HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 2005/05/24 - RegularPLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 24, 2005 • INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to the Agenda posted May 20, 2005, Chairman Griffiths called the meeting of the Planning Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 24, 2005. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: Le Berthon, Blum, Yu, Seibert, Griffiths Also Present: City Attorney Martin, Senior Planner Lambert and Code Enforcement Officer Ariizumi 4. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK 5. CONSENT CALENDAR: • A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES April 12, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AS SUBMITTED • Vice - Chairman Blum — Stated that on page 7 under the discussion and vote portion of the minutes, it is not indicated if Commissioner Le Berthon is in favor or against the project but he believes that he voted in favor. Commissioner Le Berthon stated that he did vote in favor of the project and would like to amend the minutes to reflect that. Commissioner Seibert — Made a motion to approve the minutes of April 12, 2005, as amended, seconded by Vice - Chairman Blum, and unanimously carried. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. PUBLIC HEARING: A ZONE VARIANCE TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT TO MAINTAIN AN EXISITNG CARPORT STRUCTURE WITH VIRTUALLY NO SIDE YARD SETBACK ALONG THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE IN LIEU OF THE 5 FEET 6 INCH SETBACK REQUIRED BY CODE. THE SUBJECT SITE IS LOCATED WITHIN THE SINGLE - FAMILY (R -1) RESIDENTIAL ZONE Planning Commission May 24, 2005 Page 2 SITE: 5230 HALLOWELL AVENUE • CASE NO.: ZONE VARIANCE 05 -1516 PROPERTY OWNER/ APPLICANT: GERARD AND PATRICIA STEL 5230 HALLOWELL AVENUE TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA 91780 RECOMMENDATION: 1) HEAR STAFF REPORT 2) HEAR THOSE FOR AND AGAINST 3) CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT [15301] 4) ADOPT RESOLUTION Director Dawson - Read the Staff Report dated May 24, 2005. Senior Planner I amhert - Gave a PowerPoint presentation. Chairman Griffiths — Asked if there were any questions for the Staff and opened the Public Hearing. Commissioner Yu! — Asked if the applicant has already modified the carport. Director Dawson — Stated that the applicant added a trough. Commissioner I e Berthon — Asked whom the covenant would be enforceable upon. Director Dawson — Stated that it is a recorded document that is linked to the title of the property. Asked the City Attorney to explain the process. City A, ttorney Martin — Stated that the title report would reflect the recorded covenant. Commissioner Seibert — Asked if this was a result of a Code Enforcement complaint by the neighbors. Director Dawson — Stated that was correct. Vice - Chairman Blum — Stated that he had questions regarding other similar instances throughout the City. Commissioner I e Berthon — Stated that if the case were approved would that be selective enforcement. Director Dawson — Stated that Code Enforcement typically responds to complaints. • N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2005 \PC MINUTES May 24, 2005.doc Planning Commission May 24, 2005 Page 3 • Vice- Chairman Slum — Asked if the complaint was about the rainwater that was going • • into the neighbor's windows. Code Enforcement Offi . r Arii tmi - Stated that the complaint was that the carport was draining into the neighbor's property. Stated that the window issue came up after inspecting the property. Commissioner Yu — Stated that the reason why there are side yard setbacks is to have separation between buildings. Commission r S .ib .rt — Stated that there is an issue of water draining into the neighbor's property. Chairman Griffiths — Asked if there were any questions of the Staff and opened the Public Hearing. Patricia Stel, 5230 Hallowell Ave., Temple City — Stated that she has lived at the subject site 52 years and has never had problems with the neighbors until this incident. Stated that she felt she was being punished because of the complaint and that many people in the City have carports. Stated that she did not think a little bit of water on someone's property is that bad. Stated that they have previously installed a rain gutter and flashings. Chairman Griffiths — Asked if there were any other questions. Asked how she felt about the condition of removing the carport upon the sale of the property. Patricia Stet — Stated that she is not really in support of that condition because she feels the carport adds value to the property. Stated that she felt it was a good selling point. Chairman Griffiths — Asked if anyone wanted to speak in favor of the application. Asked if anyone wanted to speak in opposition. Cindy Loi, 5224 Hallowell Ave., Temple City — Stated that she is speaking on behalf of her parents. Stated that this carport has not been up for 15 years. Stated that the water is like a waterfall. Stated that she has been talking to the neighbors for two years about the problem. Stated that this year the rain was very hard. Stated that it is not only water but also trash and leaves. Director Dawson — Asked how long ago her parents moved in. c,indy Loi, 5224 Hallowell Ave., Temple City — Stated that they have lived there since 1987. Director Dawson — Asked if the carport was already there at the time of purchase. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2005 \PC MINUTES May 24, 2005.doc Planning Commission May 24, 2005 Page 4 Cindy Loi,_ 5224 Hallowell Ave., Temple City — Stated that it was not there when her parents purchased the property. Director Dawson — Asked if the carport were recessed one -foot and rainwater did not run onto her parent's property, would the carport be okay? Cindy I oi, 5224 Hallowell Ave.. Temple City — Stated that it would be okay as long as the rainwater does not run into her parent's property. Commissioner Yit — Asked if her opposition was the water issue and not a view or aesthetic issue. Asked if that could be resolved, would it satisfy their concerns? Cindy l oi, 5224 Hallowell Ave., Temple City — Stated that they have already taken some steps to remedy the situation but they have not been successful. Chairman Griffiths — Asked if anyone else wanted to speak about the issue. Asked for a rebuttal from the applicant. Patricia Stel, 5230 Hallowell Ave. — Stated that the only day that they saw the water coming down very heavy was when it rained for one -week straight and everyone was having water issues. Stated that other than that day, the rain gutter has a downspout and it works. Stated that it would be difficult to cut back the carport one foot and would be a major project. Commissioner S .iibert — Made a motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Yu and unanimously carried. Chairman Griffiths — Closed the public hearing and began discussion. Vice- Chairman Rlum — Stated that this is not the only carport in town and that approving this might set a precedent. Stated that the City requires setbacks for good reasons and by looking at the illustrations, you could see that the water is going into the neighbor's property. Stated that the house has a two -car garage and has adequate room for the cars to be kept. Stated that the alternate solutions proposed, do not solve the problem that triggered the complaint. Stated that we need more discussion about what should be done with all of these types of carports. Stated that there is a Code for a reason and that he has concerns because of the water problem, which brought about the complaint. Commissioner I e Berthon — Stated that he shares Vice - Chairman Blum's concerns and in this particular case, the rain gutter can't accommodate the amount of flow off the roof. Stated that is a major burden to place upon the adjoining property to absorb all of the water. Stated that if the carport were allowed, he would suggest modifications to have the flow go somewhere else, if possible and if it is not possible, then it should be removed. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2005 \PC MINUTES May 24, 2005.doc • • • " Planning Commission May 24, 2005 Page 5 Commissioner Yit  Stated that he concurred with the other two commissioners and that the carport is also taking 1/4 of the water from the main house. Stated that the gutters become a continuous maintenance issue. Stated that he feels that there might be other ways to remedy the situation. Stated that the way that the carport is situated presently, he cannot support keeping the carport. Stated that setbacks are established for good reasons. Commission r ih rt  Stated that the neighbor should not have to accept the runoff from the neighbor on the north. Stated that whatever their setback is, they have to abide by the Code, and if they have rain gutters or not - that is not the issue. Stated that it is obvious that the water is draining to the neighbor's property. Stated that if there is a complaint on other properties with carports, then it will be addressed on a case -by -case basis. Stated that he is not in favor of covenants and they are not always enforced. Stated that he is not in favor of granting this variance. Chairman Griffiths  Stated that he is in agreement with most of what has been said. Stated that he is not in favor of the covenant concept. Stated that the lot to the south is downhill from the lot to the north and water goes downhill and anybody that interferes with that is liable for whatever damages might be done. Stated that without the carport roof, the water would fall in the driveway and still go south if it could. Asked if the " window leakage was part of the complaint. Code Enforcement Officer Arii7umi  Stated that in conducting the investigation, it was indicated that the water was draining from the carport and into the windows. " Chairman Griffiths  Stated that the concern that this might be setting a precedent is valid. Stated that the variance would lead to big headaches because there are hundreds of carports in the City. Stated that the original complaint seems to have been abated and the complaint about the windows does not seem to have much bearing. Stated that the issue is if we can support a Zone Variance for a roof that does not meet the Code and the answer is that the findings cannot be met. Stated that all of the findings must be met in order to grant the variance. Stated that he could somewhat support three of the findings but that he could not make the finding which reads: "that such a variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other properties ". Stated that there are other carports in the City, but they do not possess the right, they could have