HomeMy Public PortalAbout07- July 16, 2020 VWSCITY OF OPA-LOCKA "The Great City" CLERK'S ACTION SUMMARY MINUTES VIRTUAL WORKSHOP (COVID-19) Thursday, July 16, 2020 5:30 P.M. 1. WELCOME/OPENING REMARKS: Mayor Matthew Pigatt called the virtual Workshop Meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 16, 2020. Pursuant to Executive Order No. 20-69, issued by the office of the Governor Ron DeSantis on March 20, 2020, municipalities may conduct meetings of their governing boards without having a quorum of its members present physically or at any specific location, and utilizing communications media technology such as telephonic or video conferencing, as provided by Section 120.54(5) (b) 2, Florida Statutes. An opportunity was given to the public to email the City Clerk prior to the Commission Meeting with any questions/comments/concerns on items we will hear on this evening's workshop agenda. This meeting is being streamed live at https://www.youtube.com/user/Cityof0palocka. Since this is a virtual meeting as authorized by the Governor of the state of Florida, again, members of the public wishing to address the commission have been offered the opportunity to do so. Public comments will be included as part of the public record for this virtual meeting and will be considered by the City commission prior to any action taken. 2. ROLL CALL The members of the City Commission appearing remotely were: Mayor Matthew Pigatt, Vice Mayor Chris Davis, Commissioner Sherelean Bass, and Commissioner Joseph L. Kelley. Also appearing remotely were: Assistant City Attorney Candice Cobb, City Manager John E. Pate, and City Clerk Joanna Flores. Commissioner Alvin Burke arrived at 5:56 p.m. 3. INVOCATION: The invocation was delivered by Commissioner Joseph L. Kelley. 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 1 Virtual COVID-19 Workshop Commission Meeting Minutes — July 16, 2020 The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison. 5. PUBLIC INPUT: (Agenda item only) Clerk Flores announced the protocols for public comments. There were no public comments. 6. DISCUSSION ITEMS: a) City's Response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) b) City of Opa-locka Budget Proposal FY 21 Mayor Pigatt introduced City Manager Pate to provide a COVID-19 report and budget proposal. City Manager Pate stated he will provide a report regarding COVID-19 and Budget Director Anathan will provide a report regarding the budget. He explained how the City's staff is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, closing down City Hall for 2 weeks for sanitation, and mitigating the risk of infection. He stated it was the City's goal to transition to re -opening. He asked Public Relations Consultant Jessica Modkins to provide a report on public relationships in the City, followed by Lieutenant Chiverton. Ms. Modkins reported on the City's latest advertising efforts, including using newsletters and social media to reach out to City residents with safety tips to deal with the pandemic while in public. She reported Mayor Pigatt was interviewed on Hot 105 about the mask distribution caravan coming up next Saturday. Lieutenant Chiverton reported that by end of next week, the mask mandate will be in effect including fines and citations. He stated that the Police Department was still enforcing social distancing and face covering policies. He reported that the residents are abiding by the guidelines much more. Commissioner Kelley asked where the signs were going to be installed and if the cost of the signs is reimbursable. He asked City Manager Pate how parking was going to be handled at the testing site. City Manager Pate stated a mock-up was created displaying where the signs would be installed. He explained that Miami -Dade County Police is in charge of the testing site and any issue that arises from the testing site should be forwarded to them. He explained that there is staff in the 2 Virtual COVID-19 Workshop Commission Meeting Minutes — July 16, 2020 parking lot, directing people to designated parking areas, depending on availability. He asked Ms. Modkins to provide details about the parking. Ms. Modkins stated that two signs were going to be installed, one which reads "No Parking" which was going to be installed along with cones, and the second sign reads "Overflow Parking" and it will have an arrow indicating the direction the person needs to drive, to get to a parking area with available space. Commissioner Kelley briefly explained what he understood from the proposed plan and asked if that was correct. City Manager Pate stated that was correct and further explained the pathways that individuals needed to walk through, were set up by the plan. Commissioner Kelley shared his concern for residents exercising in the same area that may run into individuals being tested. He suggested adding to the advertisements, the hours of operation of the testing site, as sometimes they close before 3 pm and people should be notified. City Manager Pate stated that was possible and he will request that Ms. Modkins come up with a plan. He stated that all testing sites close once they hit the daily allotment in tests. He stated any cost related to COVID-19 was reimbursable. Commissioner Kelley suggested using Career Source to allocate staff to help with parking and directions at the testing sites. City Manager Pate shared that he had received 16 resumes to work the COVID-19 initiative and staff will be designated accordingly. Vice Mayor Davis asked City Manager Pate if the County had provided criteria for what qualifies for reimbursements. City Manager Pate explained there were two paths for reimbursement, through FEMA and Miami - Dade County. He explained the County was still working on the criteria for reimbursement with COVID-19 related expenses. Mayor Pigatt clarified that the Opa-locka testing site was a regional site for which the City has invested as well. Commissioner Bass shared that Miami -Dade County had offered rent assistance and applications were open until the day after. 