HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 2004/03/09 - Regular" INITIATION: " 1. CALL TO ORDER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 9, 2004 Pursuant to the Agenda posted March 4, 2004, Chairman Le Berthon called the meeting of the Planning Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 9, 2004. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: Yu, Seibert, Blum, Griffiths and Le Berthon Also Present: City Attorney Martin, Community Development Director Dawson, and Senior Planner Williams 4. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK 5. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES February 24, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AS SUBMITTED Commissioner Seibert - Moved to approve the consent calendar, seconded by Commissioner Blum and unanimously carried. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. PUBLIC HEARING: A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP TO ALLOW THE DEVELOPMENT OF A RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM PROJECT WITH FOUR (4) DETACHED UNITS. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R -2) ZONE. SITE: 5108 FARAGO AVENUE CASE NO.: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 60833 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 04 -1551 Planning Commission March 9, 2004 Page 2 OWNER: MAGGIE ZAHN 420 E. 3RD STREET, #707 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 91731 ENGINEER: JACK LEE CAL -LAND ENGINEERING, INC. 576 EAST LAMBERT ROAD BREA, CALIFORNIA 92821 ARCHITECT: DAPHNE FAN I.C. & Q. DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT, INC. 13501 TRACY STREET, #B BALDWIN PARK, CALIFORNIA 91706 RECOMMENDATION: 1) HEAR STAFF REPORT 2) HEAR THOSE FOR AND AGAINST 3) CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT 4) ADOPT RESUOLUTION Director Dawson — summarized the Staff report dated March 9, 2004. Vice Chairman Griffiths:— Asked what exactly was grasscrete. Commissioner Yii — Stated that grasscrete consists of pavers with holes that grass can grow through. Stated that it was difficult to maintain. Commissioner Seibert — Asked if the grass median in the middle of the driveway would work better. Commissioner Yu — Stated that would work out better and it is easier to maintain. Director Dawson — Stated that the Fire Department is really insistent upon having 24 — 26 foot wide access way. Chairman I e Berthon — Asked who has a final say as far as design. Director Dawson — Stated that it would probably come down to negotiations between the Community Development Department and the Fire Department. Chairman Le Berthon — Asked if the width of the driveway was determined by the Fire Department requirements. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES March 9, 2004.doc Planning Commission March 9, 2004 Page 3 • Director Dawson — Stated that was correct. Stated that with condominium projects, it comes down to the distance between 20 feet of width and 26 feet of width. Stated that the Zoning code specifies a 16 -foot width, but the Fire Department wants 26 feet or more. Stated that with multiple family projects it might be difficult to maintain the strips of concrete with grass in the middle. Commissioner Seibert - Stated that the property looks like it has property maintenance issues and he would like to see a condition added to clean up the property within 30 days. Director Dawson — Stated that all Code Enforcement violations and all public nuisance matters must be corrected with 30 days, including abandoned vehicles and weeds, etc. Commissioner Yu — Stated that regarding the grasscrete or landscaped pavers; who would make sure that they are provided to the greatest extent possible? Director Dawson — Stated that it would normally be a Staff responsibility. Stated that a landscape plan is provided with every proposal. Stated that we work with the Fire Department on a case -by -case basis. Chairman 1 e Berthon — Asked Commissioner Yu if he has a notion of what he would like to see with respect to grasscrete. IICommissioner Yu — Stated that he would like to see at least six feet of the driveway have grasscrete. Chairman I e Berthon — Asked if that should be an additional condition. Commissioner Yu — Stated that the driveway is 24 feet on the plans, so six feet of grass pavers may not be possible. Stated that maybe we should keep the 2 -foot planter shown on the plans and ask for 4 -feet of grasscrete. Commissioner Seibert - Asked where the grasscrete would be added. Commissioner Yu — Stated that it would be north of the planter strip in order to lessen the amount of paved area. Chairman J e Berthon — Asked if it would be better to say four additional feet of grasscrete somewhere instead of specifying a location. Commissioner Seibert — Asked Director Dawson where the proposed grasscrete would be located. Director Dawson — Stated that it is being looked at next to the landscaping. 1111 Commissioner Blum — Stated that RRM consultant group will be looking at the standards for this type of thing. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES March 9, 2004.doc Planning Commission March 9, 2004 Page 4 • Commissioner Seibert — Stated that we should require it and let them decide where to put it. Director Dawson — Stated that in terms of the condition, Staff is comfortable with either approach and that Commissioner Yu's idea of having it along the existing landscaping is similar to what Staff had in mind. Stated that having landscaping or grasscete down the center of the driveway is good for individual homes, but may not work where there is two -way traffic. Commissioner Yu — Stated that one additional item is the landscaping. Perhaps there should be a requirement for two trees for unit, rather than one and there should be some landscaping at the end of the driveway. Chairman I e Berthon — Asked Director Dawson if that was already specified in the Resolution. Director Dawson — Stated that we require a landscape plan but we could adjust the conditions to get some tall growing foliage so that when we look down the driveway you see greenery. Chairman I e Berthon — Asked if there are any more questions. Commissioner Yu — Stated that he as an additional comment. Stated that we should require • 1.5 or 2 trees per unit. Director Dawson — Stated that currently we require one tree per unit. Chairman I e Berthon — Opened the Public Hearing. ,lack Lee, 576 Fast 1 amhert Road, Brea - Stated that the plan was drawn up based upon the reports conducted for the property. Stated that he hopes the Planning Commission can approve the project. Commissioner S .ib .rt — Asked Mr. Lee if he understood what the Planning Commission was discussing relative to the landscaping. Asked if he has read all of the conditions and if the owner would accept them. Daphne Fan, 13501 Tracy Street, #B Baldwin Park — Stated that the owner will agree to the landscaping conditions and work with the City Staff to meet all of the conditions. Chairman I e Berthon — Asked about the requirement for the grasscrete. w.•••- ..• 1 -- . _ :.. • ∎ 1 '- . — Stated that would be fine. Commissioner Seibert — Asked if she had a problem with that. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES March 9, 2004.doc • Planning Commission March 9, 2004 Page 5 Daphne Fan, 13501 Tracy Street, #B Baldwin Park — Stated that she did not but, there would need to be some sort of irrigation system. Director Dawson — Asked if the owner was aware of the Code Enforcement issues on the property. Daphne Fan, 13501 Tracy Street, #B Baldwin Park — Stated that the property would be cleaned up. Commissioner Yu — Asked if they were planning on saving the existing tree in the front. Jack ", 57L as I amhert Road, Brea — Stated that they would try to save it, if possible. Commissioner Seibert — Stated that if it can be saved, it would be fine but to make it a condition could possibly restrict construction of the project. Senior Planner Williams - Narrated and showed the video. Chairman I e Berthon — Asked if there should still be a condition to save the front yard tree. Director Dawson — Stated that the condition could be that the tree be saved, unless there is • strong evidence that it would interfere with the development of the project. Chairman I e Berthon — Asked if anyone else wanted to speak in favor or against the project. Commissioner Seibert —Made a motion to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Commissioner Blum and unanimously carried. Chairman I e Berthon — Closed the Public Hearing and began discussion. Director Dawson — Stated that to summarize, condition number two could be modified to say that at least two trees shall be provided for each dwelling; said trees should be no less than 24 inch box -size, the landscape plan should include fast growing tall shrubs or greenery toward the terminus of the driveway. Stated that the existing tree in the front of the lot should be preserved, unless it could be demonstrated that it is impractical. Stated that one last condition would be that all Code Enforcement violations be corrected within 30 days. Commissioner Seibert = Stated that he could approve the project with the revised conditions. Vice Chairman Griffiths — Stated that he concurred. Commissioner Ytt — Stated that he also concurred. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES March 9, 2004.doc Planning Commission March 9, 2004 Page 6 Commissioner__Blum — Stated that he also concurred. • Chairman Le Berthon — Stated that he also concurred. Commissioner Seibert — Made a motion to approve Tentative Parcel Map 60833 and Conditional Use Permit 04 -1551 and adopt the draft Resolution based upon the findings and subject to the conditions of approval, including the additional conditions enumerated by Director Dawson, seconded by Vice Chairman Griffiths and unanimously carried. Chairman 1 e Berthon — Stated that the motion carries; the action of the Commission is subject to a 15 -day appeal /review period. B. PUBLIC HEARING: A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE ON -SITE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES INCLUDING BEER AND WINE AT AN EXISTING SERVICE STATION AT 5676 