HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 2004/01/13 - Regular" INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2004 Pursuant to the Agenda posted January 8, 2004, Chairman Le Berthon called the meeting of the Planning Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 13, 2004. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: Yu, Seibert, Griffiths and Le Berthon Absent: Commissioner Blum Commissioner Seibert moved to excuse Commissioner Blum for cause, second Vice Chairman Griffiths Also Present: City Attorney Martin, Community Development Director Dawson, and Senior Planner Williams 4. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK 5. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES November 25, 2003 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AS SUBMITTED Commissioner S .ibert - Moved to approve the consent calendar as corrected, seconded by Vice Chairman Griffiths and unanimously carried. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. PUBLIC HEARING: A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF AN AUTOMOTIVE RELATED BUSINESS IN THE HEAVY COMMERCIAL (C -3) ZONE. SITE: CASE NO.: 5526 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 03 -1547 Planning Commission January 13, 2004 Page 2 APPLICANT: IMPORTPARTS.COM 5526 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA 91780 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: STAN SZETO SZETO & ASSOCIATES 2714 STINGLE AVENUE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 PROPERTY OWNER: SD SD CORPORATION 5500 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA 91780 RECOMMENDATION: 1) HEAR STAFF REPORT 2) HEAR THOSE FOR AND AGAINST 3) NEGATIVE DECLARATION 4) ADOPT RESOLUTION Director Dawson — summarized the Staff report dated January 13, 2004. Commissioner Seibert — Asked is the owner of the carwash was going to operate the business. Director Dawson — Stated that he has not. Commissioner Seibert — Stated that the owner is leasing the building out to someone else who is going to operate this business. Asked if there were additional units besides the four units on the subject site that should have been removed a long time ago. Stated that the garages would need to go as well. Director Dawson — Stated that was correct. Chairman L e Berthon — Asked Director Dawson about a sale pending on this property. Director Dawson — Stated it was not pending but listed for sale. Chairman Le Berthon — Asked if it was currently under single ownership and if the whole site was for sale. Asked if what was granted tonight would be binding upon any future owner(s) without any further hearing. Director Dawson — Stated that was correct. Commissioner Y — Asked if the entire parcel was for sale or just a portion of it. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES January 13, 2004.doc • • • Planning Commission January 13, 2004 Page 3 • Director Dawson — Stated that the entire property was being offered for sale, which includes the carwash property. Stated that the importance for the lot combination recommendation is that it would not be in the City's best interest to have the lots sold separately because the result would be smaller, narrower lots. Senior Planner Williams - Narrated and showed the video Vice Chairman Griffiths — Stated that it does not show the vehicular access to the building. Asked if the work is to be done inside and how the cars would maneuver in and out of the building. Senior Planner Williams — Stated that the driveway shown in the video serves as access to the site, but that a 180 - degree turn is required to get into the bay. Chairman I e Berthon — Asked if there were any questions of Staff and opened the Public Hearing. Stan S7eto, 2714 Stingle Avenue, Rosemead — Stated that he has read the staff report and the applicants are in agreement except for conditions Number 2 and 3 regarding the lot combination and the demolition of the non - conforming residential structures. Stated that they were not aware of the agreement in 1976 and feel that these two issues are land use issues. •States that perhaps the Planning Commission can direct Staff to directly deal with the property owner in this matter because the applicant does not have the ability to require the property owner to take care of these two items. Commissioner Seibert — Asked is the owner of the carwash was present. Stan Szeto, 2714 Stingle Avenue, Rosemead — Stated that he was not present. Chairman I e Berthon — Asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the project. Jaen Minh, 5596 Rosemead Rlvd_, Temple City — Stated that he has a few questions. Stated that he works at Importparts.com and asked why the Conditional Use Permit was contingent on those conditions. Chairman I e Berthon — Stated that conditions regarding that property were set a long time ago and they have not been complied with. Stated that the Planning Commission can make its determination based upon whether the property owner has complied with conditions previously established for that property. Vice Chairman Griffiths — Stated that the Conditional Use Permit goes with the land and that would make the owner involved. Director Dawson — Asked what type of equipment is sold and what types of installations take • place at the subject site. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES January 13, 2004.doc Planning Commission January 13, 2004 Page 4 Ben Hunh, 5526 Rosemead Blvd.. Temple City — Stated that basically it is minor lighting and S modifications. Chairman Le Berthon — Asked if anyone wanted to speak in favor or in opposition to the project. Vice Chairman Griffiths - Moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Commissioner Seibert and unanimously carried. Chairman I e Berthon - Closed the Public Hearing and began discussion. Chairman Le Berthon — Asked Director Dawson about the conditions imposed and if they were intended to be against the property owner. Director Dawson — Stated that was correct. Chairman Le Berthon — Asked if it was appropriate in this case that the property owner is not present before the Planning Commission. Commissioner Seibert — Stated that the property owner signed the application. Director Dawson — Stated that there was a previous Code Enforcement situation under a different ownership. Stated that a previous occupant was utilizing one or more of the garages that were intended for the occupants of the apartments for their auto related work. Stated that it falls back onto the property owner and that as a City, we go back to the property owner to see that it gets corrected. Commissioner Seihert — Stated that the owner of the property is also the applicant because he signed the application for the Conditional Use Permit. Stated that this seems as good a time as any to abate the units that should have been abated 20+ years ago. Stated that he concurs with all the conditions and added a condition that the four unit building also be demolished and the 7 -car garage be removed. Director Dawson — Stated that one of the conditions Staff imposed was for the demolition of the units to occur by June 30, 2005. Commissioner ibert — Stated that he would like to see it occur sooner, based upon the operation of this business. City Attorney Martin — Stated that he would suggest amending condition Number 2 and 3 and add a new condition Number 4 and that all of the conditions should be preceded with wording to read "This C.U.P. shall not become effective for any purposes until if Commissioner Seihert — Stated that is fine, but he would still like to see a time limit on it. City Attorney Martin — Stated that the Conditional Use Permit does not become effective until they do it. N: \Word \Department\CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES January 13, 2004.doc • " Planning Commission January 13, 2004 Page 5 Commissioner Seibert  Stated that we still want to get rid of the non - conforming units, even if they do not conduct business as proposed. City Attorney Martin  Stated that it could be taken as an abatement or nuisance case. Commissioner Seibert  Stated that was a long process. City Attorney Martin  Stated that they could reject the approval. Chairman 1 e Berthon  Stated that this could be subject to a nuisance hearing, even now without any imposition of further time limits. City Attorney Martin  Stated that if they reject it, the City could go after the property owner as a nuisance matter. Commissioner Yu  Stated that they are suggesting the approval is contingent upon the removal of the units. Chairman 1 e Berthon  Asked if he cared to impose any further deadlines. " City Attorney Martin  Stated that it does not become effective until they wish to exercise the CUP. Commissioner Seibert  Stated that it is up to Code Enforcement from that point on. Commissioner Ytt  Stated that he concurs with Commissioner Seibert but would like to add a timetable on the removal of the four units. Vice Chairman Griffiths  Stated that he concurs. Stated that both the five units on the carwash property and the four units on the subject site should be demolished. Stated that having it done in this matter causes it to be done sooner and he is in favor of that. Stated that he recognizes the hardship on the renters, but the owner needs to clean up his act. Chairman 1 e Berthon  Stated that he concurs. City Attorney Martin - Motion to adopt the draft resolution with the following changes to Number 1, 2, 3 and a new Number 4. Each will be preceded with the following phrase... "This C.U.P. shall not become effective for any purpose until the following have been accomplished.... ". Commissioner Seibert  Stated that was the motion, seconded by Vice Chairman Griffiths and unanimously carried. " Chairman 1 e Berthon  Stated that there is a 15 -day appeal period to appeal the decision of the Planning Commission to the City Council. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES January 13, 2004.doc Planning Commission January 13, 2004 Page 6 Vice Chairman Griffiths — Stated that if the property owner does not do anything that something is placed on a future agenda to ensure that something happens relative to these issues. City Attorney Martin — Asked if there was a follow -up motion to state that if this is accepted the problems will be resolved and if it is rejected by the owner, then the recommendation is that City Council follow through on a nuisance abatement. Commissioner Spilled. moved the motion, second by Vice Chairman Griffiths and unanimously carried. B. PUBLIC HEARING: A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW 10,407 SQUARE FOOT, TWO -STORY COMMERCIAL BUILDING WHICH WOULD BE USED AS A PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL LEARNING CENTER. THE BUSINESS WOULD BE LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF CALLITA STREET AND ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD (6539 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD). THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN THE GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C -2) ZONE. SITE: 6539 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD CASE NO.: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 03 -1533 BUSINESS ADDRESS: LILY LEARNING CENTER PROJECT 6539 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA PROPERTY OWNER: KA CHUNG FOGG 702 LA VIDA LANE ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA 91007 ARCHITECT: LEO WU 67 EAST LIVE OAK AVENUE, #201 ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA 91006 APPLICANT: KOU TI CHEN 3609 LOCKSLEY DRIVE PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91107 RECOMMENDATION: 1) HEAR STAFF REPORT 2) HEAR THOSE FOR AND AGAINST 3) NEGATIVE DECLARATION 4) ADOPT RESOLUTION N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES January 13, 2004.doc " Planning Commission January 13, 2004 Page 7 Director Dawson  Summarized the Staff report dated January 13, 2004 and read three letters of opposition that were submitted to the Planning Department on January 12, 2004. Commissioner Seibert  Asked Director Dawson if the north side of Callita Street was San Gabriel or County area and what the zoning is. Director Dawson  Stated that it is in the County area and that the zoning is probably residential R -1. City Attorney Martin  Asked Director Dawson about the environmental questionnaire, and that what his conclusion was about the environmental impacts of such a project and whether or not a Negative Declaration was adequate. Director Dawson  Stated that a Negative Declaration was sufficient. City Attorney Martin  Asked Director Dawson why he was not recommending an EIR. Director Dawson  Stated that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, it is not anticipated that there will be a significant effect in this case because of certain mitigation measures that have been added to the project. Stated that at the Staff " level, Staff finds that there is a limited concern and that if there were many concerns, widespread concerns on multiple fronts, then Staff would have required a full EIR. Stated that in this particular instance, there is a limited concern and that really revolved around traffic and parking and that is why the City required that the applicant pay for and have the City conduct a traffic analysis. Stated that with the traffic analysis having been done and if a mitigation measure is included that limits the size of the building, then the Staff is content that it could be approved with a Negative Declaration. Commissioner Yu  Asked Director Dawson if the applicant paid for the traffic analysis by an engineer approved by the City. Director Dawson -- Stated that the traffic engineer has a standing contract with the City and he answers to the City, not to the applicant. Commissioner Yu  Stated that the traffic study refers to the number of pupils being 150 and there are two attachments in the packet; one says 150 students and one says 20 in the morning and 85 in the afternoon, for a total of 105. Asked if the traffic study was based on 150 pupils. Director Dawson  Stated that it was based on the higher number of 150. Commissioner Yu  Asked if there was any discussion that would have to be made now that " the number of students has been revised. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES January 13, 2004.doc Planning Commission January 13, 2004 Page 8 Director Dawson — Stated that the traffic analysis was conduct based upon the 150 -pupil count, • although the applicant might be able to clear up the inconsistency. Commissioner Seibert — Asked Director Dawson why a lot consolidation was not part of the conditions. Director Dawson — Stated that in this case they are going to build a building across the lot lines, however, a lot consolidation would be a reasonable condition to impose upon the project. Chairman 1 e Berthon — Asked Director Dawson about the condition that the building be reduced in size, while maintaining the same architectural design. Asked if it was possible without re- examining the plans. Director Dawson — Stated that the idea was to reduce the overall size of the building, while maintaining the same architectural style. If the Planning Commission were uncomfortable with that, it would not be a problem to require that the revised plans come back and be reviewed by the Planning Commission. City Attorney Martin Stated that if it is not going to be cut down by 10% as indicated, then we have no jurisdiction because it might require a EIR. Director Dawson — Stated that the Staff would contend that the project couldn't be approved if it were not reduced because of the environmental analysis, unless a full EIR was completed. Chairman 1 e Berthon — Stated that the second question he has is with respect to the hours of operation and the days of operation. Stated that he noted that they were going to conduct business on Sundays. Asked if there is anything the Planning Commission could do to restrict the hours and days of operation to Monday — Friday or Monday — Saturday. Vice Chairman Griffiths — Stated that it is only in the morning hours that work would be conducted on the weekends. Stated that the application