HomeMy Public PortalAboutCaptains View_58)ERAL SMERGENCY MMAOSIENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSUILNICE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE 0 .1■4 .B . No. 3087-0077 Expires December 31, 200! IMIONMIIMIIMMummOMPOOMMIIIIMS1 81" " AOMPIMIMemseavelaML.01 .L10■0a.•••■•■•■■•■■MIIMMINP..q.■ SECTION A - PROPERTY OMER INFORMATION 11Z fliD/WA/ AlIttelo sS Sum' & OVA Le v", (no c1Th 776e.4AJD PROP DESCpON esAt s ROUTE AN t? C Let tok./ °O Plistike ATE ZIP DE "ISPWPAegalp 9 B4DX NO rf --viimirassairliowerwmr1 hers. Tax Pa dr424111/4;. t.irribietc. 1 1• M0321ensare) a y r;4) , tf necossary.) i-ICArttONTAL DATUM 0 NAD 1827 0 NAD 1283 ititallallitr) —si:ructe E! OPS a USCG Cued 'Am El Mar. _ SECTION B FLOOD ROMANCE RATE MAP INFORMATION 9iifpcc*MNn' tag.' costANITY ../age-g CCIL,C1:( FPAW AiCIPANEL 1 htAaER 0 81C sticate the mum at he B Rood 5seallon (8FE) dabs o beset owl di* encased in SC FIS Pratte 0 FW* DCvDn1d Caw Paecribs). 0 MVO 1& 0 OW 811 'edam the eievalon darn used for t*EFE in EEI: ta3VD 1 929 812. Is the Wiled in a Casaba Ban* Room% MRS' area or Others* Pit erad Area CPA Samoa C SULDING ELEVATION INFORISMON (SURVEY RECIUMED) C1 841n9 *orations are based on: 0 Construction DrawIngs* 0 Suilelm Under OcrIstructi7-eat* Finished Casdruolke *A roe Session WI be !wind when consitruclim ol the bull% is compile. C2. Diking Daman Netier (Select the building derail most similar to the bullring tor whet this Oar*** teing oxn)stai - see pages 6 and 7. If ro diagram aunt* sepresents tetra:4, moils a sketch cr pholograph.) C3. Hookas - Zuss AtA30, AE, At-i, A Oa SHIA. V1-V30, V (Witt ift), AR, ARA, MAE ARtA1-A.1J, AMC Complete tens C3 44 IVIew exacting b the building dayarn sr.receed 'm awn C2. aste tho datum teed, If the datum is Meters from te datum used for the BFE Suction 6, =watt* flan to that Wed tor the BR:- Show told measurements and darn =mix calcu■ation. Use tte sperm proMxt or the Cortryart area of Section Dor Sedan G, se aportoriels to document the deturn convirtico. Datum Carseek:reCorrrenbi rievaton reierentxmaktleed15. Does he elevation noisome ruin wed %Tear cc tie FOX? 0 Yee 1134) • a) Top of Wen floor (inducing beamed or cotiorsiv) /. ft(m) 85. SUFFIX 86, FIRM OIDEX DATE EFFECTNEIREVISEDOTE 87. FIFLMPANEL A.. T 26. BASE FLOOD AT)fl (Zas AO, uncle* dixdno) , I 26. FLOM ZOISE4S) • • • • bt) Tap of met higper icor Wien d kilted totalled saucksai mentor et MeleSerk d)Altadved garage Ow daub) e) Loma eisrabon of mattercay mart eglarirtent servicing the hiding tOesoribs in a Converts area) Lavest aripacei (Wetted) fade (L&G) g) Fittest edSzent (antwhed) grade friAG) 5 tyni ill No. pecrinot 4:1911023 flood wee) vritin It. atom aloscre grade /6:4 0 Tot* area d all pommel °pantry load vents) in C3) 02traq, in, (eq. an) SECTION 0 - SURVEYOR, BAMINEER, OR ATCHRECT CERIFSCATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surrey*, engineer, or avtlfact authodzed by Jae 10 C*111ny eiStatiefi irifof mafiosi I certify that the information in Sections A, 6, end Con this certificate represents rny best Oafs to ;Newt the dote aveilabie. I understand itteatany fake statetrrn Ia • been! Npisheble by fine or In1sonianf under 18 U.S. Coae, Section 1001. trion) • too 16 toro 2E. Eton) I ""--PT- ,,,,0 4P. 8 No. 152 _ Ire ti N. ..aJ r- o r'■ strit4 CERTFI. LICENSE MAW TTTLE /Kt ILLIe A Af COMPANY 4- 6 1.!, AZ. 4-7E6 ANT) 44ifiLv, / 5" -76mEss R(D. &, '_)9 STU ATE