HomeMy Public PortalAboutmin 04-14-2015_201504240905460751 JB30 Watertown Town Council Administration Building 149 Main Street Watertown, MA 02472 ^CH COW, Phone: 617-972-6470 ELECTED OFFICIALS: TOWN COUNCIL MEETING Mark S.Sideris, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2015 @ 6:15 PM Council President RICHARD E. MASTRANGELO COUNCIL CHAMBER Stephen P.Corbett, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Vice President DRAFT MINUTES Aaron Dushku, Councilor At Large 1. ROLL CALL: A regular meeting of the Town Council was called to order at 6:15 Susan G. Falkoff, m in the Richard E. Mastran elo Council Chamber. Present for the were Councilor At Large p g ounc er. e meeting Councilors Aaron Dushku, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Anthony Palomba,Councilor At Large Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., >Kenneth M. Woodland and Council President Mark S. Sideris. Councilor Corbett was absent. Also present were Town Manager Angeline B.Kounelis, Michael J. Driscoll Town Attorney Mark Reich and Council Clerk Valerie Papas. District A Councilor � y I� Cecilia Lenk, District B Councilor Councilor Dushku moved to go into executive session for the below stated purpose, Vincent J. Piccirilli,Jr., seconded by Councilor Woodland and adopted by unanimous roll call vote with District C Councilor Councilors Aaron Dushku, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Kenneth M.Woodland Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, and Council President District D Councilor Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION—6:15 PM: a) To discuss strategy with respect to Collective Bargaining with the DPW Union, Town Hall Associates Union, Library Union, Fire Union, Police Patrol Union, Police Supervisors Union; and to discuss strategy with respect to litigation(Fire Union— MUP-15-4376; and Civil Action No. 158ICV01551 ), as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the Town's bargaining and litigating positions. 3. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: 7:15 PM 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. EXAMINATION OF THE MINUTES: March 24, 2015. Councilor Piccirilli moved to adopt the minutes, seconded by Councilor Woodland and adopted by unanimous voice vote with Councilors Aaron Dushku, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. 6. PUBLIC FORUM—none noted. 7. PRESIDENT'S REPORT: the chair read a Letter to FAA and asked for a motion to send said letter to Ms. Amy Lind Corbett, FAA Regional Administrator. The letter was so moved by Councilor Piccirilli, seconded by Councilor Woodland and adopted by unanimous voice vote with Councilors Aaron Dushku, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND VOTES: a) Public hearing and vote on a proposed Ordinance Temporarily Modifying Hours of Operation of the Administration Buildings. The Chair recognized the Manager who provided a brief overview of the proposed Ordinance. The Chair opened up the hearing to the public. There being no comments, the hearing was closed. Councilor Piccirilli moved the Ordinance, seconded by Councilor Lenk and adopted by unanimous voice vote with Councilors Aaron Dushku, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. b)Public hearing and vote on a Proposed Loan Order authorizing the Town Treasurer with the approval of the Town Manager to borrow and/or expend monies in the amount of$770,000 under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7(3A)of the General Laws, or pursuant to any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor for the costs of flooring replacement at the Watertown Middle School(approximate cost of$175,000), and costs of purchasing and installing unit ventilators at the Hosmer School(approximate cost of $595,000). Additional Information The Chair recognized the School Business Director Charles Kellner and Director of School Facilities and Transportation Jay Francione who provided a brief overview. The Manager provided a brief overview of the financing aspects of the loan order. The Chair opened up the hearing to the public. There being no comments,the hearing was closed. Councilor Piccirilli moved the loan order, seconded by Councilor Lenk and adopted by unanimous roll call vote with Councilors Aaron Dushku, Susan G. Falkoff,Anthony Palomba,Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk,Vincent J. Piccirilli,Jr.,Kenneth M.Woodland, and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. 9. MOTIONS, ORDERS AND RESOLUTIONS: a) Acceptance of Proclamation: recognizing the 1001h Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The Chair read the proclamation. Councilor Piccirilli moved to adopt said proclamation, seconded by Councilor Dushku and adopted by unanimous voice vote with Councilors Aaron Dushku, Susan G. Falkoff,Anthony Palomba,Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk,Vincent J. Piccirilli,Jr.,Kenneth M.Woodland, and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. The Chair stated that the State will be recognizing this anniversary on April 24'at Ashburton Park. Councilor Piccirilli moved to Suspend the Rules in order to bring forward agenda item 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Committee on Budget and Fiscal Oversight report and action on recommendations on the FY2016-2020 Capital Improvement Program— Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr. The Motion was seconded by Councilor Lenk and adopted by unanimous voice vote with Councilors Aaron Dushku, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. Councilor Piccirilli read the 23 recommendations in the report. Councilor Piccirilli moved to accept the report, seconded by Councilor