HomeMy Public PortalAboutmin 07-10-2012ELECTED OFFICIALS: Mark S. Sideris, Council President Stephen P. Corbett, Vice President John A. Donohue, Councilor At Large Susan G. Falkoff, Councilor At Large Anthony Palomba, Councilor At Large Angeline B. Kounelis, District A Councilor Cecilia Lenk, District B Councilor Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., District C Councilor Kenneth M. Woodland District D Councilor Watertown Town Council Administration Building 149 Main Street Watertown, MA 02472 Phone: 617-972-6470 DRAFT MINUTES SPECIAL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, July 10, 2012 AT 6:15 PM RICHARD E. MASTRANGELO COUNCIL CHAMBER ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ROLL CALL: A Special Meeting of the Town Council was called to order at 6:15 pm, in the Richard E. Mastrangelo Council Chamber, Administration Building. Present for the meeting were Councilors John A. Donohue, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, Vice President Stephen P. Corbett, and Council President Mark S. Sideris. Also present were the Town Manager Michael J. Driscoll, Town Attorney Mark Reich and Council Clerk Valerie Papas. The Chair recognized the Manager who provided a brief overview of the proposed relocation of the Town's recycling center to a 14,400 square foot parcel located at 76 Stanley Avenue. The Manager indicated that he is recommending the adoption of the Resolution, Order of Taking and Transfer of Funds that are before the Town Council tonight. The Chair recognized Mr. Steven Magoon, Director of Community Development and Planning Department who provided a power -point Informational Presentation on the proposed relocation of the Recycling Center to a 14,220 square foot parcel located at 76 Stanley Avenue. It was noted that this presentation was also given at the June 26th Town Council meeting. Following the presentation, the Chair opened up the meeting for comments and questions from Councilors. Councilor Kounelis asked if all phases of work are being considered. Mr. Mee indicated that they will be focusing on Phase 3 which is the construction phase with a dollar amount of $149,200 which would provide for a fully functioning recycling center. The Chair recognized Attorney Reich who walked the Council through the two documents related to the friendly Taking of a portion of 76 Stanley for a recycling center. Councilor Palomba asked if the only difference between the budgets are the cost of the containers noted to be $11,000.00. Mr. Mee answered, yes. Councilor Palomba asked if the recycling center can open once the containers are obtained. Mr. Mee answered, yes and stated that once construction has begun, the timeframe is approximately 30-45 days before opening. The Chair opened up the meeting for public comments and recognized: 1. Marci Sarrow, 22 Stanley Avenue — spoke in opposition to the recycling center location noting that it abuts her home. She spoke to concerns over traffic, odors and rodents and lack on notice regarding the proposed recycling center plans. 2. Marsha Sasoon, 16-18 Stanley Avenue and owner of the Pooch Palace — spoke in opposition to the recycling center location noting that the street is in bad repair and that she is concerned with how the additional traffic will affect the safety of the Jewish Day School children. She also stated that the recycling center will lower property values in the area. 3. David Sarrow, 22 Stanley Avenue — spoke in opposition to the recycling center location noting that it is not centrally located. He also spoke in opposition to the proposed exit location of the recycling center on Stanley Avenue due to the close proximity to his home. Mr. Mee stated that there will be no storage of compost at the recycling center. The compost will be loaded and hauled off in a well coordinated effort and timely basis. The hauling will vary depending on the time of year with more frequent hauling in the summer and fall. He further noted that there will be no rodents and no smells due to the fact that the compost will not stay at the center for any length of time. Ken Montorey, 44 Green River Way ( owner of Wholesale Door) — spoke in opposition to the location of the recycling center noting that the street is not prepared for the influx of more traffic. He further noted that the recycling center is not centrally located. Ed Black, 57 Stanley Avenue (Jewish Day School Representative) — spoke in opposition to the location of the recycling center noting his concern over increased traffic and the safety of the school's children. Marylouise McDermott, Conservation Commission Chair — thanked everyone involved for their efforts in finding a new site for a recycling center. She provided a brief history of Filipello Park going back to 1979 when a Town meeting voted to commit the acreage to extend Filipello Park for recreation and park purposes and then in 1981 when the town accepted a matching fund grant to build the park; which carried protection of the park in perpetuity. She asked the Town Council to vote in favor of the new