HomeMy Public PortalAboutConscom 2020-06-16 ORLEANS TOM CLERK Orleans Conservation Commission “01— Town Hall, Nauset Room Hearing Meeting,Tuesday,June 16,2020 '2U JLL c 8:55411 PRESENT:Chairman Mike Brink,Vice Chairwoman Ginny Farber,Clerk Judith Bruce, Member Jack Kadzik, Member Walter North, Member Bob Rothberg, Member Ron Mgrdichian &Conservation Agent John Jannell 8:33 a.m. Call to Order Request for Determinations Nancy K. Durie Revocable Trust 64 Freeman Lane By Ryder&Wilcox, Inc. Map 5 Parcel 30. Proposed installation of a Title 5 septic system.The cesspool will be pumped dry and filled with clean sand or removed. Work will take place within the 100' buffer zone to the top of Coastal Bank. Stephanie Sequin from Ryder&Wilcox, Inc. was present and reviewed the application. Mr. Brink and Ms.Farber had clarification questions. Ms. Bruce commended the owners for the screening and light footprint on the property. No public comment was heard. MOTION:A motion to close the public hearing was made by Ginny Farber and seconded by Judith Bruce. VOTE: 7-0-0 Unanimous MOTION: A motion to approve the project with a negative determination for 64 Freeman Lane was made by Ginny Farber and seconded by Judith Bruce. VOTE:7-0-0 Unanimous Notices of Intent John & Cheryl Hiden,SE 54-2501 15 Lucy's Lane By Ryder&Wilcox, Inc., Map 42 Parcel 50,The proposed renovations and additions to a single- family dwelling and the installation of a new sewage disposal system. Work will occur within 100'to the top of the Coastal Bank and within the Pleasant Bay ACEC. David Lyttle from Ryder&Wilcox Inc. was present and reviewed the application.The homeowners,John and Cheryl Hiden, were also present. Mr. Lyttle described the additions and renovations, he explained that the proposed work occurs within the lawn area around the house.The project results in the elimination of two cesspools close to the Coastal Bank and the installation of new system outside the BZ to the Coastal Bank. He believes the proposal will result in a significant improvement. Ms. Bruce had concerns about the proposed additions covering the lot from edge to edge of the property and about the increased footprint in the ACEC. Mr. Lyttle responded that there is 26'from the southern addition to the property line and they are not impacting the buffer. Ms. Hiden described the rationale for the location of the southern addition. Ms. Farber was sympathetic to the restrictions of the lot, but she was concerned about the 30% increase and placement of the addition. She would like more information about elevation and the view from the water. • • Mr. Kadzik would also like more information about the elevation and would like to know what the foundation is Mr. Mgrdichian wanted specs on the proposed patio and deck. Mr. Lyttle provided some information but offered to provide more information at the next meeting. No public comment was heard. • Mr. Lyttle requested a continuance to July 7, 2020. MOTION: A motion to continue the project to July 7, 2020 was made by Ginny Farber and seconded by Judith Bruce. . VOTE:7-0-0 Unanimous Continuations Jennifer P Crooks. SE 54-2500 34 Viking Rd By Coastal Engineering Co., Map 70 Parcel 24.The proposed construction of a pool, pool house, garage, driveway modifications and associated site improvements. Work will occur within 100' of the top of a Coastal Bank and the Pleasant Bay ACEC. Brad Malo from Coastal Engineering Co., and Jennifer Crooks, applicant and homeowner,were present to review the application. Mr. Malo discussed the revisions to the proposal as a result of Commission comments at the previous hearing. • ' Commissioners shared their appreciation of the applicant for her willingness to address and responsiveness to their concerns. Ms. Farber questioned the above ground height of the cedar screen fence. Mr.Jannell responded that 6" elevation above ground could be conditioned. Ms. Farber asked who was doing the landscape work, as this is an extensive mitigation plan, she had concerns that there is not a contractor involved yet. Mr.Jannell responded that this issue could be handled with a condition to require a preconstruction meeting with the chosen installer. Mr. Rothberg questioned the width of the mowed pathway to the water. Mr. Malo responded 6-8 ft. • Mr. North expressed his reservations about the amount of construction in or near the . ACEC. a No public comment was heard.. _ „ .� MOTION:A motion to close the public hearing was made byfGinny Farber and seconded by Judith Bruce. VOTE: 7-0-0 Unanimous MOTION: A motion to approve the project at 34 Viking Road attaching the Conservation Commission findings and standard conditions with the following special conditions: the cedar privacy fence on the south side of the house remain 6" above ground; a requirement of a preconstruction meeting with the landscaper and Conservation Commission Agent;and issuance pending the receipt of a plant count email was made by Ginny Farber and seconded by Judith Bruce. References: Coastal Engineering Narrative of 6/11/20; Landscape Plan by Westrick of 6/9/20; Coastal Engineering Co. Plan showing proposed pool, pool house and site modification of 6/11/20; Existing Site Plan from Coastal Engineering of 12/17/14. VOTE: 6-1-0 Mark Hagopian, SE 54-2498 25 High Tide Lane Continued to Hearing date July 7, 2020. By Ryder and Wilcox, Inc. Map 36 Parcel 146.The proposed replacement of an existing dwelling with a new dwelling including landscaping and grading. Work will occur within 100'to the Top of a Coastal Bank, Salt Marsh, and within Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage and the Pleasant Bay ACEC. MOTION: A motion to continue the project to July 7, 2020 was made by Ginny Farber and seconded by Judith Bruce. VOTE: 7-0-0 Unanimous Certificate of Compliance Robert Stein, SE 54-2390 51 Woodsneck Road By Ryder&Wilcox, Inc. Map 44 Parcel 61.The proposed construction of a garage and addition to existing kitchen footprint, deck reconfiguration, and mitigation plantings. Work will occur within 100'to the top of a Coastal Bank and within the Pleasant Bay ACEC. Mr.Jannell described his site inspection and reported that the site was in compliance. MOTION:A motion to approve the Certificate of Compliance for 51 Woodsneck Road was made by Ginny Farber and seconded by Judith Bruce. VOTE: 7-0-0 Unanimous Administrative Reviews Alfred &Andrea Healy 4 Cullum Road By Muldoon Architects, LLC.The proposed renovation and additions to a single-family dwelling. Work will occur within 100' of a Pond. Mr.Jannell introduced the project and described the property. Paul Muldoon, Muldoon Architects, LLC.,was present and reviewed the application. Ms. Bruce asked if there was a public view shed to this property. Mr.Jannell responded no. No public comment was heard., MOTION: A motion to approve the project at 4 Cullum Road was made by Ginny Farber and seconded by Judith Bruce. VOTE: 7-0-0 Unanimous Gordon A. Smith 3 Ruggles Road The proposed addition of 1 garage bay to an existing garage and the removal of two Norway Maple trees. Work occurs within 100' of a Cranberry Bog. Mr.Jannell reviewed the application and described the property.The Commission had very few concerns. Ms. Farber questioned whether there are any roof runoff concerns and Mr. Jannell responded there are not. MOTION: A motion to approve the project for 3 Ruggles Road was made by Ginny Farber and seconded by Judith Bruce. VOTE: 7-0-0 Unanimous Other Business Activity Application Permit Petra Ledkovsky, Orleans Yoga Vote to authorize use of Town property, Meadow on the Cove,for Yoga classes each day from June 20-August 29, 2020. Mr.Jannell described the application. Ms. Bruce thought it was a great use of the property. MOTION: A motion to approve the permit was made by Ginny Farber and seconded by Judith Bruce. VOTE: 7-0-0 Unanimous Open Space Purchase: Peck Property Review State LAND Grant application for 12 Peck's Way. Mr.Jannell discussed the Grant and how to move forward with a vote. Mr. North questioned if this vote was premature, he believed procedurally it is a bit awkward. Mr.Jannell responded that a proviso could be added to the motion regarding this. Mr. Brink suggested someone should speak at Town Meeting to show support from the Conservation Commission. Mr. Brink will reach out to the Commissioners to see if anyone wants to be the spokesperson for this. MOTION: A motion to support the open space purchase and that the Conservation Commission • sign as co-applicant, pending approval at Town Meeting, was made by Ginny Farber and seconded by Judith Bruce. VOTE:7-0-0 Unanimous Pleasant Bay Alliance Review of the Coastal Zone Management grant application for assessing living shoreline techniques and discussion of support. Mr.Jannell introduced and summarized the project. Carole Ridley, Pleasant Bay Alliance (PBA), and Seth Wilkinson, Wilkinson Ecological Design, were present to further discuss the Grant and answer questions. Ms. Bruce shared her support.She brought up the importance of linking up with the 141 Portanimicut Rd Task Force. Ms. Farber, a member of the task force, reiterated that the Task Force should and will be updated about the PBA presentation. Mr. North asked that this be shared with other relevant committees. Ms. Ridley said there will be conceptual designs to share with the Commission and other stake holders this summer.She would defer to Mr.Jannell to figure out the best process to coordinate information sharing. Mr.Jannell recommended entertaining a motion to support all efforts of the PBA going forward into the second round of grant applications. Mr. Brink and Mr.Jannell will formulate a letter of support. The PBA requested to be heard with another update at the July 21, 2020 hearing. Ms. Bruce suggested having the task force listen in on the July 21st hearing. MOTION:A motion of support for all efforts of the Pleasant Bay Alliance was made by Ginny Farber and seconded by Judith Bruce. VOTE: 7-0-0 Discussion Chairman's Business Meeting minutes of 6/2/2020 Ginny Farber suggested for both the 16 Sheep's Pasture and 193 Quanset projects the addition of the following: "Motion to approve, attaching the Conservation Commission findings and standard conditions". MOTION: A motion to approve the minutes, pending the two suggestions from Ms. Farber, of 6/2/20 was made by Ginny Farber and seconded by Judith Bruce. VOTE: 7-0-0 Unanimous The Commission discussed the vandalism at Sea Call Farm. Mr.Jannell said he will file a police report.There was some discussion about a more permanent surveillance method at night. Mr. Brink said he believes a temporary surveillance may be sufficient for now, he believes it may also be appropriate to send a letter from the Conservation Commission to the gardeners who were affected.Some discussion was had about letting the press know, there was mixed feelings about this amongst the Commission. MOTION: A motion to adjourn the public hearing was made by Judith Bruce and seconded by Ginny Farber. VOTE: 7-0-0 Unanimous The meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m. Submitted by: Kristyna Smith, Principal Clerk, Orleans Conservation