HomeMy Public PortalAboutmin 3-26-2013_201304040934271124ELECTED OFFICIALS: Mark S. Sideris, Council President Stephen P. Corbett, Vice President John A. Donohue, Councilor At Large Susan G. Falkoff, Councilor At Large Anthony Palomba, Councilor At Large Angeline B. Kounelis, District A Councilor Cecilia Lenk, District B Councilor Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., District C Councilor Kenneth M. Woodland, District D Councilor Watertown Town Council Administration Building 149 Main Street Watertown, MA 02472 Phone: 617-972-6470 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 2013 @ 6:15 PM RICHARD E. MASTRANGELO COUNCIL CHAMBER ADMINISTRATION BUILDING DRAFT MINUTES 1. ROLL CALL: A regular meeting of the Town Council was called to order at 6:15 pm, in the Richard E. Mastrangelo Council Chamber, Administration Building. Present for the meeting were Councilors John A. Donohue, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, Vice President Stephen P. Corbett and Council President Mark S. Sideris. Also present were Town Manager Michael J. Driscoll, Town Attorney Mark Reich and Council Clerk Valerie Papas. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION — 6:15 PM: To discuss strategy with respect to Collective Bargaining with the Library Union, Fire Union, DPW Union, Police Patrol Union, Police Supervisors Union and Town Hall Associates Union, as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the Town's bargaining position. Vice President Corbett moved said executive session, seconded by Councilor Piccirilli and adopted by unanimous roll call vote with Councilors John A. Donohue, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, Vice President Stephen P. Corbett and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. 3. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION — 7:15 PM 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. EXAMINATION OF MINUTES: March 12, 2013. Councilor Piccirilli moved to accept the minutes with the inclusion of the Human Services report, seconded by Vice President Corbett and adopted by unanimous voice vote with Councilors John A. Donohue, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, Vice President Stephen P. Corbett and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. 1 6. PUBLIC FORUM — none noted. 7. PRESIDENT'S REPORT: The Chair stated that he has approved the attachment of a memorandum written by Councilor Kounelis to be attached to the January 8th minutes and the subcommittee report regarding electronic distribution of documents. 8. PRESENTATIONS AND REPORTS: a) Informational Presentation on State Affairs — Jonathan Hecht, State Representative. Representative Hecht provided an update on State affairs including Education, Transportation and Environmental issues. He noted that he is in favor of increased revenues by way of a hike in the State income tax to pay for improved transportation infrastructure. He indicated that he continues to be involved with a Youth Tobacco Bill; Elder Affairs; the elimination of double poles in communities; and Shade Tree protection laws. He further stated his commitment to the Riverside Park Improvements with possible linkage to the Daley Field project funding. Councilor Kounelis inquired into the status of the railroad bed from Arlington Street to the Cambridge line. Mr. Hecht indicated that the State has reached an agreement to purchase the remaining railroad bed; but a purchase and sale agreement has not been completed as of yet. He noted that the City of Cambridge has agreed to help out with the purchase. Councilor Lenk thanked Mr. Hecht for his efforts with the Riverside Park improvement project funding. The Chair thanked Mr. Hecht for all his efforts in maintaining Chapter 70 monies for Watertown and a well thought out approach to increasing State revenue. b) Informational Presentation on the MBTA Key Bus Route Improvement Program, Routes 57, 71 & 73 - Steven Magoon, Director of Community Development & Planning and Erik Scheier, MBTA. Mr. Scheier provided a power point presentation. The Chair opened up the presentation for questions. Councilor Kounelis spoke against the proposed elimination of the Mt. Auburn Street/Lloyd Road bus stop. Councilor Lenk spoke against the proposed elimination of the Mt. Auburn Street/Franklin Street bus stop. Councilor Palomba asked if the State will pay for installation of new parking meters. Mr. Scheier stated that the State will do the construction but the Town must procure the meters. Councilor Kounelis stated that no bus shelter should be placed in front of residential properties. Mr. Scheier agreed and stated all proposed shelters are in front of businesses. The Chair stated that these proposed plans will come before the Traffic Commission tomorrow at 1:30 pm. 9. PUBLIC HEARING AND VOTE: a) Public hearing and vote on a proposed Ordinance to Modify Hours of Operation of the Administration Building. The Manager reviewed the Summer Hours Ordinance. The Chair opened the subject matter up for public comment. There being no comment, the hearing was closed. Councilor Donohue moved to adopt the Ordinance to Modify Hours of Operation of the Administration