HomeMy Public PortalAboutPlanning Commission - Minutes - 2013-12-10 - Regular" PLANNING COMMISSION TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 10, 2013 - 7:30 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Cordes 2. ROLL CALL - Commissioners Curran, Horton, O'Leary, Vice - Chairman Leung, Chairman Cordes 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA 5. CONSENT CALENDAR The Planning Commission is requested to review and approve: 1) Minutes of the Planning Commission Regular Meeting of November 26, 2013. Recommendation: Approve. Commissioner Horton moved to approve the Consent Calendar, seconded by " Commissioner O'Leary and carried by Roll Call Vote. " AYES: Commissioner - Curran, Horton, O'Leary, Leung, Cordes NOES: Commissioner -None ABSENT: Commissioner -None ABSTAIN: Commissioner -None 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None 7. NEW BUSINESS A. A REQUEST TO ESTABLISH A BEAUTY SALON WHICH WILL RETAIL COSMETIC PRODUCTS AND PROVIDE FACIAL AND SKIN CARES. PROVIDING FACIAL AND SKIN CARES IS SUBJECT TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. THE BUSINESS WILL OCCUPY A 3,395 SQUARE FOOT EXISTING COMMERCIAL UNIT LOCATED IN THE CENTER COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OF THE CITY'S DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA. THE HOURS OF OPERATION ARE PROPOSED AS FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M., SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS DESIGNATED COMMERCIAL BY THE GENERAL PLAN. FILE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 130000074 APPLICANT: LI LIU Planning Commission Minutes December 10, 2013 Page2of7Pages RECOMMENDATION: ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE PROJECT Associate Planner Liu gave a PowerPoint presentation. Chairman Cordes opened the public hearing. Li Liu, applicant, briefed the Planning Commission regarding her product. She concurred with the conditions of approval. Chairman Cordes closed the public hearing. Commissioner Curran made a motion to approve Conditional Use Permit 130000074, and find that the project is categorically exempt seconded by Commissioner O'Leary and carried by Roll CaII Vote. AYES: Commissioner - Curran, Horton, O'Leary, Leung, Cordes NOES: Commissioner -None ABSENT: Commissioner -None ABSTAIN: Commissioner -None B. A REQUEST FOR A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 71181) TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF AN EXISTING R -1 ZONED LOT INTO TWO LOTS, ONE OF WHICH IS A FLAG LOT. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ZONED FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS AND IS DESIGNATED LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL BY THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN. FILE NUMBER: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 71181 APPLICANT: ENGLES SHEN RECOMMENDATION: ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE PROJECT Associate Planner Liu gave a PowerPoint presentation. Chairman Cordes opened the public hearing. Engles Shen, Project Manager, will abide by the conditions of approval. Gary Hart, Temple City Resident, expressed concern that the proposed block wall would interfere with the natural sheet flow drainage. Planning Manager Starns read condition three regarding the proposed block wall to lighten Mr. Hart's concern. Chairman Cordes closed the public hearing. " " Planning Commission Minutes December 10, 2013 Page 3 of 7 Pages Commissioner Horton made a motion to approve Tentative Parcel Map 71181, and find that the project is categorically exempt seconded by Commissioner O'Leary and carried by Roll Call Vote. AYES: Commissioner - Curran, Horton, O'Leary, Leung, Cordes NOES: Commissioner -None ABSENT: Commissioner -None ABSTAIN: Commissioner -None C. A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, ZONE CHANGE, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, SITE PLAN REVIEW AND A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT TO BUILD A 74 -UNIT SINGLE - FAMILY ATTACHED AND DETACHED RESIDENTIAL PROJECT WITH ASSOCIATED ON -SITE RECREATIONAL AMENITIES. FILE NUMBER: 130000091 APPLICANT: OLSON LAND OPPORTUNITIES, LLC RECOMMENDATION: THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE PROJECT Associate Planner Gulick and Management Analyst Sun gave a PowerPoint presentation. Steve Armanino, Director of Development, Olson Company, briefed the Planning Commission regarding the proposed timeline schedule for the project. He presented the floor plans, elevations, landscape plans and composite plans in a PowerPoint presentation. He concluded that the project serves as an opportunity to redevelop and revitalize the City. Commissioner Curran asked the applicant where residents of the community could walk and if the proposed development is a cul -de -sac. Steve Armanino, Director of Development, Olson Company, answered that the residents could walk to a pocket park within the development and confirmed that the development is a cul -de -sac. The exit would allow left and right turns. Commissioner Horton asked the applicant, City Attorney, and staff if a shared ingress point was considered, if there would be one exit, how traffic along Lower Azusa Road will be affected, if a signal intersection had been considered, if pedestrian and bicycle access /transit improvements were approached, if incorporation of a bus shelter was considered, if the pocket parks would be open to the public, if there is financing for solar and LED technology for homeowners, and if solar powered signage welcoming patrons to Temple City were considered. Planning Commission Minutes December 10, 2013 Page 4 of 7 Pages Planning Manager Starns stated that the Flood Control District usually does not want to share their access and the Fire Department felt that the proposed emergency access was sufficient. Steve Armanino, Director of