zip l■ TIi -FEMA Form 81-31. January 2003 See went* side for contirthistlon. Replaces all provioos wiltkina IMPORTANT: hi these ewes, the intonation from Section A. STREET/if:7. , AM Sia. enitlYStia f'40 i Nr CP )441d 7:56 A A) 11 4. _ STATE —7-* r., /3 SECTION 0- SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCIITECT CERTIFICATION CONTINUED) Cady both sides cite Berafion Celicate for 0) Tenuity eclat (2) insurzre nerittcriTaPY. ma (3) bulking cf#,T,N. FFOOEOK*TiIM ti* Plikturter COMMEWTS (— Oho* hens attachments SECTOR E BULLING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED FOR ZONE AO AijOONE Fri Zone AO arri are A (*that BE), amide arm El thigh E4 if the Elevate Carib* t intended kr use as suppating ireormalcn for a LOMA or LOMR-F, Seca& C nut be ocmpleted. El Sub% Dlagran Nuriba 2.serizt the wiling degree mcar sr to f* bukkg for**, this oarlike* e being arnolabb - see Aire 6 and 7. If Fsc iciagrani accuratey represents the bulking, provide a sloth or plickgraph ) E2. The top of the bctiorn (ncliang beerinent c wok:sure) of the D,Jking is _11(in) Jri.(art) above or D below (ched one) the highest aileent grade. (Use nature grade, if avalatia). E3. For Bulking Diagrams 6-6 with openings (see page T), the next higher Am or elevatel liar (elevation b)f tiAling is tin') J-i.(i.rri) above the hgliest adjacent grade Oorryiele kerns C3.h and c3:1 tront of tem E4 The kiepn of machinery aid ia armament servicing the butting is ft,(m) alxlve or 2:1 53/C*9 (CS*/ ire) the ilighest Ascent grade. (Use natural grade, if SWAIM). B. For Zone AO only. If no food deck; nutlike, is eatable. is the top ci the txtlail locx cievata In accordance wt. e cormuritys todpiain maisgenient ordnance? a_LL......aieatLIiknostori. The bar aka nust orni Swan a SECTION F • PROPERTY OWNERpCFMESS NEPRESENTA priberty ovine or camer's autorked reonventative wha.x.rioletes Stalk:m.1k, B, C (Ws C3.h end 03.10), and E for Zile A *thou! a FEMA-isaied acrnmoity- issued BFE) or Zile AO must err her The stetstriels ki Sediors A, orb E e awed to the beet o nay kroWeige PROPERTY OWNERS OF OWNERS AtI11-10RIZED REPRESENTATIVES t4AME. ADDRESS - SIGNATURE COIAIENTS or STATE ZIP CODE DATE TELEPHONE SECTION 0- commuyert INFOPMATIOI. The l� l ofIldii who is authorized by lam ordnance antister the ibninirills too** manager( ant ordnance can ample* Salons A 8, C. (ci E), and G iINs Ekivatbn Oarlike*. Comae* the aplibekte Owls) and sign bebw. G1 0 The triormaton in Section C was taken him other &lamentation that has been signed and erticatted by a licensed eurwyor. engineer, or ardite1 who is eithorkraxl at vote or /awl law to certify elevation ntrmakr. fInicate tie scum and dab cite elevation de* ri the Canner* area becw.) G2 0 A community WA completed Seaton E for a bulling ixstal in Zone A ;Wrote FEMA-tesua or cornmanty-issued BR) or Zone AO. G3. 0 The thawing information (Nem G4-G9) is provided tor cocinunity flooctieir 'raiment purKass. Gi. PINK feJMEGR 05 DATE PERMIT ISSUE) C(RTFCATE OF CCACUANCEroor..,UPANCY ISSUED ta Check here if attachments G7. This pewit ha been awed tr, 0 New CortsauSion 0 SuteMnit Imo:worst a. Hanlon ci as-built bast Icor (triduCktg beiemert) of the bulking is: . _ Datum: G9. BEE a (in Zone AO) del* cf kocIng at le ste It(m) Datum LOCAL. OFFICIAL'S NAME COMMUNITY NAME SIGNATURE C.OMMENrS TELEPI-rONE Dolt- Lj Chadc here if attachments FEW Form el -31. Jantniry 2003 R oplaDes All previews editions