HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 2004/08/24 - RegularPLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 24, 2004 INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to the Agenda posted August 19, 2004, Chairman Griffiths called the meeting of the Planning Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 24, 2004. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: Yu, Le Berthon, Seibert, Blum, Griffiths Also Present: City Attorney Martin and Community Development Director Dawson Assistant Planner Gulick and Assistant Planner Liu 4. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK 5. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES August 10, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AS SUBMITTED B. APPROVAL OF SIGN PLAN SITE: 5605 CLOVERLY AVENUE APPLICANT: SAINT LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AS SUBMITTED Director Dawson - Stated that there are a few corrections on the minutes. One correction is on page 2 where it indicated that Chairman Griffiths was within 500 feet, it should say that he has property within 500 feet; and on page six, the minutes should indicate that Chairman Griffiths recused himself but then again took his seat as the Chairman of the Planning Commission. Stated that on page 18 there is a typo with the word "too" instead of "to" and lastly on page 19 a typo with the word "fore" instead of "for ". Planning Commission August 24, 2004 Page 2 Vice - Chairman Blum - Moved to approve the minutes as corrected, as well as the approval of the sign plan, seconded by Commissioner Le Berthon and unanimously carried, except for Commissioner Seibert, who abstained from approving the minutes because he was not at the meeting of August 10, 2004. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. PUBLIC HEARING: A CONDITIONAL USE _ PERMIT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP TO ALLOW A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING OF SIX (6) DETACHED CONDOMINIUM DWELLING UNITS IN THE HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R -3) ZONE. SITE: 6047 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD CASE NO.: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 61386; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 04 -1579 OWNER/ APPLICANT: JEFFERY AND JOAN WEBER 6047 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA 91780 ENGINEER: HANK JONG EGL ASSOCIATES, INC. 11823 SLAUSON AVENUE, #18 SANTA FE SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 90670 RECOMMENDATION: 1) HEAR STAFF REPORT 2) HEAR THOSE FOR AND AGAINST 3) NEGATIVE DECLARATION 4) ADOPT RESOLUTION Chairman Griffiths — Recused himself from this item because he owns property within 500 feet of the subject site. Vice - Chairman Blum — Assumed the position of Chairman at this time. Director Dawson — Read the Staff Report dated August 24, 2004. Assistant Planner I iu - Narrated and showed the video. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES August 24, 2004.doc • • Planning Commission August 24, 2004 Page 3 • City Attorney Martin — Stated that this is a re- hearing and everything that was heard two weeks ago is included in the minutes and is available to all of the Planning Commissioners. Stated that if you have anything new to add, please come forward at this time, but you do not need to repeat what is already in the minutes because the minutes are very detailed. Vice - Chairman Blum — Opened the Public Hearing and asked the Applicant if he wanted to add anything. Asked if anyone wanted to speak in favor or against the project. Commissioner Seibert — Moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Commissioner Le Berthon and unanimously carried. Vice - Chairman Blum — Closed the Public Hearing and began discussion. Commissioner Yet — Stated that his opinion remains as stated in the previous Public Hearing and that he cannot make the findings to recommend approval of this project. Commissioner L e Berthon — Stated that he could approve the project because it complies with the standards and guidelines set forth by the City. Commissioner Seibert — Stated that he was not present at the previous meeting. Stated that • the project meets all the requirements and cannot see any reason to deny the project. Stated that it is an R -3 zoned lot and the owner has a right to develop it accordingly. Stated that he can vote in favor of granting the request. Vice - Chairman Blum — Stated that for all the previous reasons stated in the last meeting, he could once again vote in favor of the project. Commissioner I e Berthon — Made a motion to approve the Negative Declaration, Tentative Tract Map 61386 and Conditional Use Permit 04 -1579 and adopt the draft Resolution with all of the findings and conditions of approval, seconded by Commissioner Seibert. Roll call vote: Commissioner Yu - no Commissioner Seibert - yes Commissioner Le Berthon - yes Vice - Chairman Blum - yes Vice - Chairman Blum - Stated that the motion carried on a 3 -1 vote. Stated that the item will go to the City Council and is tentatively scheduled for September 7, 2004. Turned the meeting ip back over to Chairman Griffith at 7:44 p.m. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES August 24, 2004.doc Planning Commission August 24, 2004 Page 4 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. PUBLIC HEARING: A ZONE VARIANCE TO ALLOW A 1,642 SQUARE FOOT, SINGLE -STORY ADDITION TO AN EXISTING 1,450 SQUARE FOOT HOUSE, WHICH HAS AN EXISTING NON - CONFORMING SIDE YARD SETBACK OF THREE (3) FEET (INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED FIVE [5] FOOT SETBACK); ALSO TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 646 SQUARE FOOT STORAGE ROOM TO BE LOCATED BEHIND AND ATTACHED TO THE EXISTING TWO -CAR GARAGE, WHICH IS SETBACK TWO [2] FEET FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE (INSTEAD OF FIVE [5] FEET THEREFROM). THE SUBJECT SITE IS LOCATED IN THE SINGLE FAMILY (R -1) RESIDENTIAL SITE: 9421 DAINES DRIVE CASE NO.: ZONE VARIANCE 04 -1583 PROPERTY OWNER/ MIKE AND ANNA CHIANG APPLICANT: 9421 DAINES DRIVE TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA 91780 RECOMMENDATION: 1) HEAR STAFF REPORT 2) HEAR THOSE FOR AND AGAINST 3) CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT [15305(a)] 4) ADOPT RESOLUTION Director Dawson — Read the Staff Report dated August 24, 2004. Assistant Planner I iu - Narrated and showed the video. Commissioner Seibert — Asked about the setbacks of the garage and if it was three feet. Director Dawson — Stated that it is two feet and the storage room will be attached to the garage. Chairman Griffiths — Stated that the submittal asks for a three -foot setback on the new part and retains the two -foot setback on the existing garage. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES August 24, 2004.doc • • • Planning Commission August 24, 2004 Page 5 • Vice- Chairman Blum — Asked Director Dawson if the variance is for two feet on existing garage. Director Dawson — Stated that the garage by itself is legal non - conforming but by the fact that they are adding on or extending it, they are asking for a variance for two feet for the existing garage and three feet for the proposed addition. Stated that if this were in the rear one -third of the lot they would be okay. Vice - Chairman Blum — Asked if the normal setback would be five feet. Director Dawson — Stated that was correct. Chairman Griffiths — Asked if there were any other questions. Opened the Public Hearing. Asked the applicant if he would like to make a statement. Tom O'Leary, 5823 Agnes Avenue, Temple City Stated that he is the contractor for the owners. Stated that he was there to answer any questions. Vice - Chairman Blum — Asked about the setback to the addition to the garage. Asked if there would be a problem to have a five -foot setback rather than the proposed three -foot setback. 110 Tom O'1 eary, 5893 Agnes Avenue, Temple City — Stated that there is really not a problem but there is already an existing structure there and it is a permitted structure. Stated that the existing old patio type structure is two feet from the property line. • Director Dawson — Stated that the Zoning Code specifies that there should be a 10 -foot separation between buildings. Stated that these plans show a ten -foot separation between the accessory building and the main house. Stated that if the storage room were moved over then it would be too close to the main dwelling. Commissioner ib .rt - Stated that it would be possible to make the structure more narrow. Director Dawson — Stated that was another option. Commissioner Yu — Asked Mr. O'Leary if there is an issue with making it more narrow, making it 17 feet instead of 19 feet. Stated that is just for the new portion. Tom 0'1 eary. 5823 Agnes Avenue. Temple City — Stated that he would need to discuss it with his clients, however, maybe they could extend the building further back. Asked his client (property owner) the question. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES August 24, 2004.doc Planning Commission August 24, 2004 Page 6 Mike Chug — Stated that he is the owner of the property and that they want to improve on what exists and what was permitted before was the two -foot setback and he really did not want to move anything over because he wanted the roofline to match. Commissioner Seihert — Stated that he would have to redo the foundation anyway. Mike Chang — Stated that he would conform to a five -foot setback, if he could extend the building. Commissioner Seihert — Stated that the length does not make a difference, it is the side setback that is an issue. Chairman Griffiths — Asked if anyone else wanted to speak in favor or opposition of the application. Commissioner Seibert — Made a motion to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Vice - Chairman Blum and unanimously carried. Chairman Griffiths — Closed the Public Hearing and began discussion. Commissioner Seibert — Stated that the size of the lot is sufficient to handle the house. The existing setback on the current house could be changed but they should not be forced to change that. Stated that he does not have a problem with the addition; the garage has been discussed enough and the applicant has agreed to do a five -foot setback on the addition behind the garage and make the addition two feet more narrow. Stated that he could approve the variance. Vice - Chairman Blum — Stated that he agrees with Commissioner Seibert and if the addition to the garage is set back five -feet, he can approve the variance. Commissioner Yu — Stated that he concurred. S:ommissioner L e Berthon — Stated that he also concurred. Commissioner Seihert — Made a motion to approve Zone Variance 04 -1583 with the change for the setback of the addition for the storage area behind the garage from three feet to five feet, seconded by Commissioner Yu and unanimously carried. S:hairman Griffiths — Stated that the motion to approve the request, with the above - mentioned changes has carried unanimously. Stated that there is a 15 -day appeal /review period. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES August 24, 2004.doc • • " " Planning Commission August 24, 2004 Page 7 B. PUBLIC HEARING: A ZONE VARIANCE TO ALLOW THE COMPLETE REFURBISHMENT OF FOUR EXISTING SINGLE STORY DWELLINGS ON A 19,972 SQUARE FOOT R -1 ZONED PARCEL. THE PROPOSED REHABILITATION WILL INCLUDE NEW WINDOWS, NEW DRYWALL, NEW KITCHEN AND BATHROOM FIXTURES, ETC. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ADDRESSED AS 5001  5009 WILLMONTE AVENUE. SITE: 5001 -5009 WILLMONTE AVENUE CASE NO.: ZONE VARIANCE 04 -1581 PROPERTY OWNER: JIM ROMANI 500 E. LEMON AVENUE ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA 91006 APPLICANT: GRAHAM BRIGGS GRAHAM BRIGGS DESIGN ASSOCIATES 909 S. SANTA ANITA AVENUE, SUITE I ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA 91006 RECOMMENDATION: 1) HEAR STAFF REPORT 2) HEAR THOSE FOR AND AGAINST 3) CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT [15305(a)] 4) ADOPT RESOLUTION Director Dawson  Read the Staff Report dated August 24, 2004. Assistant Planner Liu - Narrated and showed the video. Tami Romani  Stated that she is speaking on behalf of her and her husband. At this time, she read a letter to the Planning Commission. Each Planning Commissioner received a copy of the letter, which stated her reasons for asking for the Variance. Chairman Griffiths  Asked if anyone had any questions for the applicant. Commissioner Le Berthon - Asked the applicant questions regarding the particular changes being requested to be done to the individual dwelling units. Asked if the framed skeleton is " remaining the same. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES August 24, 2004.doc Planning Commission August 24, 2004 Page 8 Jim Romani — Stated that the skeleton of the buildings will remain the same and that the basic structures are in good shape. Stated that he has been a builder for 20 years and is amazed at how run down the units were inside. Stated that they are just improving the inside and the structure is going to remain the same. Stated that one unit had an illegal bedroom where the garage was and it will be converted back to a garage. Chairman Griffiths - Asked if there were any other questions. Commissioner Yu — Asked if there were any landscape plans and what was going to be done with all of that open space. Jim Romani — Stated that it would remain open and there would be a grass area with some planters. Chairman Griffiths — Asked the applicant if building permits were taken out for the renovations? Jim Romani — Stated that there were no permits pulled because he sent his crew in there to clean up the property and one thing led to another and by the time he got to the property, it had already been red tagged by Code Enforcement. Stated that he made a mistake because he had a lot of personal issues at that time. Chairman Griffiths — Stated that if he had gone to pull building permits he would have been advised of the rules and could have avoided the Code Enforcement action. Asked the applicant why he did not have any concerns about the renovation, knowing that it was an R -1 property with four units. Jim Romani — Stated that he called the City and asked only general questions but never gave the address of the property because of the number of purchase offers on the property. Stated that he has lost properties that way. Stated that he had a sequence of mistakes and miscommunications that got him to this point. Chairman Griffiths — Asked if anyone wanted to speak. Graham Briggs — Stated that he prepared the plans and the renderings and was there to answer any questions. Michael Moffett, 5033 Willmonte Avenue- Stated that he was in favor of the project. Stated that the property had previously been neglected and that he would like to see it improved. Stated that he would prefer that those units be improved and not see two monster homes built there. Stated that the existing one -story homes conform to the neighborhood. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES August 24, 2004.doc • • • Planning Commission August 24, 2004 Page 9 • Chairman Griffiths - Asked if anyone else wanted to speak. Donald Dalton, 4927 Willmonte Avenue - Stated that the proposal would be an improvement to the neighborhood. Made comments similar to those made by Michael Moffett. Norma Lobo, 4958 Agnes Ave., Temple City — Stated that she lives directly behind the property. Stated that she was concerned about the fencing or the wall. Stated that the fence is rotten and there is a big hole there. Stated that she was curious about the fencing or wall that would be constructed there. Commissioner Seibert — Stated that there was nothing to prevent her from erecting her own fence. Chairman Griffiths — Asked if anyone else wanted to speak. James D. Sarullo, 4938 Willmonte Ave., Temple City — Stated that he is in favor of the proposal for the reasons already stated. Chairman Griffiths — Asked if anyone else wanted to speak in favor or opposition to the project. • Diana Young, 4946 Willmonte Ave., Temple City — Stated that she was not really speaking against the project, but felt as though the options were limited; the neighborhood could continue to have this property occupied by problem tenants or have the possibility of two -story homes built on that property, if the variance were denied. Stated that the current condition of the property is unacceptable. Chairman Griffiths — Asked if anyone else wanted to speak in opposition. Paul Ng, 5013 Willmonte Ave., Temple City - Stated that the previous tenants on the subject property were undesirable, and he was concerned about having rentals in the neighborhood and attracting similar types of tenants in the future. Chairman Griffiths — Asked if anyone else wanted to speak. Michael Moffett, 5013 Willmonte Ave., Temple City - Stated that a new family starting out may not have money to purchase a house and that renting does not necessarily mean that you will be an undesirable tenant. Commissioner Seibert — Stated that he appreciated the comments made. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES August 24, 2004.doc Planning Commission August 24, 2004 Page 10 Tami Romani — Stated that with respect to the issue raised about the type of tenants, there would be a very thorough screening of anyone that will live there. Stated they will not allow an undesirable environment to exist on their property. Commissioner Seibert — Made a motion to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Vice - Chairman Blum and unanimously carried. Chairman Griffiths — Closed the Public Hearing and began discussion. Commissioner Yu — Stated that this is a very difficult situation; the whole reason for Zoning and master planning is so that in time there could be a transition to the uses that are allowed. Stated that it is the duty of the Planning Commission to make sure that the future development of the City conforms to the General Plan. Stated that when he looks at this property, he can see that the existing detached homes are similar with many of the other single story homes . in the neighborhood. Stated that he has driven down the street and agrees with many of the neighbors in that there are not really any two -story dwellings in the neighborhood. Stated that he is pretty sure that any new development would probably consist of larger homes. Stated that he is uneasy about what type of development there could be in the future. At this point, he is in favor of granting the Variance. Commissioner_ Le Berthon - Stated that he sees this as an unusual situation; it is an R -1 zoned area and these are individual homes that by themselves would not qualify to exist separately on an R -1 zoned lot. Stated that the alternative would be to have a lot split which would allow for homes that would be definitely out of character within the neighborhood. Stated that this is an unusual situation in that by allowing the situation to exist as it is, it is actually more in keeping with the neighborhood, than the alternative of having nice individual homes. Stated that he can also make the findings to grant the Variance as requested. Commissioner Seibert — Stated that unfortunately there are no guarantees that there will not be problem tenants in the future. Stated that if the existing parcel were split, there is nothing to say that the homes would have to be two -story. Stated that just because it is a lot split it does not guarantee what will be built there. Stated that at this point the Planning Commission has an obligation to follow the Code and keep the neighborhood as an R -1 zoned area. This is an opportunity to correct a non - conforming situation. Stated that he could not vote in favor of the Variance. Vice - Chairman Blum — Stated that there are several issues on both sides of the argument. Stated we could get conforming R -1 houses that are probably going to be owner - occupied or do we stay with what we have, which is single -story units on a large lot owned by an absentee landlord. Stated that when he drove down the street, the houses are pretty much on 50 foot wide Tots and when you get to this property it has an open feel to it rather than everything being bunched up. Stated that two -story houses would be out of place, but we do not know if they will be built single story or two -story. Stated that with the current density requirements, these N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES August 24, 2004.doc • • " Planning Commission August 24, 2004 Page 11 four houses as they exist could possibly even have a lesser footprint on the property than two new houses. Stated that he would like to hear from the