HomeMy Public PortalAbout160_031_20130919 Infrastructure Committee Minutes SPECIAL INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE MINUTES CITY OF TYBEE ISLAND September 19, 2013 1:30 P.M. ATTENDEES: Paul Wolff, Diane Schleicher, Barry Brown, Tom Groover, Chris Stovall (Thomas & Hutton), Wanda Doyle, Angela Hudson and Joe Wilson. George Reese absent. Approve the minutes of the previous meetings—Paul Wolff called the meeting to order; asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the 8.8.13 meeting. Barry Brown motioned to approve. Tom Groover seconded. New Business: I. Alternative Water Supply—Paul Wolff states, I just want to throw in some good news about our alternative water supply; we've been going around in circles for several years now, about what's our best option; we've pretty much decided through Thomas &Hutton and Hussey, Gay, Bell and DeYoung, both, I think, that given the aquifer condition under us, going deeper, that our best option is going to be cretaceous; which Hilton Head as done; the water in the cretaceous aquifer is warm; it comes out at 120 degrees; it has to go through a cooling process; it has to go through a reverse osmosis process; then it gets mixed with a certain percentage of upper aquifer water and cooled again before it's delivered; the guy at Hilton Head said they're delivering it at 78 degrees; it's definitely an option for us; GEFA, in the next 2-4 weeks, will be making an announcement that, not only do they have low interest lows for this, but also grant money, for any City that has a sole source that cannot get its withdrawal permit for the upper Floridian increased; we should be near the top of the list for getting free money from the state; so I just want to suggest, with that in mind, that we hold off on any major studies, and see what's becoming available; I will update you when we hear from GEFA. Old Business: I. Public Safety Building Update—Mayor Pro Tem Doyle a. Wanda Doyle states, we are right on schedule with everything that's going on with the building; we are meeting every 2 weeks with the design committee, Elkins and Greenline; we're getting down to the wire with getting the budget where we need it; the construction cost is doing good; but when we look at the extra things, like the demolition, the relocation of the 911 system, having to remove some oak trees that we were not anticipating, it is adding to the construction cost; we're probably about $200,000-$300,00 up from where we want to be; what we've done so far, RFP wise, is the demolition; that number was put down on our sheets at $182,000-$183,000; since then, Greenline has come back and said they think that number is a little too high; it's probably$78,000 higher than what they think it's going to be; when we put this out,what we're going to do is a bid for not recycle and also do one for recycling the material; we are looking at the demolition to be around the first part of November; we should be on schedule to start construction on December 3ra. II. Discuss New ADA Sidewalk on Eastside of Butler from 18th Street to 19th Street a. Project in FY 14 Budget—Diane Schleicher states, I just want to keep this in front of you; it's budgeted; we met with the property owners; haven't heard anything back on that; didn't know if you want Joe to go forward on this, as far as getting quotes. Joe Wilson states he would like to see a letter to go out to everybody before we do that; see if they want it or not. III. Update on Sewer Force Main on Jones and Miller: a. Project Completed IV.Update on Ally 3 Project— a. Status of Agreement with GDNR—Joe Wilson states, the mats have been ordered; should be here in a couple of weeks. V. Update on Jaycee Park Fields & Softball Infield Improvements a. Joe Wilson states, we added 1000 yards of red clay; they really like it; filled in the holes in the outfield; they appreciate that; probably all I'm going to do there. Tom Groover asked if Georgia Power could come out; the right center field light didn't come on Monday night; the old score board needs work; an electrician has looked at it and says it will take about $800 to fix it; can we get somebody to fix it?; I don't know if it's worth it; it's pretty old. Joe's response is inaudible. VI.Jones Avenue: a. Engineering for water lines has started—Chris Stovall states the drawings are at 90% stage; we're going to submit on the encroachment permit on 80; there is just enough room, if we want to, install that underneath the sidewalk; we can directional drill that; I was actually going to put in for the permit both ways; then take bids on it, either way. b. Paving is budgeted for project c. Recommended Sewer Line Improvements d. Discuss Possible Timeline for Project VII. Sewer Force Main#6: a. Thomas &Hutton Engineering Proposal for Review—Chris Stovall states we have a pseudo division 2 set up for the Force Main project; we could put everything together as one project with 2 sets of drawings, could save around $15,000; one thing we could do is have a division 1, a division 2 and allow them to bid either one, or both together; if you want both, then give us a deduct. Paul Wolff states, that's the way I'd like to see it go. Chris states, with that being the case, we looked at the options with GEFA; basically, the Water/Sewer Georgia fund is the best way to go; that's the State revolving loan, versus the Federal loan; the interest rate is 2.4%; with Water First, you would get 1.4%, and it's a much faster turnaround time. b. Chris discussed handouts; the original fee for general consulting was $2000, for the meetings here; the additional $3000 is for a time and expense basis; the bid price of$3500 came down to $2500, due to tying the 2 projects together. c. Diane Schleicher asked if the committee wanted to make a motion on the Thomas &Hutton proposal for the Sewer Force Main, to go to City Council. Tom Groover motioned to approve the proposal from Thomas & Hutton. Barry Brown seconded. d. * Some material throughout this in inaudible. * VIII. New AMR System: a. Installation in progress—Diane Schleicher states, they're making process. b. Staff training still in progress IX. TRAILS PROJECT: a. Project update: Diane Schleicher states, according to John, they're still doing the environmental; no further updates at this point. X. Beach Rake &Tractor Replacement a. Committee Members Input to Staff on Information Provided by GDNR Staff—Tom Groover states, I think we need to do something; one is to make the beach more attractive, which it will do; and two, all this stuff we get in March, April and May, get it off of the beach; Tybee is a recreational beach; you can't have a recreational beach with all this stuff on the beach. Paul Wolff states, my personal opinion is, it's not worth it. Tom states, I would like to see what DNR would do about permitting; if they'll permit the thing, the City should start looking at it. With no further business to discuss, Paul Wolff asked for a motion to adjourn. Tom Groover motioned to adjourn. Barry Brown seconded. A quorum of city council members may be present which would constitute a meeting. Respectfully submitted by Karen Reese on 10.08.13