Development, Olson Company, indicated there would be approximately 430 entries to the development site per day, the traffic engineer concluded that a traffic signal would not be necessary a sidewalk would be built on the north side of the street however, no bus route that stops near the proposed development. The pocket parks would not be available to the public and the development will have energy efficient lighting and plumbing fixtures. Chairman Cordes asked the applicant to clarify the proposed timeline for the project. Steve Armanino, Director of Development, Olson Company, would like to complete the project by 2015. Chairman Cordes opened the public hearing. Jerry Jambazian, Temple City business owner, asked the applicant if traffic could travel east and west, how close the driveway is to the railroad, and if there is a portion of the Eaton Wash that could be spanned. Planning Manager Starns clarified that the development allows for both left and right turns and there is approximately 445 feet of visibility in either direction. City Attorney Murphy clarified that Flood Control would have to approve a span. Mike Mangana, commercial property owner, is not in favor of the proposed development however, he would be in favor of a commercial development. John Reekstin, Olson Company, assured Mr. Mangana of his experience of building development in industrial corridors to reduce noise to a minimum. Jim Clift, Temple City Resident, spoke about the Alameda Corridor Project. Chairman Cordes closed the public hearing. Commissioner Horton could make the findings to approve the project as long as spanning onto Temple City Boulevard is considered. City Attorney Murphy suggested that the concerns of the Planning Commission could be addressed in a Staff Report to the City Council for approval. • • • " Planning Commission Minutes December 10, 2013 Page 5 of 7 Pages Commissioner Horton made a motion to recommend that the City Council approve file number 130000091 and adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration, seconded by Vice - Chairman Leung and carried by Roll Call Vote. AYES: Commissioner - Horton, O'Leary, Leung, Cordes NOES: Commissioner - Curran ABSENT: Commissioner -None ABSTAIN: Commissioner -None D. A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT OF THE TEMPLE CITY GENERAL PLAN ADOPTING THE 2014 -2021 HOUSING ELEMENT FILE NUMBER: GPA 13 -2 RECOMMENDATION: THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE 2014 -2021 HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE Associate Planner Gulick introduced Genevieve Sharrow, MIG Hogle- Ireland to the Planning Commission. Genevieve Sharrow, MIG Hog le-lreland, briefed the Planning Commission regarding changes to the proposed Housing Element in response to comments made at the public workshop conducted September 2013. The upcoming Housing Element is due February 2014. The purpose of the Housing Element is to provide a housing guide over the next eight years consisting of five components; housing program, housing needs assessment, constraints to housing, sites inventory, and progress report. Housing and Community Development (HCD) awarded the City a letter of certification November 20, 2013. If the timeline for the Housing Element is not certified, the next revision will have to take place in four years. Commissioner Horton asked Planning Manager Starns if bond measures would be considered if findings were made to indicate a water and sewage shortage. Planning Manager Starns answered that the City requires letters from utility companies to certify that there is enough water to supply residents. Commissioner Horton asked if there were redactions from the previous report. Genevieve Sharrow, MIG Hogle- Ireland, shared that providing homeless shelters by right was redacted from the report. Items added to the report included second units, the Handyworker Program, and the Brush with Kindness program. Planning Commission Minutes December 10, 2013 Page 6 of 7 Pages Commissioner Curran asked Ms. Sharrow if the Olson Project could be included in the Housing Element. Genevieve Sharrow, MIG Hogle- Ireland, pointed that the Olson Project could be included if the project came to fruition. Chairman Cordes opened the public hearing. Chairman Cordes closed the public hearing. Commissioner Horton made a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the 2014 -2021 Housing Element Update, and adopt the Negative Declaration seconded by Commissioner Curran and carried by Roll Call Vote. AYES: Commissioner - Curran Horton, O'Leary, Leung, Cordes. NOES: Commissioner -None ABSENT: Commissioner -None ABSTAIN: Commissioner -None 8. COMMUNICATIONS A. YOUTH COMMITTEE UPDATE BY SERENA LIN AND CYNTHIA YONG - None B. SR -710 NORTH STUDY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SOAC) Chairman Cordes announced that the next SOAC meeting Next meeting is in February. C. YARD OF THE QUARTER - None 9. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS 10. UPDATE FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Community Development Director Persico addressed the three additional items added under Communications on the Planning Commission Agenda. He announced that the Strategic Planning Workshop will be held this December 12th, and on January 11th at Longden Elementary School. Planning Manager Starns announced that the Planning Commission Meeting of December 24th has been cancelled due to the holiday. The Planning Commission will reconvene on January 28th to consider a Conditional Use Permit for plumbing in an accessory structure. 11. COMMISSION ITEMS SEPARATE FROM THE REGULAR AGENDA 12. ADJOURNMENT • • Planning Commission Minutes December 10, 2013 Page 7 of 7 Pages The Planning Commission Meeting was adjourned at 10:21 p.m. to the Planning Commission Meeting of January 14, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber 5837 Kauffman Avenue. •