HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1995/08/22 - Regular" " " PLANNING COMMISSION TEMPLE. CITY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES AUGUST 22, 1995 INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Brook, Griffiths and Seibert (Commissioner Larson arrived at approximately, 7:32 p.m.) Absent: Commissioner Muto Also Present: City Manager Riley, City Attorney Martin, Community Development Director Dawson, Associate Planner Turner Commissioner Griffiths moved to excuse Commissioner Muto for cause, seconded by Commissioner Brook and unanimously carried. 4. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: NONE 5. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Meeting of August 8, 1995 Chairman Seibert moved to approve the minutes as written. Vice - Chairman Griffiths and Commissioner Brook were not in attendance on August 8th, so the motion could not be seconded. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NONE 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. PUBLIC HEARING: Site: Applicant: ZONING CODE AMENDMENT TO CLARIFY AND REVISE REGULATIONS FOR DRIVEWAY DESIGN IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES R -1, R -2 AND R -3 ZONES CITY OF TEMPLE CITY Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 Date of Hearing: August 22, 1995 Request: A zoning code amendment to clarify and revise regulations for driveway design in residential zones. Community Development Director Dawson stated that a notice was duly published in a local newspaper and gave the background information contained in the staff report dated August 22, 1995. Director Dawson stated this matter was first addressed by the City Council. The Planning Commission was requested to study the problem of illegally expanded driveways to possibly make changes that would clarify the code. The intent of the code amendment will be to establish a stronger enforcement mechanism for addressing illegal front yard parking. Staff prepared a draft resolution and driveway illustrations (Exhibits A -F) to show examples of what is permissible and what is not permissible in driveway design. The illustrations could be incorporated into the code, if approved. Driveway illustrations showing acceptable and unacceptable cases were reviewed. Director Dawson stated that a front yard is defined as the entire width of the lot between the street and the 20 foot setback. The rear yard setback is 15 feet. Chairman Seibert stated that some property owners also have filled in concrete along the side of the yard or outside a curved front yard driveway next to the garage. City Attorney Martin asked if the code amendment would be retroactive. Director Dawson answered yes, however, enforcement would be on a case -by -case complaint basis only. Vice - Chairman Griffiths stated that Exhibit D could be more deeply accented with extended driveway for illustration purposes. Only Exhibit C shows parking in the front yard. Chairman Seibert stated that the code now states that no parking shall be in a location which does not lead directly to a legal parking area or garage. He felt that this statement is already clear. Director Dawson said a section of the Code states that rear yard parking is acceptable when blocked by a 6 foot high fence. Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 Date of Hearing: August 22, 1995 Chairman Seibert believed that the Commission already discussed situations of RV parking inside a rear yard with a 6 foot high view - obscuring fence and gate. There being no further questions from the Commission, Chairman Seibert opened the public hearing and invited those in favor of this application to speak. Henry Ransons, 9147 Wedqewood Avenue, asked if there are existing legitimate restrictions regarding certain vehicles being parked on a driveway. His property has a large side yard and he asked for consideration to park an RV in this area. Director Dawson asked what parking area Mr. Ransons utilizes. Mr. Ransons answered that the front house has sufficient parking, however, the rear dwelling does not. He needs to utilize adequate available parking areas in order to not park on the street. He stated that if parking does not occur within the 20 foot setback, he would agree. Director Dawson confirmed the Commission's feeling that parking in a yard area other than the front yard area which is view - obscured would be agreeable. Chairman Seibert added that the Commission is simply clarifying what already exists in the Zoning Code. Chairman Seibert invited those against this amendment to speak. No one came forward. Commissioner Griffiths moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Brook and unanimously carried. Commissioner Brook concurred with the staff resolution and illustrations, with the concrete pad being accentuated on Exhibit F. Commissioner Larson stated that in cases where neighbors do not get along, staff may be inundated with complaints. Chairman Seibert agreed but stated that enforcement could occur on a continual, hour - intensive basis also. Vice- Chairman Griffiths could make the findings and moved 40 to recommend an amendment for City Council consideration. Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 Date of Hearing: August 22, 1995 Chairman Seibert felt that the driveway illustrations should not be made a part of the code but were appropriate hand -out examples. City Attorney Martin suggested the illustrations be used as guidelines and not part of the Zoning Code amendment. He felt the illustrations should show the entire front yard as hatch -lines so as to suit any case. Vice - Chairman Griffiths moved to adopt a resolution to amend the zoning code to clarify driveway regulations in residential zones as stated above by City Attorney Martin, seconded by Commissioner Larson and unanimously carried. Chairman Seibert stated that this matter would be considered by the City Council. B. PUBLIC HEARING: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT RELATIVE TO PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY ENCROACHMENTS Site: CITY -WIDE Applicant: CITY OF TEMPLE CITY Request: A municipal code amendment to define the allowable encroachments in the public right -of -way and to establish a procedure for permitting said encroachments. Community Development Director Dawson stated that a notice was duly published in a local newspaper and gave the background information contained in the staff report dated August 22, 1995. Director Dawson stated that a draft resolution was prepared which would add a section on encroachments to the Municipal Code. The new section would provide a definition for an encroachment as well as the sidewalk right -of -way. It also would