HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1996/01/23 - RegularPLANNING COMMISSION TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES JANUARY 23, 1996 INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Brook, Muto, Griffiths, Seibert Absent: Larson Also Present: City Manager Riley, City Attorney Martin, Community Development Director Dawson, Code Enforcement Officer Daniel Chairman Seibert stated that Commissioner Larson had previously stated that he would be late in arriving. Commissioner Larson arrived at the meeting at 7:45 p.m. 4. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: NONE 5. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Meeting of January 9, 1996 Vice - Chairman Griffiths moved to approve the minutes as written, seconded by Commissioner Muto and unanimously carried. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. CONTINUATION DECLARE INTENT TO HOLD PUBLIC HEARING - PN #95 -4 Site: 6161 - 61631/2 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Property Owner: ROBERT CAMBIANICA 4840 N. HELEO AVENUE TEMPLE CITY, CA 91780 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 Date of Hearing: January 23, 1996 Request: This case was reviewed at the Planning Commission meetings of October 24, 1995 and January 9, 1996. The Commission will consider abatement progress and determine if a property nuisance exists. Vice - Chairman Griffiths abstained from discussion as he owns property within 300 feet of the subject property. Community Development Director Dawson said that during the years, there has been an accumulation of storage and debris at this property. At the meeting of January 9, 1996, the property owner's representative, Mr. Butch Mecca, discussed the legal difficulties incurred involving a tenant eviction. The case was continued in order for the property owner to provide documentation of involved personnel and State agencies for the City's review. At this date, no documentation had been provided. Video tape of the property was shown. Director Dawson stated that the video tape and staff inspection taken on January 23, 1996 shows that substantial progress has been achieved. Staff recommends a 45 -day continuance for the property owner to complete the work. Code Enforcement Officer Daniel stated that this property has been substantially improved over the last two months. There being no questions from the. Commission, Chairman Seibert invited the property owner or any representative to speak. No one came forward. Director Dawson stated this property has an approved subdivision map which is due to soon be developed. That would greatly improve the property. Chairman Seibert invited those against this case to speak. No one came forward. Commissioner Brook could make the findings to continue this matter. Commissioner Muto moved to continue the matter to the Planning Commission meeting of March 26, 1996, seconded by Commissioner Brook and unanimously carried. 7. NEW BUSINESS: • • • Planning Commission Minutes • Date of Hearing: January 23, 1996 • • A. PUBLIC HEARING: PROPERTY NUISANCE CASE #96 -6 Site: 9812 -9816 LEMON AVENUE Property Owner: Request: GLEN COOPER 9812 LEMON AVENUE ARCADIA, CA 91006 Page 3 At the Planning Commission meeting of January 9, 1996, the Commission declared its intent to hold a public hearing to consider declaring the existence of a public nuisance on the subject site. Community Development Director Dawson stated that notices were mailed within a 300 foot radius of neighboring property owners. Director Dawson gave the background information contained in the staff report dated January 23, 1996 and video tape of the property was shown. Director Dawson stated this property contains an accumulation of weeds, overgrowth on the property, packing boxes and other debris in the yard areas. Two dwelling units and a storage building are also in great disrepair. The property continues to be a nuisance with very little improvement since the Planning Commission meeting of January 9, 1996. Code Enforcement Officer Daniel said the video states the record. There being no questions from the Commission, Chairman Seibert opened the public hearing and invited the property owner or any representative to speak on this matter. Glen Cooper, 9812 Lemon Avenue, stated he has made some progress. The secondary structure will not be rehabilitated. He has plywood sheeting to reroof the main dwelling. He is continuing the work of clearing the nuisances. Chairman Seibert invited anyone else in the speak on this matter. No one came forward. Vice - Chairman Griffiths moved to close hearing, seconded by Commissioner Brook and carried. audience to the public unanimously Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 Date of Hearing: January 23, 1996 City Attorney Martin asked Code Enforcement Officer Daniel if he concurred with the draft PC Resolution and was aware of all public nuisances stated therein. Code Enforcement Officer Daniel answered