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD SITE: 5676 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD CASE NO.: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 03 -1544 APPLICANT: TEMPLE CITY MOBIL VIKEN MANKERIAN 5676 ROSEMEAD BLVD. TEMPLE CITY, CA 91780 PROPERTY OWNER: MOBIL OIL CORP P.O. BOX 4973 HOUSTON, TX 77210 RECOMMENDATION: 1) HEAR STAFF REPORT 2) HEAR THOSE FOR AND AGAINST 3) NEGATIVE DECLARATION 4) ADOPT RESOLUTION Director Dawson — Summarized the Staff report dated March 9, 2004. Chairman Le Berthon — Opened the Public Hearing. Viken Mankerian 5676 Rosemead Blvd_, Temple City — Stated that he is the applicant and that he has a liquor store in Pasadena and has not had any problems there. Stated that based on his history he does not feel that he will have any problems at this location if he is granted the Conditional Use Permit. Stated that he will not sell single unit containers and that the products are intended to be consumed at the customer's home and not on the street. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES March 9, 2004.doc • • " " Planning Commission March 9, 2004 Page 7 Chairman Le Berthon - Asked what units of beer would be sold. Viken Mankerian 5676 Rosemead Blvd., Temple City  Stated that it would be 6, 12 or 18 packs. Chairman Le Berthon - What types of wine would be sold and asked if the beer and wine license were the same. Viken Mankerian 5676 Rosemead Blvd., Temple City  Stated they are the same. Director Dawson  Asked what is done after 2:00 a.m., to ensure that alcohol is not sold. Viken Mankerian 5676 Rosemead Blvd., Temple City  Stated that locks are put on the cooler doors; stated that they currently have five walk -in cooler doors and probably no more than one of those doors would be dedicated to the beer and wine sales. Director Dawson  What are the hours that ABC requires that there not be alcohol sold? Viken Mankerian 5676 Rosemead Blvd., Temple City  Stated that it is from 2:00 a.m.  6:00 a.m. Stated that from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., the door to the building is closed and customers have to use the night window to pay. City Attorney Martin  Asked Director Dawson if the Sheriff has objected. Director Dawson  Stated that in this particular case, Staff did not ask the Sheriff's Department. Stated that he was aware that beer and wine was sold at two other service stations in the immediate vicinity and that there have not been incident reports from the Sheriffs Department. Chairman I e Berthon  Asked if the Sheriff's Department input should be obtained before moving forward with this case. Vice Chairman Griffiths  Stated that the Planning Commission went through this issue with the area a few years ago and there was a lot of discussion about the number of liquor outlets in the area. Stated that one of the issues then was that there were already too many places to buy beer and wine. Stated that the Sheriff's Department was in on the discussion at that time, but he is not sure what their position would be at this time. Chairman I e Berthon  Asked if there is anyone who wishes to speak against the granting of the Conditional Use Permit. Commissioner Seibert  made a motion to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Vice Chairman Griffiths and unanimously carried. Chairman I e Berthon  Closed the Public Hearing and began discussion. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES March 9, 2004.doc Planning Commission March 9, 2004 Page 8 Commissioner Seibert — Stated that he remembers the discussion a few years ago and still feels the same way and does not see a need for it in the area. Stated that he is not in favor of approving this application and that there he cannot make the required finding of public necessity. Commissioner Blum — Stated that input from the Sheriff would be helpful and that he would like to hear it before making a decision. Chairman 1 e Berthon - Asked if there should be a continuance in order to hear the results of the Sheriff's Department input. Stated that he would like to have additional input. Commissioner Yit — Stated that he concurred. City Attorney Martin — Stated that the motion is to continue this matter in order to get additional input from the Sheriff's Department and also input from ABC. Commissioner Seibert — Stated that that was the motion, seconded by Commissioner Griffiths and unanimously carried. Director Dawson — Stated that it would be continued to March 23, 2004, with the consent of the applicant. 8. COMMUNICATIONS: None 9. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: At the meeting of March 2, 2004, the City Council authorized the City Manager to enter into a contractual agreement with RRM Design Group to complete the residential design study for all residential zones. It is anticipated that the work will begin shortly and that the total effort will take approximately six to eight months 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Le Berthon adjourned t e meeting at 8:20 p.m. ATTEST: Secretary Chairman N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES March 9, 2004.doc • • •