indicates that it is only the morning hours for seven days and the evenings for five days. Commissioner Seibert — Stated that they will be open until 8:00 p.m. on the weekdays. Chairman le Berthon —Asked if there were any more questions of the Staff. Opened the Public Hearing. Carlos Parrague', 36 West Main Street, Alhambra , CA, 91801— Stated that he has read the Staff Report and agrees with 90% of the recommendations. Stated that they have concerns regarding two of the conditions set forth and would like to address those concerns as well as other concerns. Requested to have a continuance on the Public Hearing if issues arise that could not be addressed and needed to be presented at a later date. Stated that the conditions that they have an issue with are Number 2 that require the total size of the building not to exceed 9,292 square feet and condition Number 3 limiting the number of students at any given time to 105. Stated in regards to the first issue about the total size of the building, it is based N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES January 13, 2004.doc Planning Commission January 13, 2004 Page 9 • on the traffic analysis prepared by Transtech. Stated that the report uses the Temple City Educational Center as a comparison (went on to paraphrase the report). Asked the Planning Commission to reconsider this issue. The Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Transtech Engineers specifically points out that there is ample on- street parking available during the hours of operation. Stated that the Temple City Education Center, which was used as comparison, shares a 27 -space parking lot with an insurance company and another small business. Stated that the Lily Learning Center would provide shuttle service to accommodate transportation, so this drastically limits the need for parking. Stated that this facility is zoned commercial and some commercial uses would generate a lot more traffic than this use. Stated that limiting the number of students would penalize the Lily Learning Center for being successful. Chairman Le Berthon — Asked about the objections with respect to number of students and if he would move on to that issue. Carlos Parrague', 36 West Main Street, Alhambra , CA, 91801— Stated that they are required to build the building according to the building code, and that requires making accommodations for 348 students. Stated that that is an expensive proposition and if they are being limited to 105 students, but they have to build to 348 they should have some kind of relief from the Building Code. Stated that this could be a shopping center and they are open on Sundays. Stated that they would have limited hours on Sunday. • Chairman 1 e Berthon — Asked if anyone wanted to speak in favor of the project. Richard Duban, 6515 Rosemead Blvd_ San Gabriel, CA 91775 — Stated that he owns the property next door to the subject property and that he believes that if the property is zoned C -2, then it seems that it should be commercial and not used for non - conforming houses. Stated that in the previous action the Planning Commission wanted to get rid of the non - conforming structures. Stated this is along the lines of what is being accomplished in the City. Stated that it would enhance the neighborhood and make Rosemead Boulevard better. Chairman 1 e Berthon — Asked if anyone wanted to speak in favor or opposition to the Conditional Use Permit. Shaun I arsuel, 8971 Callita Ave San Gabriel, CA 91775 — Stated that the traffic report did not focus on the impact of Sultana intersecting with Rosemead and Callita Street. Stated that if you reexamine the report they examine twelve separate turning movements at that particular intersection, but if you factor in Sultana Avenue, an additional eight possible traffic movements are added. Stated that without taking this fact into consideration the traffic study is worthless due to the unique traffic conditions at the site. Stated that adding the extra traffic generated from the learning center would only create more conditions that are not mentioned in the report. Stated that there are bushes on Rosemead that make a left turn very dangerous. Stated that at the other end of Callita is Emperor Elementary School and they already have traffic issues. • Stated that he did not feel this was the place for a learning center. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES January 13, 2004.doc Planning Commission January 13, 2004 Page 10 Commissioner Seibert —Asked Mr. Larsuel if his objections would be as strong if there was a • different type of use going in there since the property is zoned for commercial development. Shaun Larsuel, 8971 Callita Ave San Gabriel, CA 91775 — Stated that he considered that. Stated that a suggestion would be that the Planning Commission consider no access off of Callita Street, only Rosemead Boulevard. Stated that would alleviate any type of overflow going up and down Callita, interacting with Sultana, if access were limited to Rosemead Boulevard. Commissioner Seibert — Asked if that were a condition for the school, would that help alleviate traffic concerns? Shaun 1 arsuel, 8971 Callita Ave San Gahriel, CA 91775 — Stated that it would help. Chairman I e Berthon — Asked if anyone else wanted to speak against granting the Conditional Use Permit. Robert Ridley, 8846 E. Callita St., San Gabriel, CA 91775 — Stated