HomeMy Public PortalAboutPlanning Commission - Minutes - 2010-11-09 - RegularPLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 9, 2010 INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL: Commissioners: 0' Leary, Valenzuela, Chen, Seibert Also Present: City Attorney Vega, Community Development Manager Lambert, Associate Planner Gulick, and Planning Secretary Venters Commissioner Seibert - Made a motion to excuse Commissioner Horton for due cause seconded by Vice - Chairman Valenzuela and unanimously carried. 4. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: No one came forth at this time. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: OCTOBER 26, 2010 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE AS SUBMITTED Commissioner Seibert — Stated that he would like to abstain from the Planning Commission Meeting minutes dated October 26, 2010 as he was not present. Vice - Chairman Valenzuela - Made a motion to approve the Planning Commission Meeting minutes dated October 26, 2010 with a minor correction, seconded by Commissioner Chen and unanimously carried. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NONE 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. PUBLIC HEARING: THE APPLICANT IS PROPOSING TO REMODEL AN EXISTING SINGLE STORY RESIDENCE, ADD A 736 SQUARE FOOT SECOND STORY ADDITION, AND ADD A NEW ATTACHED 2 -CAR GARAGE FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6231 MUSCATEL AVENUE, SAN GABRIEL, CALIFORNIA 91775 (WITHIN TEMPLE CITY'S CITY LIMITS). THE APPLICANT IS REQUESTING THE FOLLOWING ZONE VARIANCES: 1) 9333.C.2.A- TO HAVE A SECOND STORY COMBINED SIDE YARD SETBACK OF 10 FEET, INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 15 FEET, 2) 9333.F- TO HAVE 9 FEET 8 INCHES OF HOUSE WIDTH, INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 25 FEET, AND 3) 9336.A.5.D- NOT HAVING AT LEAST 50 PERCENT OF THE SECOND Planning Commiss;on Minutes Date of Hearing: November 9. 2010 SUBJECT SITE: CASE NUMBER: PROPERTY OWNER/ APPLICANT: DESIGNER: 2 FLOOR FRONT ELEVATION BEING SETBACK FURTHER THAN 10 FEET FROM THE FIRST STORY'S FRONT ELEVATION WALL. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ZONED R -1 AND IS DESIGNATED AS LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL BY THE GENERAL PLAN. 6231 MUSCATEL AVENUE ZONE VARIANCE 10 -1770 SU -E AND ELAINE TAN 6231 MUSCATEL AVENUE SAN GABRIEL, CALIFORNIA 91775 GENERAL CIVIL ENGINEERING & DESIGN, INC. 217 CAROLWOOD DRIVE ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA 91006 RECOMMENDATION: 1) HEAR STAFF REPORT 2) HEAR THOSE FOR AND AGAINST 3) FIND THAT THIS PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM CEQA PURSUANT TO SECTION (15303) 4) ADOPT RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL Chairman O'Leary — Asked for a Staff Report. Community Development Manager Lambert — Gave the Staff Report dated November 9, 2010. Associate Planner Gulick — Gave a PowerPoint presentation. Chairman O'Leary — Asked if there were any questions or comments from the Planning Commissioners for the Staff. The Planning Commissioners did have questions at this time. Vice - Chairman Valenzuela - Asked City Attorney Vega if the design of a residence could affect the terms of a Zone Variance. City Attorney Vega — Stated that there are four findings that need to be made in order to approve a Zone Variance. Stated that if one had a concern regarding the design of a structure it would be under finding "C" of the Zone Variance. Community Development Manager Lambert — Stated that he would like to point out that the R -1 design guidelines states that if someone wants to build a house of architectural significance but it may result in a design that does not meet the articulation requirements, the applicant could apply for a Conditional Use Permit if the design merits. Stated that in this case the applicant was required to apply for a Zone Variance due to a setback deficiency and other issues. Stated that the proposed design is contemporary, consisting of features that are commonly seen on modern houses. Stated that this request meets the current design guidelines for the R -1 Zone and that the findings for this Zone Variance are solely for physical relief from the current R -1 standards to accommodate the design. Chairman O'Leary — Asked if there were any additional questions or comments from the Planning Commissioners for the Staff. The Planning Commissioners did not have questions at this time. Invited the applicant to speak. George Chen, General Civil Engineering & Design, Inc., 217 Carolwood Dr., Arcadia, CA 91006 — " Planning Commission Minutes Date of Hearing'. November 9. 