HomeMy Public PortalAboutPlanning Commission - Minutes - 2010-10-12 - Regularti • • • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 12, 2010 INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL: Commissioners: 0' Leary, Valenzuela, Horton, Seibert Also Present: City Attorney Murphy, Community Development Manager Lambert, and Planning Secretary Venters Commissioner Seibert - Made a motion to excuse Commissioner Chen for due cause seconded by Commissioner Horton and unanimously carried. 4. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: No one came forth at this time. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 28, 2010 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AS SUBMITTED Commissioner Seibert - Made a motion to approve the Planning Commission Meeting minutes dated September 28, 2010, with minor corrections seconded by Commissioner Horton and unanimously carried. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NONE 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. DISCUSSION: DISCUSSION REGARDING DRAFT CEQA GUIDELINES. RECOMMENDATION: THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE HAS PREPARED DRAFT CEQA GUIDELINES WHICH EVENTUALLY WILL BE ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. AT THIS TIME, STAFF IS REQUESTING THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW THE DRAFT CEQA GUIDELINES, DISCUSS THE GUIDELINES, AND PROVIDE STAFF WITH INPUT REGARDING THE GUIDELINES. AFTER THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S INPUT IS RECEIVED, STAFF WILL PREPARE FINAL CEQA GUIDELINES FOR PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW. AT A FUTURE MEETING, STAFF WILL REQUEST THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL REGARDING ADOPTION OF THE FINAL CEQA GUIDELINES. 1) HEAR STAFF REPORT 2) DISCUSS DRAFT CEQA GUIDELINES 3) TAKE PUBLIC COMMENTS 2 Planning Commission Minutes Date of Hearing: Oaober 12. 2010 • Chairman O'Leary — Asked for a Staff Report. • 4) PROVIDE STAFF DIRECTION Community Development Manager Lambert — Gave the Staff Report dated October 12, 2010. Chairman O'Leary — Asked if there were any questions or comments from the Planning Commissioners for the Staff. The Planning Commissioners did have questions and comments at this time. City Attorney Murphy - Stated that local CEQA guidelines are recommend for all cities. Stated that smaller cities are usually one of the last ones to adopt their own CEQA guidelines because large swaths of development rarely occur. Stated that the set of proposed guidelines are procedural and are in sync with the State of California CEQA guidelines and will ensure that the Planning Commission carries the ability to approve a mitigated Negative Declaration. Stated that this document was prepared by his colleague who is a CEQA expert, and he has prepared this document to match the general pattern of development in the City. Commissioner Seibert - Asked Community Development Manager Lambert if there would be any changes to the current CEQA guidelines. Community Development Manager Lambert — Stated that there are currently no local CEQA guidelines but our current procedures will not change significantly. City Attorney Murphy — Stated that once local CEQA guidelines are adopted, the guidelines will be laid out clearly for developers. Community Development Manager Lambert — Stated that the City's Municipal Code does not state that the Planning Commission could not adopt a Negative Declaration, however, the local guidelines would backup the State guidelines and would set forth how to proceed with a development regarding CEQA review. Stated that the contents of the Staff Report outlines the role of the Planning Commission regarding approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration, a Negative Declaration, as well as exemptions, and that these guidelines will be set forth in a Resolution once it has been approved by the City Council. Stated that for instance a Tract of five or more parcels and the Negative Declaration for such a project would require the approval of the City Council, however, if a residential development is less than five units the Planning Commission can approve the project and the Negative Declaration. Stated that the Planning Commission would also act as an appeal board in the event that an applicant felt that their project should be categorically exempt. Commissioner Seibert - Asked Community Development Manager Lambert if the responsibility of the Planning Commission is to make a recommendation to the City Council regarding the CEQA guidelines. Community Development Manager Lambert — Stated that draft CEQA guidelines needed to be brought to the Planning Commission for discussion. Stated that once the Planning Commission gives their direction, he will work with City Attorney Murphy, return to this body with final guidelines to request a recommendation and the City Council will eventually adopt a Resolution to set forth the final CEQA guidelines. Commissioner Horton — Stated that page 6 section 2.1 item A lists Trustee agencies as the State Department of Historical Resources, and is unsure if this is a different agency or if it should say State Historic Preservation Office. Stated that if the two agencies are one and the same it should reconciled, and if they are two different agencies he would like to know. Stated that he would also like to know how the local guidelines would conform with the State Historic Preservation Ordinance. City Attorney Murphy — Stated that there are special regional and state agencies that do not have the responsibility or the authority that another State agency would carry, however, he would be willing to study how the State Historic Preservation Office would work with other