Lenk. Councilor Falkoff asked if we are being too ambitious as many items are carried over to the following years. Town Auditor Thomas Tracy stated that he did not think the list was too ambitious and that the town is starting to catch up. Councilor Dushku asked that we work harder on getting done the proposed community path. Councilor Palomba noted that a lot of the recommendations or policy questions that have no dollar amounts attached to them. He spoke in support of the parking meter improvements. Councilor Palomba asked where he would find the figure of how much we are borrowing for fiscal 2016. The Auditor noted that the figure can be found under the 16 column. The Manager stated that attachment A page 3 or 48 of preliminary budget overview would provide that information. Councilors Lenk and Kounelis spoke in support of the recommendations noting that they were fully vetted in subcommittee. The report was adopted by unanimous voice vote with Councilors Aaron Dushku, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. ACTION ITEMS AND VOTES: 1. Councilor Piccirilli moved to adopt the 23 recommendations, seconded by Councilor Kounelis and adopted by unanimous voice vote with Councilors Aaron Dushku, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. 2. Councilor Piccirilli moved that the Manager adjust the FY 2016 capital spending so that it does not exceed 8% of the submitted FY 2016 operating budget in order to meet the Town Council Budget Policy Guidelines that the Town should seek to make capital expenditures equal to at least 7.5-8% of the operating budget, seconded by Councilor Kounelis and adopted by unanimous voice vote with Councilors Aaron Dushku, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. b) First Reading on a proposed Order authorizing the Town Treasurer with the approval of the Town Manager to borrow and/or expend monies in the amount of$262,800 under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7(3A) of the General Laws, or pursuant to any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor for the costs of a roofing project involving the Administration and North Fire Station Buildings. The Manager provided a brief overview of the matter and noted that a public hearing and vote will take place at the April 281h Town Council meeting as advertised in the local paper. c) First Reading on a proposed Order authorizing the Town Treasurer with the approval of the Town Manager to borrow and/or expend monies in the amount of$530,000 under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7(3A) of the General Laws, or pursuant to any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor for the costs of infiltration/inflow projects at various location in the Town including Prescott Street, Gilbert Street, Edward Road, Rutland Street and Evans Street. Any borrowing pursuant to this order may be obtained through the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority's Infiltration and Inflow Local Assistance Program or through the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust. The borrowing authorized by this order shall be reduced to the extent of any grants received by the Town on account of this project. The Manager provided a brief overview of the matter and noted that a public hearing and vote will take place at the April 281h Town Council meeting as advertised in the local paper. d) First Reading on a proposed Order authorizing the Town Treasurer with the approval of the Town Manager to borrow and/or expend monies in the amount of$900,000 under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7(3A) of the General Laws, or pursuant to any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor for the costs of water main replacement on Edenfield Avenue and Hovey Street. Any borrowing pursuant to this order may be obtained through the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority's Local Water System Assistance Program or through the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust. The borrowing authorized by this order shall be reduced to the extent of any grants received by the Town on account of this project. The Manager provided a brief overview of the matter and noted that a public hearing and vote will take place at the April 281h Town Council meeting as advertised in the local paper. e) Resolution authorizing a transfer to the Fiscal Year 2015 Fire Department Overtime Account. The Auditor provided a brief over view of the transfer. Councilor Piccirilli moved the resolution, seconded by Councilor Woodland and adopted by unanimous roll call vote with Councilors Aaron Dushku, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Committee on Budget and Fiscal Oversight report and action on recommendations on the FY2016-2020 Capital Improvement Program—Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr. Previously read and voted. b. Committee on Human Services report and recommendation on the 2024 Olympics committee—Anthony Palomba, Chair. Councilor Palomba read the recommendations of the committee. Councilor Palomba moved to accept the report, seconded by Councilor Dushku and adopted by unanimous roll call vote with Councilors Aaron Dushku, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. Councilor Palomba moved to establish the Ad Hoc Committee for the 2024 Summer Olympics, seconded by Councilor Dushku. Councilor Lenk stated that while she supports all the work done on this and for the enthusiasm for the 2024 Olympics, she cannot support the creation of an ad hoc committee for the following reasons: it has the appearance of a defacto endorsement for the Olympics coming to Boston; that the various groups named to participate in this ad hoc committee