2010 Stated that he is the designer for this project and would like to develop the property as much as possible while minimizing the amount of demolition to the property by preserving the foundation. Vice- Chairman Valenzuela - Asked Mr. Chen if he is a licensed Architect. George Chen, General Civil Engineering & Design, Inc., 217 Carolwood Dr., Arcadia, CA 91006  Stated that he is not a licensed Architect, however, he is an Engineer. Chairman O'Leary - Asked if anyone from the public would like to speak in favor or against the proposed request. One person came forth at this time. William Sloan, 6207 Muscatel Ave., Temple City, CA 91780  Stated that he could appreciate that the applicant would like to upgrade their property and that it is difficult to do so due to the narrowness of the property, however, he does not feel that the architectural style blends with the rest of the neighborhood. Chairman O'Leary - Asked if anyone else from the public would like to speak in favor or against the proposed request. No one came forth at this time. Vice - Chairman Valenzuela - Made a motion to close the public hearing seconded by Commissioner Chen and unanimously carried. Commissioner Seibert - Stated that he has mixed feelings regarding this property. Stated that he understands that it is difficult to develop an addition on a 40 wide lot, however, the applicant is proposing to demolish more than 50 percent of the current structure. Stated that this structure now has to be treated as a new dwelling. Stated that the applicant does not necessarily have to build a second story to the dwelling in order to achieve additional square footage and feels that there are other options that the applicant has to exercise to build additional square footage to the dwelling. Stated that he is not in favor of this request. Commissioner Chen - Stated that he is leaning toward Staff's recommendation, however, he would like to have clarification regarding the code requirements for new dwellings. Stated that he is in favor of this request, but would like to know the rationale why some of these measures are necessary. Community Development Manager Lambert  Stated that in order to eliminate the Zone Variance request, the City's code requires that the second floor have a 15 foot setback with a total of 25 feet width of living space on the first floor. Stated that the applicant would like to develop a vertical element, and Staff does not feel that everything needs to be alike architecturally. Stated that if one complied with the code and met the design guidelines, a developer could construct a residential structure with a contemporary design. Stated that it is a technicality that the residential structure has to be 25 feet wide. Stated that some planners may include a garage in the twenty five feet of living space requirement, however, the City does not include a garage as living space. Associate Planner Gulick  Stated that the applicant wanted to have a new garage in the back, however, they did not comply with the driveway width which is a constraint. Community Development Manager Lambert  Stated that if this request is denied they may still be required to come forth to the Planning Commission for a singular Zone Variance for the driveway. Vice - Chairman Valenzuela - Stated that he understands that this lot is 40 feet wide, however, he finds the style is poor and does not feel that it meets the intent of the design guidelines. Stated that " he cannot make the findings to approve this request. Planning Commission Minutes Dale of Hearing'. November 9, 2010 Chairman O'Leary — Stated that can make the findings to vote in favor of the project and does not feel that that the structure would be too obtrusive. Commissioner Seibert - Made a motion to deny Zone Variance 10 -1770, seconded by Vice - Chairman Valenzuela and a Roll Call Vote was taken: ROLL CALL VOTE Commissioner Chen Nay Commissioner Seibert Aye Vice - Chairman Valenzuela Aye Chairman O'Leary Nay City Attorney Vega — Stated that since the Planning Commission vote made is tied, this matter will be referred to the City Council if no action has taken place after forty days. Commissioner Seibert — Made a motion to continue Zone Variance 10 -1770 to the Planning Commission Meeting of December 14, seconded by Commissioner Chen and unanimously carried. City Attorney Vega — Stated that this item will be continued to December 14, that the City does not have to re- notice the public hearing request, and that this item will be heard again and voted upon again. 8. COMMUNICATIONS: NONE 9. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: NONE 10. ADJOURNMENT: 411 Chairman O'Leary — Adjourned the meeting at 8:06 p.m. to the next Planning Commission meeting of December 14, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. Next Scheduled Meeting of: City Council: Parks & Recreation Commission: • November 16, 2010 November 17, 2010