yes. Vice - Chairman Griffiths moved to approve the PC Resolution and declare the existence of a public nuisance at 9812 -9816 Lemon Avenue, seconded by Commissioner Brook and unanimously carried. Chairman Seibert stated that the City Council will be requested to confirm the existence of a public nuisance at their meeting of February 20, 1996. Director Dawson indicated to the property owner and Commissioners that this property would be an excellent candidate for new development; such a development would recreate this property. Mr. Cooper answered that he is investigating such a venture with several developers. B. DECLARE INTENT TO HOLD PUBLIC HEARING - PN #96 -7 Site: 6128 MUSCATEL AVENUE Property Owner: WILLIAM SILL 6128 MUSCATEL AVENUE SAN GABRIEL, CA 91775 Request: Staff has issued several Code Compliance notices for this property with little resolution of certain public nuisances. It is requested that a public hearing be set to determine the existence of a property nuisance. Community Development Director Dawson stated this property nuisance case involves an accumulation of trash, leaves and branches on the property as well as an inoperative vehicle stored in the driveway. This case has been opened and closed several times since 1987 and the Planning Commission was requested to ascertain whether the violations constitute a public nuisance. Video tape of the site taken on January 23, 1996 was shown. • • Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 Date of Hearing: January 23, 1996 Director Dawson stated if the Planning Commission decides to declare intent to conduct a public hearing, the residents within a 300 foot radius would be notified of the hearing. There being no questions from the Commission, Chairman Seibert invited the property owner or any representative to speak. William Sill, 6128 N. Muscatel Avenue, stated the front of his property once had very nice landscaping. He said that when the street was redone years ago, it caused a big hole in his property which he has never corrected. He is continuing to work on the property but also works a full time job. Mr. Sill asked for a continuance and plans to retire soon when he will have more time to work on the property. Chairman Seibert invited anyone else in the audience to speak on this matter. No one came forward. Commissioner Brook moved to approve the PC Resolution declaring an intent to hold a public hearing before the Planning Commission on February 13, 1996, seconded by Commissioner Larson and unanimously carried. Mr. Sill informed the Planning Commissioners that the corner of Garibaldi and Rosemead Boulevard needs to have a red curb painted. Chairman Seibert answered that staff would follow -up to the correct department. C. STUDY SESSION: A -FRAME SANDWICH BOARD SIGNS AND FLAGS /PENNANTS Community Development Director Dawson stated that on December 12,1995, the Planning Commission informally discussed the City's current regulations regarding A- frame sandwich board signs, flags and pennants. A recent staff survey has proven that many of the San Gabriel valley cities do allow them in certain areas under certain circumstances and also limit flags, pennants and banners to, a specified period of. time. Temple City considers flags and pennants to be temporary signs which are allowed for no more than 30 days in any six month period. Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 Date of Hearing: January 23, 1996 Director Dawson stated that in an effort to inform and solicit input from the business community at this meeting, a "town crier flyer" was mailed to various affected businesses and hand delivered door -to -door in the City Center District. Director Dawson said the question is whether A -frame sandwich board signs should be allowed or not. If so, under what circumstances; on private property or in the public right -of -way? The type of sign is also an issue, whether or not such signage should be professionally painted. Other issues are the design and size /shape of the sign; hours of placement; anchoring; public right -of- way liability insurance; and the possibility of limiting their use to specific types of business use. Chairman Seibert invited those in the audience to comment. Dodie Murset could appreciate such signs being utilized to increase business, however, she felt that additional signs would be difficult to enforce. Ken Pica, Chez Cafe, stated that usual business signs are set up in a way that, when driving by, potential patrons cannot see a business sign. Other towns allow such signs, with restrictions. Mr. Pica reminded the Commission that businesses create sales tax money for the City. He stated that in Monterey Park, overly strict signage policies resulted in many businesses closing; when stores are empty, the City suffers. Monterey Park now has a method of attracting business shopping within their own City. Director Dawson stated the City does allow businesses to have projecting signs twelve square feet in size. The City also allows and encourages canopies or awnings which would advertise the business. There is also a facade improvement program within the City Center District wherein the City assists the businesses for costs of improving their signage. Harry Crump stated there is little foot traffic on Las Tunas Drive. The sidewalks are fairly wide and he felt that A -frame signs would not hinder foot traffic any more than the bus benches and planters. Director Dawson stated that other cities surveyed do allow such A -frame signs as restaurant menus. He questioned whether such signage would significantly improve patronage. Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 Date of Hearing: January 23, 1996 Shari Pica, Chez Cafe, felt that a sandwich stand sign does attract customers and that many customers do not otherwise notice her building signs. Marianne Milch stated that the signs should contain pleasing artwork. Also, some business owners may place the signs in the way of foot traffic. Commissioner Larson asked Mrs. Milch if the Chamber is in favor of these signs. Mrs. Milch answered that the Chamber assisted the City in getting the flyer out to Chamber members in hopes of obtaining their input. She personally had mixed feelings on the matter. Vice - Chairman Griffiths had no objections to a proposal which would assist the business community, however, he did not feel that motorists would notice such signs. He stated that if more businesses than presented at this meeting were to become involved and would create some criteria and likes /dislikes about A -frame signs, flags and pennants, then this matter could be discussed in the future. At this time, he felt the matter should be tabled. Commissioner Muto stated this matter has been discussed previously over the years and he felt that any changes should be tabled at this time. Commissioner Brook stated that a sign board can be effective, but felt that adequate interest was not shown by a majority of the business community. Chairman Seibert stated that Temple City is not an active "pedestrian shopping oriented" city such as Monrovia or Old Pasadena. He felt that the current sign ordinance is adequate. Vice - Chairman Griffiths stated that there was a very small business turn out tonight. Mrs. Milch asked that the inadequate A -frame sandwich board sign be corrected at Apollo Burger. Code Enforcement Officer Daniel stated that the currently placed A -frame signs will be followed -up by. staff. Rosemarie Sparks, Youmans Service Station, received no flyer about this meeting. Planning Commission Minutes Page 8 Date of Hearing: January 23, 1996 Chairman Seibert stated that a volunteer delivered a flyer to businesses. Mr. Pica stated he lives in Temple City and these signs are only one tool for improving business. He would pass a petition if necessary. City Manager Riley stated the City's concern is regarding the liability. Very few businesses have taken advantage of the City's facade improvement program which was created and is offered to assist business success. Any signage placed in the public right -of -way creates great liability concerns for the City. He recommended against approving such signs and added that banners can be effectively placed for a short period of time. Chairman Seibert asked for Commission discussion. Commissioner Larson was disappointed that more business owners were not present. He asked if the Chamber could advertise more. Vice - Chairman Griffiths moved to table this matter, seconded by Commissioner Muto and unanimously carried. Director Dawson stated that banners, flags and pennants are now allowed for a thirty day period within each six months. He asked if the Commission wished to change this policy. The Planning Commission concurred to leave the current ordinance as is and to recommend to the City Council that no change be made at this time. Mrs. Milch requested that a particular trash receptacle be moved over 5 -6 feet from the current location. Director Dawson answered that staff will follow -up. 8. COMMUNICATIONS: A. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES PLANNERS INSTITUTE WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY, MARCH 2O -22, 1996 For their information, staff furnished the Commissioners with the brochure for the next Planners Institute at the Long Beach Convention Center. The Commissioners were asked to inform the secretary if they plan to attend. 9. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: • " " " Planning Commission Minutes Page 9 Date of Hearing: January 23, 1996 A. Director Dawson stated that the City Council will hear the cellular antenna appeal on February 6, 1996. 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Seibert adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on Tuesday, February 13, 1996, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 5938 Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. ATTEST: m Chair n