3 Virtual COVID-19 Workshop Commission Meeting Minutes — July 16, 2020 City Manager Pate stated he will request that Ms. Modkins advertise Commissioner Bass' information. Mayor Pigatt shared that the City also had one of the first testing sites for children in the area and weekly food drives. He stressed the importance of continuing to send the message about mask usage. He asked City Manager Pate to move on and discuss the budget. City Manager Pate introduced Director Anathan to present the budget. Director Anathan shared a PowerPoint slide titled FY 21 Proposed Budget Workshop. He started by covering the citywide funds, which included: general fund for $17.6 m, CRA for $1.0 m, debt service for $2.4 m, safe neighborhood for $0.2 m, people's transportation plan for $1.4 m, town center for $0.7 m, special law, IT - internal services for $0.7 m, and risk management — internal services for $2.7 m, water -sewer $14.5 m, storm water $3.5 m. He shared the general fund major budget assumptions which were as follows: tax base growth of 8.0%, property tax collection rate was 95%, one percentage point was set at $114,529, millage rate recommended at 9.8 where 0.1 equals $110,053, reduced revenue due to COVID-19, very limited headcount growth, no compensation increase except for police contract, 10% increase in health benefits, $1.4 m of contingency, updated retirement rates, and a balanced budget without the utilization of the fund balance. He shared a slide titled General Fund Overview and briefly discussed it; he stated that the proposed contingency for FY 21 was set at $1,403,285. He shared a slide titled General Fund — Expense by Division, for which the proposed total expense for FY 21 was set at $17,602,650. He shared a slide titled General Fund — Unassigned Fund Balance and he stated that due to COVID- 19, the forecast was to break even. He shared a slide titled General Fund Major Objectives which included: completion of FY 19 & FY 20 City audits, implementation of a broad range of policies and procedures demonstrating the City's ability to exercise comprehensive fiduciary responsibilities, no discrepancies noted on the state evaluation of the City's response to the operational audit findings and recommendations, state acceptance of the five year recovery plan, IT initiative to implement technology and redesign business processes for increased efficiency / effectiveness and to maximize online service availability, development of comprehensive parks and recreation strategy, maximize development activity consistent with the new downtown masterplan and other city guidelines, major focus on elimination of illegal dumping, high priority on community policing, maximizing the impact on the community from COVID-19 if it is still a threat. He shared a slide titled General Fund Major Issues, which included: revenue uncertainty, unassigned fund balance recovery to target of $3 million, and service delivery with lean staffing. He shared a slide titled Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Overview for which the proposed budget for FY 21 was set at $1,046,910.00. He shared a slide titled Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Major Objectives which included: completion of downtown master plan, facade program phase II, streetscape program, updated CRA Redevelopment Plan, 4 Virtual COVID-19 Workshop Commission Meeting Minutes — July 16, 2020 Obtain CDBG Funds, Obtain Brownfield Mitigation Funds, Development of Technology District, development of Moorish Cultural Arts and Entertainment District, determine best use — two acres of Ingram Park, enhance Park amenities, reduce impediments to development, complete CRA policies and procedures manual. He shared a slide titled Debt Service Fund Overview and briefly explained it. He shared a slide titled Safe Neighborhood Fund Overview with a total expense for FY 21 of $186,834. He shared a slide titled People's Transportation Plan Overview with proposed revenue of $700,000 for FY 21 and total expenses of $1,383,166. He shared a slide titled People's Transportation Plan Objectives which included: obtain grant funding for second community bus route not yet in the budget, roadway resurfacing — Cairo lane roadway portion and one mile of other roadway and 2 miles of new sidewalks. He shared a slide titled Town Center Overview which included total revenue of $651,191 for FY 21. He shared a slide titled Town Center Major Objectives which included: hire a property manager, 100% rental occupancy, subdivide building into condominium units to limit property tax to "for profit" tenants, energy audit, upgrade interior conditions to better reflect a positive city image. He shared a slide titled Water -Sewer fund overview which included a total funding of $14,481,996 for FY 21. He shared a slide titled Water - Sewer Fund Working Capital and briefly discussed it. He shared a slide titled Water -Sewer Fund Major Objectives including: water loss reduction and leak study, inflow & infiltration (I&I) reduction, sewer hydraulic model to comply with DERM agreement, resolve closed account delinquencies, identify & apply for grant & loan opportunities, complete Cairo lane project (water - sewer portion = $2,900,000), complete commerce north area project ($600,000), renovation of 100 fire hydrants, initiate valve exercising program, clean 100,000 feet of sewer mains. He shared a slide titled Water -Sewer Fund Issues which included: debt service constraining infrastructure investment, state revolving loan of $773,473 long term, and available cash for "pay-as-you-go" infrastructure investment of $600,000 to $900,000 annually before additional County debt service. He shared a slide titled Water -Sewer Fund Pro Forma Available Funds and briefly explained it. He shared a slide titled Stormwater Fund Overview which included a proposed budget for FY 21 of $1,500,000 in funding and $3,450,741 in expenses. He shared a slide titled Stormwater Fund Working Capital which was set at $1,914,954. He shared a slide titled Stormwater Fund Major Objectives, including: move stormwater fees to property tax bill assessment, complete stormwater masterplan & begin implementation, identify and apply for grant and loan opportunities, meet annual national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) requirements, respond to flooding events. He shared a slide titled IT Internal Services Fund Overview with a total expense of $713,118 for FY 21. He shared a slide titled Risk Management Internal Services Fund Overview with a total expense of $2,658,614 for FY 21. He shared a slide titled Governmental Capital Improvement Program which showed a total funded projects forecast for FY 21 of $1,360,000 compared to $2,761,295 in FY 20. He shared a slide titled Water -Sewer Capital Improvement Program with a total funding of $3.4 million dollars. He shared a slide titled Stormwater Capital Improvement Program with a total funding of $2.7 million dollars. He shared a slide titled FY 21 Financial Summary and briefly explained it. 5 Virtual COVID-19 Workshop Commission Meeting Minutes — July 16, 2020 Mayor Pigatt thanked Director Anathan for the presentation and opened the floor for questions. Vice Mayor Davis asked Director Anathan for the date to move the stormwater fee. Director Anathan stated by December of this year, but that it will not go into effect until FY 22. Vice Mayor Davis asked about the opportunity tax from Town Center and the City will do to address it. City Manager Pate explained an RFP will be issued in the upcoming quarter and will demand payment to the City for Town Center. He stressed the opportunity for the City to receive revenue from this building instead of it being a liability. Vice Mayor Davis asked if a new grant writer was being considered to qualify for new grants. City Manager Pate stated that he is looking into that option. Director Anathan stated that the City had a budget of $66,000 for grant writing services to see how it works out. Vice Mayor Davis asked City Manager Pate if the administration was inquiring about competitive bidding to provide services to the City. City Manager Pate stated "yes." He stated that Ingram Park was an example in the budget which included such an inquiry. He stated the RFP and RFQ process will be dependent on the recommendations of the Commissioners. Commissioner Kelley asked what the projection for the General Fund was to get the City out of financial oversight. City Manager Pate explained that he had interacted with the State and what they were looking at was as follows: five year recovery plan, 3 audits without unqualified opinion, and show that the fund balance is at a surplus. Commissioner Kelley requested an update on the value adjustment board. Director Anathan stated that the adjustment was about 0.9% which was similar to last years. Commissioner Kelley requested when were the new police cars are expected to be delivered. 6 Virtual COVID-19 Workshop Commission Meeting Minutes —July 16, 2020 City Manager Pate stated that while COVID-19 delayed the process, the development of police vehicles will re -start and delivered in 3 to 4 months. Commissioner Kelley asked when the Commission can start to see the implementation of the new procedures provided by the County for the Police Department. City Manager Pate stated that the Commission can anticipate significant improvement in the next 3 to 4 months. Commissioner Kelley inquired about the lighting project to assist with deterring illegal dumping and he requested an update in regards to that project. City Manager Pate asked Director Austin to provide an update. Director Austin reported it will begin to roll out in mid -August and it will be Citywide. Commissioner Kelley inquired what would be required for finances and resources to be caught up. He asked if the staffing adjustments will get the City caught up. City Manager Pate stated "Yes", and explained the staffing adjustments will provide the resources needed. Commissioner Kelley asked City Manager Pate to find out about a County program to allow home owners with tax liens to make installment payments instead of a lump sum, due to COVID-19. He asked if the $1.4 million contingency reserve was limited. Director Anathan explained those funds were there for the unknown, as a starting point. Commissioner Kelley asked if the assessment of the infrastructure and drainage needs for the industrial park area would be completed by December. City Manager Pate requested Director Austin to speak on the matter. Director Austin stated that adequate assessments would be based on the implementation studies which are about to get started. He stated it was anticipated to get started by the beginning of next year. Director Anathan explained that it would have to be set via a resolution prior to December 31. 