provide an application procedure for processing encroachment permit applications. An applicant would be required to show that there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances to warrant the need for the encroachment; that the encroachment would be compatible with neighboring properties; and that no adverse impacts would be • • • " " Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 Date of Hearing: August 22, 1995 associated with the encroachment. The Community Development Director would make a decision within ten days of a permit submittal and denials would be appealable to the Planning Commission and City Council. Staff also included a clause which allows the City to revoke or terminate an encroachment permit after a 60 -day notice to the property owner. Director Dawson stated that many times, during field investigation of a complaint, the involved property owner will make a secondary complaint regarding a neighbor who also has encroachments in the right -of -way. Director Dawson stated the staff resolution should be corrected to read new Sections #3470, 3471, 3472, 3473, 3474 instead of Section 3700. There being no questions from the Commission, Chairman Seibert opened the public hearing and invited those in favor of this amendment to speak. Mr. .Ransons asked if the matter regards clear walking area for pedestrians, etc. Chairman Seibert answered affirmative. Chairman Seibert invited those against this amendment to speak. No . one came forward. Commissioner Larson moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Brook and unanimously carried. Vice - Chairman Griffiths could agree with this code amendment, however, he noted that occasionally a planting and fences block view for traffic and pedestrians and cause a safety hazard. Commissioner Larson concurred. Commissioner Brook stated that if a permit is not allowed, the property owner's case would be very cut and dry. Would a property owner be required to comply completely? Chairman Seibert answered that the City has not permitted this historically and he felt that a resident should not be offered an encroachment permit after something is installed which was not legal to begin with. Vice - Chairman Griffiths stated the resolution appears to say Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 Date of Hearing: August 22, 1995 that the City understands the encroachment is not legal, but staff could assist the property owner to see if the encroachment could be altered in such a way to be made legal. Chairman Seibert related a right -of -way problem at a property during the past years with shrubs, hedges, etc. planted in the public right -of -way which have created a hazard. Director Dawson stated the Code Enforcement Officer sees many additional cases of right -of -way non - compliance when viewing one reported case. Commissioner Larson asked what harm could occur when an encroachment exists. Chairman Seibert answered that very often, pedestrians or traffic visibility is limited or impeded in such situations. Commissioner Larson asked the City Attorney what liability the City would incur if an encroachment was allowed by permit and an accident later occurred. City Attorney Martin stated that it would definitely create a City liability. He suggested that perhaps Sections #3470 and 3471 be recommended to define and prohibit obstructions in the right -of -way and that sections #3472 -3474 relating to a permit procedure be stricken out. Chairman Seibert could not approve a permit which would condone an illegal action and felt that enforcement should occur on a complaint basis only. City Attorney Martin stated possible resolution verbiage for recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Larson moved to recommend an amendment to the Municipal Code to add Sections #3470 and #3471 only and elimination of the remaining sections, seconded by Commissioner Brook and unanimously carried. Chairman Seibert stated that this matter would be considered by the City Council. • • • " Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 Date of Hearing: August 22, 1995, C. DISCUSSION ITEM: SECURITY FENCES AND GATES IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES Site: R -1, R -2 AND R -3 ZONES Applicant: CITY OF-TEMPLE CITY Request: Discuss instances ,of requests from property owners and homeowner association's regarding security gates on condominium and. apartment complexes. Community Development Director Dawson stated this matter is being raised to solicit the Planning Commission's, input and, clarification regarding occasional requests from property owners and .homeowner associations for installation of security gates or security and as a crime deterrent. The Zoning Code now addresses the installation of fences in residential zones, however, does not mention security gates. Director Dawson stated that such gates oftentimes create a limited turn around space on the premises., Some cases appear.to have been installed appropriately but have not been. issued a building permit.. City Attorney Martin asked the down side of such gates. Director Dawson answered that emergency crews may have difficulty entering the premises. Chairman Seibert indicated that a remote control may occasionally operate the gate at such a slow rate that a waiting vehicle would block traffic on the street. Vice - Chairman Griffiths felt that a property owner should be allowed to protect themselves with a security gate and that privacy is their own business., Director Dawson stated that one particular code enforcement case involved a security gate which deterred staff from entering the premises for inspection. The Commissioners unanimously agreed that security gates should be allowed. Planning Commission Minutes Page 8 Date of Hearing: August 22, 1995 8. COMMUNICATIONS: A. PLANNING COMMISSIONERS WORKSHOP The Planning Commission received a registration flyer from the American Planning Association for a workshop to be held on Saturday September 16, 1995. The Commissioners were asked to contact the secretary for reservations. 9. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: A. Director Dawson stated that a minor zoning modification application was received for a driveway which would be 2 inches less than required. The Zoning Modification Committee approved this request, unless there is an objection from the full Commission. The Commissioners concurred with the action and did not object to approval. 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Seibert adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on Tuesday, September 12, 1995, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 5938 Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. ATTEST: • • •