been built without permits. Stated that he would vote against granting the variance. Commissioner t e Berthon  Stated that he concurred with Chairman Griffiths. Vice - Chairman Blum  Stated that we have requirements in the City and that we ask the Staff to enforce these requirements and then people come and ask for a Variance, which puts the Staff in an awkward position. Stated that unless there are very unusual circumstances, a variance should generally not be granted. N:\Word \Department \CDD \M)NS \PC MINUTES 2005 \PC MINUTES May 24, 2005.doc Planning Commission May 24, 2005 Page 6 • Vice - Chairman Blum — Made a motion to deny the variance, seconded by Commissioner Seibert. Chairman Griffiths — Asked for roll -call vote. ROLL -CALL VOTE Vice- Chairman Blum — Yes to deny Commissioner Yu — Yes to deny Commissioner Seibert — Yes to deny Commissioner Le Berthon — Yes to deny Chairman Griffiths — Yes to deny Chairman Griffiths — Stated that the motion to deny the Zone Variance carried and that there is a 15 -day appeal /review period. B. PUBLIC HEARING: SEVERAL ZONE VARIANCES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 3,303 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION TO AN EXISTING 1,263 SQUARE FOOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AND A 739 SQUARE FOOT SECOND UNIT AS FOLLOWS: (1). TO ALLOW A 5' -0 "• SIDE YARD SETBACK IN LIEU OF 5' -6" REQUIRED FOR THE PROPOSED SINGLE STORY ADDITION; (2). TO ALLOW A 10' -6" WIDE DRIVEWAY IN LIEU OF 15' -0" REQUIRED; (3). TO ALLOW 4' -0" SIDE YARD SETBACKS FOR THE PROPOSED GARAGE /SECOND UNIT; (4). TO ALLOW A 5 -CAR GARAGE (WHICH IS REQUIRED BY CODE) WITH 2 SPACES THAT ARE IN TANDEM AND NOT INDEPENDENTLY ACCESSIBLE; (5). TO ALLOW AN 18' -4" HEIGHT FOR THE PROPSED DETACHED GARAGE /SECOND UNIT IN LIEU OF THE 15' -0" MAXIMUM HEIGHT LIMIT; AND (6). TO ALLOW A 739 SQUARE FOOT SECOND UNIT (INSTEAD OF THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED 640 SQUARE FEET). THE SUBJECT SITE IS LOCATED AT 9837 OLIVE STREET AND IS SITUATED IN THE SINGLE - FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R -1) ZONE. SITE: CASE NO.: 9837 OLIVE STREET ZONE VARIANCE 05 -1617 • N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2005 \PC MINUTES May 24, 2005.doc " " " Planning Commission May 24, 2005 Page 7 PROPERTY OWNER/ APPLICANT: FRANK & MARIA MACCHIA 9108 BROADWAY TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA 91780 RECOMMENDATION: 1) CONTINUE THIS ITEM TO THE REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 14, 2005 Director Dawson - Stated that the applicant has requested a continuance to June 14, 2005. Commissioner Yu  Made a motion to continue the mater to June 14, seconded by Commissioner Seibert and unanimously carried. Chairman Griffiths  Stated that the matter is continued to June 14, 2005. C. DISCUSSION ZONING INCONSISTENCY SITE: 10619  10665 LOWER AZUSA RD. RECOMMENDATION: 1) REVIEW STAFF REPORT RELATIVE TO EIGHT PROPERTIES WHICH ARE CURRENTLY ZONED C -2, BUT IMPROVED WITH ONE SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ON EACH OF THE LOTS. 2) PROVIDE STAFF DIRECTION The Planning Commission reviewed a situation where there are eight existing single - family dwellings on Lower Azusa Road immediately east of the In -N -Out Burger site, which are zoned C -2. Recently one of these eight homes was offered for sale and there were several inquiries about permissible improvements or expansion to the existing house. Because these eight lots are improved with one single - family dwelling on each lot and because they are zoned C -2, improvements are essentially limited to ongoing maintenance. Conversely, as commercial properties they are not particularly suitable in that the lots are approximately 6,000 square feet in size and offer no vehicular access directly onto Lower Azusa Road. After discussing several alternative approaches to addressing this situation, the Commission agreed that any contemplated General Plan Amendment and Zone Change to these particular properties should be considered in conjunction with an overall Citywide General Plan update Commissioner Seibert  Made a motion to receive and file the item, seconded by Vice - Chairman Blum and unanimously carried. N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2005\PC MINUTES May 24, 2005.doc Planning Commission May 24, 2005 Page 8 • MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: • • Chairman Griffiths - Informed the Planning Commission about the sessions that he attended at the Planner's Institute held in Pasadena, California. Stated that he would like the Planning Commission to have more information pertaining to G.I.S. and also Form -based Zoning. 10. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Griffiths — Stated that On May 17, 2005 former Planning Commissioner Louis Muto passed away. Louis served on the Planning Commission from December 17, 1985 until he resigned in September 3, 1997. Louis was born May 24, 1921 in Casalnuevo, Italy. Occupationally, Louis Muto worked as a City Planner for the City of Los Angeles for 35 years. Stated that he wanted to adjourn the meeting in memory of Louis John Muto. There being no further business, Chairman Griffiths adjourned the meeting at 9:05 P.M. ATT ST: ( lit4/1/\'` c'--- g(A/A-,-.____ Secretary N: \Word \Department \CDD \MINS \PC MINUTES 2005 \PC MINUTES May 24, 2005.doc