HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1995/07/11 - RegularPLANNING COMMISSION TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES JULY 11, 1995 INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Brook, Larson, Seibert and Griffiths Absent: Commissioner Muto Also Present: City Manager Riley, City Attorney Martin, Associate Planner Turner Commissioner Seibert moved to excuse Commissioner Muto for cause, seconded by Commissioner Larson and unanimously carried. 4. REORGANIZATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Chairman Griffiths turned the meeting' over to City Manager Riley who opened the nominations for Chairman. Commissioner Griffiths nominated. Commissioner Seibert for the position of Chairman, seconded by Commissioner Larson and unanimously carried. Chairman Seibert opened the nominations for Vice - Chairman. Commissioner Larson nominated Commissioner. Griffiths for the position of Vice - Chairman,, seconded by Commissioner Brook and . unanimously carried. 5. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: NONE 6. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Meeting of June 13, 1995 Vice - Chairman Griffiths made a correction on page 6, fifth paragraph to state: "Commissioner Seibert moved to close the public hearing" and moved to approve the Planning Commission Minutes Date of Hearing: July 11, 1995 Page 2 • Minutes as corrected, seconded by Commissioner Brook and unanimously carried. B. SIGN APPLICATION 95 -187 - 9123 BROADWAY Chairman Seibert abstained from speaking on this matter. Commissioner Brook moved to approve the replacement of an existing sign at the First Lutheran Church and School with a 7'6" high, two - sectioned, free - standing sign, seconded by Commissioner Larson and carried. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. PUBLIC HEARING: CODE AMENDMENT - CELLULAR ANTENNAS IN THE SPECIFIC PLAN AREA WITH A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Site: DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA Applicant: CITY OF TEMPLE CITY Request: A zoning code amendment to specifically allow cellular antennas in the Downtown Specific Plan area subject to a conditional use permit. City Manager Riley stated that a notice of public hearing was duly published in the local newspaper and gave the background information contained in the staff report dated July 11, 1995. City Manager Riley stated that on June 13, 1995 the Planning Commission requested this item to be continued in order to receive additional information regarding the necessity of L.A. Cellular to place a cellular antenna location in the City Center of the Downtown Specific Plan area. The Planning Commission was furnished with a fax received from L.A. Cellular showing their location search ring. City Manager Riley stated there are at least five possible options relative to locating cellular antennas in the Downtown Specific Plan Area: 1) permit cellular antennas in the D.S.P. Area with approval of a C.U.P., 2 ) permit cellular antennas in the EC and WC districts with approval of a C.U.P., 3) permit cellular antennas in the EC and WC districts with approval of a C.U.P. and only in the CC district if the property is fronting onto Temple City Boulevard with approval of a C.U.P., 4) permit s • " Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 Date of Hearing: July 11, 1995 cellular antennas in the rear one third of properties located in the D.S.P. area with a C.U.P. (or require a certain setback from the front property line), or 5) not allow cellular antennas in the D.S.P. There being no questions from the Commission, Chairman Seibert opened the public hearing and invited those in favor of the code amendment to speak. Leslie Daigle, L.A. Cellular, 17785 Center Court, North Cerritos, stated the search ring was identified by the engineering department as the workable area for a facility in Temple City. Ms. Daigle understood and accepted that through the conditional use process, the City would have the ability to control the use of the site through certain conditions. Vice - Chairman Griffiths stated the search ring is approximately 2,000 feet across and the center of the circle is site specific to L.A. Cellular's original requested address. Was the site chosen first or the specific address and could the antenna be located anywhere within the search ring? He felt that staff should be given an opportunity to study the search ring and possibly find another location. Ms. Daigle stated the engineering department evaluates the search area and three particular sites were then located by their real estate department. L.A. Cellular is also now researching other sites as well as a County - owned location. They are researching a location at which they could adhere to the City's regulations. The location must work from an engineering standpoint and should be within the search ring area. City Manager Riley stated that a number of sites in the area should be workable and not require an amendment to the Downtown Specific Plan; if the company would inform the City which locations would work, the staff can work with them. Chairman Seibert invited those against the code amendment to speak. No one came forward. Commissioner Brook stated that an antenna on a three - story roof may work. Chairman Seibert did not desire the Specific Plan be amended and felt that a suitable site could be found Planning Commission Minutes Date of Hearing: July 11, 1995 Page 4 within the search ring that would not require an amendment to the ordinance. Ms. Daigle stated that L.A. Cellular is willing to work through the C.U.P. process and added that the poles can be placed to appear more pleasing. City Manager Riley asked City Attorney Martin the possibility of continuing this matter in order to prepare additional options and consideration sites within the search ring. City Attorney Martin stated that L.A. Cellular's search ring appeared somewhat elementary and hastily created. He requested the applicant to provide a more detailed street /lot map which staff may research to assist in locating a suitable location. Ms. Daigle answered that they will provide this information. Chairman Seibert stated this matter will be continued to the Planning Commission meeting of July 25, 1995. 