that his concerns were about two issues; safety and overall appearance. Stated that this is a very bad intersection and when you make a right hand turn southbound onto Rosemead there is poor visibility. The curb should be painted red. Stated that he supports the idea of no access on Callita Street. Stated that he supports the condition regarding loitering and would suggest signs. Asked if the facility is going to close down at night and lock its facility so that there will not be overnight parking. Stated that he also had a concern regarding appearance; this project intensifies the use of the property and changes the current use from residential to commercial. Stated that he would like the impact on the residential neighbors reduced. Asked what the height of the western wall would be, what material would be used and if mature trees should be placed along that wall. Asked about the signage facing the residential neighborhood, if any. Stated that any development there should be in scale with the surrounding residential uses. Chairman Le Berthon — Asked if anyone else wanted to speak against granting the Conditional Use Permit. Dale Mendoza, 8840 Callita St _ San Gabriel, CA 91775 — Asked when the property was zoned commercial. Restated previous concerns regarding the traffic. Director Dawson — Stated it has been that way for many years. Mark Briskie, 8862 Callita St., San Gahriel, CA 91775 — Stated that the parcel is unique because it ends in a residential area. Stated that in the report it states that Callita Street is predominately a residential area. Stated that he does not feel the traffic study really shows the traffic problem on Callita Street and Emperor. Restated previous concerns regarding the traffic, landscaping and hours of operation. Chairman I e Berthon — Asked if anyone else who spoke would not repeat issues already addressed and only mention matters not addressed previously. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES January 13, 2004.doc " Planning Commission January 13, 2004 Page 11 Kenneth Wagner, 8808 Callita St., San Gabriel, CA 91775  Stated his concern about street cleaning and that he rarely gets his street cleaned because of on- street parking. Stated that there are other locations that have been vacant for years and asked if the applicants have looked at other sites. 111 " " " -1 - " - A "  Stated that when there is emergency activity in the area, emergency traffic cuts through Callita en route to Muscatel. Stated that another issue is the kind of lighting that will be installed. Asked if there was going to be parking lot sweeping late at night. Kathy Perini, 6415 N. Muscatel, San Gabriel, CA 91775  Stated that she is a Temple City resident but she is also the principal at Emperor School. Stated that in addition to the traffic concerns for the residents due to Emperor School, the new use would generate additional traffic. Stated that she was concerned about so many students adjacent to a State Highway. Stated that she was concerned about students walking down Callita to the facility. Michelle Shao, 8907 Callita St., San Gahriel, CA 91775  Stated that she had concerns about the traffic and safety issues for the residents. Cindy Simmers, 8952 F Callita St_, San Gabriel, CA 91775  Stated that she has many " concerns such as the ones previously stated. Stated that she is concerned about property value and also the impact on her ability to quietly enjoy her property. Stated that her concerns range from the traffic, the hours of operation, the lights, the security situation, the block wall that might impede he ability to even back out of her driveway, which is directly adjacent to the property line. Asked how much demand there is for the number of learning centers that are already in Temple City. Stated that she would rather have a commercial building there then have a vacant building. Stated that she would like an offset of about ten feet for the block wall so that she could at least see if someone is coming down the street as she backs out of her driveway. Restated previous concerns regarding the traffic and safety issues. Paul Lineback, 8930 E_ Callita St. San Gabriel, CA 91775  Stated that he agreed with all the concerns bought up. Stated that there is not enough focus on the issue of what students do once they leave the building. Stated that the neighbors should have some say on what goes into the community because it could adversely impact their neighborhood. Asked if the number of people who disagree will have an impact on the decision reached by the Planning Commission. Chairman Le Berthon  Stated that the reasons are based on merit. Alfondo Cilata, 8808 Callita St. San Gabriel, CA 91775  Stated that he agrees with all of the reasons stated for not approving the project. Stated . that he wanted to share a personal experience about the intersection. Stated that within four years, a car has almost hit him three times when he turns left on Callita. