HomeMy Public PortalAboutRec Comm 2019-08-08 ORLEANS TOR CLERK Orleans Recreation Committee "1` ,EP 1u r; i.jiii, Minutes August 8, 2019 @ 7:00 in the Namequoit Room Present for the Committee -Anne Sigsbee, Sharon Basso, Kyle Wibby, Tracy Murphy, Morgan Stewart, Present from the Recreation Department -Alan Harrison and Tom Daley Call to Order- Anne Sigsbee called the meeting to order at 7:02. Sharon made a motion to change the order of the agenda. Kyle Wibby seconded 5-0-0 Minutes - Kyle Wibby made motion and Morgan Stewart seconded to approve the minutes 5-0-0 Regular Meeting Schedule moved by Sharon Basso and seconded by Kyle 5-0-0 to the third Thursday of the month. Expansion of Committee considerations. Discussion around posting openings to expand the Rec Advisory Committee to greater community. Tracy Murphy motioned to amend charter for 7 members and and an amendment to the motion to add 2 associates to the Recreation Advisory Committee. Morgan Stewart seconded - Vote 5-0-0 Survey the Community- Discussion about how to assess the needs of community for Recreation Department. Talked about registering people from the community on My Rec platform. Meeting to gather information in a public forum. Kyle Wibby volunteered to draft an exit survey Morgan Stewart proposed, Sharon Basso seconded 5-0-0 Timeline and public forum to be discussed at the next meeting Morgan Stewart will compile list of Town events sourced from group. Anne will upload Recreation resources used by committee to town website,Anne Sigsbee will put her email on town website as a way for community members to have access to committee. Scholarships -Tracy and Sharon suggested that we simplify scholarship process.As a committee we would like to be as inclusive as possible. The committee wants to make sure the message to all families is that they are welcome to participate in Orleans Recreation. Tom Daley suggested that we call it a fee waiver. Kyle Wibby moved to recommend to the town administer to change the fee waiver criteria to a single yes or no question as to whether the applicant receives free lunch, government assistance, social security disability and to recommend that an affirmative response to receive a waiver or partial reduced fee at the applicant's request. Sharon Basso seconds,5 -0-0. Morgan will send motion to Tom Daley and Alan Harrison. Budget -Tom Daley reviewed budget timeline and process with committee. Draft budget in October. Revisit the budget next meeting. Future Agenda Items- Review Survey Information, develop a timeline, Share List of town events for recreating, Budget Review, Review how Recreation and Council on Aging and Senior programing work together. Adjourn - Sharon motioned to adjourn and Kyle seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 9:22 • •