7 Virtual COVID-19 Workshop Commission Meeting Minutes — July 16, 2020 Commissioner Kelley inquired about the funds set aside for utility billing litigation and whether that amount had been consulted with the City Attorney. Director Anathan stated that the numbers were discussed with the City Attorney and they were in the range of $500,000. Commissioner Kelley inquired about the stormwater increase in staff and why it was necessary. He also asked about the increase in the working hours related to illegal dumping. Director Austin explained that his department will be dealing with the maintenance of the stormwater inlets and cross piping which needed to be addressed. He explained that an extra full time employee was required to deal with illegal dumping around the City. Commissioner Kelley asked City Manager Pate if he was renegotiating with the County regarding trash pickups. City Manager Pate requested Director Austin to provide an update. Director Austin explained there were several proposals with the County still being discussed. Commissioner Kelley asked City Manager Pate to elaborate on the condominium units. City Manager Pate asked Director Anathan to provide more information. Director Anathan explained each condominium unit will incur its own property taxes. Commissioner Kelley requested an update on the delinquency on the old water accounts and what amount of money was recoverable. City Manager Pate asked Director Austin to provide an answer. Director Austin explained that the trend was that the majority of the outstanding debts belonged to tenants rather than owners and it will be an arduous and costly project to get tenants to pay and the original $7 million. He stated that $2.5 million may be recoverable, adding that his department found that some credits had been provided. Commissioner Kelley asked City Manager Pate to provide a report with the details, including the credits given. He asked Director Anathan if additional staff was recommended for roads and streets. 8 Virtual COVID-19 Workshop Commission Meeting Minutes — July 16, 2020 Director Anathan stated "Yes", in regards to illegal dumping. He explained there will be 2 new staff members, each working half-time. Commissioner Kelley shared concern regarding mobile home licensing and how some home owners were renting mobile homes in their backyards. He asked if that could be regulated to collect additional revenue for the City. Commissioner Bass asked if there were any funds in the budget to make whole those members of the staff that were asked to take a salary cut. Director Anathan stated that was not addressed. City Manager Pate explained the reason that was not addressed was because it will be integrated in the Five Year Recovery Plan and all wage increases will be addressed in the plan as well. Mayor Pigatt thanked City Manager Pate and Director Anathan for the detailed and well documented budget presented. He stressed the importance of addressing the four major challenges of the city: (1) city finances, policies and procedures identified in operational audits, (2) water billing accuracy, (3) flooding and moratorium issues and (4) roads and streets repaving and patching. He shared his concern for the budget regarding the CRA funds. He asked City Manager Pate to explain why there were no funds allocated to the CRA Budget. City Manager Pate explained the project was still being analyzed by architects and his department was waiting for the assessment. Mayor Pigatt thanked City Manager Pate. He shared his concern about the getting all employees to a living wage of at least $30,000 a year. He was concerned for the Parks and Recreations projects because of COVID-19 and suggested that instead of expanding the department, it should be reduced or kept to a minimum and upgrade the facilities instead. Commissioner Kelley asked if the raising of the living wages was related to his suggestion in regards to upgrading the parks. Mayor Pigatt clarified that the raising of the wages should still be pursued, and since there are no programs this year because the parks are shut down due to COVID-19, he suggests using that money to upgrade the facilities. Commissioner Bass asked Mayor Pigatt if he was suggesting using the funds for special projects to improve the facilities. 9 Virtual COVID-19 Workshop Commission Meeting Minutes — July 16, 2020 Mayor Pigatt stated that was correct. Commissioner Bass advocated for raising the wages of employees instead of using the funds for improving facilities. Mayor Pigatt stated he has been advocating for a living wage for all employees as well, but that he is not proposing taking funds allocated to raise wages but instead, taking funds allocated for projects that were no longer going to be executed as a result of COVID-19. Vice Mayor Davis agreed with Mayor Pigatt's suggestion to use the fund for projects to be allocated to improve facilities based on staff recommendations. He advocated for the importance of raising employee's wages according to the rising cost of living. Commissioner Burke agreed with Vice Mayor Davis. Commissioner Kelley asked City Manager Pate for an assessment prior to the next Commission meeting. City Manager Pate asked Director Anathan to provide a response. Director Anathan stated that his department should have an assessment by Monday afternoon, with options for the Commissioners' consideration. Mayor Pigatt concluded the meeting. 7. ADJOURN: 8. There being no further business to come before the City Commission, it was moved by Commissioner Kelley, seconded by Commissioner Burke to adjourn the workshop meeting at 8:01 p.m. Matthew A. Pigatt Mayor A EST: Jo. 'aFlores, CMC Ci Clerk 10 Virtual COVID-19 Workshop Commission Meeting Minutes — July 16, 2020