Building, seconded by Councilor Woodland and adopted by unanimous roll call vote with Councilors John A. Donohue, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, Vice President Stephen P. Corbett and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS: The Chair announced that there will be no action taken on the joint committee recommendations tonight other than the acceptance of the report. a) Joint Public Works and Public Safety Committee report on a policy regarding snow removal on private ways — Cecilia Lenk & Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Chairs. Councilor Lenk read the report. Councilor Piccirilli moved to accept the report, seconded by Councilor Woodland and adopted by unanimous voice vote with Councilors John A. Donohue, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, Vice President Stephen P. Corbett and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. b) Committee on Budget and Fiscal Oversight report on the 2014-2018 Capital Improvement Program — Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr. Councilor Piccirilli read the committee report. Councilor Lenk moved to accept the report, seconded by Councilor Kounelis and adopted by unanimous voice vote with Councilors John A. Donohue, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, Vice President Stephen P. Corbett and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. ACTION ITEMS: Councilor Piccirilli moved to accept the twelve (12) committee recommendations listed in the report, seconded by Councilor Kounelis and adopted by unanimous voice vote with Councilors John A. Donohue, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, Vice President Stephen P. Corbett and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. c) Committee on State, Federal and Regional Government report and action on a reappointment and an appointment to the Board of Election Commissioners — Angeline B. Kounelis, Chair. Councilor Kounelis read the committee report and a letter from Special Counsel regarding the Hatch Act. Councilor Piccirilli moved to accept the report with the Hatch Act attachment, seconded by Councilor Woodland and adopted by voice vote with Councilors John A. Donohue, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, Vice President Stephen P. Corbett and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. Councilor Kounelis moved the appointment of Mr. Dunn to the Board of Election Commissioners, seconded by Councilor Woodland and adopted by unanimous voice vote with Councilors John A. Donohue, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, Vice President Stephen P. Corbett and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. Councilor Kounelis moved the re -appointment of Mr. Downes to the Board of Election Commissioners, seconded by Councilor Palomba and adopted by unanimous voice vote with Councilors John A. Donohue, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, Vice President Stephen P. Corbett and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. 11. NEW BUSINESS — none noted. 12. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE TOWN MANAGER: The Manager announced the closing of the Administration Building for Good Friday at noon and a Rabies Vaccination Clinic for Dogs and Cats on Saturday, April 6th 13. REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION — none noted. 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS: • Councilor Palomba announced a Youth Coalition meeting at the Library on April 2nd from 6-7:30 pm. • Councilor Palomba announced a Gun Safety seminar by Peter Koutoujian, Middlesex County Sheriff on April 4th at 7:30 pm at the Library. • Councilor Lenk announced a meeting on the development of 33 Washburn Street on April 4th at 5:30 pm at the Library. • Councilor Donohue announced the Education Foundation Trivia Night on April 4th from 6-9:00 pm at the Post 440. • The Chair announced the Watertown Community Foundation grant program; for more information please call 617-926-1500. 15. PUBLIC FORUM: Paul Fahey, Lexington Street — commended the joint committees of Public Safety and Public Works for their work on the issue of private ways with respect to plowing of snow and asked that dialogue continue. 16. ADJOURNMENT AND MOTION TO RECONVENE AN EXECUTIVE SESSION: Vice President Corbett moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 pm and reconvene an executive session for the purpose of continuing discussion of a matter as follows: To discuss strategy with respect to Collective Bargaining with the Library Union, Fire Union, DPW Union, Police Patrol Union, Police Supervisors Union and Town Hall Associates Union, as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the Town's bargaining position. It was noted that the Council will not return to open session following the adjournment of the executive session, seconded by Councilor Piccirilli and adopted by unanimous roll call vote with Councilors John A. Donohue, Susan G. Falkoff, Anthony Palomba, Angeline B. Kounelis, Cecilia Lenk, Vincent J. Piccirilli, Jr., Kenneth M. Woodland, Vice President Stephen P. Corbett and Council President Mark S. Sideris voting in the affirmative. Addendum