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES January 13, 2004.doc Planning Commission January 13, 2004 Page 12 Jenny Lei, 8926 Callita St San Gabriel, CA 91775 — Stated that the intersection is very short • and how could a left turn be made into the building. Restated previous concerns regarding the traffic and safety issues. -.1 I. - • _ - 1- -111 - A • — Stated that she wanted to know why other residents of Temple City do not know what is going on and why only the residents being impacted are notified. Stated that she lives further away but is still concerned. Stated that she is against it because of traffic issues. Stated she is disgruntled and wants to leave the City. Mary Chen, 8937 Callita St. San Gabriel, CA 91775 — Stated that she thinks it is dangerous to use Callita with Rosemead. Stated that she hopes they will look into other sites. Stated that the security and safety of residents and students is more important than profit. Stated that if the learning center was approved, it could be one story instead of two stories. Amy Huynh, 8914 F. Callita St San Gabriel, CA 91775 — Stated that she was concerned with the hours of operation and the fact that they are open on weekends. Ric Reed, 6628 N. Mus .at .I Av ._, San Gabriel, CA 91775 — Stated that the concerns expressed are accurate. Stated that it is an uncontrolled intersection; there are stop signs. Stated that there is a residence behind the site. Stated that the lot behind the project is a residential lot. Stated that many of the residents had no idea that property was zoned commercial. Stated that for the last 50 years that property has been used as residential. Stated that he questions what is going to happen to this facility when it is no longer a learning center. Restated previous concerns regarding the traffic and safety issues. Shaun Larsuel, 8971 Callita St, San Gabriel, CA 91775 — Stated that perhaps extending a point (the triangle point) on the east end of Sultana at the corner of Rosemead and Sultana, slightly south so that no one from Rosemead could make a left turn into that neighborhood. Stated that might solve a lot of problems. Director Dawson — Showed the City boundaries on the map. Gino Brunengo, 9495 Pentland Street, Temple City — Asked if the additional cars were going to be parked in San Gabriel (L.A. County). Stated that when school drop -off takes place, the parent's backup into the street and do not use the designated drop off or pick up area and block a lane. Restated previous concerns regarding the traffic and safety issues. Director Dawson — Stated that Rosemead Boulevard is a State highway and if the people would like to see a red curb, they could contact Caltrans, because they have direct control over the State Highway. Chairman I e Berthon — Invited the applicant to come up for rebuttal. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES January 13, 2004.doc Planning Commission January 13, 2004 Page 13 • Carlos Parrague', 36 West Main Street, Alhambra , CA, 91801— Stated that he sympathizes with the people but the property is zoned commercial. Stated that the traffic report indicates that with or without the facility there is going to be an increase in traffic. Stated that there are other alternatives to the property such as a shopping center and that would generate more traffic and more trash and it is allowed in a commercial zone. Stated that the safety issues are not within the control of the applicant or the City. Stated that they will work with the City and residents to be as safe as possible. Stated that the west wall could be replaced with landscaping, if preferred. Stated that they want to lock the parking lot at night and they do not want overnight parking. Stated that material the architect chose for the building was meant to be aesthetically pleasing. Stated that this is a low volume use compared to other uses. Stated that for street cleaning, perhaps it could be worked out for closing one day a week to allow for street cleaning, maybe half a day. Stated that this school is open to all ethnic groups and not restricted to anyone. Commissioner Seibert - Moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Vice Chairman Griffiths and unanimously carried. Chairman I e Berthon — Closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Seibert — Asked the City Attorney about the possibility of a full EIR for this project. • City Attorney Martin — Asked Director Dawson if having now heard all of the evidence, does he stay with the Negative Declaration or do you feel that an EIR would disclose more information that would be of value. Director Dawson — Stated that in terms of the environmental analysis, he would stay with Staffs original determination that a Negative Declaration is sufficient in this case. Stated that the property is designated as commercial on the City's General Plan and is zoned commercial. You could have a wide variety of uses that would have a lot of ingress and egress traffic, such as a 7 -11 or a gas station. Stated that this kind of a use does not have substantial impacts on the neighborhood except during the peak user times, which tend to be in the morning and late afternoon. Stated that these issues are disclosed and addressed in the traffic report. City _Attorney Martin — Stated that some of those other alternative uses could be permitted without a Public Hearing. Director Dawson — Stated that in terms of potential adverse environmental impacts, he would stay with the Negative Declaration and with the mitigation measures set forth. Stated that he listened to the testimony and if the Planning Commission were going to approve this application, Staff would suggest six additional conditions as well as the original conditions. City Attorney Martin — Asked the Planning Commissioners if they feel the Negative Declaration recommended by Director Dawson is justified or if they could get more information from a full E.I.R. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES January 13, 2004.doc Planning Commission January 13, 2004 Page 14 Commission _r ib — Stated that he felt the E.I.R. might give a little more information. • City Attorney Martin — Stated that the study that was conducted was made unilaterally and if it is an E.I.R. there is an interchange of ideas. Vice Chairman Griffiths — Stated that the only issue that would be of interest to him in an E.I.R. is strictly traffic and parking. Stated that traffic is the problem and a full -blown E.I.R. would interest him for the traffic portion only. Stated that this is a commercial zone and it has been for a while. Something is going to be built there and a lot of the uses do not require a Public Hearing. Stated that something scaled back might be a better compromise. Stated that there is no street parking and that the traffic is bad at the corner. Stated that some adjustment of the scale and size of the building might be a worthwhile consideration. Stated that he would be inclined to deny the project without prejudice and allow the applicant to look at it again and come up with something that would fit a little better. Chairman I e Berthon — Asked Vice Chairman Griffiths, with respect to the proposed condition that the size of the building be reduced to the 9,292 square feet; would that meet with his approval? Commissioner Y , — Stated that this is a very controversial proposal, but the property is zoned C -2 and there needs to be a balance of the property owners right to develop versus the neighbors desire to have something else. Stated that many developments can occur on this property without a hearing. Stated he does not see a need for a full E.I.R.. Perhaps the applicant would want to have another traffic study conducted but he feels the traffic study was well done even if there is some disagreements. Stated that he is in favor of approval with the conditions proposed. Chairman I a Berthon — Asked Director Dawson about the six additional conditions other than those mentioned in the Staff Report. Director Dawson — Stated that the following were six additional conditions that might address some of the concerns expressed during the public hearing: 1. Revised architectural plans as well as any proposed signage shall back before the Planning Commission. 2. That the three lots be combined into one lot. 3. That the parking lot and building lighting be shielded from the residential uses and adjacent properties. 4. That no overnight parking be allowed on the site. 5. That the block wall proposed along the west property line be limited to a maximum height of three feet within the front 20 feet back from the Callita Street property line. 6. That the block wall be stuccoed on both sides to match the texture of the building. Stated that in terms of maximum number of pupils, the traffic analysis was done on 150 and that was the applicant's request. N: \Word \Department\CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES January 13, 2004.doc • " Planning Commission January 13, 2004 Page 15 Chairman Le Berthon  State that with those additional , conditions, included in the Resolution, would Commissioner Yu be in favor. Commissioner Yu  Stated that he is in favor. Vice Chairman Griffiths  Stated that if the applicant complies with these additional conditions as well as the original conditions, he can vote in favor. Commissioner Seibert  Stated that it is a commercial area that is going to be developed one way or another. Stated that he does not have a problem with the school. Stated that he does not feel parking is a concern. Stated that the ingress and egress is a problem as well as traffic in the area. Stated that overall the use is probably one of the better uses for that parcel. Stated that he was a little concerned with the Sunday operation and does not think it should be allowed. Stated that there should be one day of relief for the neighborhood. Chairman Le Berthon  Asked Commissioner Seibert if he was proposing an additional condition that there be no classes held on Sunday. Commissioner Seibert  Stated that was correct and with all of the additional conditions, he could vote in favor. Chairman Le Berthon  Stated that he concurs with the other Commissioners and that he is also concerned with the traffic situation. Stated that indeed this particular lot is zoned C -2. Stated that with all of the additional conditions as proposed, he can vote in favor of the Conditional Use Permit. Vice Chairman Griffiths moved to approve Conditional Use Permit 03 -1533 with all the conditions as stated and with the Negative Declaration as prepared, seconded by Commissioner Seibert and unanimously carried. Chairman 1 e Berthon  Stated that the motion carries and that the action of the Commission is subject to a 15 -day day appeal period by the applicant or anyone who wishes to appeal the case. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES January 13, 2004.doc Planning Commission January 13, 2004 Page 16 8. COMMUNICATIONS: None 9. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: None 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Le Berthon adjourned the meeting at 9:55 p.m. ATT ST: Secretary Chairman N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES January 13, 2004.doc