trustee agencies. Commissioner Horton — Asked City Attorney Murphy if Section 106 of the Natural Preservation Act would involve CEQA. City Attorney Murphy — Stated that he will review the document to make sure. Vice Chairman Valenzuela - Stated that he is in favor of the draft guidelines as this document clarifies what is expected of a developer. Stated that page 17, Section 6.4 regarding notice to the public indicates that there " " 3 Planning Commission Minutes Date of Hearing'. October 12, 2010 are three ways to advertise a Notice of Intent to adopt a Negative Declaration, one of which would be to advertise in the newspaper. Community Development Manager Lambert  Stated that the City is required to notify the public in one of three ways in order to be consistent with California State law. Stated that the City does advertise in the newspaper when it is appropriate for example; if a project is location specific the City will directly mail notices to those within a certain radius or if the notification is regarding a Zoning Code Amendment Citywide, a publication would be placed in a newspaper as well as posted at the City Council Chambers. City Attorney Murphy  Stated that advertising per government code would have to done with a Notice of Intent and they are published in the newspaper as well as circulated by direct mailing. Vice Chairman Valenzuela  Stated that page 22, section 7.4.4 item B is regarding public availability, and thought that an EIR should be posted online. City Attorney Murphy  Stated that it is good practice to have the EIR posted on the website for large projects, however, creating an actual requirement to post every EIR is up to the Planning Commission and the City Council. Stated that other cities have decided against posting every EIR due to lack of interest from the community, and technology constraints. Vice Chairman Valenzuela  Stated that he is in favor of the draft guidelines, however, he has found an inconstancy on page 32, sections, 11.3 and 11.2 regarding appeals to the appellant body. City Attorney Murphy  Stated that the appeal period should be amended to 15 days as opposed to 10 days. Community Development Manager Lambert  Stated that he has not processed an EIR in Temple City, however, the Piazza development included a Mitigated Negative Declaration that had a host of studies and supporting documents. Stated that sometimes a Mitigated Negative Declaration is larger than and is as informative as an EIR. Commissioner Horton  Stated that on page 22 regarding public review and the draft EIR; he would like to propose that in lieu of posting the full EIR, perhaps the city could post an alert or bulletin online to notify the public, and they could visit City Hall to obtain a full copy of the EIR. Community Development Manager Lambert  Stated that he has been encouraged to use the City website for larger projects such as the Rosemead Boulevard Enhancement and Beautification Project and for the recruitment of the Public Safety Commission. Chairman O'Leary  Asked if there were any additional questions or comments from the Planning Commissioners for the Staff. The Planning Commissioners did not have questions at this time. Asked if anyone from the public would like to speak in regards to the discussion. No one came forth at this time. Commissioner Seibert - Made a motion to direct Staff to finalize the draft CEQA guidelines with the slight amendments noted, seconded by Vice Chairman Valenzuela and unanimously carried. Chairman O'Leary  Stated that the direction to Staff regarding draft CEQA guidelines was approved 4 -0. B. APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONER: RECOMMENDATION: APPOINT ONE PLANNING COMMISSIONER TO SERVE AS AN ALTERNATE LIAISON TO THE YOUTH COMMITTEE. 1) HEAR INTRODUCTION FROM STAFF 2) APPOINT A PLANNING COMMISSIONER AS AN ALTERNATE LIAISON TO THE YOUTH COMMITTEE Chairman O'Leary  Asked for an introduction from Staff. Community Development Manager Lambert  Gave an introduction. 4 Planning Commission Minutes Date of Hearing. October 12, 2010 Chairman O'Leary — Asked if there were any questions or comments from the Planning Commissioners for the Staff. The Planning Commissioners did have comments at this time. Commissioner Horton — Stated that he would like to nominate Vice Chairman Valenzuela as an alternate liaison to the Youth Committee. Vice Chairman Valenzuela — Stated that he was under the impression that Commissioner Chen preferred to volunteer as an alternate liaison to the Youth Committee. Stated that perhaps this item could be continued to the next meeting for discussion when Commissioner Chen is present. Commissioner Horton — Stated that he may not be present at the next Planning Commission meeting. City Attorney Murphy — Stated that Commissioner Chen could be nominated and that this item could be discussed at a later meeting if he had any objections. Chairman O'Leary - Asked if anyone from the public would like to speak in regards to the discussion. No one came forth at this time. Commissioner Seibert - Made a motion to appoint Commissioner Chen to serve as an alternate liaison to the Youth Committee seconded by Commissioner Horton and unanimously carried. Chairman O'Leary — Stated that the motion to appoint Commissioner Chen to serve as an alternate liaison to the Youth Committee was approved 4 -0. 8. COMMUNICATIONS: NONE 9. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: NONE • 10. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman O'Leary — Adjourned the meeting at 8:01 p.m. to the next Planning Commission meeting of October 26, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. Next Scheduled Meeting of: City Council: Parks & Recreation Commission: • October 19, 2010 October 20, 2010