were not at the subcommittee meeting and may not share in the enthusiasm. She lastly noted that this is best left for our local legislatures to work on and in concern with them. Councilor Kounelis concurred with Councilor Lenk and noted that the proposed Olympic venues and events are not in the immediate area of Watertown and that it is too premature to form such a committee. She stated that there is nothing to prevent us from visiting this again in the future. Councilor Dushku state that he does not see the proposed committee is not an endorsement of the Games. He indicated that he supports this so that Watertown will be represented if indeed the Games do come to Boston and that Watertown is included in some form. He further noted that our local legislatures are in favor of this idea and that no one will be forced to be on the committee and that there will be a seat there if they decide to serve. Councilor Piccirilli stated that the Olympics 2024 would be a once in a life time experience and could be very exciting; he noted that while he won't vote to support the task force as proposed because of a process standpoint and that perhaps a staff position as part of the administration may be a better idea. He indicated that that this point it is premature and that there will be plenty of time to plan in Watertown becomes a part of the Olympics. He asked that more work be done by the subcommittee on this. Councilor Palomba stated that the proposal states that it will be up to the Council President and the Manager to appoint the committee members. He indicated it is a committee to explore the idea and noted that the marketing and planning is taking place presently and we should not wait on it. Councilor Falkoff stated that she will support this as she was impressed that Senator Brownsberger and Representative Hecht had such strong support for it; but Asked; if we might consider postponing the vote tonight. The Chair disagreed that this will not cost the town anything. He stated that the mayor of Newton and other surrounding mayors are trying to put together a meeting on this as more towns being involved may result in a better process in a collaborative effort. Councilor Piccirilli asked if it would be appropriate to send a letter asking them to reconsider putting Watertown on the list; as it currently is omitted. Councilor Dushku noted that the proposed committee would be a low cost option to participate in future meetings. Councilor Lenk stated that it is really important for our administration to participate fully in these discussions with the surrounding mayors and legislatures and put together something were we are all at the Table in a strong and clear way. Councilor Palomba withdrew his motion to create an ad hoc committee. Councilor Dushku withdrew his second on the motion. Councilor Palomba moved: 1. the Human Services subcommittee takes in consideration the comments made tonight and determine if another hearing should be held. 2. the Council President in working with the Town Manager explore any future meetings that might take place and appoint people to attend; 3. a letter be drafted to the Boston 2024 Olympics Committee noting that Watertown is interested in being included in discussions of the Games Councilor Piccirilli seconded the motion and it was adopted by unanimous roll call vote with Councilors Aaron Dushku, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. 11. NEW BUSINESS: The Manager brought forward an Acceptance of a Tangible Gift to the Police Department; an automatic external defibrillator. Councilor Piccirilli moved the matter, seconded by Councilor Woodland and adopted by unanimous voice vote with Councilors Aaron Dushku, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. 12. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE TOWN MANAGER: a) Request for Confirmation of appointment to the Zoning Board of Appeals. So referred to committee. One Boston Day—tomorrow clean-up of Fillepello Park. Yard Waste pickup—this Friday Patriot Day—Monday; Town Hall will be closed. Household Hazardous Waste—this Saturday. No registration needed. 13. REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION: Councilor Kounelis: 1 noted that a response will be forthcoming from Mr. Mee regarding planting strips. 2 asked for an update on Calvin Road issue 3 asked for an update on Prentiss Street issue All items were previously submitted. Councilor Falkoff read a list of request for information. 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Councilor Dushku: Charles River clean up as part of Earth Day 4/25. 4/29 at Traffic Commission meeting—Mark Chase to speak on parking issues. 4/30 Design Guideline discussions continue 511 Dancing with the Stars fundraiser—Hellenic Cultural Center. Councilor Palomba: 5/21 Fillipello Park re-design meeting provided by the Recreation Department Library 6/4 Watertown Public Transit Taskforce forum—Library The Chair: 5/6 Joint meeting with the Planning Board at the Middle School—Comprehensive Plan Budget hearing dates as follows: 5/18 @ 6pm 5/21 @ 6pm 5/26 @ 8pm 5/30 @ 9am (Saturday) 6/2 @ 6pm 15. PUBLIC FORUM: Elliot Freedman, Church Street—spoke of the necessity for speed with respect to planning for the 2024 Olympics. Bob Erickson, Lloyd Road—concurred with Mr. Freedman and spoke of the importance of lobbying on behalf of Watertown being included in the 2024 Olympics. 16. ADJOURNMENT: there being no further business to come before the Town Council, Councilor Woodland moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 pm, seconded by Councilor Lenk and adopted by unanimous voice vote with Councilors Aaron Dushku, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. Addendum