE) IN THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN IN TRACT MAP 11270, MAP BOOK 204 PAGES 49 AND 50, AND IN TRACT MAP 17484, MAP BOOK 424 PAGES 43 AND 44, OF MAPS IN THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE; TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR POCKET PARKS WITHIN THE CITY Item #16. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING CHAPTER 25 OF THE LYNWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH ZONING REGULATIONS FOR SENSITIVE LAND USES, INCLUDING SECOND HAND/THRIFT ESTABLISHMENTS, PAWN SHOPS/GOLD BUYING & SELLING ESTABLISHMENTS, BAIL BOND ESTABLISHMENTS AND CHECK CASHING/PAYDAY LOAN ESTABLISHMENTS ORDINANCE NO. 1645 ENTITLED: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING CHAPTER 25 OF THE LYNWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH ZONING REGULATIONS FOR SENSITIVE LAND USES, INCLUDING SECOND HAND/THRIFT ESTABLISHMENTS, PAWN SHOPS/GOLD BUYING & SELLING ESTABLISHMENTS, BAIL BOND ESTABLISHMENTS AND CHECK CASHING/PAYDAY LOAN ESTABLISHMENTS Item #17. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING ZONE CHANGE NO. 2011-01, CHANGING THE ZONING DESIGNATION FROM R-2 (TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO PRD (PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT) TO ALLOW THE DEVELOPMENT OF TWENTY TWO (22) RESIDENTIAL UNITS ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4307 CARLIN AVENUE, ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 6186-011-095 TO 6186-011-117, CITY OF LYNWOOD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ORDINANCE NO. 1646 ENTITLED: Item #18. BULLIS ROAD WATER LINE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FROM MARTIN LUTHER KING BOULEVARD TO PLATT AVENUE ENGINEERING DESIGN CONTRACT AWARD RESOLUTION NO. 2011.203 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AWARDING A CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $23,000 TO ITF AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR THE DESIGN OF THE BULLIS ROAD WATER LINE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT; FROM MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BOULEVARD TO PLATT AVENUE, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE TO APPROPRIATE AND TRANSFER $35,000 OF UNAPPROPRIATED WATER FUND TO ACCOUNT NO. 4011.67.982 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT Item #19. ADOPTION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND WORKING DETAILS FOR FOUR POCKET PARKS CONSTRUCTION PROJECT; PROJECT NO. 4011.67.867 RESOLUTION NO. 2011.204 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, ADOPTING THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND WORKING DETAILS FOR THE FOUR POCKET PARKS CONSTRUCTION PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 4011.67.867, AND AUTHORIZING PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING STAFF TO SOLICIT BIDS Item #20. FUNDS APPROPRIATION FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR FEDERAL FUNDED PROJECTS RESOLUTION NO. 2011.205 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE TO MAKE THE NECESSARY FUNDS APPROPRIATION AND TRANSFER FOR THE MATERIAL TESTING SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Item #21. PROJECT ACCEPTANCE INDUSTRY WAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, PROJECT NUMBER 4011.67.893 RESOLUTION NO. 2011.206 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ACCEPTING INDUSTRY WAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, PROJECT NUMBER 4011.67.893 AS BEING COMPLETE; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO PROCESS THE RECORDATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Item #22. Council Member Santillan-Beas pulled Item #22 — SPECIAL PERMIT REQUEST — CIRCUS After discussion by Council it was moved by Mayor Castro, seconded by Council Member Flores to approve staff recommendation. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS FLORES, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN-BEAS, MORTON AND CASTRO NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #23. THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE CITY MANAGER'S EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT Agreement approved. Item #24. Mayor Castro pulled Item #24 — RED LIGHT PHOTO ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM Mayor Castro stated that $151,633 came in, $122,500 was spent and $29,000 was profit for the City. After discussion by Council, it was moved by Council Member Santillan, seconded by Mayor Castro, to receive and file. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS FLORES, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN-BEAS, MORTON AND CASTRO NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #25. Council Member Santillan-Beas pulled Item #25 — PROPOSED CHANGE IN BULK ITEM PICKUP POLICY Mayor Castro asked staff to bring back a policy to Council to make sure that City staff are proactive and handle not only what is on their work order but also any other issues that they might see out in the field. After discussion by Council, it was moved by Mayor Castro, seconded by Council Member Santillan, to approve staff recommendation. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS FLORES, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN-BEAS, MORTON AND CASTRO NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE NEW/OLD BUSINESS Item #26. GREATER LYNWOOD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REQUEST FOR USE OF RED CAR STATION AS TEMPORARY STATION City Manager Roger Haley introduced the item regarding the Greater Lynwood Chamber Of Commerce Request for use of Red Car Station as temporary station. It was moved by Mayor Castro, seconded by Council Member Santillan, to provide six months free rent, a signed loan agreement for the improvements made by the City for repayment and a six month lease with an option to extend after that every year. It was subsequently moved by Council Member Santillan, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Morton, to donate the $10,000 to get the building up to code and to negotiate a rent agreement with the Chamber. It was subsequently moved by Mayor Castro, seconded by Council Member Santillan, to donate the $10,000 to get the building up to code and to negotiate a rent agreement with the Chamber and to have staff research were to find the funds in the City budget. City Attorney Fred Galante clarified that the motion included a six month rent free lease arrangement, six month term with option to extend for one year and for staff to research available funding. Mayor Castro clarified that the lease will be a six month lease with an option to renew every year, not just one year. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS FLORES, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN-BEAS, MORTON AND CASTRO NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #27. REQUEST FROM THE OFFICE OF CALIFORNIA STATE CONTROLLER JOHN CHIANG TO SUPPORT FREE TAX ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Recreation and Community Services Director Perry Brents introduced the item regarding the request from the Office of California State Controller John Chiang to support Free Tax Assistance Program. It was moved by Council Member Santillan, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Morton, to approve staff recommendation. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS FLORES, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN-BEAS, MORTON AND CASTRO NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #28. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR BANKING SERVICES City Manager Roger Haley introduced the item regarding the Request for Proposals for banking services. It was moved by Mayor Castro, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Morton, to approve the City Treasurer's recommendation to not go out for an RFP. City Attorney Fred Galante clarified that the Lynwood Municipal Code section 6-3 threshold is $15,000, so any services below that threshold do not have to go through the RFP process. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS FLORES, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN-BEAS, MORTON AND CASTRO NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #29. TRUEVINE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH — REQUEST FOR USE OF BURKE-HAM WALKING TRAIL Recreation and Community Services Director Perry Brents introduced the item regarding the Truevine Missionary Baptist Church request for use of the Burke-Ham Walking Trail. It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Morton, seconded by Council Member Flores to approve staff recommendation. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS FLORES, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN-BEAS, MORTON AND CASTRO NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE CITY COUNCIL ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION Council Member Flores thanked everyone for attending the meeting and wished everyone a good night. Council Member Rodriguez thanked everyone for attending the meeting and reminded them that Council meets every first and third Tuesday of the month. Council Member Santillan thanked staff for including the bulky item pick up information in the Lynwood N' Perspective newsletter. She asked staff for information on the number of citations that have been issued since the City started sending resident's letters about the loud party rules. She asked staff to advertise the number of citations issued in order to dissuade residents from violating the loud party rules. She stated that there is a new district 63 and she has decided to run for that seat. Nominations will open in January and if anything changes, she will keep the residents posted. She said she is ready for the challenge after being on the City Council for eight years and seeing Lynwood improve. Mayor Pro Tem Morton thanked everyone for staying until the end of the meeting. He said that the Council appreciates the residents' attendance. He said the new negotiation with the trash hauler should make a big difference in getting the bulky items off the streets faster. He said that Council is there to hear the residents' concerns. He congratulated Council Member Santillan on her decision to run for the Assembly. He said that too many people that go to Sacramento forget who put them there and instead focus on the special interests that got them elected. He said that he read a report that named California the worst run state in the Nation and that is one reason why California needs Council Member Santillan to bring accountability to Sacramento. He said that Sacramento needs to stop taking money from the local communities to pay their bills. Lastly, he thanked everyone for attending the meeting. Mayor Castro congratulated Council Member Santillan on her decision to run for Assembly. She stated that the Nurses Association approved a three day strike at Saint Francis but it was avoided at the last minute. She said that other elected officials and herself were on the nurses side because they were opposed to a 17% pay reduction at the same time that the hospital saw a$54 million profit, and they were also opposed to dangerously low staffing levels. She also spoke about the grocery workers proposed strike due to the threat of losing health insurance benefits even though the grocery business saw a$20 billion profit. She announced that September 17 is the Community Clean Up Day and lastly she thanked everyone for attending the meeting. CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Fred Galante announced that the Council would recess to discuss two closed session items on the City Council agenda. The Council recessed to closed session at 7:14 p.m. The City Council reconvened at 7:56 p.m. City Attorney Fred Galante stated that the Council met in closed session and with respect to the following matters: Item #30. CLOSED SESSION ITEMS A. With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.9: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (subdivision (a) of section 54956.9:) 1. Name of Case: Sipple et al v. City of Alameda et al. Superior Court, County of Los Angeles, Case No. BC462270 Held a discussion and no reportable action was taken. B. With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 54956.9: One case — Bulletin Displays, LLC By motion of Council Member Flores, second by Council Member Santillan-Beas, the City Council unanimously agreed to initiate a lawsuit against the County concerning billboard site 11. C. With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54957.6: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Agency Negotiators: HR Director Alfredo J. Lopez, III Employee Organization: Lynwood Employees' Association Management Bargaining Group Provided direction and no reportable action was taken. ADJOURNMENT Having no further discussion, it was moved by Council Member Flores, seconded by Council Member Rodriguez, and carried to adjourn the regular Lynwood City Council meeting at 7:56 p.m. , ^ � � ���� Aide Castro, Mayor Maria Quinonez, ity Clerk