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. PUBLIC HEARING: Site: Property Owner: Request: ZONE VARIANCE 95 -1237 9145 LONGDEN AVENUE JAMES SCHMIDLING 9145 LONGDEN AVENUE TEMPLE CITY, CA 91780 A zone variance to allow an addition consisting of two balconies to the second floor of an existing dwelling which continues an existing non- conforming three foot side yard setback rather than the required ten foot side yard setback in the Single Family (R -1) zone. Associate Planner Turner stated that notices were mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject site and gave the background information contained in the staff report dated July 11, 1995. • • Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 Date of Hearing: July 11, 1995 Associate Planner Turner stated the Zoning Code requires a side yard setback of 5 feet for the first floor and 10 feet for the second floor. The applicant is proposing to construct a 375 square foot two -story addition to the front and rear of the existing dwelling. The applicant is requesting a variance for a three foot second story side yard setback. Due to the fact that the second story addition consists of open balconies, rather than enclosed living space, the staff is recommending approval of the request. Chairman Seibert asked if the outside staircase is existing. Associate Planner Turner answered the staircase would be new. There being no further questions from the Commission, Chairman Seibert opened the public hearing and invited those in favor of the project to speak. James Schmidlinci, 9145 Longden Avenue, stated the house is a Spanish /Colonial style. They have researched the style and wish to restore the home in keeping with this style. The home was built prior to the existing ordinances, with a three foot side yard. Mr. Schmidling stated the second story setback was meant to deal with "mansionism" types of additions, however, this is not the case with his home. . They plan to build a front courtyard and the project will improve the home. The F.A.R. ratio is under 24% and the configuration of the house will be the same, with three bedrooms. Mr. Schmidling added that balconies are an attractive feature of Spanish styled homes and will not be a habitable living area. City Attorney Martin stated that past problems have occurred when property owners turned open balconies into living space. Mr. Schmidling stated the outside rear staircase will be used mainly, for convenience of their grown daughter who is living at home and for emergency fire safety. Chairman Seibert invited those opposed to the project to speak. No one came forward. There being no one else to speak for or against the item, Vice- Chairman Griffiths moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Larson and unanimously carried. Planning Commission Minutes Date of Hearing: July 11, 1995 Page 6 • Commissioner Brook felt that the applicant had given much thought and planning towards preserving the Spanish/ Colonial style and he could make the findings for approval. Commissioner Larson concurred. Vice - Chairman Griffiths concurred. Chairman Seibert could agree but had a concern regarding the outside stairway and the possibility that someone would transform this portion of the dwelling to a duplex in the future. Commissioner Larson felt that it would be very difficult to rehab that area of the dwelling to a duplex. Vice - Chairman Griffiths agreed that converting a portion of the bedroom to a kitchen area would be difficult. Commissioner Brook concurred. Vice - Chairman Griffiths moved to approve Zone Variance 95 -1237, seconded by Commissioner Larson and unanimously carried. Chairman Seibert stated that there is a 10 -day period in which anyone may appeal the decision of the Planning Commission to the City Council. B. PUBLIC HEARING: CODE AMENDMENT - STREAMLINING RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS Site: R -1, R -2 AND R -3 ZONES Applicant: CITY OF TEMPLE CITY Request: A zoning code amendment to streamline existing residential development criteria, including, but not limited to: floor area ratio exception for vaulted ceilings, density in the R -2 zone, C.U.P. requirement for condominiums with three or more units, open space requirements, trash enclosure requirement, block wall requirements, sewer line requirements for condo projects, • • " " " Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 Date of Hearing: July 11, 1995 residential planned development standards, requirement of three -car garage when a dwelling contains more than four bedrooms. Associate Planner Turner stated that a notice of public hearing was, duly published in the local newspaper and gave the background information contained in the staff report dated July 11, 1995. Chairman Seibert opened the public hearing and solicited public comment on each discussion item. No one came forward on any item. Vice - Chairman Griffiths moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Brook and unanimously carried. 1) Density in the R -2 zone: Associate Planner Turner stated that the Planning Commission reached a consensus that lots with 15,000 feet or greater should be allowed to build to a density of 12 units per acre; parcels less than 15,000 square feet would retain the current standard of 10 units per acre. Vice - Chairman Griffiths felt the draft resolution states the intentions of the Commission and moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Brook and unanimously carried. 