final Commissioner before making a decision. Chairman Griffiths  Stated it is an R -1 zoned property and has been zoned R -1 for many years. Stated that the Zoning Code and the General Plan were both developed to reflect the thinking at that time. Stated that there is very little justification for the idea of having rental property on an R -1 lot. Stated that this is rental property, with a higher density, in an R -1 zone that is incompatible in a single - family neighborhood. Stated that the R -1 zoning needs to be observed and the setbacks and so forth need to be observed and they are not with the present buildings. The existing improvements do not meet current minimum requirements in many respects. Stated that the current applicant may have good intentions, but over time properties are sold. It is important to stay with sound planning. Stated that he is unable to make the findings to support the Variance for the reasons stated. Stated the rules were established through community efforts and they should not be ignored. Stated he is against two -story monster homes, but there really is nothing to prevent two -story homes in an R -1 zone unless it is on a tiered or flag lot. Stated that is not the issue tonight; the issue is the non - conforming four units and he cannot vote in favor of granting the Variance. Vice - Chairman Blum  Asked the City Attorney a question about the low- income housing requirements for the City, City Attorney Martin - Stated that the primary observation on the low cost housing is 20% set aside from the CRA. Stated that the State encourages Cities to provide for housing for low and moderate - income populations. Director Dawson  Stated that the State does require the City to provide affordable housing but that is not part of the request; stated that if the owner would agree to a condition that states that this housing be reserved for Section 8 recipients, then the City could be assured that the housing would be affordable in the future. However, at this time the property owner has made no such commitment. Commissioner Ytt  Stated that he wanted to make a remark before Vice - Chairman Blum made his decision. Stated that in his opinion the difference between R -1 and multiple family zoning is single - family vs. multiple family and really does not have anything to do with tenancy. Stated that any single - family home can be rented or leased. Stated that he did not think the ownership had anything to do with the quality of the people living there. Stated that just because it is being rented does not mean it will deteriorate. Stated that the current improvements resemble single - family. Commissioner Seibert  Stated that it is R -1 property and the current improvements do not .comply. Stated that the question is whether or not this non - conformity should be allowed to continue? The tenancy or occupancy has nothing to do with the hearing; it is whether these N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES August 24, 2004.doc Planning Commission August 24, 2004 Page 12 units should be allowed to continue in an R -1 zone. Stated that he felt that the non - conformity should not be allowed to continue because the structures are over 50 years old and have come to the end of their life span. Stated that the Planning Commission has the opportunity to eliminate a non - conforming use and he feels the Planning Commission should take advantage of that without any consideration about future tenants or possible future development, such as one story vs. two -story homes. Stated that those issues do not have anything to do with the hearing; the hearing is to consider whether or not to allow a non - conforming use to continue in an R -1 zone. Stated that he cannot make the findings to allow that. Stated that it is the mistake of the new owners for not doing their research about the property and they have reasons that they did not, but that is not the purpose of the hearing; the purpose is to decide the appropriate land use for this property, which is zoned R -1. Commissioner I e Berthon — Asked Director Dawson a question about how many repairs can be made without requiring a Variance. Director Dawson — Stated that there is an attached memo, which outlines acceptable maintenance measures to non - conforming structures. Stated that in this case, these structures have been stripped down to the bone. Commissioner I e Berthon- Stated that there are certain repairs that can be done and asked if the applicant has gone over the limits. Director Dawson — Stated that the owner has gone far beyond routine repair work. Stated that the structures are essentially skeletal structures, not habitable. f hairman Griffiths — Asked if there were any further comments. Commissioner Seibert — Made a motion to adopt the Resolution to deny Zone Variance 04- 1581 because it does not comply with the current Zoning Code and he cannot make the required findings, seconded by Commissioner Blum. Roll call vote: Commissioner Yu — no to deny Commissioner Seibert — yes to deny Commissioner Le Berthon — no to deny Vice - Chairman Blum - yes to deny Chairman Griffiths - yes to deny City Attorney Martin — Stated that the application