location. Charles Macuoi, 30 Stanley Avenue — concurred with other speakers against the location of the recycling center and further noted this concern over the pollution from trucks that would idle as they pick up the recyclable materials. Ernesta Kraczkiewicz, 77 Riverside Road — spoke in support of the new location stating that the search for a new location has been going on for twenty years. The Chair noted that the new recycling center will only be open to residents on Friday and Saturdays from 9am to 4pm. He further stated that the town will repair and maintain the road. Councilor Palomba indicated that the contractor will be put on notice that the town will be expecting high quality service. Councilor Falkoff stated that this is an exciting night noting that the town has looked hard to find a location for a new recycling center. She indicated that operators of trucks and residents using the center — will be put on notice that the idling of vehicles is prohibited. She further stated that the police will be asked to address any speeding issues. Vice President Corbett stated that he understands the concerns of the abutters. He stated that is has been very difficult to find a location for a recycling center that would meet the town's requirements. He indicated that this location meets nearly all the requirements and the town plans to have a first class operation with road, sidewalk and curb improvements. Councilor Lenk concurred and stated that this is an important step to take and that this new recycling center will be attractive and first rate. Councilor Kounelis stated that as District A Councilor she should be happy that the recycling center is going to be moved out of Filippello Park, but indicated she is not. She stated that this has almost been a comedy of errors for the last thirty years including the demolition of the incinerator and lack of support from the Conservation Commission. She read excerpts from a Conservation Commission letter dated January 12, 2012 and excerpts from correspondence by Attorney Reich dated August 3, 2005 regarding the matter. She stated that it could have been made to work at the existing site and it is unfortunate that we have not been able to work together and indicated that the Conservation Commission has forced the relocation of the recycling center which is not in the best thing of the community. Councilor Piccirilli stated that relocating the recycling center to 76 Stanley Avenue is in the best interest of the town. He noted the use of one time funds to purchase the lot. He further stated that 76 Stanley Avenue is zoned Industrial and is better suited for a recycling center than other areas. He indicated that the upgrades that area planned by the Town will improve the area significantly. Councilor Woodland stated that the recycling center will be safe, aesthetically pleasing and well run and residents can hold the Council accountable to that. The Chair stated that the need to relocate the recycling center has been discussed and studied for many years and that this proposed site meets nearly all the requirements. He indicated that the Town will be good partners with the neighbors and he is comfortable with moving forward with this relocation. VOTE #1: Councilor Piccirilli moved the resolution to take a portion of 76 Stanley Avenue as read by Attorney Reich, seconded by Councilor Donohue and adopted by a roll call vote of 8 for and 1 against with Councilors John A. Donohue, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, Vice President Stephen P. Corbett, and Council President Mark S. Sideris in the affirmative and Councilor Kounelis voting no. VOTE #2: Councilor Piccirilli moved the Order of Taking as read by Attorney Reich, seconded by Councilor Donohue and adopted by a roll call of 8 for and 1 against with Councilors John A. Donohue, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, Vice President Stephen P. Corbett, and Council President Mark S. Sideris in the affirmative and Councilor Kounelis voting no. Attorney Reich introduced an agenda item authorizing a transfer of funds for the construction and equipping of a recycling center to be located at 76 Stanley Avenue in the amount of $149,200. VOTE #3: Councilor Piccirilli moved the resolution, seconded by Councilor Lenk and adopted by a roll call vote of 8 for and 1 against with Councilors John A. Donohue, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, Vice President Stephen P. Corbett, and Council President Mark S. Sideris in the affirmative and Councilor Kounelis voting no. Ms. McDermott stated that actions tonight will allow the removal of an eyesore and complete a project that began in 1979. There being no further business to come before the Town Council, Councilor Donohue moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 pm, seconded by Councilor Piccirilli and adopted by unanimous voice vote with Councilors John A. Donohue, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, Vice President Stephen P. Corbett, and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. Addendum