2) Open space requirement in the R- zones: Commissioner Larson could agree with side yard and rear yard areas being counted towards meeting the open space requirement. Vice - Chairman Griffiths moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Larson and unanimously carried. Associate Planner Turner said section 9122 of the resolution will state "...side and rear yard areas... ". 3) Front yard setback requirement in the R -2 and R -3 zones: No change in this area. 4) Garage requirement: Previously, the Planning Commission discussed the possibility of counting unenclosed parking spaces towards the three garage space requirement and the question that a three -car garage only be required for new dwellings with four or more bedrooms. Vice - Chairman Griffiths requested this be continued for further study. Planning Commission Minutes Date of Hearing: July 11, 1995 Page 8 Commissioner Brook moved to continue this matter, seconded by Commissioner Larson and unanimously carried. 5) Trash enclosure requirement: Condominium projects consisting of four or fewer units could have individual trash pick -up at the curb, rather than a trash bin on- site. 6) Block wall requirement: Vice - Chairman Griffiths moved that a perimeter six foot high block wall should still be required for subdivisions and condominiums; however, a six foot high block wall would not be required between the two parcels in a flag lot subdivision, and a wooden fence would be allowed. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brook and unanimously carried. 7) Sewer requirements for condominium projects: Associate Planner Turner asked that this matter be continued as staff is continuing to receive information. City Attorney Martin concurred. Commissioner Brook moved to continue this matter, seconded by Commissioner Larson and unanimously carried. 8) Residential planned development requirement: Ordinances from other cities were received by staff for comparison. Vice - Chairman Griffiths moved that no change be made to lot size requirements for R.P.D. developments, as lots less than one acre may diminish the resemblance to a single family dwelling. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Larson and unanimously carried. 9) C.U.P. requirement for condos with 3 or more units: Chairman Seibert felt that condominium developments of less than three units should not be allowed. Vice - Chairman Griffiths felt an administrative C.U.P. should be used for projects of three or less units. Associate Planner Turner stated that fees for parcel maps, tract maps and lot splits would still be collected and require review by the Commission. Removal of the C.U.P. requirement would eliminate the ability of the Planning Commission to make the findings to deny a subdivision proposal consisting of 3 or more units; or to review the effects of a proposed project on the surrounding properties. • • Planning Commission. Minutes Page 9 Date of Hearing: July 11, 1995 City Attorney Martin asked why the Commission would still require seeing apartment projects but not condominiums. If the number of units is in question, then they should be treated the same. City Attorney Martin stated that Mayor Breazeal objected that a developer be charged a fee for a conditional use permit and also for subdivision. Perhaps one fixed fee could be initiated to cover both so as not to lose revenue. Chairman Seibert stated there are three choices: to keep the C.U.P. as a duty of the Planning Commission, make it a staff duty, or eliminate the process altogether. He believed the C.U.P. process should be retained and that staff should handle it administratively, with any fee adjustment being up to the City Council. Vice - Chairman Griffiths moved that a condominium project of three units or less be changed to an administrative C.U.P. review. Associate Planner Turner clarified that a C.U.P. is presently not required for projects of three or less units. City Attorney Martin stated a past issue involved two - unit condominium projects. The issue now regards three or more units. Vice - Chairman Griffiths moved that the C.U.P. requirement for condominium projects of three or more units be discontinued and handled administratively, seconded by Commissioner Brook. , 10) Minimum unit sizes: Vice- Chairman Griffiths moved to retain as is, seconded by Commissioner Larson and unanimously carried. 11) Additional second story setbacks: Commissioner Brook moved to retain the current second story setback requirements, seconded by Vice - Chairman Griffiths and unanimously carried. 12) Floor area ratio exception for vaulted ceilings: Commissioner Larson moved that 10% of the total square footage of the residential dwelling be allowed to have vaulted ceiling area without being counted twice, seconded by Vice - Chairman Griffiths and unanimously carried. Planning Commission Minutes Page 10 Date of Hearing: July 11, 1995 Chairman Seibert stated these recommendations will be forwarded to the City Council for their approval of a Zoning Code amendment. 9. STUDY SESSIONS: A. DRIVEWAY EXPANSIONS: The Commission was scheduled to discuss the problem of illegally expanded driveways and the possibility of tightening the language in the Zoning Code and conducting enforcement on a complaint basis only. Vice - Chairman Griffiths moved to continue study sessions A and B to the next Planning Commission meeting of July 25, 1995 for the Community Development Director's input, seconded by Commissioner Brook and unanimously carried. B. FENCE AND BLOCK WALL ENCROACHMENTS: This matter was continued to July 25, 1995. 10. COMMUNICATIONS: NONE 11. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: NONE 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting at 8:45 p.m. The Planning Commission will be held 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City. ATTEST: P ecretary , Chairman Seibert adjourned next regular meeting of the on Tuesday, July 25, 1995, at 5938 Kauffman Avenue, Temple ../e4 Ch Erman •