has been denied by a 3 — 2 vote. • • Director Dawson — Stated that there is a 15 -day appeal period and any action of the Planning • Commission is appealable to the City Council N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES August 24, 2004.doc Planning Commission August 24, 2004 Page 13 • C. PUBLIC HEARING: A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND ZONE VARIANCE TO ALLOW THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A 1,994 SQUARE FOOT RESTAURANT USE IN AN EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING WHICH WAS PREVIOUSLY USED AS A PRINT SHOP; BASED UPON THE SIZE OF THE BUILDING, USE OF THE BUILDING FOR A RESTAURANT (AS OPPOSED TO A GENERAL COMMERCIAL USE) WOULD RESULT IN A PARKING DEFICIENCY OF 12 SPACES. THE PROPOSED SUBJECT RESTAURANT USE WOULD REQUIRE 20 PARKING SPACES AS OPPOSED TO A GENERAL COMMERCIAL USE, WHICH WOULD REQUIRE 8 SPACES. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN THE TEMPLE CITY (TC) DISTRICT OF THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN. SITE: 5936 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD CASE NO.: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 04 -1577; ZONE VARIANCE 04 -1578 APPLICANT: STAN SZETO • SZETO & ASSOCIATES 1300 E. MAIN ST., STE. 109 ALHAMBRA, CA 91801 PROPERTY OWNER: TEMPLE 5936 INVESTMENTS, LLC AGENT: FANG -BA LIN 5936 TEMPLE CITY BLVD. TEMPLE CITY, CA 91780 RECOMMENDATION: 1) HEAR STAFF REPORT 2) HEAR THOSE FOR AND AGAINST 3) NEGATIVE DECLARATION 4) ADOPT RESOLUTION Director Dawson — Read the Staff Report dated August 24, 2004. Assistant Planned iu - Narrated and showed the video. Commissioner Ytt — Asked if the parking was problematic. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES August 24, 2004.doc Planning Commission August 24, 2004 Page 14 Director Dawson — Stated that there have been complaints about parking revolving around the Alano Society which is a meeting place and was a big parking problem about eight years ago and there was a parking study conducted at that time. Stated that at that time a 30- minute parking limit was imposed. Commissioner Yu — Asked if they still meet there. Director Dawson — Stated that they still meet there and there is still a 30- minute parking limit. Stated that there are still complaints. Chairman Griffiths — Asked if there were any other questions. Opened the Public Hearing. Herb Mahaffey, 2120 Louise Ave., Arcadia — Stated that he owns the property next door and despite the 30- minute limit that is imposed there is still a parking problem. Stated that most businesses on that block can be frequented in 30 minutes but a restaurant would have a problem with this. Stated his concerns about the traffic on Friday evenings because of the automotive building on that block. • Charlie Mavaro, 5952 Temple City Blvd — Stated that he owns the vacuum cleaner repair shop on that block and that there has been a parking problem for a long time. Stated that the subject property only has a five -car parking lot. Stated that most businesses on that block can • be frequented in 30 minutes but a restaurant would have a problem with this. Chairman Griffiths — Asked if anyone else wanted to speak. Commissioner Seibert — Made a motion to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Vice - Chairman Blum and unanimously carried. Chairman Griffiths — Closed the Public Hearing and began discussion. Vice - Chairman Blum — Stated that this use would introduce a high level of intensity to the neighborhood and that he would have to vote to deny this use. Commissioner Yu — Stated that he concurred. Commissioner Le Berthon — Stated that he concurred. Commissioner Seibert — Stated that he concurred. Chairman Griffith s — Stated that he also concurred. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES August 24, 2004.doc Planning Commission August 24, 2004 Page 15 • Vice - Chairman Blum — Made a motion to deny Conditional Use Permit 04 -1577 and Zone Variance 04 -1578 and adopt the draft Resolution, seconded by Commissioner Seibert and unanimously carried. Chairman Griffiths — Stated that the motion to deny the application carries and that there is a 15 -day appeal /review period. D. DISCUSSION ITEM: THE PLANNING COMMISSION WILL DISCUSS THE MORATORIUM PROCESS AS SET FORTH IN STATE LAW. Director Dawson — Read the Staff Report dated August 24, 2004. Vice - Chairman Blum — Stated that he would like to suggest that the action item for tonight is basically that the Planning Commission get an interim report from the consultant on where we are and how soon we are going to get something and express to them the dilemma we are facing and that we need some feedback. Chairman Griffiths — Stated that he concurred and asked Director Dawson if he can act on that. •Director Dawson — Stated that he is going to meet with them and will try to get some feedback after the September 23, 2004 Community Workshop. • 9. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: None 10. ADJOURNMENT They're being no further business; Chairman Griffiths adjourned the meeting at 10:10 p.m. ATTEST: Secretary N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2004 \PC MINUTES August 24, 2004.doc